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Once there was a couple who decided to live in the middle of the forest. The woman is
Emmeline who used to be the mayor’s daughter. She falls in love with a very diligent handsome
man named William who works as a farmer on their farm.
The mayor doesn’t like William to be his daughter’s boyfriend, so he ordered to kill
William for the sake of his reputation. To save William from her father’s cruelty, they went to
the middle of the forest in the nearby town.
Emmaline is scared and worried all the time, knowing how powerful her father was. She
knew that her father will do everything just to kill her loving husband.
Meanwhile, in the mayor’s house, the mayor is displeased with what is happening. He
decided to call for Cornelia who is famous for casting dark magic. The Mayor asks Cornelia to
cast dark magic towards his daughter and William. Cornelia hated Emmeline because of
wealthiness she has, she cast her dark magic on Emmeline.
That day, Emmeline felt something wrong in her body. She felt something strange
happening inside her. Emmeline is four months pregnant. “William, there is something wrong in
my body” Emmeline fearfully said. Suddenly, a lot of blood comes out of her body. William ran
towards Emmeline to save her and his child but unfortunately, they lost their child. From that day
on, Emmeline lost her fertility and that make their lives sad and sorrowful. Emmeline dreamed of
having a lovely child.
One day, William went to get some drift pieces of wood in the darkest part of the forest.
He gets all the woods he saw. He wanted to get enough wood for a week.
On his way home, he heard a child crying noise coming out from the wood he holds. He
was a bit scared of what he heard but decided to look inside. To his surprise, he saw a very tiny
baby crying loudly inside the wood. He immediately ran into their house to show his discovery.
Emmeline jumped for joy as she looks at the tiny baby inside the wood. She delicately
gets the baby out of the wood and shows her feelings towards the baby. She named the tiny baby
boy “brook” which means little stream.
The couple took care of this tiny child and showed how much they loved him. They tried
everything to give him all he needs. Emmeline made a lot of tiny clothes for Brook while her
husband gets fresh milk coming from their cows daily. As the day passed by, the baby grew as a
tiny boy who was just the size of their thumb.
As the couple observes him, Brook shows plenty of amazing skills. Brooks can talk and
communicate with animals and insects. He can persuade them to do certain actions. He can also
revive withered plants or trees and make them bloom with flowers and fruits. He enjoyed playing
with Max, a lovely gray cat.
Brook help his father catch plenty of fishes in the river. Brook also helps his mother with
their plants and vegetables. He used his ability to make the trees and plants bear fruits and make
their plants bloom with plenty of colorful flowers. Because of his ability, their family lived
One day, a couple passed by their house. They ask William for some water to drink
because they are thirsty walking inside the forest. The woman saw Emmeline and recognize her.
The couple ran over to the mayor’s house to tell him about his daughter Emmeline.
Due to fury, the mayor sends his troop to get Emmeline and kill her husband, William.
He ordered them to protect his loving daughter.
As the troop enters the forest, Brook sensed them and knew that there is danger coming.
He believes that he needs to protect his parents by using his ability. He calls all the animals in the
forest to protect them from intruders. The birds help them to sight where the intruders are.
The pride of lions, the fleet of the wild carabao, and the den of snakes attacked the
intruders. Brook told the animals not to kill someone, but to cast them away.
To their surprise, the intruders went away and go back to the mayor’s house. The
intruders told the mayor the things that happened in the forest. The mayor decided to stop
haunting his daughter and let them live happily.

The mayor went to the forest to ask for forgiveness. He told his daughter that he
just wants his daughter a better life. But he just realizes that William is what makes his daughter
happy. The mayor accepts William with an open arm.
The mayor asks them to go back to his house and live there.
From that day on, the mayor, William, Emmeline, and Brook live happily ever after.

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