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Joseph and Mary Academy

Rainbow Ave.,Pacita II, San Pedro Laguna

Character Building Activities- GRADE 6

Teacher: Ms. Alyssa Mae F. Dapadap Date: ______________ Parent’s Signature: _______
I. Choose the BEST answer.
1. What is puberty?
a. A period in human development during which your body transforms as you go from
child to adult
b. A period in human development during which your body transforms as you go from
adulthood to retirement
c. A period in human develop during which you undergo several mental changes
d. All of the options are correct
2. Sometimes people have pimples during puberty. This is normally caused by _____.
a. catching a virus
b. worrying too much about things
c. getting too much sun
d. a natural increase in the skin’s oils
3. During puberty, _____ begins to grow under a person’s arms and in the pubic area.
a. hair c. perspiration
b. pimples d. layers of fat
4. When people reach puberty, they need to take showers and wash their hair more often than
when they were young children because _____.
a. they get dirtier than young children
b. they perspire more than young children
c. they need to use up extra energy
d. showers help you grow faster
5. Which of the following is NOT the major change in woman body during puberty?
a. Skin becomes oily, sometimes with pimples or acne
b. Hair increases on legs, under arms, and in pubic area.
c. Perspiration increases and body odor may appear.
d. All of the above
II. Read and comprehend the story about the “Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant and briefly
answer the following questions. (5 points each)

Guy de Maupassant
The short story "The Necklace" by Guy De Maupassant takes place in France several hundred
years ago. Mathilde Loisel lives in a flat with her husband, who works as a clerk for the Minister of
Education. Their lives are not luxurious, but they are not poor, merely simple. Mathilde, however, longs
to be rich. She envies her friend Jeanne who has a large house and lots of jewelry.

One day her husband brings home an invitation to a ball. He thinks his wife will be excited to
attend such a fancy party, but instead she is upset. She complains that she has nothing suitable to wear
to such an extravagant occasion. Her kind husband agrees to give her the four hundred francs that he
had been saving to buy a new rifle to get her a gown.
The week of the party, Mathilde seems anxious again. When her husband asks her why, she frets
that she has no jewelry to wear with her dress. He suggests that perhaps she could borrow something
from her friend Jeanne Forestier. Mathilde goes to Jeanne's house and picks out a sparkling diamond
necklace to borrow.

She and her husband attend the gala and have a fabulous time. She loves amazing and dances all
night. Finally, they head home in the wee hours of the morning. When they arrive home, Mathilde
realizes that the necklace is missing. They wonder if it fell off in the carriage that they took home, but
neither of them noticed the number. Her husband goes out to search the streets but returns empty
handed. To stall for time, Mathilde writes to her friend that she broke the clasp and is having it
repaired. In the meantime, they find another necklace that matches the missing one, but it costs thirty-
six thousand francs. Her husband fortunately inherited eighteen thousand francs from his father, but
they will need to borrow the rest of the money. Finally, they have enough to purchase the replacement
necklace and Mathilde gives it to Jeanne who doesn't even look at it.

The next ten years Mathilde's life changes dramatically. They move to a smaller apartment
where she has to cook and clean for herself. She also does work on the side while her husband works
multiple jobs to pay back all the money they borrowed. After the ten years, the money is all paid back,
but Mathilde has aged a great deal.

One day she sees Jeanne Forestier on the street. She decides to tell her the truth about the
necklace. Jeanne is stunned by Mathilde's rough appearance. Mathilde explains that it is indirectly
because of Jeanne since she lost the necklace she borrowed from her and had to pay for a replacement.
Shocked, Jeanne confesses that the necklace Mathilde borrowed was a fake, made of paste, worth no
more than five hundred francs.

1. Do you think Madame Mathilde Loisel is responsible for her downfall? Why/why not?

2. How does Mathilde’s attitude about life differ from her husband’s?
3. If you were in the shoes of Mathilde, will you do the same?
4. Based on Mathilde’s attitude and behavior, what do you think is her life when she was a child?

III. Analyze the given situations below and describe how you will handle and solve the
problems. ( 5 points each)
5. You are the class treasurer keeping the solicited fund for the calamity victims. Your friends are
forcing you to treat them in a fast food restaurant using the portion of the class fund.
6. You saw your classmates cheating during the examination. They even passed to you their notes.
7. Your best friend is spreading rumors about one of your friends. You are very much aware that
what she is saying is not true.
8. Your fifteen-year-old cousin confides in you that she is pregnant. She is planning to have an
9. Someone keeps on sending you pornographic pictures in Facebook. The sender encourages you
to share the pictures to your friends.
10. You see some pupils writing on the walls in the comfort room. They warned you not to say
anything or else they will report that you are the one who made it.

“Good luck to all of you taking your exams. Try your best but remember

there are ways to be successful in life without amazing grades “

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