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In ancient times, Egypt was ruled by a king named Pharaoh who was
famous for being cruel. He was known as a king who was arrogant,
arbitrary, to enslave his people. Once, Pharaoh dreamed that Egypt
was burning except for the houses of the Children of Israel. He also
gathered sorcerers and fortune tellers to interpret the dream
The fortune tellers mean that a baby boy will be born from the
Children of Israel who will destroy the Egyptian population. Pharaoh
was very frightened and ordered to kill the baby boy born to the
Children of Israel.

Moses was born to coincide with the massacre. His mother sought a
safe place far away from the reach of the tyrant King's army. Moses'
mother nursed him and put him in a box and put him in the river.
One day, his mother forgot to pull out the box and made Musa get
carried away by the current of the river. The coffin was taken to the
palace and found by Asiyah, Pharaoh's wife. The barren Asiyah
wanted to take care of the unfortunate baby and bring the baby
Moses before Pharaoh.
Asiyah brought some milk mothers to Musa. However, baby Moses
refused everything. Until one day, Moses' birth mother found out the
news. She hurried to the palace and nursed the baby Moses.

Moses grew up to be a very good man. For many years, he and his
followers were patient in the face of Pharaoh's cruelty. At its peak,
Pharaoh recognized himself as a god. Upon God's seizing, Moses and
his followers left Egypt for Sham. Hearing the news of Moses'
departure, Pharaoh was angry and with his army pursued Moses.
When Pharaoh and his army almost overtook Moses' entourage, their
journey was hampered by the vast ocean. God's revelation came
down to Prophet Musa AS which reads as follows;
"Strike the sea with your stick" Then the sea was divided and each
part was like a great mountain" (Surah Ash-Syu'ara Verse: 63).

The sea split. Moses and his entourage rushed across the sea followed
by Pharaoh and his army. Prophet Musa and his followers made it
through the ocean. The sea returned to its original state, Pharaoh and
his army perished because they drowned in it.

Nama Kelompok :-
Anggota Kelompok : - Dea Alipia Afifah
- Tiara
- Syahla R
- Rina Nuril Aini

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