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Accelerat ing t he world's research.

Understanding teachers’ self-

sustaining, generative change in the
context of professional development
M. Franke, Elizabeth Fennema

Teaching and Teacher Education

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Reflect ions on Language and Mat hemat ics Problem Solving: A Case St udy of a Bilingual First -…
Sylvia Celedón-Pat t ichis

Incorporat ing Disciplinary Pract ices Int o Charact erizat ions of Progress in Responsive Teaching
Andrew Elby

Learning t o Teach Mat hemat ics: Focus on St udent T hinking

Elham Kazemi
¹eaching and ¹eacher Education, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 67—80, 1998
( 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
Printed in Great Britain.
0742-051X/98 $19.00#0.00
PII: S0742-051X(97) 00061—9




University of California, Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A.


University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, U.S.A.

University of Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A.

Fresno State University, CA, U.S.A.

Many current reform recommendations draw on 1997; Richardson, 1995). This conceptualization
the view that knowledge evolves at a rapidly of teacher change may then lead to reconcep-
accelerating pace and thus, learning fixed bodies tualizing professional development for teachers.
of information and static skills is no longer a pri-
ority. Students need to acquire knowledge that
can be adapted so that it serves as a basis for Self-Sustaining, Generative Change
solving problems and acquiring new knowledge.
In the same way, we begin to conceptualize In order for change to become self-sustaining,
teacher change not as acquiring a fixed set of teachers must begin to engage in practices that
teaching skills or learning how to use a particu- have built-in support for the changes they have
lar program of instruction. The kind of change made; otherwise, the changes are likely to erode
we envision involves teachers changing in ways over time. For example, when teachers begin to
that provide a basis for continued growth and allow students to discuss alternative approaches
problem solving—what we call self-sustaining, for solving a mathematics problem, the teachers
generative change. Self-sustaining, generative often observe that students can generate a variety
change does not involve acquiring a set of pro- of productive, interesting and unexpected solu-
cedures to implement with fidelity; rather it fre- tions. These discussions provide the teacher sup-
quently entails teachers making changes in their port in continuing to allow students to generate
basic epistemological perspectives, their know- and discuss their own solutions to problems.
ledge of what it means to learn, as well as their Here there is support for the teacher to continue
conceptions of classroom practice. It means con- the practice but not necessarily support to learn
ceptualizing teacher change in terms of teachers more about the practice. For change to become
becoming ongoing learners (Borko & Putnam, generative, teachers must engage in practices
1996; Dana, et al., 1997; Schifter, 1997; Sherin, that serve as a basis for their continued learning.

We propose that for practice to serve as thinking of his or her students engages in a dif-
a basis for continued growth a teacher must ferent level of practical inquiry, where the focus
struggle to understand the nature and effects of is on detailed analysis. As teachers engage in this
his or her own learning process. Simply observ- detailed analysis, they come to understand prin-
ing that a practice is effective is not sufficient. cipled ideas that can then drive their practice
For example, as a teacher tries out a particular and their continued practical inquiry. We view
practice and notices that the practice the first level of practical inquiry as leading to
‘worked’—the children responded appropriately self-sustained change but the second level of
to the task—the teacher decides that the practice practical inquiry as necessary for generative
was worthwhile and should be continued. This change.
focus may encourage a teacher to use new tech-
niques or activities, but it does not allow
teachers to understand why the practice worked Professional Development and Self-Sustaining,
and what conditions are necessary and sufficient Generative Change
for success. When teachers only know that
a practice works, they can only implement the A concern for self-sustaining, generative
practice. Adapting the practice or instituting change shifts the focus of professional develop-
a similar practice in a new context, however, ment from the factors that initiate change to
may prove difficult. It is in developing an under- principles that make it possible for teachers to
standing of their practices in relation to their continue to learn and grow. Brown and Cam-
students’ learning that teachers develop the un- pione (1996) argue that focusing on the prin-
derstanding necessary to generate new ideas. If cipled ideas that guide research and practice is
a teacher struggles to understand why the stu- critical. They state, ‘‘Without adherence to first
dents are successful, how they are solving prob- principles, surface procedures tend to be
lems, how their thinking develops, and how adapted and ritualized in such a way that they
instruction might help students to build on their cease to serve the ‘thinking’ function they were
current conceptions, connections are made, un- originally designed to foster’’ (1996, p.291). It is
derstanding develops and the potential for more not enough, however, to understand the prin-
connections becomes possible. Thus, there exists ciples that guide a particular teacher develop-
a basis for the teacher to learn and continue to ment program. In order to understand the effects
grow. of a teacher development program, it is neces-
Discovering successful practices and ana- sary to understand how the participants in the
lyzing practices in relation to student learning program construe and implement the principles.
requires teachers to be engaged in some level of Teachers, as well as students, do not simply
inquiry. Because this inquiry is tied to their assimilate knowledge. Teachers in teacher devel-
teaching practice we think of it as practical in- opment programs may construct interpretations
quiry. Virginia Richardson (1994) introduced the of a program’s first principles that are quite
idea of practical inquiry, which she distinguished different from the principles intended by the
from formal research: ‘‘Practical inquiry is con- designers of the program.
ducted by practitioners to help them understand Whether change for a particular teacher be-
their contexts, practices and in the case of comes self-sustaining and generative depends
teachers, their students (p. 8).’’ Practical inquiry not just on the principles inherent in a profes-
can be viewed as a teacher questioning and re- sional development program but on the under-
flecting about his/her practice with a specific standing of the principles constructed by the
focus. The focus of a teacher’s practical inquiry teachers. Thus, teacher change may not be cap-
determines what a teacher sees as critical, and tured in the experiences the teachers have en-
what constitutes an opportunity for reflection. gaged in but in the meanings they have
A teacher who searches for successful practices constructed. The experiences serve as a back-
can be seen as engaged in practical inquiry at drop for understanding teachers’ conceptions of
a level of experimentation about what works. the principles. However, within a given ap-
A teacher who examines his or her practices in proach to professional development, teachers
relation to his or her own thinking and the may develop different conceptions of the first
Self-Sustaining Generative Change 69

principles of the program. Thus, in order to help ical thinking within particular content domains.
more teachers change in self-sustaining and gen- The theme that ties together our analysis of
erative ways, it is critical to understand the alter- students’ mathematical thinking is that children
native conceptions that teachers may form in intuitively solve word problems by modeling the
professional development programs that are de- action and relations described in them. By devel-
signed to foster that kind of change. In this oping this theme, we portray how basic concepts
paper, we explore the changes of three teachers of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and div-
who participated in the same four-year profes- ision develop in children and how they can con-
sional development project. The three cases il- struct concepts of place value and multidigit
lustrate the ways in which teachers’ engagement computational procedures based on their intu-
in practical inquiry related to the fundamental itive mathematical knowledge (for elaboration
principles of the program influenced their ability see Carpenter et al., 1996).
to achieve change that was self sustaining and Our engagement with teachers is driven by two
generative. principles: (1) focus interactions with teachers on
the principled ideas underlying the development
of children’s thinking about mathematics, and
Focusing on Students’ Thinking as a Basis (2) build on the teachers’ existing knowledge. We
for Change attempt to provide an environment for teacher
learning that offers opportunities for teachers to
A number of current professional develop- build on their existing ideas to create continually
ment projects foreground student learning so evolving organizing frameworks of children’s
that teaching becomes viewed in the context of mathematical thinking.
what and how students learn (Barnett & Sather, Whenever we interact with teachers, be it in
1992; Brown & Campione, 1996; Shifter, 1996; a group working session or in a one-on-one
Shifter & Fosnot, 1993). A focus on student interaction, we focus on children’s mathematical
learning provides a natural basis for engaging in thinking. We have particular knowledge about
practical inquiry. As teachers examine their stu- the development of children’s thinking that we
dents’ learning, they think about how to build would like teachers to come to understand. In
on the learning that occurs and then reflect on coming to understand this thinking, the teachers
their roles and the roles of their students in the create their own ways of organizing and framing
process. the knowledge. They also think hard about the
A focus on student learning is the basis for relationship between this knowledge and their
Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI; Carpenter teaching. We try not to direct the ways in which
et al., 1996; Fennema et al., 1996). The first the teachers choose to implement their teaching
principle of CGI is that teachers develop a basis practice. There does not exist one way of imple-
for understanding and building on their stu- menting CGI. Our intent is not to get teachers to
dents’ mathematical thinking. Corollaries of this adopt a set of teaching behaviors or moves.
principle are that teachers learn from listening to Rather we provide a framework so teachers can
their students and struggling to understand think about their students’ understandings of
what they hear. Because understanding and mathematics and then make instructional deci-
building on students’ thinking requires teachers sions based on the underlying principles. We
to engage systematically in inquiry that draws strive to create inquiry about teaching moves so
on general knowledge about children’s thinking teachers are thinking about why they would do
together with their practical knowledge of class- certain things and how that relates to the chil-
room practice, we think of it as teachers engag- dren’s thinking. When a teacher asks about
ing in practical inquiry. classroom management, we often ask the teacher
what he or she thinks and then follow that with
another question that relates his or her class-
Cognitively Guided Instruction(CGI) room management question to his or her stu-
dents’ mathematical thinking. In working with
Within CGI, we engage teachers in learning teachers, we recognize the importance of not
about the development of children’s mathemat- excluding other issues that teachers identify, but

it is the development of children’s thinking that thinking. Teachers often do not use this know-
drives our responses. ledge, however, because it is not structured in
a meaningful manner (Carpenter, et al., 1988).
Therefore, we showed the teachers videos of
Method children solving problems. We asked them to
discuss what they had seen. Teachers shared
This study reports on the process of change their own students’ solutions to an assigned
that occurred over a four-year period for three problem like the ones seen in the video. Then
teachers. These teachers represent different tra- teachers worked in small groups to sort the
jectories in terms of the level of engagement in student work in terms of the development of the
practical inquiry and in their patterns of self- children’s mathematical understanding. We con-
sustaining, generative change. sistently engaged the teachers in tasks that (a)
helped them think about how their students
Sample would solve particular problems, (b) pushed
The three teachers involved in this study were them to discuss their thoughts so we could
drawn from a larger sample of 21 first-, second- understand their thinking, and (c) helped them
and third-grade teachers (Fennema et al., 1996). organize their own thinking about the develop-
These three teachers characterized the different ment of children’s thinking. (See Fennema et al.,
patterns of change that we saw across the 21 1996 for a more complete description of the
teachers. The three teachers taught in two differ- workshops).
ent schools. These two schools, along with
a number of schools, volunteered to participate Community interactions. The workshops with
in a teacher development study. Ms. Nathan and the teachers provided one avenue of teacher
Ms. Carroll worked in the same city school with learning. The teachers also learned through their
273 students. Approximately 70% of the stu- interactions with the students and their col-
dents in the school were white and 26% were on leagues. We wanted the teachers engaged in CGI
free and reduced lunch. Ms Andrew worked in to have an opportunity to work together, both
a rural school with a population of 412 predomi- within and outside of their school communities.
nately white children (99%). All of Ms Nathan, Therefore, in the overall project we worked with
Ms Carroll and Ms Andrew’s colleagues at the teachers from five schools. Ninety percent of the
same grade level also participated in the larger kindergarten through third-grade teachers at
teacher development study. Ms Nathan taught each school had agreed to participate. All of the
third grade, returning to full-time teaching after teachers from the five sites participated in the
years of substituting. Ms Carroll taught second workshops together. This arrangement created
grade and was in her first year of teaching. Ms opportunities for teachers to work with col-
Andrew also taught second grade and had been leagues within and across their grade level, both
teaching for 9 years. within and across schools. The decision to work
with substantial numbers of teachers within each
school also created pressure for some teachers to
¼orkshop Interactions and ¹eacher Support
participate who may not have originally planned
¼orkshop sessions. The workshops during on participating. In each school the principal
Year 1 and Year 2 focused teachers’ attention on also participated in learning about CGI and
the research-based knowledge related to the de- spent some time listening to children’s math-
velopment of children’s mathematical thinking ematical thinking within the classrooms of their
in addition/subtraction, multiplication/division, school.
and place value, fractions and geometry (See Beyond working in workshops across schools
Carpenter et al., 1996 for description of the we wanted to allow for ongoing support in
workshop content). In working with the teachers’ classrooms and in discussions that oc-
teachers, we attempted to build on their existing curred outside the classroom in their schools.
knowledge about children’s thinking. We have Within each school, an experienced CGI teacher
found that teachers often have acquired, through became the mentor teacher. The mentor teachers
their teaching, information about children’s had a half-day release each week. The specific
Self-Sustaining Generative Change 71

type of support varied depending on the mentor tion. This allowed the researcher and the teacher
and the teacher, but included observing in the to discuss and come to a consensus about what
teacher’s classroom and discussing the children’s had occurred during the lesson and set a context
thinking, planning lessons together, and assess- for the remainder of the conversation. The
ing children together. Yet, the mentor teacher interviewers’ questions focused on: (a) what
was not the only source of support within the the teacher felt she or he was attempting to
school; the teachers provided this support for accomplish during the lesson, (b) why the
each other as well. The teachers operated as teacher chose a particular course of action, (c)
sounding boards for each other as they thought what the teacher had learned about the students
about how to use knowledge of children’s think- and (d) how the teacher planned to use what she
ing in classroom practice. had learned.

Research staff. The final source of support for Observations. Each teacher’s classroom prac-
the teachers came from our more individual in- tice was documented through observation. Dur-
teractions with the teachers. A graduate student ing formal observation we requested that the
researcher interacted with each teacher; in most teacher work with whole numbers so we would
cases the same graduate student served all of the have some consistency across data points. These
teachers in a given school. The project staff observations took place over two days at five
visited each teacher’s classroom informally on different points in time. The first observations
a regular basis. In Years 1 and 2 informal visits took place in the Spring of Year 0 before
occurred on average once every two weeks. In teachers had participated in the first CGI work-
Year 3, the visits occurred less frequently, on shop of this project. The remaining observations
average once a month. During these visits the took place at the beginning and end of Year 1,
staff would take field notes and interact with the the end of Year 2 and Year 3. Trained observers,
teacher regarding the mathematical thinking of knowledgeable about CGI, conducted the obser-
the children in her classroom. vations. We created verbatim transcripts of each
classroom observation using field notes and two
Assessment audiotapes of the observation.
We collected information on the teachers
through interviews, informal interactions and Analyses
formal and informal observations. These data The data, collected over the four-year period
were collected in the spring of Year 0, prior to on each of the teachers, were analyzed over
teachers’ involvement in the current project, and a three-year period. Analysis involved develop-
again in Years 1, 2, and 3 as the teachers engaged ing a coding scheme that elaborated teacher
in the project. change within CGI (see Fennema et al., 1996 or
Franke et al., 1997 for a description of the
Interviews. We conducted two types of formal scheme). We examined teacher development in
interviews with the teachers. The first type, terms of the teachers’ beliefs, knowledge and
a general belief interview, took place at the end classroom practices. After completing initial
of each school year. Within the general belief analysis on all teachers and coding for reliability,
interview teachers discussed: (a) how they would we choose three cases for further analysis. We
introduce a particular concept, (b) how they divided each case into time segments. We then
would introduce a particular symbol, (c) their analyzed each segment in more detail using the
goals for student learning about mathematics framework created for the earlier analysis. After
during the year, and (d) their views of their role this step, we developed hypotheses related to the
and the role of their students. teachers’ development. We used the differences
The second, a post-observation interview, in the three cases to elaborate both our hypothe-
took place following two days of observation in ses and our culling of the data. We then cycled
the teacher’s classroom. To begin the interview, through the data several more times each time
the researcher put forth a description of the testing our hypotheses and creating new elabor-
problems posed during the most recent observa- ated hypothesis along with examples to either

support or disconfirm them. We report our cur- ponents to her mathematics instruction: a seg-
rent hypotheses and data. ment of what she considered ‘doing CGI’ and
then the continuation of her existing mathemat-
ics teaching. She stated that she wanted the
‘experiences’ she provided for the children ‘to be
The results section describes the abbreviated meaningful’ so she incorporated word problems,
stories of Ms Nathan, Ms Carroll, and Ms demonstrated strategies using manipulatives
Andrew.2 In each case, we trace the teacher’s and talked through procedures. In examining
development from the beginning of this project. the Year 1 data, we found no examples of Ms.
The cases are organized by time sequence. With- Nathan questioning a student about a strategy.
in each case, specific points in time are high-
lighted in order to illustrate the changes made by ¹he change in ½ear 2. The major turning
the individual teacher. Our goal here is to pro- point in Ms Nathan’s change process came dur-
vide a flavor for how teachers’ listening to their ing Year 2. Ms Nathan told us that she took the
students’ mathematical thinking can lead to multiplication and division word problems dis-
self-sustaining, generative change. cussed in the workshops and used them at the
The cases of Ms Nathan, Ms Carroll and Ms beginning of the school year. She told us that she
Andrew begin to demonstrate the role that lis- was not planning to start with multiplication
tening to and understanding children’s thinking and division content until later in the year but
can play in developing self-sustaining, generative she wanted to pose some of the word problems
change. The teachers differed fundamentally in to the children and see what they could do. Ms
their engagement in practical inquiry. For Ms Nathan reported that she tried to let the children
Nathan, hearing her students’ thinking before solve them in any way that they wished. At this
her formal instruction occurred allowed her to point Ms Nathan was having some difficulty
begin to rethink her beliefs and classroom prac- articulating her thoughts, but in the following
tice. Ms Nathan was surprised, not only by what segment she tells of her use of these problems
her students could already do, but also by the and how she posed them without the ‘drilling of
fact that what they did fit with what she had facts’ (without her intervening with a strategy).
learned about children’s thinking. Ms Nathan And even in the early sets of problems I put multi-
now had a reason to listen to her students and to plication-type problems. Multiplication and division
create opportunities for them to share. Ms with the... the word problems. So, originally with
Carroll engaged her children in thinking about these problems they [the students] used counters and
manipulatives at the same time they were doing addi-
mathematics and believed it was important to tion and subtraction. Without really doing any drill-
use her children’s thinking to make instructional ing on facts and that sort of thing.
decisions. Yet, she focused on her practice with-
out engaging in inquiry related to the specifics Posing problems without providing the children
of the children’s mathematical thinking. Ms with a strategy allowed Ms Nathan to learn about
Andrew successfully listened to her children her children’s mathematical thinking and see
from early on in the process of change. She could that the children could solve problems without
describe in detail the thinking of her students, explicit instruction, using a variety of strategies.
why it was important for her to understand her
students, and how what she knew about the Continuing the change. Following this episode,
students fit into a broader framework of chil- Ms Nathan’s practice began to look different as
dren’s mathematical thinking. did her discussion of the children’s mathematical
thinking. Ms Nathan provided the children op-
Ms Nathan portunities to solve a variety of problems and
allowed them to discuss how they were thinking
¹he beginning. During the first year of the about them. Instead of intervening with chil-
project, Ms Nathan told us that she was not dren, she allowed them to persevere in their own
convinced that implementing CGI would enable strategies. This was particularly evident when
her to reach her goals for her students. Ms Ms Nathan interacted with children who were at
Nathan told us that she had two separate com- an impasse. Here, Ms Nathan would generally
Self-Sustaining Generative Change 73

ask a question, reread the problem or make the Ms Nathan would have been happy that Danny
problem context more explicit. had said, ‘add all those’ and would have gone on
to tell him how to set up the problem.
Ms Nathan: [Ms Nathan posed the word At the end of Year 2, Ms Nathan had grown in
problem to the class. She was both her beliefs and classroom practice. She
walking around the room lis- posed problems to her class that allowed them to
tening to the children attempt- explore their mathematical thinking. She pro-
ing to solve the problem and vided the students opportunities to talk about
interacting with different chil- their mathematical thinking, and she resisted
dren. She stops next to Danny interrupting the children and telling them how
and rereads the problem.] to solve a given problem. However, as
Bailiff Louis is standing at the Ms Nathan would have told you, she continued
drawbridge. He collects 26 to struggle. She felt that it was having access to
coins. So Bailiff Louis collected specific problems to pose that helped her to
26 coins on each of 3 days. So change.
each of the 3 days he collected
26 coins at the drawbridge. I’m sort of a practical person by nature, and I guess
the things that helped the most were some of the
We’re doing the one on the practical things you gave us, the problem types, see-
board. OK, he turned in 67 ing the kids on the video tapes. I think I am less
coins to Sir William. Was that philosophical at this point in my life. So particularly
the right amount? when you gave us the different multiplication types
and division types, and we could use those to inte-
Danny: I don’t know how to do it. grate with problems that really worked well.
Ms Nathan: Think about it; think how he,
what? Ms Nathan was beginning to reflect on her
Michelle: [Trying to clarify meaning of children’s thinking in relation to her own think-
problem.] Um, 26 coins on ing; she was beginning to engage in practical
each of 3 days, and then each, inquiry related to the development of children’s
in 3 days or mathematical thinking.
Ms Nathan: N-, no, it means on Monday he
And so maybe that’s a more sophisticated thing [a
collected 26, on Tuesday he class of strategies] that I need to lead kids into. And
collected 26, and on Wednes- sometimes I think I know them [the children] well,
day he collected- but when I design things I don’t know them as well as
Danny: Add all those? I think I do. Or I see that their mind doesn’t work the
Ms Nathan: I’m not going g-, I’m just giving same way as mine does...And I didn’t know as much.
It takes me a while, you know. But I think I do know
you the clues, telling you what these kids better.
actually happened, Danny. So
on Monday, he collected 26, She realized that her expectations were often
Tuesday 26, Wednesday 26. It not in line with the children’s thinking and that
was at the drawbridge. His job the way the children thought about the prob-
was to collect the fares or the lems was not the way she might.
tariffs. He turned over 26, he
turned over 67 coins. That Ms Nathan’s change. Ms. Nathan started to
means he gave Sir William 67 listen to her students. She appreciated that her
coins. ‘‘Was that the correct students could invent strategies. She changed
amount?’’ Don’t answer yet. her role and listened to students’ strategies
Let’s give people space to rather than showing them what to do. When Ms
work. [Pause] ‘If not, what Nathan experimented to see what her children
happened?’ [Ms. Nathan could do, her beliefs and classroom practice
moves to Jenny] OK. changed. Ms Nathan sustained her change
throughout the remainder of the project. How-
This type of interchange was not seen at all ever, it is unclear whether Ms Nathan’s change
in Ms Nathan’s prior observations. In the past, will become generative. We do not know if

Ms Nathan will focus on analyzing and making with the children. She did not talk specifically or
conjectures about her children’s mathematical in much depth about her children’s thinking.
thinking or will use that thinking as the basis for After searching all of her interviews and obser-
her instructional decisions. We are not proposi- vations, the most specific, in depth examples
ng that Ms Nathan will not change further. Yet, came from her post-observation interview in the
as we shall see in the next case, moving to a level Spring of Year 3.
in which knowledge of children’s thinking is
viewed as a basis for continued practical inquiry And I was real pleased at, you know, some of the
little odds and ends strategies that came up. And the
does not necessarily come easily. thought of removing the petals [how she labeled one
of the students strategies] I liked that. That was a nice
way to explain. They explained well, I thought. And
Ms Carroll so that tells me that they are more comfortable. Just
keep them on it.
Ms Carroll initially talked in an informed way
about CGI. Her classroom had the signs of Because what you do, you listen and you file this
a teacher listening to her students’ mathematical away [a child’s strategy] so that the next time these
thinking; she posed problems to her students come up, you know, I wanted to tell Jose, ‘‘Oh wasn’t
that a clever way that you did so and so?’’ And I’m
and allowed them to solve them in their own going to tell Max, ‘‘I really liked when you were still
ways. Yet at the end of the project, she was not kept talking about thousands 2 And so you file
yet using what she learned from her children in away all those things that you can tell kids what
making instructional decisions. Somehow, Ms a good job they did. And then they know that, you
understand and then they’re more willing to take the
Carroll was unable to engage in practical in- risk because they know that it was okay that they
quiry that would enable her to build on chil- tried. And even when people forget what they are
dren’s mathematical thinking in her classroom going to say, I say, ‘‘Oh, I’m glad you tried.’’
Keisha is not [okay with the tens concept]. She’s
direct one to one. And it’s okay for her. And she’ll just
Prior to our project. Ms Carroll learned about have to keep working on it. Like, keep going over it.
CGI when she student taught with one of our She’ll get there.
most experienced CGI teachers. Through her
experience, Ms Carroll was exposed to both the In these examples, Ms Carroll commented on
research-based knowledge about children’s strategies of specific children. She talked about
mathematical thinking and how that knowledge the strategies being clever, the children being
might be put into practice. In our first observa- comfortable and having a nice way to explain
tions and discussions with Ms Carroll, it was their thinking. She never explicitly dealt with the
clear that she believed children could solve prob- substance of the strategies the students used.
lems in a variety of ways. She told us she felt Even when she talked about the place-value
strongly that children should solve problems in knowledge of Jose and Keisha, she did it in
their own ways. In her lessons, Ms Carroll general terms. The generality of these comments
routinely provided students an opportunity to stands in contrast to Ms Andrew’s comments
solve problems and share their thinking. She about children’s thinking in the third case.
elicited different strategies and responded to stu-
dents in a way that demonstrated how she Ms Carroll’s change. Over four years, Ms Car-
valued all strategies. Ms Carroll said, ‘We dis- roll changed in her beliefs about CGI. She came
cuss the problem and how somebody solved it. to believe that she should build on what her
How somebody else solved it. ‘Is one way right?’ students knew about mathematics. But this be-
‘No.’ ‘What’s best for you?’’. lief alone did not enable Ms Carroll to change
During problem solving, Ms Carroll allowed how she made use of children’s mathematical
students to direct much of the course of events. thinking in her daily practice. We see this as due
The children made up the problems that the to Ms Carroll’s not knowing or attempting to
class solved, and the children elicited different understand the specifics of children’s thinking.
solution strategies. However, as you can see in Although she realized that children could solve
the statements below, Ms Carroll continued to problems in a variety of ways she never de-
think about her own behaviors as she interacted veloped an understanding of exactly what the
Self-Sustaining Generative Change 75

children knew. In not searching out the specifics she would reflect on her framework about the
of the children’s thinking she missed out development of children’s thinking. She de-
on developing her own understanding about the veloped a deep understanding of the children’s
principled ideas — how the children’s specific thinking that allowed her to build on her chil-
ideas were connected to one another in concep- dren’s thinking within her ongoing practice. Ms
tual ways — that could help her make decisions. Andrew exemplifies the notion of generative
She did not possess the understandings of change; she was always adapting and building
children’s thinking that would support her on what she knew about the development of
belief that she should build on the children’s children’s thinking and using that as she interac-
thinking. ted with her students.
We did not see evidence of Ms Carroll engag-
ing in practical inquiry about the development Prior to CGI. In our initial observations and
of children’s thinking. She was most concerned interviews, Ms Andrew operated as if she did not
that the children shared, that they each had realize that her students could solve problems
a way to solve the problem, and that at times the without being told how to solve them. She fo-
ways they shared varied. She did not use student cused on getting the students to remember the
thinking to help her pose particular problems, to procedures she presented. Ms Andrew imple-
ask particular questions of the students, and so mented this approach well. In the first lesson
on. This approach did not create problems for that we observed, she was working with her class
Ms Carroll, except when her expectations differ- on subtraction problems that involved regroup-
ed from what the students actually did. Then she ing. Ms Andrew told us that she felt it was her
would lead them down her path rather than responsibility to show the children strategies,
their own. Often her lessons and interactions ‘‘You have to show them how to regroup in
with the students provided open-ended oppor- order to subtract’’. A ‘pass the chalk’ activity, in
tunities for student learning, but they did not which each child did one step in the standard
build in any particular ways on the children’s algorithm, exemplified both her classroom prac-
mathematical thinking. tice and her beliefs about the teaching and learn-
Ms Carroll sustained her initial classroom ing of mathematics.
practices. These classroom practices allowed for
some productive learning opportunities for her Ms Andrew: Now we are going to learn about
students. However, Ms Carroll’s change was not the same ideas with three digit
generative for her own learning. Within the numbers [referring to earlier work
scope of this project, she was unable to learn by on two digit addition problems:]
analyzing her students’ thinking. Thus, her case Let’s try one together [points to
demonstrates how focusing on implementing as- the board as she talks and writes:]
pects of a project without coming to understand
the principled ideas can lead to self-sustaining 23
but not generative change. #39
3 and 9 is what?
Ms Andrew Ss: 12
Ms Andrew: You tell me what to do, pretend
The case of Ms Andrew shows how experi- I am the student, put down the
mentation about practice can entail analysis of Ss: 2, carry the one
children’s thinking and generative change. Ms Ms Andrew: but where do I carry this
Andrew, initally traditional in her approach to Ss: tens
teaching mathematics, changed dramatically in Ms Andrew: All right, we don’t want to skip
both her beliefs and classroom practice through- the tens otherwise he is going to
out the four years of the project. Ms Andrew feel bad. We go right next door,
never tired of learning about her children’s now we add our tens [she demon-
thinking, consistently seeking to understand the strates on the board] that’s pretty
details and nuances of children’s strategies. With easy isn’t it, and remember not to
the specifics that she learned from her students, skip a column. Let’s see if we can

pass the chalk and have some- ——] I’d like to have you tell me
body else come up here. how you did that, Kevin [pointing
to the answer of 113 that is written
Ms Andrew carefully went over the procedure on his paper].
so that all children could learn the steps. The Kevin: I did it with my fingers.
students actively participated in the lesson. Ms Andrew: How did you do that with your
Their participation entailed coming to the board fingers?
and adding their step or chorally responding to Kevin: I counted like. I counted up the 30
Ms Andrew’s questions. The students did not, or 80 and then I had, and the
however, share their mathematical thinking. The I counted out 2 , 34 more and
only strategy discussed throughout this and the [telling, not showing].
other observed lesson was the standard subtrac- Ms Andrew: And how did you do that?
tion algorithm. Kevin: I counted [holds up one finger for
each count] 1, 2, 3, 2 11, 12 [al-
Following a year of CGI. When we observed ternating from hand to hand] 21,
and interviewed Ms Andrew at the end of Year 22 2 34, and then I counted 80
1 it was not difficult to see that both her beliefs more. 1, 2, [starts counting fingers
and her classroom practice had changed dra- again] 3, 4, 2
matically. She posed problems in contexts rel- Ms Andrew: How did you count 80 more? [in-
evant to her students, allowed the students to terrupted as Kevin counts on his
solve the problems in their own ways, provided fingers]
opportunities for them to share their thinking, Kevin: 12, 13, 14, [counts by ones holding
listened to their mathematical thinking, and up a finger for each number and
asked questions that clarified her own thinking alternating hands] 2 80. And
as well as theirs. Ms Andrew told us, ‘‘each kid I came up with 113.
does what is comfortable for him and at the level Ms Andrew: I don’t understand though how
he is at; [they use] strategies that they develop you got from 80 to 113 when you
on their own, according to their comfort level were counting by ones. Can you
and their knowledge and their background.’’ explain how you got up there?
Ms Andrew’s desire and effort to understand I didn’t hear you get up to 113.
her children’s mathematical thinking were not Kevin: I just counted to 80, and then
apparent in her interactions with students prior I counted this many more [point-
to CGI or in her initial interviews with re- ing to the 34].
searchers. After a year of CGI, however, both her Ms Andrew: Can you explain how you did
interactions with the children and her state- that? Cuz I didn’t quite under-
ments about them indicate that Ms Andrew was stand it from the way you did it
learning what her children understood about the first time [Kevin appears con-
mathematics. When she did not understand fused]. How did you get this num-
what her children were trying to tell her or what ber, 113 [pointing to Kevin’s
they understood about the mathematics, she paper]. What did you do? Do you
worked to understand what they were thinking. remember?
Ms Andrew listened to her children, asked ques- Kevin: Hmhm [shakes head].
tions to get at the depth of their understanding, Ms Andrew: How could you solve that?
and spent time reflecting on what she had Kevin: Start it with my fingers.
learned. Ms Andrew: Start it with your fingers. Is there
anyway you could show me how
Ms Andrew: [speaking to the class] Remember you got it by your fingers. I know
to try these [problems] 2 ways. you were counting 1, 2, 3, 4 up to
[ goes to Kevin] Can you tell me 34, and then you counted 1, 2, 3, 4,
how you did that? [pointing to up to 80, but I didn’t hear how
student’s work on a word problem you got up to 113 from that. How
with the structure 34#80" did you do that?
Self-Sustaining Generative Change 77

Kevin: I did like. I counted 80, and then on a lesson in which she posed the problem,
I counted this [pointing to num- ‘124#137,’ she described the different ways
ber 34], and then I got up to this children had used knowledge of tens to solve the
[pointing to his answer of 113]. problem:
Ms Andrew: Could you show me how you did
that? You said you counted 80. One child had one hundred plus one hundred is
two hundred, he said, I know that. And then I know
Did you actually count up to 80 that twenty and thirty is fifty, and then I know that
or did you start with 80. seven and four is eleven. Well, I saw a couple of
Kevin: I just started with 80, and then different ways of adding on. Allison said, well, I had
I put that many more [pointing to two hundred and fifty and seven more was two hun-
dred and fifty-seven. And then she counted up four
34] with 80 and came up with this more. Okay? Then I had another child do that 2 it
[pointing to 113 answer]. was two hundred and fifty and eleven more. Well,
Ms Andrew: Ok, could you show me how you I know there’s another ten in eleven. So that was two
started with 80 and did that many hundred six 2 and so we [the other students and I]
more? I’d like to see that. saw a lot of neat things out of that problem.
Kevin: 80, 81 [starting counting on his
thumb], 82, 83 [holding up a fin- Knowledge of individuals’ mathematical
ger for each number and alternat- thinking guided the instruction in Ms Andrew’s
ing hands as he counts - it is not class. She told us more than once that she used
apparent that he is keeping track her notes about how children solved problems
of 10s] 2 113. when she was writing new problems to make
Ms Andrew: And how many more was that, sure that she had problems that matched indi-
then? You’ve got 1, 2, 3 and it was vidual children’s needs. When asked if anything
34 more. So, you’re really close that occurred during a classroom observation
aren’t ya? If it’s, you counted 30. would help her decide what to teach next, Ms
I saw you count 30 with your fin- Andrew responded at length. She focused her
gers, but then you needed 34 and response on three specific children. She detailed
you counted 31, 32, 33 [pointing the strategies they had used, and described how
to Kevin’s fingers starting with she would try to get them to extend their strat-
thumb, Kevin counting along] 34. egies to more difficult problem situations in fol-
So do you know what that would lowing lessons.
be? You were up to 113. What By Year 3, Ms Andrew rarely made a decision
would that be if you had one that was not consistent with how her students
more? were thinking about the mathematics. In talking
Kevin: 114. about her role she said,
Ms Andrew: See, the first time I was really con-
I am a decision maker. I have to decide where the
fused, but now I see what you did. kids are. And then I have to use my knowledge about
where the kids are, where they’re at in my class, you
Notice how often Ms Andrew asked, ‘‘how did know, it’s like the difference between knowing what
you do that?’’ in this interaction. She worked at Jacob can do on one end to what Mike isn’t doing or
should be doing on the other end. Or what he is doing.
not leading the child, while at the same time And then I have to come up with the story problems
genuinely trying to understand the specifics of to get these kids to use their skills, to improve their
how the child was solving the problem. Know- skills. You know, to maybe, if they’re at one level, to
ing that he used his fingers was not enough; Ms boost them up. To have them build on what they
Andrew wanted to know how he was using his already know, and yet still be confident about what
they are doing and not get frustrated about what
fingers. Consistently, as Ms Andrew engaged they’re doing. Like I said, be good listeners to each
with her students, as she probed, listened and other, to kind of piggy back off of each other. I feel
reflected, she worked on developing a coherent that I am more of a guide and not like a dictator.
picture of the students’ understandings.
Ms Andrew could describe in detail what had Ms Andrew’s change. During our final formal
occurred as different children interacted with interview with Ms Andrew, she was quite articu-
a given problem. For example, when reflecting late about CGI and her changes in relation to

CGI. Ms Andrew’s ongoing reflection was cap- They engaged in the same workshop sessions,
tured in part by her excitement about what her they interacted with project staff, and they each
children could do with mathematics. She found interacted with their students and colleagues.
it fun to try and understand the children’s solu- However, the teachers engaged in different levels
tions and how those solutions related to ways of practical inquiry and as a consequence, we see
that other children and she herself might solve different patterns of change. Ms Nathan experi-
the problems. mented to see if her students could solve a multi-
plication problem. Her students were successful
You know, why we ever left them [children] out of so she continued to engage in this level of practi-
it is beyond me, but it’s like we knew all, as teachers,
and this is what they were supposed to learn and this cal inquiry. Ms Carroll also provided her stu-
is their curriculum and this is the way you had to dents opportunities to solve problems and
teach it. Well now they can do that and even more. discuss alternative solutions. However, she was
I mean, they’re doing even more than I ever believed already doing this when the project began. This
a second grader could do. You know, I often bring my
problems home and say, look at this problem. I say to
type of inquiry sustained her practice but did
my husband, look at what this kid can do. And I brag not provide a basis for continued change. Ms
about it to my family and my friends whenever I can. Carroll was excited about her students’ creative
And so I think if anything, it’s raised my expectations solutions to problems. Yet, because she did not
of kids at this level. You know, we’re talking about struggle to understand the children’s thinking,
seven year olds doing multiplication problems that
I would never have dreamt of doing. I mean, I often she had no basis for growth, for attempting to
give them to my fourth grade girl myself. And she has figure out how to adapt problems and routines
struggled. And so I say, well, gee, these are some of the to help students expand their current under-
problems my second graders are doing. So it really standing. Like Ms Nathan and Ms Carroll, Ms
makes me feel very good, the fact that what we’re
doing is right. It really reinforces that. So I’d say it’s
Andrew initially was concerned with the prob-
done a lot of changing in our thinking 2 . Even as lems her students could solve. However, Ms
a teacher. You know, I’ve learned a lot just from Andrew quite quickly moved to a different level
listening to some of these kids. I’m thinking, wow, of practical inquiry; She started focusing on the
I never figured it out that way. But you know, I even details of what her students’ reported, and she
find myself using some of their ways. I mean, it’s
a riot 2 and that’s what’s kind of neat about this, is struggled to understand what the strategies they
that you find yourself drawing these analogies and reported implied about their developing under-
saying, well, what do you think about the way so and standing. The struggle to understand student
so did it? thinking represented a different level of practical
inquiry than we saw with Ms Nathan and Ms
Ms Andrew not only sustained the earlier Carroll, a level that provided a basis for Ms
changes she had made but continued to grow. Andrew’s continued growth. At this point we do
Ms Andrew continually learned from her stu- not know whether Ms Nathan will attain this
dents. She reflected on what she had learned, level of practical inquiry. Ms Carroll’s example
worked to figure out what it meant and what she suggests that not all teachers readily make the
might do about it. Ms Andrew understood that transition to the level of practical inquiry that we
she needed to build on her children’s mathemat- saw Ms Andrew undertake.
ical thinking, she also realized that she needed to What distinguished Ms Andrew from the
understand the children’s thinking in detailed other two teachers was how she conceptualized
and connected ways in order to accomplish this. about her knowledge. Ms Nathan and Ms
Thus, Ms Andrew continued to develop her con- Carroll regarded the knowledge that they ac-
ceptual frameworks related to the development quired in the teacher development program as
of children’s mathematical thinking and she con- relatively static. They learned that children
ceived of herself as a learner, learning from her could construct strategies to solve a variety of
students in the context of her classroom. types of problems. They tried out the problems
in their classes and found that their children
Discussion could solve them. In other words, Ms Nathan and
Ms Carroll engaged in practical inquiry to deter-
Ms Nathan, Ms Carroll and Ms Andrew had mine whether what they learned in the CGI classes
access to similar opportunities for learning. applied to their students. They found that it did,
Self-Sustaining Generative Change 79

and this confirmation supported their continued ematical thinking, but we did not appreciate
use of a variety of problems and classroom rou- exactly what would be involved for teachers to
tines that involved children inventing their own reconstruct this knowledge. We now understand
solutions to problems. Yet, Ms Nathan and Ms that for teachers to build on children’s math-
Carroll did not view understanding their children’s ematical thinking they need to engage in practi-
thinking as a way to continue to learn and grow cal inquiry that focuses on the details of their
as teachers. In contrast, for Ms Andrew under- children’ thinking and informs their conceptual
standing each child’s thinking was a primary goal. frameworks. We have seen that the ways
By struggling to truly understand each child, her teachers engage in practical inquiry with stu-
knowledge of children’s thinking continued to dents, in their classrooms, is critical. We have
grow, and her practice continued to evolve. learned that we may need to place more empha-
sis on teachers’ using their emerging knowledge
to engage in practical inquiry directed at the
Growth in Professional Development
development of their own students’ thinking.
A major tenet of CGI is that helping teachers We do not know why Ms Andrew reached
to understand the development of children’s a point where she engaged in practical inquiry
mathematical thinking can provide the basis for focused on understanding the development of
fundamental change in teachers’ beliefs and her students’ thinking. However, what we have
practice. Similarly, we believe that understand- learned from Ms Nathan, Ms Carroll and Ms
ing the developmental patterns of teachers’ Andrew does help us understand our profes-
knowledge, beliefs, and practice is critical for sional development approach. We have learned
learning how to plan programs for the profes- how CGI could be focused more explicitly to
sional development of teachers. Just as teachers engage teachers in analyzing their students’
like Ms Andrew use the development of chil- thinking and challenging both their own notions
dren’s mathematical thinking to drive their and the research notions about how that think-
instructional practices, the patterns of develop- ing develops. We have learned that we could be
ment in teachers’ thinking and classroom practi- more explicit with teachers about investigating
ces can provide a basis for the analysis of teacher and recreating understanding of the develop-
development programs. In thinking about the ment of children’s thinking for themselves. We
professional development for teachers, we need also have learned that it is important for profes-
to reach the level of practical inquiry that Ms sional development personnel to attend to how
Andrew engaged in. We need to understand teachers are engaging in practical inquiry related
what teachers are capable of and refocus our to the development of children’s thinking. We
goals for teacher development in light of this have seen that struggling ourselves to under-
understanding. If we are concerned with self- stand how the teachers are thinking about the
sustaining, generative change in teachers, our development of children’s mathematical think-
goals need to include fostering the kind of stance ing not only allows us to better understand
toward knowledge that we saw illustrated in the teacher development but also provides a forum
case of Ms Andrew. for teachers and researchers to engage in mul-
Rather than focusing on the details of profes- tiple levels of practical inquiry.
sional development, we have attempted to
understand the principled ideas that provide the
basis for practical inquiry. Beginning with our Conclusions
early work, we have focused on enabling
teachers to build on their children’s existing Our research suggests that professional devel-
mathematical thinking. We hypothesized that opment focused on children’s mathematical
the conceptual framework created by re- thinking provides a basis for teachers to engage
searchers investigating the development of chil- in ongoing practical inquiry directed at under-
dren’s mathematical thinking would be standing their own students’ thinking and thus,
a powerful tool for teachers. We realized that the provides a basis for teachers to engage in self-
teachers would not simply assimilate the re- sustaining, generative growth. This focus creates
search-based knowledge about children’s math- opportunities for the teachers’ classrooms to

become environments for continued learning Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American
and enables teachers to connect their knowledge Educational Research Association, San Francisco.
of children’s thinking to daily interactions with Borko, H., & Putnam, R. (1996). Learning to teach.
In D. Berliner, & R. Calfee (Eds.), Handbook of educa-
children. Viewing the classroom as a place for tional psychology (pp. 673—708). New York, NY:
continued teacher learning, and focused inquiry Macmillan.
as a way to learn within that environment Brown, A., & Campione, J. (1996). Psychological theory and
pushes our conceptions of professional develop- the design of innovative learning environments: On
procedures, principles, and systems. In L. Schauble,
ment. The critical questions become how can & R. Glaser (Eds.), Innovations in learning (pp. 289—326).
professional development foster this learning pro- Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
cess; and how do different teachers, involved in Carpenter, T. P., Fennema, E., & Franke, M. L. (1996).
different professional development opportunities, Cognitively guided instruction: A knowledge base for
reform in primary mathematics instruction. Elementary
accomplish self-sustaining, generative change. School Journal, 97 (1), 1—20.
Carpenter, T. P., Fennema, E., Peterson, P. L., & Carey,
Acknowledgements D. A. (1988). Teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge
of students’ problem solving in elementary arithmetic.
We would like to thank our many colleagues, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 19,
teachers and researchers, whose dedication and Carpenter, T. P., Ansell, A., Franke, M. L, Fennema, E.,
insight made this project possible. We would also & Weisbeck, L. (1993). A study of kindergarten children’s
like to thank those who carefully reviewed our problem-solving processes. Journal for Research in
manuscript especially the reviewers, Hilda Borko, Mathematics Education, 24, 428—441.
Dana, T. M., Campbell, L. M., & Lunetta, V. N. (1997).
Ralph Putnam and Elham Kazemi. The research Theoretical bases for reform of science teacher education.
reported in this study was supported in part by Elementary School Journal, 97 (4), 419—432.
the National Science Foundation under Grant Fennema, E., Carpenter, T. P., Franke, M. L., Levi, L.,
Numbers MDR-8955346 and MDR-8550236 and Jacobs, V., & Empson, S. (1996). A longitudinal study of
in part by the Educational Research and Devel- learning to use children’s thinking in mathematics in-
struction. Journal for Research in Mathematics Educa-
opment Centers Program (PR/A R305A60007) tion, 27, 403—434.
as administered by the Office of Educational Franke, M. L., Fennema, E., & Carpenter, T. P. (1997).
Research and Improvement. The opinions ex- Changing teachers: Interactions between beliefs and
pressed in this chapter are those of the authors classroom practice. In E. Fennema, & B. Nelson (Eds.)
Mathematics teachers in transition. New Jersey: Lawrence
and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Erlbaum Associates
funding agencies. Fuson, K. (1992). Research on whole number addition and
subtraction. In D. Grouws (Ed.), Handbook of research on
Notes mathematics teaching and learning (pp. 243—275). New
York: Macmillan.
Richardson, V. (1995). A theory of teacher change and the
1 In our work, we do not emphasize this dichotomy be- practice of staff development: A case in reading instruction.
tween practical inquiry and formal research. If research New York: Teachers College Press.
provides the basis for helping teachers to engage in practical Richardson, V. (1994). Conducting research on practice. Edu-
inquiry. In particular, research development of children’s cational Researcher, 23 (5), 5—10.
mathematical thinking (e.g. Carpenter et al., 1993; Fuson, Schifter, D. (April. 1997). Developing operation sense as
1992) serves as a basis for engagement in practical inquiry as a foundation for Algebra. Paper presented at the Annual
teachers build models of their students’ thinking. Meeting of the American Educational Research Associ-
2 Complete cases for each of these teachers are available ation, Chicago, IL.
upon request. Schifter, D., & Fosnot, C.T. (1993). Reconstructing mathemat-
ics education: Stories of teachers meeting the challenge of
References reform. New York: Teachers College Press.
Sherin, M. G. (April 1997). ¼hen teaching becomes learning.
Barnett, C. S., & Sather, S. (1992). Using case discussions to Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American
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