4) Translate from Russian into English.: Количественные местоимения: some, any, many, much

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Выделите неисчисляемое существительное в каждой строке:

1) glass/ cup/ jar/ water
2) magazine/ newspaper/ news/ article
3) cloud/ weather/ tree/ flower
4) event/ information/ reporter/ programme
5) money/ wallet/ coin/ banknote
6) bookcase/ furniture/ wardrobe/ armchair
7) sheep/ ox/ meat/ cow
8) bag/ luggage/ purse/ suitcase
9) music/ song/ piano/ sound
10) tomato/ potato/ carrot/ soup

2)Write a/an or some.
1. _____rice
2. _____apple
3. _____spaghetti
4. _____bread
5. _____milk
6. _____salt
7. _____water
8. _____egg
9. _____ice cream
10. _____tea
11. _____coffe
12. _____butter
14. 3) Choose the right word.
16. We have some banana/ bananas in the fridge.
17. We haven’t got any carrot/carrots in the basket.
18. I usually have an / some apple for lunch.
19. Is there some/ a cup of tea on the table?
20. Have you got any/ an orange in your lunch box?
21. There is some/ a cheese in my bag.
22. 4) Translate from Russian into English.
23. несколько стульев, несколько песен, немного воды, несколько человек, несколько
минут, несколько кошек, несколько дней, немного соли, несколько ложек,
несколько машин, немного сахару, несколько яиц, немного сыра.
25. Количественные местоимения: some, any, many, much
27.1. Fill in the gaps with some/any.
1. Is there ______ juice on the table? – Yes, there is ______ juice on the table.
2. Give me ______ butter please. – But there isn’t ______ butter in the fridge.
3. Are there ______ shopping malls in the center of the city? – Yes, there are ______
shopping malls in the center of the city.
4. Are there ______ flowers in the garden? – No, there aren’t ______ flowers there.
5. Give me ______ bread please.
6. Is there ______ jam for tea? – Yes, there is ______ jam for tea.
7. Would you like … (some/any/no) milk?
8. Could you give me … (some/any/no) help, please?
9. We must buy … (some/any/no) vegetables for dinner.
10. I haven’t got … (some/any/no) eggs for pancakes.
29. 2. Заполните пропуски местоимениями some или any.
30. 1.We need ____ flour, ____ eggs and ___ sugar.
31. 2. Do you buy _____bread and _____coffee?
32. 3. I don’t bring you ____ice cream.
33. 4. We have ____ orange juice, but we don’t have ___ cake.
34. 5. Are there ___ onions in the basket?
36. 3. Вставьте much or many.
1. How ___________ children are there in your class?
2. How ___________ milk do you want in your tea?
3. How ___________ bread do you eat every day?
4. How ___________ players are there in a football team?
5. How ___________ eggs do you need for the salad?
6. How ___________ cheese did you buy?
7. How ___________ friends do you have ?
8. How ___________bananas can you eat?
37. 4. Вставьте much or many.
1. How ___oranges are there? – Not ______
2. How ____bread is there? – Not ____
3. How ___olive oil is there? – Not ___
4. How __strawberries are there? – Not ____
5. How ____tea is there? – Not_____
6. How _________bananas in the basket. – Not_____
41. 5) Исправьте ошибки в предложениях
1. I'd like a Coke, please. _some_
2. Would you like an bread? _______
3. How many does this cost? _______
4. We haven't got much tomatoes. _______
5. I'd like a milk in my tea, please. _______

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