The China Division Reporter: VOL. 1 Shanghai, China, June-July, 1931 NO. 6 & 7

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Then Now and Future


N our China field, what we had then, referring to the beginning of our work,
and what we have now, is only one of the many truly marvelous evidences
04,i) of God's outstretched hand •toward the completion of His work in this
our day.
At this writing I am returning from the Harbin general meeting, having attend-
ed all the union sessions except West China, starting in at South. China with the
meeting held at Waichow and ending in the north with the Sungari Mission.
In February of 1907 we held our first general meeting of the China Mission at
Shanghai, with Professor W. W. Prescott and Elder Gates of Australia present. Our
entire working force, excepting three young men who remained at their station, were
represented at that meeting, We then had nine families and six single workers
located in eight mission stations - - five in Honan, one in Fukien, and two in
Kwangtung. Our China institutions consisted of a small printing office and a girl's
school in Honan, and a girl's school in Canton. If we were to call our workers
together now on a similar basis of representation, how different it would be! In the
Central China general meeting alone there were more than 700 present in the Yen-
cheng church, including workers from the Central China Union Mission and many
of the church members from Honan.
Today we see our union mission sessions functioning as they do in other parts
of the world field, with committees, departments organized for work, and all the
sessions conducted in the Chinese language. How inspiring to hear strong promo-
tion of plans and entreaties for resources in men and means to open work in new
centers, coming from those who are the fruit of the efforts of workers during those
early days, men who are consecrated, earnest and talented and who occupy respon-
sible posts in our organized work!
Today we have 1,181 workers scattered about in the six union missions
of the China field, one worker to each 405,000 of population.
As we review the past and make comparisons, there is much to encourage us
for the task of evangelizing China in this generation, especially when we hear a
report such as was given by the director of the North China Union for the biennial
period of 1929-1930, showing 345 new members added as compared with
350 gained previously through 14 years of effort.
A great work yet lies before this church for all the 1,900 hsiens in China, for
we have believers and Chinese work in less than 250 hsiens ; or only ten per cent of
our territory has been worked. In one or two local missions we have covered all
the hsiens with our literature and in one local mission we confidently expect to have
churches organized within every hsien by the end of this year. But these instances
as yet are rare and we hope each year to hear more and more of our local missions
sing the Jubilee Song because of having entered all their territory with the message.
In speaking of the future of our work in China, I can not do better than quote a
few lines from" Great Controversy, " page 612 :
" Servants of God, with their faces lighted up and shining with holy conse-
cration will hasten from place to place to proclaim the message from heaven. By
thousands of voices, all over the earth, the warning will be given. Miracles will be
wrought, the sick will be healed, and signs and wonders will follow the believers. — —
Thus the inhabitants of the earth will be brought to take their stand. "

Biennial Session, Central China Union, May 1- 10, 1931

dency of Dr. R. J. Brines. This
H. W. Miller Hospital-Dispensary has been made N. F. BREWER
a union institution, and is an excel-
Twenty-eight years ago, when we lent center of influence and training. (Synapsis of biennial report rendered by
entered Central China, we had no Pastor N. F. Brewer, superintendent of the
Pastor N. F. BreWer, union stiper- Central China Union Mission, during their
baptized Chinese Sabbath-keepers, intendent, plans with his associates biennial session held in Yencheng, Honan,
no school, no publishing house, no for a largely increased membership May 1-10, 1931. This report covers the years
standing in the community. To-day, 1929 and 1930.)
by the close of the biennial period
as we met in the beautiful audito- upon which the Central China " When thou passest through the
rium of our Yencheng, Honan, head- waters, I will be with thee ; and through
Union is now entering. To this end, the rivers, they shall not overflow thee;
quarters, and entered upon the, much will be made of public preach- when thou walkest through the fire, thou
biennial session of the Central China ing and of every other evangelizing shalt not be burned ; neither shall the
Union. Mission, we had many dele- agency. flame kindle upon thee. " Isaiah 32 : 4.
gates and others in regular attendance, THE Lord has certainly fufilled this
During the meeting a letter was
seven hundred of our brethren and received from the two colporteurs promise to us in Central China
sisters, comfortably seated and'cared pressing on .into Central Asia. They during the past two years, and -it is
for in our own buildings, and with had rested during the Sabbath day, with hearts raised to Him in praise
hearts warmed by the truths they " according to the commandment," and thanksgiving that we are gather-
hold precious. while fellow travellers of other faiths ed here under circumstances -so
The net gain in Central China went on their journey. Hiring carts favorable. The work in nearly
Union Mission during the past two following the close of the Sabbath. every province has gone forward.
years, has been 366 baptized Sabbath- our colporteurs pressed on toward Serious have been the troubles met
keepers, bringing our total up to those who had gone ahead during the from various sources ; yet while
1,961 That is notwithstanding the Sabbath, and caught up with them, other missions have lost many tens
many, many unfavorable circum- only to learn that while quietly rest- of thousands of dollars worth of
stances surrounding our work and ing on Sabbath, their fellow travel- mission property, our damages have
workers because of war, famine, lers who did not keep the Sabbath, been slight, and usually our workers
communism, and other influences met robbers along the way and lost have enjoyed special protecting mer-
making difficult an advance. God nearly all they had. Surely God cies. We appreciate most of all the
has blessed. He has especially honors those who choose to honor loyalty of our workers throughout
helped the colporteurs, who have Him. Our colporteurs on this jour- these troublous times.
sold Mex. $ 83,465.29 worth of liter- ney are praising the Lord for His We welcome new workers who
ature the past two years, under the deliverances, and while mentioning have come in among us, including
able leadership of Pastor E L. Long- hardships, nevertheless rejoice over Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Brines (Yencheng
way and associates. the privilege of pressing on into Hospital-Dispensary). Miss Jose-
In Shensi, where the work was Chinese Turkestan. phine Holmes (Honan Mission, and
started fourteen years ago, we have With the development of lines of stationed at Yencheng), and the-
had but 59 members. Last year communication and transport into Misses Evelyn Larkey and Abbie
alone, however, 74 were added to the the farthermost limits of China, Dunn (still at the Peiping Language
church of Shensi by baptism. This reaching into the heart of Central School).
is a marked evidence of the out- Asia, we can see God at work, open- The departmental secretaries re-
pouring of God's Holy Spirit. Dur- ing the way for an advance, which port a general advance in their sev-
ing our Yencheng meeting, it was already is being undertaken by eral lines. The accomplishments of
arranged that to the Shensi Mission pioneers who have felt impressed by those connected with the publishing
in charge of Pastor Wu Dzeh Shan, the Holy Spirit to press into regions department, are nothing short of
there be assigned, to assist, Brethren hitherto unentered, that they may miraculous. During the biennial
Z. H. Coberly and Harold Shultz and seek and save that which has been period Mex. $ 83,465.29 of literature
their families. lost, and proclaim to all peoples the was sold. Strange as it may seem,
On the last Sabbath, Brother everlasting gospel and the special record sales were made in the
E. L. Longway was ordained to gos- message for our day. troubled areas of Hunan and Kiang-
pel ministry. The Central China Union bi- si. Kiangsi has been able to work in
In arranging for the year's work, ennial session closed with consecra- only 16 of its many hsiens, the others
it was decided that Pastor W. E. tion service, and now the workers being closed against all Christian
Strickland be asked to serve as union are undertaking with renewed faith propaganda. Into our Union are
evangelist ; Pastor E. H. James as and determination their great task coming monthly about 23,000 copies
director of Honan Mission ; Pastor of laboring in cooperation with of the Chinese Signs of the Times, to
H. L. Graham, Hunan ; Pastor C. H. Heavenly agencies for the spread of regular subscribers. Where our col-
Davis, Hupeh ; Pastors Wu and Liu present Bible truth throughout their porteurs, under the leadership of
continuing in their directorships of territory with its population exceed- Brethren E. L. Longway and Dzou
Shensi and Kiangsi. ing that of the entire United States Pei Hsin, can not place a yearly sub-
During the years since first we of America. Let us pray that God's scription, they endeavor to have all
entered Honan, our medical work blessing may attend them, and that colporteurs leave with such homes,
has steadily progressed until to-day they may have an abundant harvest one or more of our message-filled
we have a.,..wquipped plant at of souls won for the kingdom. tracts.

Two Years of Progress in the Central China Union

Among the attainments of the should be substantially increased in great interest on the part of many,
home missionary department, may order that the cause may be sustain- to know the meaning of the condi-
be noted the raising of Mex. $ 3,533,26 ed and new areas entered. Some tions we, see all around us. There is
for Big Week, and $ 23,218.33 for encouraging items of finance may be a willingness to read and to listen.
special Harvest Ingathering enter- mentioned. In 1922 we had 52 In Shensi, where there has been
prises. Follow-up work has been chapels in this Union, all rented and severest famine, and where after
successfully undertaken in connec- budgeted. At present we have fourteen years of labor we had only
tion with our campaigns for funds. 86, of which only 30 are rented. A 59 members, last year seventy-four
Brother T. A. Shaw and associates total of 56 are either owned, or fully more were added by baptism. Sure-
in the home missionary department provided for locally. Of the church- ly the Holy Spirit is at work ; we
are doing their best to get every buildings provided for in full during must plan to organize our churches
church-member at work. the past two years, and at present to care for their own church work,
There has been a net gain of 600 mission-owned, are two large struc- thus releasing the evangelists to
in the number of Sabbath school tures - - - one the three-story build- spend their time largely in preaching
members in our Union ; the offerings ing in the city of Hankow, with its in new places. We wish to carry on
for the two• year period totaled Mex. commodious auditorium; the other intensive efforts, and raise up new
$ 9,664.76 — a gain of $ 3,357.49 over the church at Yen cheng, with seat- companies everywhere. Our motto
the previous like period. Our goal ing capacity of 700, and with mission for this Union session is, "Go quickly
had been set at $ 1,000 a quarter; we offices below. Our goal is to provide everywhere and make disciples of
reached $ 1,200. in some way soon for the chapels Christ." In the Spirit of prophecy
Our one medical institution is at still included in our annual budget we read :
Yencheng ; the Lord has greatly requests, thus freeing funds for ag- " My brethren, the Lord is coming, and
gressive evangelism. we need to bend every energy to the
blessed this "right arm of the accomplishment of the work before us. I
message." And we do need to advance with appeal to you to give yourselves wholly to
In the educational department gospel truth into new territory. As the work. Christ gave His time, His soul,
His strength, to labor for the benefit and
Brother Carter has worked hard to yet we have no company of believers blessing of humanity." — Gospel Workers
bring up the standard of our schools, in the entire province of Kansu. page 115.
and has taken a keen interest in our While our colporteurs have worked Let us respond to this appeal by
young people. We have 25 church there year by year, we have no giving our all unreservedly to Christ
schools, and three schools with evangelist, no chapel, for the benefit for service. Let us put away every-
grades 1-9, the total enrollment is of the six millions dwelling in that thing that would hinder the free flow
567, of whom 376 are children of province. (Note. - - During the bi- of the Spirit through our lives to
men and women of our own faith. ennial session, it was arranged to send others. May the Lord baptize the
This year we have at Chiao Tou two evangelists to Kansu at once, thus workers and members of the Central
Djen only 25 ; we shall make a careful entering- permanently upon the work China Union with a new power for
selection of others to attend there of building up a constituency of believ- service, and give us a deeper burden
this coming fall, if present plans ers in the province hitherto unentered. for perishing souls.
carry. - - -Editor.) And in the provinces
During the troublous years where we have been laboring for
through which Central China years, there are many hsiens, or
has been passing, we have counties, not yet occupied. Surely
had a fluctuating membership ; but the time has come for planning INTO SINKIANG
the trend has been upward, notwith- definitely in behalf of these needy
The journey of the two Chinese
standing some losses during years districts.
colporteurs who have started on
when not a few suffered martyrdom, Two colporteurs have been their journey to Tihwa. Sinkiang, is
or were driven from their homes chosen and are already on their being followed with deep interest;
and persecuted because they were way to Sinkiang (Chinese Turkestan) and the prayers of all are solicited in
Christians. The baptisms have been - - - a mission field of the China behalf of these evangelistic colpor-
for the years 1926 to 1930, respect- Division. Some time ago the Cen- ters faring forth into regions hitherto
ively, 90, 31 (our hardest year), 273, tral China Union offered to provide unentered by any representative of
278, 292. The membership has run two colporteurs to go out into this the Seventh-day Adventist Mission.
thus for five years : 1719, 1577, 1595, scattered, far-away territory. Sin- Both of the men who have gone, are
1772, 1961 (at the close of the year kiang has an area of 550,000 sq. mi. of proven experience in soul-winning,
1930). During the past two years - - - more than that of the entire one of them having been a successful
our met gain has totaled 366. The Central China Union. Sink' ang is licensed minister of the Hunan
period upon which we have now more than eight times as large as Mission, until he undertook this
entered, should be especially fruit- Honan. The population is esti- special journey as a colporteur-evan-
ful; this is our constant prayer and mated by some as being 2,552,000. gelist. Our "Evangelistic Advance"
aim. Our colporteurs face many hardships is all-inclusive, taking in every con-
During the biennial period the as they journey westward. secrated worker whose purpose is to
total mission offerings (including H. The outlook before us in Central win souls for the Master. Those
I.) were Mex. $ 43,637.73 ; total native China, is bright with hope. Now, as making this pioneering trip into
tithe, Mex. 17,973.02. These figures, never before, is the harvest ripe for Sinkiang, are Brethren Djeng Hsiang-
though much larger than hitherto, the reapers. There seems to be a pu and Beh-Djin-jien.


Reports From The RAYMOND H. HART WELL IN a detailed analysis of various-
Field On May 25, a very successful features of the development of the
Anhwei Mission to the close of the
school year was brought to a close
at the Anhwei Middle School. year 1930, Pastor 0. B. Kuhn has
Pastor Pan Swei Ru has served as given information on one item that
principal of the school during this has been reported similarly from
During the winter Professor R. first year of its existence in Bengpu. other parts of the China field;
M. Cossentine, of the Manchurian He with his faculty, consisting of namely, that practically half the
Union, wrote of the progress of the five other teachers, has done hard, present membership of our churches
cause in that field. "Trials we solid work all year, and progress has is made up of those who have been
have, and some have been tempted been made as a result. A total of in the faith for a period of only from
to give up the faith; but God has sixty-five students have been en- one to three years. In the Anhwei
been working in their behalf, and rolled, most of these being boys. Mission 217 of the total of 432
they are again uniting fully with us." The school is situated in the baptized believers, received baptisim
Brother Cossentine writes of ex- country about two or three miles during the past two years—fully
periences that have helped open out from Bengpu, which city is on half ; and furthermore, one-third of
the way for the brethren the Tientsin-Pukow Railway, and is the total came into the church the
to plan definitely on locating conveniently reached from all parts past year.
the medical institution in Mukden of Anhwei. The buildings consist of Reports such as these press home
instead of in Changchun. the main school building with class upon our consciousness anew the
"About fourteen miles out of rooms, offices for the principal, grave importance of our heeding the
Mukden is developing a village in- treasurer, and registrar; and separ- injunction, " Feed the flock." The
terest that, with God's blessing upon ate dormitory buildings for boys and Saviour Himself has said," Feed My
the local worker there, promises to girls. All the buildings are new, and sheep ; . . feed My lambs." Our
be perhaps the most remarkable in spite of the fact that they are not church paper, the Mo Shi Mu Sheng,
evangelistic development ever seen fancy or expensive, yet they house a is fittingly named; and our evangel-
by our mission in Manchuria. very lively, happy family during the ists and other leaders are indeed
" I expect to spend March hold- school year. Property consisting of " shepherds." Aggressive evangel-
ing home missionary conventions in over fifty mow of land fenced in with ism inevitably brings to us the re-
the Liaoning Mission, and April and barbed wire, has been provided for sponsibility of careful shepherding.
into May in the Kirin and-Heilung- the youth of Anhwei. " The elders, which are among
kiang Missions. Practically the entire faculty has you I exhort, who am also an elder,
"The missionary volunteer con- consented to serve for another year, . . . Feed the flock of God which is
vention at Wen Kwen Twen and no providence preventing among you, taking the oversight
recently, was the first convention of the year 1931-1932 should bring thereof, not by constraint, but willing-
that sort in the Manchurian Union." added progress and growth to this ly ; not for filthy lucre, but of a
Brother Cossentine requests the educational plant. ready mind ; neither as being lords
prayers of God's people, that the The writer was invited by the over God's heritage, but being en-
laborers in Manchuria may be used graduating class to give the usual samples to the flock. And when
of Heaven to bring much blessing to addresses at the time of its exercises, the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye
the people. and together with Pastors Larsen shall receive a crown of glory that
and Kuhn we visited the school at fadeth not away."
that time. A bright class of twenty-
BAPTISMS AMONG STUDENTS two young people finishing either
• In a letter written June 11 by the fourth, sixth, or ninth grades, FROM FOOCHOW
Pastor N. F. Brewer, superintendent were granted certificates and
diplomas May 24. A very pleasant Brother 0. A. Hall, superinten-
of the Central China Union, he re-
program was conducted by the stu- dent of the South China Union,
ports that while visiting Changsha
dents. It must have brought much writing under date of June 5, from
recently twelve of the students from
joy to the large group of parents, as Foochow, reports an excellent meet-
the school there were baptized.
well as to the teachers who witness- ing in that place. " All the work-
The school at Chiao Tou Djen
ed the happy little group of gradu- ers were in, with the exception of
reports a baptismal service, at which
ates filing past the desk to receive one or two who were unable to come
twenty- six received this rite.
the diplomas. because of conditions in their section
During the closing weeks of the
The graduates presented the of the field. Martial law is in force,
Kiangsu Middle School five of the school with a very nice mirror of and it is hindering some in getting
students went forward in baptism. large dimensions, and this will prove around. In spite of these conditions,
Following the baccalaureate ser- of practical benefit in the future. plans are being laid for a strong
vice of the Far Eastern Academy, In spite of the fact that Christian evangelistic work during the summer.
six of the students were baptized. education has come face to face
with real problems, yet there is a They seem to have good openings,
Thus the work is going forward.
great God who knows how to solve and we feel sure they will have a
Doubtless there are many other stu-
such difficulties in His own way. harvest of souls."
dents who have gone forward in
Mountains are only removed by
baptism this year if we had reports faith. With God directing and help-
from other institutions. ing, the youth will be trained quick-
The goal for souls won during ly and the work will soon be finish- A work that requires no sacrifice
1931 is two thousand, and the pros- ed in Anhwei, and all other parts of does not count for much in fulfilling
pects are good for reaching this goal. the Master's vineyard. God's plan — J. R. Miller.

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