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“Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder”. Everyone has their own interpretation of beauty and
what makes a person beautiful. One’s beauty shouldn’t be judged just by their physical
appearances as each and every one of us is beautiful in our own way whether others see it or not.
However, society diminishes this ideal by deciding what is beautiful and what is not. People with
attractive looks and prepossessing bodies has been the definition of beauty in society and others
who lack these desired qualities are considered ‘ugly’. In my opinion, beauty is not a singular
thing that can be defined with one simple interpretation. It is a quality that clothes in myriad of
forms and one’s beauty should not be judged by the standards that has been appointed by today’s
First of all, I think beauty is a reflection of our devotion to life. It is the significance of the role
we play in life that makes other’s lives better. Our true beauty shines when we strive to support
and nurture the blossoming of life. This could be the simple act of tilling soil and planting trees
or the power of the loud sweaty and painful sound of bringing new life to this world. Even the
simplicity of a crossing guard ensuring the safety of our children crossing the road or the gentle
soul of a mother heartfully cooking lunch for the family. Simply put, the true beauty of a person
is portrayed through our devotion for life. Even the simplest role we play in life that enhances
other’s lives depicts the true beauty within us.
Besides that, I believe that beauty is the ability to value every aspect of life and to enjoy all the
little things in life. When we finally learn to appreciate the simple elements in life, only then can
we truly see the beauty within us. It seems so simple and insignificant and yet it is something
that many people fail to do because of the complexity of life they experience. Society nowadays
is too focused on much pressing issues that they fail to stop and appreciate the little things in life
that carries bliss. This doesn’t have to be spending a lot of money on expensive clothes or
driving luxurious cars. It could be enjoying ice cream with your friends or even a nice picnic at
the park or whatever makes us happy in life. Once we learn to find joy even in the simplest
aspects of life, we could actually see the world in a whole new perspective. As such, we can all
be beautiful if we could learn to appreciate the little things in life.
In conclusion to my topic, beauty can be found in the least expected places in life. We shouldn’t
determine one’s beauty from just one aspect because beauty is skin-deep. Therefore, it is
essential that we break the platitude of the interpretation of beauty that society dictates because
beauty is something that we can find within us without others telling us so. We should all learn
to appreciate the inside beauty of a person as it’s what’s in the inside that makes us beautiful.

(529 words)

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