Spanish ART Regime: Painting

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 To discussed the brief background of the Spanish Regime in the Philippines.
 To know the different arts/ artworks that is influence by the Spaniards or has been contributed
by them. REGIME
 To discuss some of the artworks of different artists during the Spanish Colonization.
 Painting
 Purgatory
 Heaven and He'll  Music and Dances
 Basic Revolt During 1821  Harana
 Spolarium  The Jota
 Las Virgens Cristina's  Seguidilla
 Architecture
 St. Agustine Church
 Barasoain Church in Malolos
 Intramuros
 Fort Santiago
 Paco Park
 Sculpture
 Image of Santo Nino
 Literature
 Doctrinal Cristiana
 Theater
 Moro-moro
 Cenaculo

It is said that there are three (3) aims why Spaniards envaded Philippines.
 God - propagation of Catholic Christianity
 Glory - to be greatest empire in the world
 Gold - economic wealth / acquire riches
And their greatest aim is to spread Catholicism in the Philippines.

 The Spanish Friars introduced Western paintings to the artisans who leraned to copy two
dimensional forms from religious icons were paintings of saints and of the holy family included
the Passion of Christ, and the portrayal of purgatory, Heaven or Hell.

Purgatoryo by: Josef Luciano Dan's

Josef Luciano Dans is one of the earliest recorded Filipino artist.
He painted the "Purgatoryo" which shows the eight (8) forms of
punishment a soul pass through to be cleansed and reach
heaven. He also painted the "Langit, Lupa, Empierno"
Basic Revolt During 1821 by: Steban Villanueva
Although paintings we're exclusively for churches and religious
purposes, it sometimes used for propaganda. Estaban was
commissioned by the Spaniards to illustrate the Ilocos revolt
against Basi Monopoly during 1821. The fourteen-panel painting
shows the crashing defeat of Ilocano Basi works revolt against
Spanirds. The painting also serves as the treat for those Filipinos
who want to disobey the Spaniards.

Spolarium by Juan Luna

Juan Novicio Luna was a student Damian Domingo's
School, which eventually closed due to the latter's
death in 1834. He was one of the few Filipino artist who
was able to study abroad and developed his skills. His
most famous work " Spolarium" which showed dead
Roman Gladiators being dragged around the arena. It
was an illusion to Imperial Spain's oppression of the
Natives. He won a gold medal for his painting but did
not receive the Medal of Excellence, due to him being a Filipino.

Las Virgens Cristina's Expues tas al Populacho by: Felix

Resurrection Hidalgo
Felix Hidalgo was one of the few Filipino artists who had the
opportunity to study abroad, other than Juan Luna. Hidalgo won
the silver medal for Virgens Christianas Expuestas Al Populacho
or Christian Virgins Explosed to Public. The feat of Luna and
Hidalgo caught the attention of Dr. Jose Rizal, the Philippine
National Hero, that in a gathering of Filipinos in Madrid, he gave
a speech praising Luna and Hidalgo for their mastery and

 Many Philippine churches shows the influence
of the baroque style with a massive walls and thick buttresses
to adapted out geographical condition.
 Houses also is that of native hut, wide windows,
it's utilization of a ground floor is only for storage and garage
for the carruaje.

 Mostly the architectures that are built during this time was churches that until now are still
 During three hundred years of Spanish colonization, the Philippine
architecture was dominated by the Spanish influences. During this
period, Intramuros was built with it's walls, houses, churches and

Fort Santiago
 Fort Santiago is a citadel first built by Spanish conquistador,
Miguel Lopez de Legaspi for new established city of Manila in the
Philippines. The defense fortress is part of the structures of the
walled city of Manila referred to as Intramuros.

Paco Park
 Paco Park is a recreational garden and was once Manila's municipal cemetery
built by the Dominicans during the Spanish colonial period.

 Mostly the sculptures that are made during the Spanish art regime are
centered with the images of Gods and Saints.


Doctrina Cristiana
 It was written by Fr. Juan de Placencia and Fr. Domingo Nieva in the year 1593.
It was the first book that was published here in the Philippines. It contains of
the prayers, "sampung Utos Ng Diyos", 7 sacraments, cathesism etc. It has only
87 pages.

 Moro - Moro is a play that become popular in the Philippines during the Spanish colonial period
where the Moros were portrayed as perpetual villains who always lost to Christians in the end. It
depicts battles, in a rather comedic way, between Christians and Moros are preferred to be
called as Muslims in the Philippines.
 Cenaculo is a traditional Filipino dramatization of the life and times of Jesus Christ. Done in
singing (pasyon) and recitation. It is presented in a public squares in many towns, in houses and
streets during the season of Lent.
 The senakulo ( from the Spanish word "cenaculo" ) is a Lenten play that
depicts events from the old and new Testaments related to the life,
sufferings, and death of Christ.

Music and Dances

 Harana was one of the music forms in Spanish art regime. Harana
originated from the Spanish Era here in the Philippines. This is how the
men court the woman from before. A man accompanied by his friends
would visit a woman and sing to her love songs to make her fall in love
with him. The man is usually accompanied by his friends to give her a
moral support and also help him with the song he will use to serenade the

The Jota
 Originate from Zamboanga, displays steps with very strong Castilian
influence, but using Philippine bamboo castanets held loosely.

 Is an old Castilian folksong and dance form in quick triple time.

Recommendation and Significance

 I As an individual, I strongly suggest that we should not forget the past because it is the reason
why we have the knowledge in a current time. And learn how to appreciate every artworks in
different era. Each era has its own differences and styles so learn to appreciate.
 The significance of this artworks is that they are strongly created so until now we can able to see
them especially the architectures that is made many years ago.
 It is important to keep on studying those artworks that have been
contributed by the time of Spanish to help us remember the signifant
events that happened in our country.

 The artworks that Spaniards contributed in our country are almost
conveyed or show religion particularly Christianism.

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