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Record of Attendance

To record time, spend in the office, the employees are required to use the
prescribed attendance recording system at the time arrive in the office in the
morning, time off at lunch break, reporting back to office after lunch, and
departure in the afternoon.

For back up purposes, he also has to record time in/out on the official
logbook of attendance in the office. The employee Daily Time Records shall be
sent after end of the month for signature and for approval of head of office or
his/her authorized representative. Employees have to submit signed Daily time
records within five (5) working days from receipt of such. Failure to submit on the
deadline set shall result in the withholding of salary.

Leave Credits

Employees are entitled to a 1-day vacation leave and 1-day sick leave for
every 24 days of actual service or a total of 15 days’ vacation leave and 15 days’
sick leave annually with full pay. Vacation and sick leave shall be cumulative and
any part thereof which may not be taken within the calendar year may be carried
over to the succeeding years.

Leave of Absence

If the employee wants to take a leave of absence, whether with or without

pay, he has to file an application for leave. When employee fails to file leave
application within the prescribed period, absence shall be considered
unauthorized, hence, be disapproved by head of office or his/her duly authorized
representative. Unauthorized/disapproved leave means outright deduction from
salary and may be a ground for disciplinary action.
When employees continuously absent without an approved leave for at
least thirty (30) working days he shall be considered on absence without official
leave and shall be separated from the service or dropped from the rolls without
prior notice.

Habitual Tardiness and Undertime

Organization believes that one of the key factors of organizational productivity is

good employee attendance. Thus, employees are encouraged to refrain from
committing habitual tardiness and undertime.

The employees considered habitually tardy if he incurs tardiness. The following

sanctions shall be imposed when committed habitual tardiness as first Offense –
Reprimand, second Offense - Suspension for one (1) to thirty (30) days and third
Offense – Dismissal. If he incurs undertime, regardless of the number of minutes, he
shall be liable for Simple Misconduct.


A salary is a form of remuneration paid periodically by an employer to an

employee, the amount and frequency of which may be specified in an
employment contract. Employees begin earning salary the very first day start
working. Monthly salary is given every 15th and last day of the month as provided
in the contract. Wage payments are Time rate system: under this system, the
worker is paid by the hour, day, week, or month and Payment by Results Piece
Work Straight Piecework System means wages of the worker depend upon his
output and rate of each unit of output; it is in fact independent of the time taken
by him.

Sick leave

Sick pay (also called paid sick leave or paid sick days) is paid time off
employees receive when they are absent from work due to illness, injury, or
disability. Through paid sick leave, an employee receives their full wages or part
of their wages when they are out sick. Employees should be filed within 3 days
after reporting back to work and If it exceeds 5 days, a medical certificate should
be attached to your sick leave application.

Qualifying reasons for sick pay may include:

 Illness, injury, or health condition

 Preventative medical care
 Medical diagnosis
 Care or treatment of physical or mental illness
 Care for a family member who is ill or injure

Vacation Leave

Under Vacation leave, each full time employee shall be given five (5) paid
working days (40 hours) vacation at the end of the first year of continuous
employment. It shall be used if the employees would like to take a respite from
work. It should be filed at least five (5) days in advance.

Health and Safety

Employees are responsible to follow measures for occupational safety,

health, infection prevention and control established for in the workplace. They
should report to their supervisor of any situation which may present an imminent
danger to their health. Employees have the right to remove themselves form any
work situation that they have reasonable justification to believe and should be
protected from any undue consequences as a result of exercising this right.

Employees, employers and all of people in the workplace should have

frequent hand-washing or disinfection with alcohol based hand sanitizer,
respiratory hygiene that includes covering coughs, physical distancing of at least
1 meter or more, wearing mask where distancing is not possible, regular
environmental cleaning and disinfection, and limiting unnecessary travel.

Employees need to report work in good health, clean and dressed in clean
attire. Wash hands properly, frequently, and at the appropriate times. Keep
fingernails trimmed, filed, and maintained so that the edges are cleanable and
not rough. They need to wear suitable and effective hair restraints while in the

Personal hygiene for those working in direct contact with food, food-
contact surfaces, and food-packaging materials such as:

 clothing must protect against allergen cross-contact and contamination

of food, food-contact surfaces, or food-packaging materials.

 Hands must be thoroughly washed before starting work, after each

absence from the workstation, and at any other time when the hands
may have become soiled or contaminated.

 Jewelry is to be removed or, if irremovable, covered by material which

can be maintained in an intact, clean, and sanitary condition and
effectively protect against the contamination of food, food-contact
surfaces, or food-packaging.

 Gloves are to be intact, clean, and sanitary.

Performance Evaluation

Performance evaluations are the basis on which managers make

decisions about compensation, promotions and dismissal. Employees are
evaluated as how effectively they are fulfilling their job responsibilities and
contributing to achieve organizational goals. Employees performance are
measured against such factors as job knowledge, productivity, initiative, work
behavior, honesty, diligence, dependability, co-operation, judgement, versatility,
and health.

These are also where managers demonstrate where training,

development and motivational programs are needed and later help to assess
whether these have been effective for the employees. Managers use feedback
about employees’ performance to recognize them for a job well done and
motivate them.

Separation from Service

Resignation is termination of service by an employee by serving a notice,

called ‘resignation’ on the employer. Resignation may be voluntary or involuntary.

Voluntary Resignation

Employee himself/herself decides to resign on the grounds of ill health,

marriage, better job prospects in other organizations. Employees will undergo
exit interviews to trace out the reasons behind resignations and must notify about
the resignation one month before his resignation to the management and must
comply with the requirements.

Involuntary Resignations

Employee directs to resign on grounds of duty and indiscipline or face the

disciplinary action. A domestic enquiry should be conducted before asking the
employee to resign. The manager will examine and decided the involuntary
resignation of an employee. A written notice must be handed out to an employee
whose candidate for termination and his grounds to inform and give him
opportunity to explain his side. A pink slip which is a written notice of dismissal
must be given to the employee indicating such grounds are proven for him to be

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