ManzanaresMartinez AngelKaleb M06S3AI6

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Module 6. Integration Week.

Week 3
Integrative activity 6. Finding a roommate
Ángel Kaleb Manzanares Martínez
Group M6C1G28-016 Prof. Blanca Estela Carrillo Peralta
Thursday July 29, 2021
Write 10 questions and answers to know the routine of your possible new roommate.
(Escribe 10 preguntas y respuestas para conocer la rutina de tu posible nuevo
compañero(a) de cuarto).

Questions (Does) Answers

Samantha has lunchtime at 7 o’clock
What time does he/she have lunch?
(¿A qué hora come él/ella?)
Does he/she exercise regularly? Yes, she exercises regularly.
(¿Se ejercita regularmente él/ella?)
1. ¿She smokes? No, she hates that scent.
2. ¿What is the work schedule for her? She starts from 10 in the morning.
3. ¿Does she have pets? Yes, he has a cat.
4. ¿Does she work from home? Yes, from your laptop.
5. ¿What does she like to do in the He likes to draw, rest and watch
evenings and on weekends? movies.
6. ¿Has she ever had problems with No, she is a hard worker and they pay
paying rent? her well.
7. ¿Is she in a relationship? No, she doesn't talk much to the boys
8. ¿What interior temperature does she She prefer warm but a little warmer.
9. ¿How often does she clean? She likes to clean on Friday of every
10. ¿Is she still friends with her Yes, with all her friends.
previous roommates?

Write five sentences where you explain the routine of your possible roommate.
Remember that you will use the structure of the third person. Use the adverbs of
time: first, after, then, finally.
(Escribe cinco oraciones en las que expliques la rutina de tu posible compañero
de cuarto. Recuerda que usarás la estructura de la tercera persona. Usa los
adverbios de tiempo: first, after, then, finally).

This is my possible new roommate Samantha and this is her routine. First, she
gets up at 6:00 in the morning, after…

This is my possible new roommate Colette, and this is her routine. First she gets
up at 8:00 in the morning, after she has breakfast, she goes to bathe at 9:00 in
the morning and goes to work and then eats around 3:00 and 4:00 in the
afternoon and finally at 8:00 in the afternoon he has dinner andPat
á g10:00
i n a he
goes to sleep.
My audio.
(Copy the URL of your audio here).

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