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Discussion Board 2 – The Matrix

The main theme in the Matrix is the idea of having two different worlds, reality vs. life of
ignorance. You can find this idea of two worlds in the life we live in today. When you are on
social media you see a different world than most people’s reality. The world you see on social
media can be shown by taking the blue pill – life in ignorance. What is shown on social media is
different than what you see behind the screens. Life behind the phones can be shown by taking
the red pill – reality. I feel like most people get caught up in the social media world and forget
reality. From personal experience, it is difficult not to believe what is shown on social media.
Everyone’s reality comes with hardships and can be easily hidden from the outside world. The
only difference found in life today and not in the Matrix is when we go from both worlds we do
not forget and in the Matrix once you decide to take the blue pill and that you do not want to
see reality, everything is forgotten.
Q1: if you were given the chance in today’s world and using the comparison I stated – would
you take the blue pill (social media world) or the red pill (reality)?
Q2: What are some negatives you see in remaining ignorant and taking the blue pill? I feel like
that is the easier route, however, I understand the curiosity in taking the red pill.

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