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Zip extractor - JS Assignment

In this assignment, we have to create a pure JS based functionality to extract ZIP files and show
extracted files as a tree, on the browser. We have to achieve this without using any server side
component and the Javascript code should run on the browser of the user.

You can use any JS libraries to achieve the same functionality. You can explore

1. ZIP.js to extract zip files on browser

2. jsTree to show extracted contents of zip file on browser

The UI, UX and product experience should be exactly like that built by

1. Create a web based application, for taking a Zip file as input, extracting the content of the
file, showing content of the file in a tree structure.
a. Users should be able to expand/collapse subfolders in the zip file, by clicking on
the folder.
b. Users should be able to download a single file inside the zip, by clicking on the
expanded tree.
c. There should be a download all button, clicking on which all files in the zip should
get downloaded individually.
2. The website should work on both mobile and desktop, and on all popular browsers such
as chrome/firefox/safari
3. The site should be built as a static website, using Jekyll. There should not be any server
side component for this. You can use Zip.js/jsTree or any other similar JS based library to
accomplish this.
4. Create a link for this site, by deploying the site built on Netlify. It is very easy to deploy the
Jekyll based site on Netlify, and free of cost as well.
5. The UI/UX/product experience of the web application should be same as that of

1. Jekyll for building web application
2. Netlify for deployment of web application
3. Preferably Zip.js & jsTree for extracting ZIP file and showing contents on browser
4. Core JS/CSS/HTML & any other frameworks

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