Unlock The Scrambler

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Unlock the Scrambler is the only system that combines eliminating the

’nice guy’ behavior engrained in so many men with the most cutting-
edge discoveries of modern psychology.

So you can gain the attraction of women, project personal power, and
avoid the
‘lets just be friends speech’ for good.

Everything “Nice Guys”

Know About Women is Wrong

I'm sure you probably have heard that expression more than once, "Nice
guys finish last," or "Don't be the nice guy.”

But let me ask you… Why is being too nice so detrimental?

The answer is actually really simple.

It's because the woman associates you being nice as you trying too hard,
and that try hard behavior, she associates with a low status person.

Basically she thinks 'if he’s trying this hard to get me to like him, there
must be something wrong with him, other women must not want him
You see a woman is unconsciously noticing all these
things about you:
 How quick you are to return her phone calls.

 How much you agree with things she says.

 How available you are to hang out.

 How hungry you are for her approval.

 How much attention you get from other women

 How easy it is to get a compliment from you

I call it “Nice Guy Syndrome” and many men are guilty of it without
even realizing how much its hurting them.

Rob and I have a saying:

“Once a woman figures you out its over,
and you’ll never have her”

It isn’t until we look back at our dates with women or our relationships,
that we realize we came across too nice, predictable, and way too easy to
catch. And that bores her.

Remember, dogs don’t chase rocks sitting on the ground. They chase
rabbits that dart in and out of bushes

So, how do you get a girl to chase you? Easy.

You use the RIGHT BAIT.
We have helped over 40,000 men around the world
to take their “power” back into their own hands by
using these techniques to shed “nice guy” behavior
and pass women’s secret tests.
… without having to act like a “jerk” or pretend to be someone their not.

Click Here To Learn More About Scrambler And Get It For

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