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In Praise of An Incomplete Leader

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Leadership capabilities are aspirational corporations and behavioral traits that

distinguish a leader in their fields of perfections. Good competency in leadership approach is

the crucial developer in any organization performance. I, for instance, would not say I am

right in my leadership skills, however, for this to happen, I had to further develop capabilities

and focus more on team working so as to indemnify my weaknesses. Believing in someone's

ideas and knowing their opinions have greater significance in my performance was the key to

proficiency. Sensemaking with this team involved a plausible understanding of a map in the

competing and day- to- day shifting world. This map was additionally related to the team

through data collection, conversing and putting actions. Besides, this map had to be then

refined or further abandoned depending on how credible it is through thorough inventions of

ideas which were more marching with current trends in the developing world.

As we all know, putting in your strengths in places of work gives you a profitable

benefit and helps you feel more secure in your field. Using analysis or logic in reasoning in

motivating my team, occasionally encouraging them to be perseverance and detail-oriented in

their organizational strategy were qualities that served me well. Consequently, leadership

presents challenges, which are an invitation to rise to another level to test yourself and

improve in the process showing that you can accomplish something that might seem

impossible. Issues such as lack of funds, lack of confidence in some fields and insecurity.

Mostly, relating to my team proved very difficult; spending more time trying to understand

their perspectives and believing that their idea is more significant than mine challenged my

skills. Accepting these traits harder, it seemed, was the reality that helped in working to

improve my leadership skills.

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