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Developments in

Dar al-Islam
D. Explain how systems of belief and their practices affected society in the
period from c.1200 to c.1450
E. Explain the causes and effects of the rise of Islamic states over time
F. Explain the effects of intellectual innovations in Dar al-Islam
In the period from c.1200 to c.1450, how
did Islamic states arise, and how did
major religious systems shape society?
Shifting Trade Routes
● Muhammad the founder of Islam died in 632 caused a rapid expansion of
Islamic practices
● Abbasid Empire had 4 invaders
○ Egyptian Mamluks - originally purchased as slaves to serve as soldiers
rose to become more powerful. They seized control of the gov’t creating
the MAMLUK SULTANATE new sea routes caused their decline.
○ Seljuk Turks - conquered parts of the Middle East, Seljuk leader
“Sultan” removing role of Abbasid Caliph to religious authority
○ Crusaders - Christian organized groups worked to reopen holy sites
around Jerusalem
○ Mongols - Conquered the Abbasid Empire in 1258 ending Seljuk rule but
were stopped by the Mamluks in Egypt
Cultural and Social Life
● Abbasid Empire had 3 Islamic states
○ The Ottoman Empire in Turkey
○ The Safavid Empire in Persia
○ The Mughal Empire in India
● Trade routes spread ideas and products between these Islamic states
● Major cities of trade and universities created throughout Islamic states
○ Islamic scholars studied Greek literary and translated it into Arabic
○ Mathematics from India translated and shared to Europeans
○ Adopted paper-making from China -> shared to Europeans
Cultural Achievements
NASIR AL-DIN AL-TUSI (1201-1274) ‘A’ISHA AL-BA’ UNIYYAH (1460-1507)

● Contributed to advancements in ● 1st female Muslim writer

Astronomy, law, logic, ethics, ● Most of her writings shows contrast
mathematics, philosophy and medicine between Muslim and Sufis
● Medical advancements and hospital ○ Sufis were introspective to find
care improved truth -> Sufi
missionaries helped
spread Islam
Commerce, Diversity and Social Class
● Islamic society highly respected merchants as long as they traded fairly and gave
charity (5 Pillars of Faith)
● In territories conquered by Islamic expansion, military presence was sent to keep peace
but for the most part non-Arab inhabitants lives remained similar but had to pay a
tribute to Islamic caliphs
● Slavery was allowed but Muslims could not enslave other Muslims (slaves were
○ Slaves could convert to Islam to gain their freedom
○ Slave women likely used as concubines and had more freedoms than free women
Free Women in Islam
● Women observed HIJAB practice of dressing modestly and
covering their heads
● Muhammad changed several policies for women
○ Treated his wives fairly (1st wife was educated & owned a
○ Insisted on dowries for brides to be paid to the bride
○ Forbid female infanticide
● Islamic women able to inherit property after a marriage and could remarry if they were
○ In some areas women could file for a divorce and testify in court, however their
testimony was worth only half of that of a man
Umayyad Empire
● Umayyad invasion of Spain proved to be a long lasting one -> Cordoba becomes capital
○ BATTLE OF TOURS Frankish forces defeated the Islamic military and marked
the end of Islamic expansionism
● Cordoba had a climate of toleration and intellectual advances while encouraging trade
○ Muslims, Jews and Christians coexisted peacefully
○ Promoted trade by allowing Chinese products to enter into Spain thus leading to
● al-Andalus meaning “people of the book” becomes center for learning
● Cordoba had the largest library at the time
○ Ibn Rushd famous scholar -> wrote works on law, secular philosophy and natural

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