Quiz-2 With Answers

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1. Tax as to subject matter do not include

a. Personal tax c. Property tax
b. Direct tax d. Excise tax

2. Which is a direct tax?

a. Income tax c. Percentage Tax
b. Value Added Tax d. Excise tax on sin products

3. All are ad valorem tax, except

a. Income tax c. Personal tax
b. Real property tax d. Business tax

4. Which is a local tax?

a. Excise tax c. Percentage taxes
b. Documentary stamp tax d. Professional tax
5. The Bureau of Internal revenue is composed of one Commissioner and ___ Deputy Commissioners
a. 2 c. 4
b. 3 d. 5
6. Which of the following powers of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue can be delegated?
a. The power to recommend the promulgation of revenue regulations to the Secretary of Finance
b. The power to issue rulings of first impression or to reverse, revoke or modify any existing rulings
of the Bureau
c. The power to compromise or abate any tax liability
d. The power to prescribe real property values (zonal values)
7. When the impact and incidence of taxation are merged into the statutory taxpayer, the tax is called?
a. personal tax c. indirect tax
b. direct tax d. national tax
8. Which of the following is an administrative act in taxation?
a. Collection of taxes c. Determination of the subject of the tax
b. Fixing the rate of the tax d. Determination of the purpose of the tax
9. In case of doubt of exemption, doubt shall be resolved
a. Strictly against the government c. Liberally in favor of the taxpayer
b. Strictly against the courts d. Liberally in favor of the government
10. Which of the following distinguishes tax from license?
a. A regulatory measure c. Non-payment does not render the business illegal
b. Imposed in the exercise of police power d. Limited to cover the cost of regulation
11. Business taxes such as percentage tax and value added tax are
a. Specific tax c. Indirect tax
b. Direct tax d. Local tax
12. The test of exemption of real properties owned by religious or charitable entities from real property
taxes is
a. Usage c. Location
b. Ownership d. Either ownership or location
13. Which is not a source of tax law?
a. Judicial decisions c. Local ordinances
b. Opinion of tax authors d. BIR rulings
14. Which agency, office or bureau issues revenue regulations?
a. Congress c. Bureau of Internal Revenue
b. Secretary of Finance d. Revenue District Officer
15. The amount imposed is based on the value of the property is
a. Eminent domain
b. License
c. Toll
d. Special assessment
16. The principle of sound tax system exclude
a. Economic efficiency
b. Fiscal adequacy
c. Theoretical justice
d. Administrative feasibility
17. Which of the following may tax exemption come from?
a. Contract
b. Constitution
c. Law
d. All of these
18. Which is not intended to regulate conduct?
a. Penalty
b. License
c. Police power
d. Toll
19. Debt as compared to tax
a. It is a demand of ownership.
b. It is not assignable.
c. It will not result to imprisonment when not paid.
d. It is generally payable in money.
20. Philippine tax laws are by nature
a. Political
b. Civil
c. Political and civil
d. Penal and civil
21. A tax that is imposed upon the performance of an act, the enjoyment of a privilege, or the engagement
in a profession is known as
a. Income tax
b. License
c. Excise tax
d. Transfer tax
22. Taxes that cannot be shifted by the statutory taxpayer are referred to as
a. Direct taxes
b. Indirect taxes
c. Business taxes
d. Personal taxes
23. Which is a national tax?
a. Real property tax
b. Community tax
c. Income tax
d. Professional tax
24. A tax that cannot be avoided is
a. Direct tax
b. Indirect tax
c. Specific tax
d. Business tax
25. Tax as to subject matter does not include
a. Real property tax
b. Personal tax
c. Excise tax
d. Regulatory tax
26. All funds derived by the government
a. Income c. Gains
b. Revenue d. Appropriations
27. A tax system which is not directly practiced in the Philippines
a. Proportional tax c. Regressive tax
b. Mixed tax d. Progressive tax
28. The progressive system of taxation is consistent with which principle of a sound tax system
a. Theoretical justice c. Administrative feasibility
b. Fiscal adequacy d. All of these
29. The fundamental rule in taxation that the property of one county may not be taxed by another country
is known as
a. International law c. Reciprocity
b. International comity d. International limitation
30. Double taxation is regarded as highly objectionable. The following, except one, can mitigate the
impact of double taxation. Choose the exception.
a. Tax exemption of the income already subjected to income tax
b. Tax credit for taxpayers who already paid taxes to other tax jurisdictions
c. Reciprocity provisions between tax laws of taxing jurisdictions
d. Tax minimization schemes that would lessen the impact of levy.

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