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7º BET

Taking into account what I learned about law, biblical law and
justice in the stories from the bible, I learned that more justice is
done in the biblical cases than in real life, because, for example a
law in the bible says that you should not lie, and normally, in
bible cases, people don’t lie, but in real life trials, people do lie,
and when they lie in real life and the juries realize, sometimes
they don’t do anything to punish the person who lied, another
case, related with the first one, may be that in the bible it says
that people shouldn’t swear in the name of god in vain, which can
be related with don’t swearing in vain, and when a witness is
going to talk, they swear they will say the truth and nothing more
than the truth, and this is when the first case comes, because,
when they swear to tell the truth, they should mean it and tell
the truth, but then they don’t tell the truth and two biblical laws
are broken. In our final trial, for mis planning, AIejandro ended up
saying something that wasn’t true, because he thought that way
he was helping our side of the case, but he didn’t only tell a lie,
he also said something that instead of benefiting us, it prejudiced
us. When he told this lie, he didn’t only lie, but he swore in vain,
so with only one act, he actually broke 2 laws, even thought that
this situation wasn’t only his fault, it was also the other team
members fault. I think law is sometimes broken and that there is
just people that give the ones who break the law what they
deserve, but there is also people who are even less correct
persons than the ones that break law, because they accept
payments from the criminals so they end up winning, so in
general I think that the law is not always respected, fair nor
fulfilled, and that everyone should accept the consequences of
their acts, and if everyone did this, the world would be a better
place, being able even to end up the corruption in the world.
This mock trial simulations were the first mock trail simulations
I’ve ever had and I enjoyed it a lot, I also learned a lot from it. I
learned that even though some people do say the truth in trials,
they win or lose without cheating and are honest, and don’t pay
the juries nor the court members, there are other people that
cheat, lie and do pay the juries and the court members just to win
unfairly, and some of the juries, court members, etc. accept the
payment. For example, in our first trial simulation “Wolf vs Pig”,
which was an American trial simulation (there are juries and
court members, who are the ones that give the verdict in the
American trials) Cristobal “payed” the court and the juries with
gummies and other candies so he could win the trial. In the
second trial, this time it was “Laban vs Rachel” which was a
Colombian trial simulation (there are no court members, only
juries, which are the ones who give the verdict in the Colombian
trial simulation) Cristobal payed the juries, but this time, the
juries made the right decision and didn’t accepted the payment.
In our third and last trial simulation also “Rachel vs Laban”, no
one payed anyone to make them win, it was fair, and even
thought the Rachel side lost, it was because we should have
planned our questions better, so all our witnesses could know
what they had to say. I also think that this trial experiences
helped us to maturate as persons and to realize the kind of world
in which we live and somehow, learn some ways in which we
could improve this world in the present but also in the future.
For picking my final grade, I have to Take into consideration my
behavior during the trial simulations what I learned from them
and from this formal reflection. Even though I did a good job in
the trial presentation, it also took me a long time to organize and
I interrupted during the trial. From this formal reflection, I
learned that biblical laws are normally not considered in a trial,
that biblical and real-life cases have a lot of differences, such as
that in real life people usually lie and even though in bible
situations people also lie, it is less common. Another thing I
learned is that you should always tell the truth, even if that leads
you to a bad consequence, because if you do something, you
should accept what you have to pay for that action and,
sometimes, telling the truth may even bring you good things after
the bad ones, or less bad things. Even though I learned all of this,
I still don’t understand why people lie, or worst why do they
commit crimes. Vengeance, hate, even being poor, people should
understand there are other ways to solve our problems and
differences. For everything I just mentioned and my grade in the
first try of the final exam, I think that I deserve an 8.5 for my final

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