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S m a l l Wo r l d P l a y e r A i d v.

1 by kreikkaturkulainen
During your conquests, you Your Barbarians cannot
may use 4 additional Amazons. redeploy their troops at the end
of each turn. If your final
conquest fails, keep the unused
Barbarians off the board until the start of your next

Collect 1 bonus coin for each When conquered, you suffer no

Mine you occupy at turn's end, loss; withdraw all your tokens
even when in decline. from the region.

Your Ghouls all stay on the Conquer any region adjacent to

map, when going into decline. a Mountain region you occupy
In addition, they may continue at 1 less Giant token than usual.
to conquer new regions during A minimum of 1 Giant token is
the following turns. still required.

You may conquer any in Place 1 bonus victory coin

decline region at a cost of 1 less (taken from the victory stash)
Goblin token than normal. A in each region you abandon.
minimum of 1 token is still You cannot conquer these
required. regions again this turn, but you receive the coins
they hold as a bonus at turn's end.

Your first conquest may be Collect 1 bonus coin for each

anywhere. Also place a Hole-in- Farmland region you occupy at
the-ground in the first 2 regions turn's end.
you conquer to make them
immune to opponents' conquests & racial &
special powers.

Each time a Homunculi race You may never occupy (nor

combo is bypassed, in addition conquer) a region with less
to a victory coin, you must also than two Kobold tokens. When
add a Homunculus token taken going in decline however, keep
from the storage tray (if any left) a single token in each region, as
to the combo. These tokens are added to those normal.
normally received when the Homunculi combo is
finally picked, along with any victory coins.

During redeployment, place 1 Collect 1 bonus coin for each

Pot of Gold in any (or all, if you non-empty region you
wish) of the regions your conquered this turn.
Leprechauns occupy. Each Pot
of Gold still present at the start of your next turn
goes into your victory stash and is worth 1 coin. If
an opponent conquers one of these regions before
your next turn, he gets the Pot of Gold instead. Any
remaining Pot of Gold tokens can be used during
subsequent redeployments until all are gone.
During your troop When they go in decline, take
redeployment, leave only a one Priestess token from each
single Pixie token in each region occupied region and stack them
they occupy. All your other to form a single “Ivory Tower”
Pixies must be kept off the board until the start of pile in one of the regions they occupy, abandoning
your next turn. all others. Each turn score 1 bonus victory coin for
each Priestess token in the Ivory Tower, in lieu of
your usual in decline scoring. But beware: Your
Ivory Tower may still be conquered like any other
region (with enough race tokens or a Dragon)! If
your Priestesses were Fortified, their Ivory Tower
can be built atop a single Fortress.

Each time you lose a Pygmy No race benefit other than their
token, roll a reinforcement die sheer number!
and receive as many new
Pygmies from the storage tray
as you rolled pips on the die (up to the number of
Pygmies left). Deploy them on the board at the end
of the current player's turn

During troop redeployment, Once per turn per opponent,

take 1 new Skeleton token from substitute an opponents single
the tray for every 2 non-empty active token with a new
regions you conquered and Sorcerer token taken from the
deploy it. tray, to conquer an adjacent

Conquer all coastal regions Place a Troll's Lair in each

bordering a sea or lake at 1 less region you occupy, to increase
Triton token than usual. A its defense by 1. Troll's Lairs
minimum of 1 Triton token is stay when Trolls go in decline.
still required.

Once in decline, your White Collect 1 bonus coin for each

Ladies become immune to your Magic Source you occupy at
opponents' conquests & racial turn's end.
& special powers!

The Leader tokens are neither a race nor a Special Power. Instead, they are a new option that is offered
to you: whenever you pick a new race and Special Power combo, you may opt to also immediately spend
1 victory coin to attach the services of a Leader to your race.
In this case, you pick the corresponding Leader token and add it to the stack of race tokens you
receive. Your Leader disappears the moment his race goes in decline; But as long as your race is active,
he will act like an additional race token, with the following exceptions:
• Your Leader is brave and cannot stay in a region that is immune (because of the presence of a
Dragon, Hero, Hole-in-the-Ground, etc...), at the end of your turn. If there are no non-immune
regions, keep your Leader off the board at the end of the turn (like the 4 Amazon bonus tokens
that can only attack).
• If your Leader is in a region that is conquered by an opponent, this opponent immediately
captures him! You can then pay your opponent a ransom of 1 victory coin from your own
personal stash to get your Leader back. The capture (and eventual ransom) of your Leader occurs
in lieu of the normal 1 token loss that happens when a region is conquered (if any; Elves can still
get their Leader captured and ransomed; ditto for a Leader falling victim to the Sorcerers' spell).
At the end of the game, any opponents' Leader that is in the personal victory stash of a player (as a
result of that opponent's inability - or lack of willingness - to pay a ransom when his Leader was
captured) is worth 2 victory coins for the player who still holds him captive.
Special Powers
Collect 2 bonus coins Collect 3 bonus coins You may use the
every turn your tokens each time your reinforcement die
are on the map. Barricade troops before each conquest.
occupy 4 regions or
less at the end of your

Deploy 5 Once per turn, you may place the Catapult in a region
Encampments in your you occupy to conquer any region that is 1 region away
region(s). Each (but not adjacent) at 1 less token than usual. The Catapult
Encampment may be used to attack a region beyond the lake, but not
increases that region's over seas. The region with the Catapult is immune to
defense by 1. enemy conquests as well as their racial and special powers.

C0nquer any region Collect 1 bonus coin You must pay 3

using 1 less token from any opponent victory coins, not 1, to
than usual. A each time they skip the race that is
minimum of 1 token is successfully conquer Cursed when selecting
still required. one of your active a race and Special
regions. Power combo.

At the end of each Use the Dragon to You may conquer any
turn, select 1 conquer a region region of the map, not
opponent whose using a single token; just an adjacent one.
active race you did the region occupied
not attack this turn. by the Dragon
He won't be able to becomes immune to opponents'
attack you next turn. conquests & racial &
special powers.

Collect 1 bonus coin Once per turn, place a At the end of your
for each Forest region Fortress in a region to turn, place your 2
you occupy at turn's increase its defense by Heroes in regions
end. 1 and collect 1 bonus you occupy, to make
coin (only when these immune to
active). The Fortresses stay on the opponents' conquests and racial
map even after your race goes in & special powers.

Collect 1 bonus coin Collect 1 bonus victory coin for each race in decline at
for each Hill region the time you select the Historians. While you're active,
you occupy at turn's collect 1 bonus victory coin each time another race goes
end. in decline, and 1 final bonus coin when your own
Historians go in decline!

You may use your 2 For each region in Once your conquests
Hordes of tokens excess of 3, which are over (but before
exactly as if they your Imperial troops any final conquest
were additional occupy at the end of attempt using the
active race tokens of your turn, collect 1 reinforcement die),
your own race. They disappear bonus coin. (i.e., if they occupy 5 take your troops back in hand,
when you go in decline, however. regions at turn's end, you receive leaving at least one token per
2 bonus coins.) region, and go through another
complete cycle of conquests;
then do your final conquest
attempt, if any.
Each time you conquer a region, you spend 1 victory coin Collect 1 bonus coin
to reduce the number of tokens you need to conquer it by for any region you
2. A minimum of 1 token is still required. If you use occupy at turn's end.
Mercenary during your final conquest attempt you may
decide to do so after you roll your reinforcement die.

Conquer any Hill or Collect 3 bonus victory coins at the end of each turn
Farmland region at 1 during which you have attacked no active race. You have
less token than usual. no love for in decline Ghouls though, and may attack
them without forfeiting your Peace-loving bonus.

Collect 1 bonus coin Each time you When your race is

for each non-empty successfully conquer a active, you may
region you conquered region containing an conquer seas & lakes
this turn. opponent's active race as if they where
token, he must empty regions. You
immediately pay you 1 victory retain these regions even after
coin from his own personal stash. going into decline.

When sent in decline, You may go in decline Collect 1 bonus coin

your Spirit tokens do at the end of a regular for each Swamp
not count toward the turn of conquests, region you occupy at
“only 1 race in after scoring. turn's end.
decline” limit.

Conquer any Cavern Collect 7 bonus Each night (even

region at 1 less token coins, once only, at numbered game turn),
than usual. A the end of your first you may conquer all
minimum of 1 token is turn on the map. regions with 2 less
still required. All race tokens than
regions with a Cavern are normal. A minimum of 1 token is
considered adjacent. still required. Your special power
has no effect during the day (odd
numbered game turn).

Ga me Tu r n
During the First Turn of the game, each player: First conquest: A player's race deploying on the
1. Picks a race and Special Power combo map for the first time must enter it by conquering
2. Conquers some regions one of its border regions (i.e. a region adjacent to
3. Scores some victory coins the edge of the board or whose shore is on a sea.

Conquering a region: To conquer a region, a player During the final conquest attempt of his turn, a
must have available to deploy: 2 race tokens + 1 player, provided he still has at least one unused
additional race token for each Encampment, race token, may attempt one final conquest for his
Fortress, Mountain, or Troll's Lair marker + 1 turn by selecting a region that he would be 3 or
additional race token for each Lost Tribe or other less race tokens short to conquer, and rolling the
player's race token already present in the region. reinforcement die to add to his strength.

Redeployment: At turn's end, redeploy your troops Scoring victory coins: Receive 1 coin for each
for defense, leaving at least one in each region. region his race tokens occupy on the map. The
Opponents may redeploy troops withdrawn from player may also collect additional victory coins as
regions conquered into others they still control. a result of his race and/or Special Power benefit.

Following turns: Expand through new conquests in decline: Once a player thinks that his active race is
adjacent regions or abandon some or all regions not able to further expand successfully, he may
and enter the map again. choose to put it in decline. Flip the race banner,
and discard all but one token in each region. Each
player may only have 1 race in decline.

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