TLE Food Processing: Quarter 1 - Module 1

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Food Processing

Quarter 1 – Module 1:
Prepare Equipment, Tools
1 and Utensils

What I Need to Know

After going through this module, you are expected to:

 Prepare equipment, tools and utensils TLE_AFFP9-12FR-IIh-i

• Select equipment, tools and utensils for processing food by

fermentation and pickling according to requirements.
• Check and Calibrate equipment, tools and utensils in accordance with
manufacturer’s specifications.
• Prepare and sanitize equipment/utensils for the above food processing
methods are according to manufacturer’s specifications.

Food Processing by
1 Fermentation and Pickling

This module will cater all information with it regards in Preparing Equipment,
Tools and Utensils which is basically find out in our home. In our daily routine, we
used to cook daily, but the question is! Do you familiar all the equipment, tools and
utensils? So, be able to make life so easier! Let us find out!

What’s In

We, know some of you have already experienced cooking food at

home. Most of it you learned from your mother, some through reading cook book,
others from searching on the internet. Who among you here used to prepare food at
home? When we say equipment, tools and utensils, it is something that can find in
Food Processing laboratory or at home. Which are very important in dealing cooking
food that we use to do.

However, due to this pandemic situation, can you give some of the
equipment, tools and utensils that you use at home, while you are preparing food?
Did you check, calibrate, clean and sanitize before using it in your food preparations?
Cleaning and sanitizing have a big part in dealing with equipment, tools and utensils
for our safety precautions. That is the very point to know and follow standards. Can
you tell us now, how will you do it? Are you ready? Let’s start now!

What is It
Are you with me Guys? Are you excited to know more about food processing
procedures (Fermentation/Pickling)? If, Yes! Give me a big virtual hug! How about the
tools, equipment, and utensils used in food processing with its uses and functions?
Let us start.

Read this information then find out how much you can learn.

Fermentation and Pickling Equipment, Tools and Utensils

Equipment, tools, and materials area unit required to process food by
fermentation and pickling of fruits and vegetables. It helps to create our work easier
and quicker. You must remember in a way to use them properly for every task’s
demand. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s manual before using them to
possess a high-quality result.
The equipment commonly used in food fermentation and picking are the

Name of Equipment Functions /Uses Illustration
Refrigerators/freeze Use for food stockpiling and prevent
r bacterial diseases of nourishments
and assist food with remaining
fresh new more.

Blender An electric blending machine

utilized in food grinding for
condensing, slashing, or pureeing.

Gas burner A gadget that delivers a

controlled fire by blending
a fuel gas, for example,
acetylene, petroleum gas
or propane and use for

Gas Range/Oven A thermally protected

chamber utilized for
warming, heating or
drying of a substance
usually utilized for

Impulse sealer A kind of machine use to

seal items, packaging and
other thermoplastic
materials utilizing heat.

Can Sealer A machine that seals the

can top to the can body in
a manner that is totally
water/air proof.

Pressure Cooker A hermetically sealed
preparing gadget that
prepares food rapidly and
for softening less
expensive cuts of meat.

Tools and Utensils

A utensil is a tool that you can hold in your hand and use around the house.
Tools are a thing for use.
The tools and utensils commonly used in food fermentation and pickling are
the following:
Name of Tools and Utensils Functions/uses Illustration

Colander Made of pure, aluminum

or plastic used to empty
washed or cooked fixings
out of fluid.

Cutting Board Made of plastic and wood

used to cut any type of

Funnels A kitchen tools used to

fill jars, made of various
sizes of stainless,
aluminum, or of plastic.

Kitchen Knife It is used to cut and

slicing vegetables and

Name of Tools Functions/uses Illustration
and Utensils

Kitchen They are reasonable for opening food

Shears packages, slicing tape or string to
bundle foods or just to expel names
or labels from things.

Kitchen Tongs Use to turn or lift foods.

Kettle Kitchen tools use to boil water and

to sterilize glass jars and other

Ladle It is a long-handled are useful for

portioning liquid such as stock,
sauces and soups.

Measuring A kitchen tools used to
Cups and measure an accurate
Spoons measurement of any type of powder
or liquid ingredients in cooking.

Sauce Pot It is a cooking pot with two handles

and a lid.

Vegetable Use to scrape vegetables and fruits.


Weighing Scale This hardware is used to quantify

amounts of fixing ingredients.


Procedure in Calibrating
a. Weighing Scale - Check the accuracy, see to it that the hand is pointed
ay zero on an empty weighing scale.

b. Salinometer
- Check the accuracy by measuring 20 o salinometer
brine solution. Check if the salinometer records the
rating correctly.
c. Thermometer - Check the accuracy by dipping it in hot foods, if the
mercury rises to desired temperature.
d. Refractometer - Place a drop of water (preferably distilled) on the
dark circular or rectangular area and close the
cover. A shadow or dark area is visible on the scale
inside the eyepiece. Turn the calibration screw until
the shadow falls on the zero mark. Open the
refractometer cover and dry the cover using soft


One of the cheapest and most available sanitizers in the market is the Chlorine. It
is commonly used in the treatment of water for both household and plant. Moreover,
chlorine is also used to sanitize processing equipment, tools and utensils.

Procedure in Cleaning equipment and Instruments

a. washes all the equipment/Instruments with soap.

b. rinse with clean water.

c. Sanitize by dipping into approved sanitizer solution.

d. Remove from solution.

e. Air dry

Procedure in Sanitizing

a. Prepare all the materials needed.

b. Measure a certain volume of chlorine and water.

c. Mix and dip the equipment/instruments to the mixture.

d. removes from the sanitizer.

e. Dry thoroughly.

Steps in Cleaning and sanitizing Equipment, Tools and utensils



a. Remove all the burnt sediment and wipe grease from top of stove after each

b. Scrape grease from cracks, openings and hinges.

c. When cool, wash top of the stove.

d. keeps burners clean by scrubbing with a cleanser cloth.

e. Wipe with cloth dip in sanitizing solution.


a. Wipe up spilled food immediately.

b. Clean inside shield using cloth dip with water and soap.

c. Rinse using clean wet cloth.

d. Wipe with dry clean cloth.

e. Air dry.

Cooking Utensils:

Steamer, sauce pot, sauce pan and others

a. Drain off fat juices, sauces and strain out sediments.

b. Wash with water and soap.

c. Rinse, dip in sanitizing solution.

d. Wipe with dry clean cloth.

e. Air dry
Cutting Implements and other tools and utensils

a. Clean immediately after using.

b. Remove all remaining particles

c. Wash with water and soap.

d. Rinse and dip in sanitizing solution.

e. Wipe with dry clean cloth.

What’s More

Did you enjoy the lesson, Guys? May I hear your virtual laugh! Let’s find out what
do you understand on the topic. Below are the given tools, equipment, and utensils.
Your answer can be duplicated based on the task requirement.

Activity 5- Sum it Up!

Directions: Summarize the lesson by answering the questions below.Write your
answer in the space provided below.
1. How will you select the equipment tools and utensils in the preparation of
processing food by fermentation and pickling?

2. What are the steps in cleaning and sanitizing equipment, tools and utensils?


Activity 6- Think of Me!

Directions: Listed below are the different equipment, tools, and utensils.
Identify if it is needs to be check and calibrate, or to be clean and sanitize.
Fill out the blanks provided.
Example: Clean and sanitize 1. Stove

__________ 1. Weighing scale

__________ 2. Cutting implements
__________ 3. Salinometer
__________ 4. Food thermometer
__________ 5. Cooking utensils

What I Have Learned

Activity 7 – Fill in Me!

Directions: Read comprehensively the scenario and write your answer in each blank.

Agnes spent her Christmas vacation in her Aunt in a distant town. It was a big,
luxurious old house. During her stay, she observed that her Aunt loved to cook varied

One day her friend invited her to a dry picnic. She planned to cook food. She went to
the kitchen and picked some of the ________, and _______ needed in the preparation.
She prepared the equipment, tools, and utensils by cleaning and sanitizing.

During the preparation, she used _______ for slicing and ______ for vegetables
and fruits in peeling for her salad preparation. She measures some condiments using
_________to seasoned the dish.


Directions: Read comprehensively the questions below. Select the correct answer
by writing the letter of your choice before each number

1. What kind of machine is used to seal items, packaging and other thermoplastic
materials utilizing heat?
a. gas burner
b. refrigerator
c. impulse sealer
d. Pressure cooker
2. Which of the following is a kitchen tools used to fill jars, made of various sizes of
stainless, aluminum, or of plastic?
a. ladle
b. funnel
c. mixing bowl
d. earthen pots

3. Which device used to quantify amounts of fixing ingredients?

a. thermometer
b. weighing scale
c. heavy duty scale
d. clock type weighing scale

4. What device is used to quantify amount of fixing ingredients?

a. thermometer

b. weighing scale
c. measuring cup
d. measuring spoon

5. How do you calibrate a weighing scale device?

a. check the brand of the weighing scale
b. check the type of weighing scale used
c. check the place where the weighing scale is placed
d. check the hand of the weighing scale pointed at zero degree

6. What are the advantage of preparing equipment, tools and utensils prior to
processing of food?
a. prolong shelf life
b. enhance taste and flavor
c. improve nutritional quality
d. fast-paced processing of food

7. How do you disinfect germs and microorganism in a tools, utensils and other
a. wash with soap and rinse with dry cloth
b. wash with soap and wipe with clean water
c. wash with soap, rinse with clean water and sanitize then air dry
d. wash with detergent solution, rinse with clean water, wipe with
clean cloth and keep in the cabinet.
8. What device is used to measure an accurate measurement of any type of powder
or liquid ingredients in cooking?
a. beaker
b. salinometer
c. refractometer
d. measuring cups and spoons
9. Why there is a need to identify the uses of equipment, tools and utensils while
preparing food?
a. hasten the product
b. have a good, fast and safety cooking
c. enhance the quality of the product
d. avoid heavy microbial contamination

10.What tools or utensils are used to hold and for mixing fruits?
a. tong
b. spatula
c. mixing bowl
d. measuring cup and spoon


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