2018 Aug NSED Narrative

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Department of Education

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

Division of City Schools
Galas, Dipolog City


August 16, 2018

Introduction and Drill Scenario

The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC)

through the Office of Civil Defense (OCD), spearheaded the Quarterly National

Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (NSED) on August 16, 2018 at 2 o'clock in the

afternoon. The objective is to evaluate alertness and readiness of learners and DepEd

Personnels as well as to evaluate the coordination and communication mechanism

during evacuation procedures.

Before the conduct of the drill, the students as well as the faculty and staff are

oriented on what to do oriented about the proper attitude and ski l l s i n c a s e o f

natural and man-made disasters in line with the campaign of

D e p a r t m e n t o f E d u c a t i o n . Mapping of the school areas, the flow among the

schools communication command, assignment of focal persons in a specific area,

putting up of signage’s for evacuation routes and safe places to gather were properly

prepared. The teachers were instructed to check the attendance of the students.
These are the committees organized for the drill; The school’s Incident

Commander (IC) in the person of Mr. Rogelio A. Guitarte, The First Aid Medical Team

headed by Mr. Emil E. Banua, Search and Rescue Team with Mr. Roberto Cabading,

Security Team with Mr. Nestor Tapales, Communication Team with Ms. Marisel

Pajaren, Fire/Salvage Team with Mr. Narciso A. Bureros and the Evacuation Team

with Mr. Manuel Zamoras Jr.

The siren sound blurted for one minute as a signal that an earthquake is

currently happening. Everybody in their respective areas ducked, cover and hold

themselves under tables, armchairs and other furniture. After that the teachers led

the students to the designated evacuation area located in between the school

structures, where there is no other safe place to stay. It was then the different

scenario was instructed. Every team does each respective functions.

After the drill all personnel and focal persons were gathered for a post

evaluation. There were positive and negative responses which are found useful for the

coming activities like this.

Table 1. Number of Actual Participants

Participants Male Female Total

Grade 7 288 300 588

Grade 8 226 238 464

Grade 9 227 243 470

Grade 10 182 227 409

Grade 11 22 30 52

Grade 12 6 14 20

Teaching Staff 12 62 74

Non-Teaching Staff 2 6 8

Total 2,085

Students & Teachers execute Duck, Cover and Hold

Students and Teachers heading towards designated safe areas.

At the designated safe areas
The rescue team

at the Medical Site

In compliance to the memorandum issued by the Department of Education re: National Simultaneous
Earthquake Drill; and in line with the month-long celebration of the National Disaster Coordinating Council
which is National Disaster Prevention and Consciousness Month, the Davao City Coordinating Council
spearheaded an Earthquake Drill for all public and private schools in the city.  Our school is privileged to
participate in this very remarkable act.  This is in accordance with the guidelines prescribed in the DepEd
Disaster Management Operations Manual.
The objectives are:

1. to ensure the safety of the school occupants during and after a damaging earthquake;
2. To help school administrators and their disaster action groups to design a specific response
plan of the school for earthquake;
3. To train students, faculty members and non-teaching personnel on how to practice proper
action and response during earthquake; and
4. To test various elements of the response plan designed by the School Disaster Management

On July 12, 2011 at 12:30 PM, the School Disaster Action Team headed by Leandro C. Lucero conducted a
briefing on the mechanics of the earthquake drill which was attended by the teaching force of this school.  He
convened the teams composed of Fire Fighting Team, Information and Warning Team, Rescue and First Aid
Team, Security and Traffic, Evacuation and Transport Team, and Damage Control and Salvage Team. 
Earthquake drill scenario was the main aim of the meeting.
Series of earthquake drills were carried out by the school during the designated time for practice. 
On July 13, 2011 at exactly 9:00 AM, a national simultaneous earthquake drill was conducted and this school
was pleased to be a part of this event. The parents and canteen staff participated in the evacuation procedure.
The teachers and students did their best to portray their roles especially the proper action and response during
After the drill, an evaluation was done by the School DAT.  The team congratulated the participants for the job
well done.  Several suggestions were given by the council to improve the students’ and teachers’ performance
on the emergency evacuation procedures and to ensure a safe and orderly evacuation in order to prevent loss of
lives and injuries especially if real earthquakes will occur.  
Another earthquake drill was conducted on September 7, 2011.  Based on the evaluation of the DAT, the
school's overall performance had improved a lot, but there were still suggestions from the evaluators.  Among
them were:

1. Teachers should be the last one to go out of the classroom to ensure that all occupants of
the room are evacuated.
2. Look for other evacuation area aside from the ground for some rooms are too far from it.
3. Students must stay calm in case there is an occurrence of earthquake.
4. A buddy-buddy system should be applied by the students.
5. Earthquake drills should be done quarterly to ensure that the students, teachers, and other
stakeholders are ready in case there is an earthquake.

The School DAT planned to conduct another earthquake drill on December 2, 2011.

A long time ago, people believed that accidents and other unfortunate events are the workings
of a supernatural being that is beyond their control. But today, we know better than to wait for
disaster to strike us. Over the years, people learned that disaster can be prevented with proper
knowledge and preparation. This concept gave rise to Disaster Risk Reduction Management
which aims to remove or minimize hazardous incidences, lessen unnecessary actions, and
disseminate relevant information. But unfortunately, life-threatening accidents arising from
untoward incidents are as common now as it was before. A good reason for this could be the
fact that not all are well-informed and some may still be stuck with notion that disasters are the
wrath of some gods. The most vulnerable to the said disasters are the children and the elderly
for they are prone to miscalculations and sadly, their survival rate is left to chance.
Being the seeds that will continue the next generation, it is a must for pupils to learn by heart the
proper and logical way of acting when faced with disasters. This could not only assure their own
safety but could also help their families be well-informed. Children early in their elementary
years should be subjected to regular safety drills in order to make surviving disasters second
This report is made in order to keep track of the development of disaster risk reduction in
Dagbasan Elementary School through participating in hazard detection and removal activities
and regular earthquake drills. This report also notes the difficulties met in the said endeavors
and the proposed ways to alleviate their chances in the future.
Keeping the pupils out of harm’s way and preventing untoward incidents is quite laborious, but
these efforts is no match to the lives that will be saved and the peace of mind that will be
brought about by applying these measures. And these can be summarized into three simple
steps: inform, remove risks, prevent danger.
Following this concept, Dagbasan Elementary School, involved their pupils in identifying
hazardous areas in the school premises in order for them stay away from those identified areas
and to learn what is hazardous and what is not. Relevant signages were also posted for
additional information. With the guidance of the teachers, pupils were also subjected to careful
removal of hazardous materials such as nails, splintery wood, broken glass and many more.
Regular earthquake drills were also done in order to prepare and prevent inconvenient incidents
that may arise during natural disasters.

            Unlike lessons, maturity cannot be taught; that is why some pupils aren’t internalizing the
importance of preventing hazards and doing drills. But in place of maturity, these pupils can last
through survival instincts paired with good judgment that can be achieved by repetitively
subjecting them in lectures and drills that ensures safety.
            Due to some problems met during the carrying out of the above mentioned activities
recommendations are as follows:
            First, establishing of perimeter fence around the school premises to stop pupils from
going across  the school premises and into the identified hazardous area.
            Then, posting of functional signages and information about natural disasters and
appropriate reaction to each disaster including escape routes during earthquake drills and
useful contact numbers in cases of emergency, and it should be done per classroom.          
                                                                                    Prepared by:
                                                                                             JEFFERD C. ALEGADO
Noted by:
                        NELSON C. DEPALAS
                               School Head
 In line with the campaign o the !epartment o "ducation #!ep"d$in e%uipping the school
children with the &nowledge, proper attitude ands & i l l s o n w h a t t o d o i n c a s e o  a
n a t u r a l a n d m a n ' m a d e d i s a s t e r s l i & e earth%ua&e and (re, San Juan "lementary
School conducted its %uarterlye a r t h % u a & e a n d ( r e d r i l l i n t h e s c h o o l c a m p u s
last June )* and July ),)+- at eactly / o0cloc& in the morning or earth
% u a & e   d r i l l s ,   a n d   1 o0cloc& in the aternoon or (re drills. !r. Virgilio R. 2yhon, the
schoolprincipal, led the acti3ity with the teachers and their respecti3e
classes. 4he drill was carried out simultaneously and smoothly. 2ll grade le3elsoccupied the
designated area or them 5ased on the school
e3acuationplan. Beore the conduct o the earth%ua&e and (re drill, !r. 2yhoni n s t r u c t e d   a l l  
t h e   p u p i l s   a n d   t e a c h e r s   a n d   e 3 e n   p a r e n t s   i n   a t t e n d a n c e ater the 6ag
ceremony e3ery 7onday o what to do in case o a disasterli&e an earth%ua&e. 8n June )*
and July ) during the morning 5rea& as i r e n s o u n d 5 l u r t e d  o r o n e m i n u t e a s a
s i g n a l t h a t a n e a r t h % u a & e i s currently happening. "3ery5ody in their respecti3e classes
duc&ed andc o 3 e r e d   t h e m s e l 3 e s   u n d e r   t h e i r   a r m c h a i r s a n d   t a 5 l e s .   2  t e r
thet e a c h e r s   l e d   t h e i r   a d 3 i s o r y   c l a s s e s   i n   h e a d i n g   t o   t h e   d e s i
g n a t e d e3acuation area located in ront o the 9rincipal0s 8:ce Building. 4heywere grouped
together according to the class where they 5elong. 

Galas NHS


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