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Name: Michael Sandoval Jr. & Donna Dage Gevero Score:

Student Number: 2020300459 & 2020301900 Date Submitted: 04/12/21

Eggs are one of the most famous foods to eat as they are less expensive and provided
great nutrients to the body. Eggs are essential and important especially when it comes in food
industry as it is used in main ingredient like pastries, by making bread and cakes. Eggs provided
leavening, aeration, binding and it also contribute to the texture, flavor color and aroma (The
Perfect Blend, 2019). One of the best thickening agents used in cooking and baking is the eggs’
yolk. Its yolk has emulsifying abilities which prevent the mixture or ingredients from separating
from each other while the egg white is used as foaming agent. And the thickening of egg results
when the protein in eggs is coagulated at different temperature.
This activity helps to add more knowledge about the difference between a leche flan that
uses a whole and only egg yolk in accordance with its differences in appearance, tastes and more.
Leche flan is a food dessert that is made only with milk, eggs, and melted sugar at the top. This
activity also shows the thickening and gelling properties of the egg.

At the end of the exercise, the students should be able to:
1. demonstrate the thickening and gelling properties of eggs; and
2. determine the effects of cooking methods on sensory qualities of cooked egg products.


Table1.Sensory description and acceptability scores of steamed custards as affected by the
ingredients used.
Sensory Description and Treatment 1 Treatment 2
Susceptibility (Whole Eggs) (Egg Yolk)
Description Pale Yellow. Dark or Mustard Yellow.
Acceptability 3 4
The smell doesn’t really Smell just like a real Leche
stand out. flan.
Acceptability 3 4
Description Not that sweet. Sweet.
Acceptability 3 4
Description Quite Rough. Smooth and Soft.
Acceptability 2 4
2.75 4
Use the 5-point Hedonic Scale rating below for the acceptability.
5–Excellent; 4–Very Satisfactory; 3–Satisfactory; 2–Needs Improvement;1–Poor

Two leche flan were cooked and the treatment 1uses whole egg while the treatment 2 is
only the egg yolk. For the result in the appearance, the treatment 2 is darker than the treatment
1 as the treatment 1uses a whole egg that contains the egg white which causes the color to be
pale. For its aroma the treatment 2 stands out than treatment 1and it is also the treatment 2 that
taste sweeter than treatment 1. Treatment 1 is a little harder as it is quite rough while treatment 2
is a lot smoother and firmer and it is also the creamiest based on Miranda R. (2018).

Egg is one of the best thickening agents used, if it is heated gently its yolk or proteins
coagulate which help binding the ingredients together. It is also because of the fat in the eggs that
results to a moistening effect. The cooking methods do affect the sensory qualities of the cooked
product as the results in the activity show that the treatment 2 is much better and attained good
product than the treatment 1 that uses the whole egg. The presence of the egg white in the
treatment 1causes it to be paler in color, not that sweet and quite rough. And because the
treatment 2 uses only the egg yolk it is much smoother and dark.

The Perfect Blend, 2019.

flantips- a00249-20181115-lfrm

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