1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.Nd2 Dxe4 4.nxe4 Bf5 5.Ng3 Bg6 6.h4 h6 7.Nf3 Nd7 8.h5 Bh7 9.Bd3 Bxd3 10.Qxd3 Qc7

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Opening report

1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.Nd2 dxe4 4.Nxe4 Bf5 5.Ng3 Bg6 6.h4 h6 7.Nf3 Nd7 8.h5 Bh7 9.Bd3 Bxd3 10.Qxd3

B19, 10...Qc7
2994 Games in 'Mega Database 2016'

1. History

Earliest game: Trafojer,R - Traubner,G 1/2

Latest grandmaster game: Chandra,A - Kritz,L 1/2

Latest game: Diviak,R - Mackovic,M 1-0

Games played in years (2994)

Fashion index - Distribution of games relative to database [%]

2. Players

a) Strong grandmasters who used this line as Black:

Anthony J Miles Result=10/17 1984-1996 Elo-Ř: 2565 Games: 17

Yasser Seirawan Result=9/17 1979-1995 Elo-Ř: 2560 Games: 17

Vladimir Epishin Result=4.5/7 2007-2009 Elo-Ř: 2579 Games: 7

Vlastimil Hort Result=2/5 1967-1979 Elo-Ř: 2602 Games: 5

Leonid Kritz Result=0.5/1 2015 Elo-Ř: 2583 Games: 1

Yevgeniy Vladimirov Result=0.5/1 1990 Elo-Ř: 2575 Games: 1

Lukasz Cyborowski Result=0.5/1 2004 Elo-Ř: 2576 Games: 1

Robert Huebner Result=0.5/1 1982 Elo-Ř: 2620 Games: 1

Alexander Khalifman Result=0.5/1 1995 Elo-Ř: 2655 Games: 1

Viktor Kortschnoj Result=0.5/3 1967-1995 Elo-Ř: 2665 Games: 3

b) Other notable players:

Felix Izeta Txabarri Result=15.5/28 1988-2014 Elo-Ř: 2460 Games: 28

Arturo Pomar Salamanca Result=13/31 1951-1992 Elo-Ř: 2430 Games: 32

Julien Saada Result=11/18 2000-2013 Elo-Ř: 2265 Games: 18

Oystein Hole Result=10/20 1992-2011 Elo-Ř: 2339 Games: 20

Ruediger Seger Result=10/15 1993-2007 Elo-Ř: 2390 Games: 15

Iulia Gromova Result=10/20 2002-2009 Elo-Ř: 2196 Games: 20

Dobrotich Andreev Result=9.5/17 2007-2015 Elo-Ř: 2084 Games: 17

3. Statistics
Black scores below average (41%).
Black performs Elo 2123 against an opposition of Elo 2186 (-63).
White performs Elo 2200 against an opposition of Elo 2137 (+63).
White wins: 1199 (=40%), Draws: 1141 (=38%), Black wins: 651 (=22%)
The drawing quote is higher than average. (6% quick draws, < 20 Moves)

White wins are of average length (42).

Black wins are longer than average (43).
Draws are shorter than average (36).

4. Moves and Plans

a) 11.Bd2

White scores above average (60%).

played by: Ponomariov, 2713, 2/2; Karpov, 2713, 4/5; Ni, 2710, 1/1; Ivanchuk, 2705, 2.5/3;
Khalifman, 2655, 1/1;

You should play: 11...e6 Click for games

Khalifman,A - Seirawan,Y 1-0; Milos,G - Izeta Txabarri,F 1/2; Tal,M - Miles,A 0-1; Ponomariov,R - Li,W
1-0; Jakovenko,D - Zelcic,R 1-0; Rogic,D - Izeta Txabarri,F 1/2

Main line:

12.0-0-0 Ngf6 13.Ne4 0-0-0 14.g3 Nxe4 62%, 2299 Click for games

12.0-0-0 Ngf6 13.Ne4 0-0-0 14.g3 Nc5 60%, 2326 Click for games

12.0-0-0 Ngf6 13.Ne4 Nxe4 14.Qxe4 Nf6 65%, 2156 Click for games

12.0-0-0 Ngf6 13.Qe2 0-0-0 14.Ne5 Nb6 58%, 2271 Click for games

12.0-0-0 Ngf6 13.Qe2 0-0-0 14.Ne5 Nxe5 68%, 2196 Click for games

12.0-0-0 Ngf6 13.Kb1 0-0-0 58%, 2116 Click for games

Alternative: 11...Ngf6

Ivanchuk,V - Seirawan,Y 1/2; Tal,M - Kasparov,G 0-1; Ulibin,M - Galkin,A 1/2; Luther,T - Epishin,V 0-1;
Hulak,K - Seirawan,Y 0-1; Karpov,A - Seirawan,Y 1/2

b) 11.Rh4

White scores well (63%).

played by: Glek, 2670, 1/1; Naiditsch, 2639, 0.5/1; Sax, 2590, 0.5/1; Tseshkovsky, 2565, 1/2; Motylev,
2552, 1/1

You should play: 11...e6 Reference

Glek,I - Hertan,C 1-0; Naiditsch,A - Granda Zuniga,J 1/2; Gheorghiu,F - Hort,V 1/2; Tseshkovsky,V -
Bagirov,V 1/2; Watson,W - Miles,A 1/2; Browne,W - Pomar Salamanca,A 1/2

Main line:

12.Bf4 Bd6 13.Bxd6 Qxd6 63%, 2247 Click for games

c) 11.Be3

White scores below average (47%).

played by: Lajthajm, 2330, 0.5/1; Kovacs, 2320, 0.5/1; Kozlov, 2317, 1/1; Bauer, 2310, 0.5/1; Gonda,
2255, 0.5/1

You should play: 11...Ngf6 Reference

Rigo,J - Schneider,A 1/2; Lajthajm,B - Ivanisevic,I 1/2; Gonda,L - Lamprecht,M 1/2; Abzalov,I -
Malakhevich,E 0-1; Vakhlamov,I - Ulyanin,S 0-1; Artal Alegria,F - Cid Royo,O 0-1

Alternative: 11...e6

Bauer,R - Proniuk,S 1/2; Frank,A - Neumann,A 0-1; Contos,V - Nedochetov,M 1/2; Kielar,M -
Chojnacki,S 0-1; Belov,D - Kamilov,L 1/2; Liska,K - Simecek,A 1/2
d) 11.Ne4

White scores above average (58%).

played by: Ermenkov, 2510, 0.5/1; Wehmeier, 2405, 0/1; Mazi, 2395, 1/1; Gara, 2375, 0.5/1; Bosnjak,
2309, 0.5/1

You should play: 11...Ngf6 Reference

Ermenkov,E - Ivacic,V 1/2; Bosnjak,D - Zovko,M 1/2; Mijnster,N - Diepeveen,V 0-1; Ptacnikova,L -
Reprun,N 1/2; Cichy,M - Mazanek,K 1/2; Egitov,A - Lifshits,D 0-1

e) 11.Qe2

White scores above average (59%).

played by: Kapengut, 2465, 0.5/1; Giles, 2330, 0.5/1; Romantchouk, 2300, 0.5/1; Rosa, 2280, 0/1;
Burchardt, 2273, 0/1

You should play: 11...e6 Reference

Rosa,F - Bombardiere Rosas,E 0-1; Seuss,O - Steiner,G 1/2; Veber,B - Hasanagic,A 1/2; Krastev,K -
Andreev,D 0-1; Yildirim,O - Eliseev,U 1/2; Karadimov,M - Penev,V 1/2
f) 11.c4

White scores above average (58%).

played by: Bohm, 2430, 0/1; Brajovic, 2255, 0.5/1; Kalata, 2255, 1/1; Van Assendelft, 2248, 0/1;
Graells, 2193, 0.5/1

You should play: 11...e6

Van Assendelft,F - Van Rosmalen,J 0-1; Brajovic,R - Dragasevic,S 1/2; Graells,R - De Anna,F 1/2;
Dinke,A - Romi,I 1/2; Turvey Cross,S - O'Siochru,M 0-1; Pipitone,A - Marson,A 1-0

g) 11.0-0

White scores averagely (55%).

played by: Vitolinsh, 2430, 1/2; Rudaityte, 2140, 0.5/1; Marko, 2126, 1/1; Joo, 2085, 1/1;
Gunnarsson, 2016, 0.5/1

You should play: 11...e6

Vitolinsh,A - Mikhalchishin,A 0-1; Gunnarsson,R - Ragnarsson,J 1/2; Vrba,M - Hecko,D 1/2; Walitow,A
- Peneder,H 0-1; Gruszka,A - Bobek,D 0-1; Aulich,M - Butschek,T 0-1

Alternative: 11...Ngf6

Rudaityte,I - Malisauskiene,M 1/2; Joo,J - Hegyesi,Z 1-0; Marko,A - Csavajda,P 1-0; Stavropoulou,K -
Pagali,M 1-0; Mainik,P - Hundt,F 1/2; Ahadzada,K - Ozveren,A 1-0

h) 11.Ne2

White scores badly (43%).

played by: Hugyecz, 2148, 0.5/1; Karila, 2050, 0/1; Olvera Anton, 1937, 0.5/1; Zupevc, 1882, 1/1;
Cattaneo, 1830, 0/1

You should play: 11...e6

Karila,M - Saada,J 0-1; Hugyecz,A - Baranyi,E 1/2; Cattaneo,U - Bosio,D 0-1; Olvera Anton,A - Llopis
Jordan,L 1/2; Oelke,B - Skriwanek,A 1/2; Cervini,G - Corti,F 0-1
i) 11.b3

White scores excellently (100%).

played by: Lovik, 2052, 1/1; Gomez Salinas, 1845, 1/1; Hippen, 1791, 1/1

You should play: 11...e6

Hippen,M - Bock,J 1-0; Lovik,L - Hughes,L 1-0

j) 11.c3

White scores miserably (33%).

played by: Hummel, 2135, 0/1; Bihari, 1824, 0/1

You should play: 11...Ngf6

Bihari,P - Malin,C 0-1; Hummel,M - Ivanisvili,A 0-1

5. Opening Keys

Key: Main Variation with 4...Bf5

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