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1. When Dr Frederick Treves first saw a picture of the 'ugly' man, he was very curious. Why?
a) He was the ugliest man he had ever seen
b) He didn't look like a man, he looked like an elephant
c) He didn't think the picture was true

2. How much did the doctor pay to see the elephant man?
a) Twelve pence
b) Two pence
c) Nothing

3. What was the most impressive part of the elephant man's body?
a) His legs
b) His deformed back
c) His head

4. Why did the doctor want to take the elephant man to the hospital?

a) To give him an operation

b) To study him
c) To show him off to the other doctors


1. _____ Merrick was wearing a black hat and a long black coat when he first visited the
2. _____ He arrived at the hospital on foot.
3. _____ Merrick was able to walk very fast.
4. _____ Merrick couldn't speak.
5. _____ Dr Treves looked at Merricks body and wrote the important things in a little book.
6. _____ The nurse wasn't afraid of Merrick.
7. _____ Merrick spent a lot of his time reading books.
8. _____ One day a nurse was so scared that she dropped his food.
9. _____ Merrick didn't want to live in a lighthouse.
10. _____ In the hospital, he never talked to any women.
11. _____ Merrick was visited by some very important people whilst he lived in the hospital
12. _____ Merrick's first letter ever was written to the Queen.

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