Kelompok 9 English

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Vanesa Pradinta Yendra 191211558

Winci Enjelini 191211559
Yovella Valviola 191211560
Viona Emilia Dewi 191211561



TAHUN AJARAN 2020/2021

Patient : Vanesa Pradinta Yendra

Nurse 1 : Viona Emilia Dewi
Nurse 2 : Winci Enjelini
Doctor : Yovella valviola

The patient calls the hospital to arrange an appointment to meet the doctor Desy and the
phone is received by the nursing staff
Patient : hallo assalamualaikum
Nurse 1 : waalaikumsalam, can I help you?
Patient : oh yes, i want to arrange an schedule with the general poly desi doctor
nurse 1 : okay ma'am I will arrange your schedule with doctor Desy on wednesday at 8 am
patien : ok thank you nurse
nurse 1 : Can you provide your name and contact number?
Patien : can nurse my name is vanesa and phone number 0822xxx
Nurse 1 : ok thank you ma'am
Patien : your welcome
On wednesday the patient came to take care of the administration first
nurse 1 : good morning ma’am , can I help you?
Patien : I want to go to the general poly sus with doctor Desy
Nurse 1 : ok, may i know mom here is the general patient route or insurance
Patien : insurance nurse
Nurse 1 : ok please fill out this form
Patien : OK, here's the form
Nurse 1 : ok ma'am, I will input the data, and this is proof of registration, please take this to the
general poly, later you will be called according to the queue number
Patien : ok. Thank you nurse
Nurse 1 : your welcome
After that the nurse came to check the patient's condition
Nurse 2 : good morning mrs i am nurse winci i will check your condition this morning
Patient : good morning nurse
Nurse 2 : How are you now?
Patient : I feel dizzy, short of breath and headache
Nurse 2: have you eaten yet?
Patient : already nurse
Nurse 2 : ok before the doctor comes i will check your blood pressure first
Patient : yes, please nurse
Then it's time for visiting hours, the patient is looking for the doctor's location
Patient : Excuse me, I want to go to the general poly with Dr Desy, can you tell me where it is
Nurse 2 : sure, please go to the second floor straight turn right poly right on your right
Pasien : ok, thank you
After finding the doctor's room, the patient enters the room after waiting for the queue
doctor : good morning
patient : good morning doctor
doctor : what do you feel?
Patient : like this, lately I've been feeling dizzy, short of breath, headache, and feeling weak
Doctor : Oh, I see ? try lying down on the bed first so I can check
Patient : ok doctor
Doctor : I'll check mom's blood pressure, please roll up her sleeves
Patient : please doctor
Doctor : Mom's blood pressure is 195 over 80, normal is 120 over 80, I will check your pulse
and breathing
Doctor : Excuse me ma'am, please breathe relaxed, the result is your pulse is 85 beats per
minute, your breathing is 22 breaths per minute, I can conclude from your complaint and the
results of the examination that you have hypertension, this is severe hypertension, so please pay
attention to your health, take care healthy diet, salt diet, and exercise, I will give you some drugs
including blood pressure lowering drugs
Patiens : okay doctor
Doctor : Don't forget to take the medicine, and come back here after three days to see how it's
Patient : okay, thank you doc
Doctor : your welcome
Today the patient came to the hospital for consultation
Doctor : hello, how are you feeling now
Patient : I feel a bit better doc, my shortness of breath is gone
Doctor : how's your headache?
Patient : My headache sometimes recurs doctor, and often occurs when I'm tired
Doctor : ok let me give you more medicine, and eat lots of vegetables and fruit, get enough rest,
and exercise, I hope you get well soon
Patien : sure, thank you doctor

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