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1. Abate: to become less intense or severe; to make something less intense or severe
2. Abdicate: thoá i vị, từ bỏ quyền lự c/ thoá i thá c trá ch nhiệm/ stop controlling st you’re in charge of
3. In a moment of aberration: a temporary change from the typical or usual way of behaving
4. Aberration: Bồ ng bộ t, loạ n trí, khô ng sá ng suố t
Blunder: a stupid or careless mistake
Abscission: the separation or falling off of part of a plant
Fallibility: Khả nă ng ai có thể mắ c sai lầ m
5. Abjure: to say formally or publicly that you no longer agree with a belief or way of behaving
Renounce: to say publicly that you no longer own, support, believe in, or have a connection with
6. Laudable: (of actions and behaviour) deserving praise, even if there is little or no success
Hubris: a way of talking or behaving that is too proud:
Garrulous: having the habit of talking a lot, especially about things that are not important
7. Exculpate: to remove blame from someone
Disparage: to criticize someone or something in a way that shows you do not respect or value him,
her, or it
8. Ambiguity: (an example of) the fact of something having more than one possible meaning and
therefore possibly causing confusion – sự mậ p mờ
Credulity: willingness to believe that something is real or true, especially when this is unlikely –
nhẹ dạ cả tin
Causality: the principle that there is a cause for everything that happens – thuyết nhâ n quả
9. Demarcation: a border or a rule that shows the limits of something or how things are divided
Adit: the act of controlling and especially reducing something/ <entrance, closeness>
Confound: bố i rố i ngượ ng ngù ng
10. Step up to the plate: to take action when something needs to be done, even though this is difficult
Step on it: gain speed
Mind one’s step: be careful
11. Go off the rails: to start behaving in a way that is not generally acceptable, especially dishonestly
or illegally
Go off the deep end: to get very angry about something or lose control of yourself
Go off on a tangent: to suddenly start talking or thinking about a completely new subject
12. Laconic: using very few words to express what you mean/ sú c tích, ngắ n gọ n
Judicious: cô ng bằ ng, k thiên vị
Brusque: cộ c cằ n thô lỗ
13. Incessant: never stopping, in an annoyingly
Gruff: cụ c cằ n thô lỗ
Solicitous: care ‘bout sb too much
14. Dispassionate: vô tư khô ng thiên vị
15. Austere: strict
Arcane: mysterious and known only by a few people
Ahistorical: not related to history
16. Deterministic: Tiền định, tấ t yếu
17. Structuralism: thuyết kết cấ u, nghiên cứ u vă n hó a, liên quan đến trí tuệ và vă n hó a chứ khô ng có
lịch sử
18. Judicature: the legal system and the work it does
19. Judiciary: cơ quan lậ p phá p/ cơ quan tư phá p
20. Dispassionate: vô tư trong sá ng, cô ng bằ ng
21. Bout: short period of emotion
22. Hysteria: extreme fear/excitement
23. Clear-sighted: sá ng suố t, rõ rà ng


1. Brevity: sú c tích ngắ n gọ n

Transience : the quality of being transient (= temporary
2. Copious: in large amounts, or more than enough
Linear: consisting of or to do with lines/ involving a series of events or thoughts in which one
follows another one directly
Diffuse: to (cause something to) spread in many directions
3. Dearth: lack of st
4. Seethed: angry
Effervescent: active, positive, and full of energy
Secede: to become independent of a country or area of government
5. Hackneyed: A hackneyed phrase or idea has been said or used so often that it has become boring
and has no meaning/ nhà m chá n
Tasteless: likely to upset someone
Hackles: lô ng tơ/ dự ng lên vì tứ c giậ n<lô ng sau cổ >
6. Emaciated: very thin and weak, usually because of illness or extreme hunger <tiều tụ y>
Shabby: looking old and in bad condition because of being used for a long time or not being cared
Insolvent: (especially of a company) not having enough money to pay debts, buy goods, etc.
7. Morose: unhappy, annoyed, and unwilling to speak or smile
Muggy: oi bứ c
Pandemonium: a situation in which there is a lot of noise and confusion because people are
excited, angry, or frightened/ ná o loạ n
8. Ferocious: frightening and violent
Obdurate: extremely determined to act in a particular way and not to change despite what anyone
else says
Ghastly: unpleasant and shocking
9. Meritorious: deserving great praise
Soppy: sướ t mướ t
Distraught: extremely worried, nervous, or upset
Denouement: đoạ n kết
10. Addendum: something that has been added to a book, speech, or document/series of extra
Adjunct: something added or connected to a larger or more important thing
11. Encomium: a piece of writing, speech, etc. that praises someone or something
Extolment: praise highly
12. Parenthesis: a remark that is added to a sentence, often to provide an explanation or extra
information, that is separated from the main part of the sentence by commas, brackets, or dashes
Panegyric: a speech or piece of writing that praises someone or something very much and does
not mention anything bad about them
Percipience: sự nhậ n thứ c, cả m giá c / sự nhạ y cả m
Piquancy: sự kích thích/ có duyên ngầ m
13. Clear the air: to remove the bad feelings between people:
Tie the knot: get married
Go through a sticky patch: to experience a lot of problems in a period of your life
Store st up: to remember things, usually so that you can tell people about them later/ do st that
makes the problem worse
14. Lavish more attention on st: Willing to spend a lot of st
15. At the end of one’s tether: having no strength/patience left
At one’s wits end: so worried, confused, or annoyed that you do not know what to do next


1. Indecorous: behaving badly/rudely

Invincible: impossible to defeat or prevent from doing what is intended
Innocuous: completely harmless/ causing no harm
2. Patriarchy: Phụ hệ
Totalitarian: Chuyên chế
Republican: Cộ ng hò a
Democratic: Dâ n chủ
3. Cauterize: to burn an injury to stop bleeding and prevent infection
Castigate: to criticize someone or something severely
Diffract: to break up light or sound waves by making them go through a narrow space or across an
Embitter: to make someone feel embittered (= very angry about things that have happened to
4. Resounding: loud/very great
Snappy: (especially of a man's clothes or of his appearance) modern and stylish
Meritorious: deserving great praise
5. Malign: causing or intending to cause harm or evil:
Promiscuous: (of a person) having a lot of different sexual partners or sexual relationships, or (of
sexual habits) involving a lot of different partners
Narcotic: relating to drugs that make you want to sleep and prevent pain
6. Nascent: only recently formed or started, but likely to grow larger quickly
Ludicrous: stupid or unreasonable and deserving to be laughed at
Jocularly: in a happy way and liking to make jokes
Tumultuous: very loud, or full of confusion, change, or uncertainty
7. Flamboyant: very confident in your behaviour, and liking to be noticed by other people, for
example because of the way you dress, talk, etc.
Venal: A venal person is willing to behave in a way that is not honest or moral in exchange for
Stout: (especially of older people) fat and solid-looking, especially around the waist
Ribald: Ribald language refers to sex in a rude but humorous way
8. Aliases: used when giving the name that a person is generally known by, after giving their real
name /a false name, especially one used by a criminal
Pet name: an informal name given to someone by their family or friends
Atrocity: the fact of something being extremely cruel, violent, or shocking
Appendage: smaller part attached to st
9. Canny: thinking quickly and cleverly, especially in business or financial matters/ good and
Manic: very excited or anxious (= worried and nervous) in a way that causes you to be very
physically active
Flippant: very excited or anxious (= worried and nervous) in a way that causes you to be very
physically active
Conciliatory: showing willingness to end a disagreement, or trying to make someone less angry
10. Epigrams: a short saying or poem that expresses an idea in a clever, funny way
Allot: to give something, especially a share of something available, for a particular purpose
Allure: the quality of being attractive, interesting, or exciting
11. Whimsical: unusual and strange in a way that might be funny or annoying
Oblivious: not conscious of something, especially what is happening around you
Waspish: likely to make sharp, slightly cruel remarks; having a slightly angry and unpleasant
Analogous: having similar features to another thing and therefore able to be compared with it
Beguiling: interesting or attractive, but perhaps not to be trusted
12. Concomitant: something that happens with something else and is connected with it
Axiomatic: obviously true and therefore not needing to be proved
Pedantic: giving too much attention to formal rules or small details
13. Demagogy: the action or fact of winning support by exciting the emotions of ordinary people
rather than by having good or morally right ideas
Penury: the state of being extremely poor
Ambivalence: the state of having two opposing feelings at the same time, or being uncertain about
how you feel
14. Insipid: not having a strong taste or character, or having no interest or energy
Jejune: very simple and childish
Abstemious: not doing things that give you pleasure, especially not eating good food or drinking
15. Authoritarian: chuyên quyền độ c đoá n
16. Mainstay: the most important part of something, providing support for everything else
17. Manicure: dũ a mó ng

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