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(Events Management Services)
Activity Sheet - Quarter 1 – MELC 1
Leading Workplace Communication


TVL – HE (Events Management Services)
Activity Sheet No. 1
First Edition, 2021

Published in the Philippines

by the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas

Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any
work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government
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This Learning Activity Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 – Western


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this learning resource may be

reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical
without written permission from the DepEd Regional Office 6 – Western Visayas.

Development Team of TVL – HE (Events Management Services)

Activity Sheet
Writers: Yolanda C. Reños
Jonahdin G. Escora

Division Quality Assurance Team:

Jojery V. Dionaldo
Salvacion D. Enso
Marlon C. Dublin

Division of Sagay City Management Team:

Arlene G. Bermejo
Nenita P. Gamao
Jojery V. Dionaldo
Marlon C. Dublin

Regional Management Team

Ramir D. Uytico
Pedro T. Escobarte Jr.
Elena P. Gonzaga
Donald T. Genine
April C. Velez
Sol Grace O. Timola
Remia D. Manejero

Introductory Message
Welcome to TVL – HE (Events Management Services)!

The Learning Activity Sheet is a product of the collaborative efforts of the

Schools Division of Sagay and DepEd Regional Office VI - Western Visayas through
the Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD). This is developed to
guide the learning facilitators (teachers, parents and responsible adults) in helping the
learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum.

The Learning Activity Sheet is self-directed instructional materials aimed to

guide the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace and time using the
contextualized resources in the community. This will also assist the learners in
acquiring the lifelong learning skills, knowledge and attitudes for productivity and

For learning facilitator:

The TVL -HE (Events Management Services) Activity Sheet will help you
facilitate the teaching-learning activities specified in each Most Essential Learning
Competency (MELC) with minimal or no face-to-face encounter between you and
learner. This will be made available to the learners with the references/links to ease
the independent learning.

For the learner:

The TVL -HE (Events Management Services) Activity Sheet is developed to

help you continue learning even if you are not in school. This learning material
provides you with meaningful and engaging activities for independent learning. Being
an active learner, carefully read and understand the instructions then perform the
activities and answer the assessments. This will be returned to your facilitator on the
agreed schedule.

Quarter 1-Week 1

Name of Learner: _____________________________________________________

Grade and Section: _____________________________ Date: _________________


Leading Workplace Communication (LWC)

I. Learning Competency
LO 1. Communicate information about workplace practices.
LO 2. Lead workplace discussion.
LO 3. Identify and communicate issues arising in the workplace.

II. Background Information for Learners

Effective communication is the key to hosting a successful event in any field.
May it be internal communication with your team or external communication with
your clients and other stakeholders; communication is the basic tool to pull off
flawless event management may it be in person, virtual or hybrid. Knowing just how
]to speak and communicate with people well is a skill that takes time and practice,
and it is one of the most useful traits in the realm of event management. Incorporating
effective communication methods is a must.


Communication Process
“Communication is defined as the process of conveying messages (facts,ideas,
attitude and opinion) from one person to another so that they may understood,” M.W.
Cunning. The term communication is derived from the Latin word “Communis”
which means to share. It is an act of conveying intended information and
understanding between people.
Communication is a dynamic process that begins with the conceptualizing of
ideas by the sender who then transmits the message through a channel to the receiver,
who in turn gives the feedback in the form of some message or signal within the given
time frame.
It is thought that effective communication takes place when the message
conveyed by the sender is understood by the receiver in exactly the same way as it
was intended.


Elements of Effective Communication

Effective communication is a two-way street. Establishing context as the
sender, and choosing the proper medium or channel can be critical.

CONTEXT - refers to the setting in which communication takes place.

The context helps establish meaning and can influence what is said and
how it is said. Physical environment, cultural background, psychosocial
factors and mood are aspects of the context of communication.

SENDER – the individual who initiates a message. It could be a speaker,

a writer or someone who merely gestures. The tone, pitch, quality of
voice, volume are some of the paralanguage cues which help the sender
in conveying his message.

MEDIUM/CHANNEL – refers to how the message is communicated by

the sender. Channels/medium could be verbally, electronically or on
paper. Technology has drastically improved the mediums of
communication used in the workplace. Emails, chats and video
conferencing enable us to be constantly connected to each other. With
the burst of Covid-19 pandemic where face to face interaction is limited,
businesses and organizations have been investing in communication
technology and stronger mediums for conveying effective

RECEIVER – the final element of effective communication who receives

the message conveyed by the sender. Receiver decodes messages
using context and observation to interpret information and create their
own thoughts. Receivers then send feedback as a response to sender’s
message being received and understood.

Workplace Communication
Workplace communication is the means by which employees exchange
information and ideas. Communicating effectively is a critical aspect of getting any job
done, whether it occurs in-person or virtually. It is much more than conversations. It is
all about exchange of information through multiple different mediums.

Why is it Important to Communicate with Others?

Once an event is scheduled and the dates and times are set in stone you must
deliver. This is precisely why you have to communicate effectively with every single
person in the event planning process.

Building an event communication plan allows everyone you work with to have
clear expectations of their tasks and increases productivity. Productivity is of the
utmost importance when working in event management due to tight time constraints
and deadlines. Without effective event management communication, your event could
fall apart at the seams.

Communication Methods in the Workplace

1. Verbal (in-person) Communication - Speaking directly with someone
in person allows both of you to see and hear the bigger picture. As you
or your team member speak, you can see each other’s facial
expressions and body language. Face to face communication eliminates
many of the misunderstandings that can occur.
2. Body Language and Facial Expression - Eye contact makes people
feel acknowledged as they talk and listen. A relaxed stance with your
arms by your sides encourages employees to feel comfortable in a
meeting. Employees will receive your words more positively if your facial
expressions and body language don’t put them on edge or the defensive.
3. Phone Conversations - Use of the phone is a common part of most
every business day. You can positively impact the effectiveness of your
phone communication by doing three simple things. Smile while you talk
(in an appropriate conversation, of course); it sounds silly, but it gives
your voice a friendlier tone. Take notes before the conversation and use
them to ensure you cover all points. Finally, speak clearly and slowly so
your words are understood.
4. Written Communications - Emails, memos and notes are common
forms of written communication. Of all four communication styles, this is
the one that can lead to the most misunderstandings. People often read
between the lines or feel that there are implied messages or emotions in
written forms of communication. This should and can be avoided by
carefully reviewing your written communication and provide constructive
criticism and feedback.

Top Ten Communication Skills

1. Emotional Intelligence - ability to understand and manage your

emotions so as to communicate effectively, avoid stress, overcome
challenges and empathize with others. It’s a skill which is learned over
time rather than obtained.
2. Cohesion and Clarity - Good communication is much more than saying
the right thing; it is about communicating messages clearly and
concisely. Mind what the purpose of the communication is and what
information you hope to obtain as a result.
3. Friendliness - In any type of communication, make sure that you set the
right tone. A friendly tone will encourage others to communicate with
4. Confidence - Demonstrating confidence will give customers faith in your
abilities to deliver what they need. Maintaining eye contact and
employing a firm but friendly tone convey confidence.
5. Empathy – The goal of empathy is to understand where the other person
is coming from and respecting their views even if they are very different
from your own.
6. Respect – Comes after empathy. Respecting others opinion and ideas
allows them to communicate with you more often. By being sincere and
actively listening to others show respect.
7. Listening – Good communication is all about listening effectively. Pay
attention to what the other person is saying, ask questions and clarify
points, and rephrase what they have said so that you know you have
understood correctly.
8. Open-Mindedness - Strong communications require an open mind and
a commitment to understanding other people’s points of view.
9. Tone of Voice – It sets the whole mood of conversation. Tone of voice
includes the level of emotion you use, volume and level of
communication you choose. An irate client must be dealt with a calm
tone to pacify the situation.
10. Asking Good Questions - During the conversation, include a mixture
of questions including clarification, ‘what if’ scenarios and open-ended
questions to make sure that you achieve what you set out to do at the
beginning of the call or conversation.

Lead Workplace Discussion.

Having important and meaningful discussions at the workplace enables
employees to share thoughts and opinions they might not otherwise have the chance
to voice. Especially in the working environment, where most discussions rotate around
work itself, empowering further on the exchange of other issues helps a new kind of
spirit and a fresh change of pace. Akshat Malik, 2020

Why Lead Discussion?
One key function of leadership is the ability to lead group discussion. As an
event planner, you’ll be dealing a lot of decision makings. Through employing varied
discussion methods, you’ll be able to solicit the best ideas and exceptional creativity
to catch the interest of stakeholders.
The need to lead a discussion may arise depending on one of the following
1. Create new situation
2. Explore cooperative and collaborative arrangement
3. Discuss and analyze issues
4. Create strategic plan
5. Air concerns and differences among teams
6. Decide on an action
7. Provide mutual support
8. Resolve a conflict

Techniques in Facilitating Discussion

Leading discussions can be organized in a number of different ways. These
techniques can be used to serve the needs of a group in exploring ideas and making
decisions. They can be modified or combined to suit a group’s needs.
1. Brainstorming
➢ Ideal tool for generating large quantity of ideas within the groupb.
➢ Two or more ideas from the brainstorming can be combined to
create something better
➢ Do not criticize, discuss or evaluate ideas during the session
➢ Ideas flow freely

2. Pairing Off
➢ A useful step in dealing with difficult issue
➢ Allows people to talk something through and take turns to listen
to each other to make sure everyone is heard

3. Small Groups
➢ Allows exploring of ideas and discussing them in greater details
➢ Useful if prompted with lots of topics to cover under a limited time
➢ Allows the participation of everyone in the group
➢ Each small group gives a summary report of the topic assigned
to them

4. Round Robin
➢ Aims to raise participation level or to help define a problem
➢ Each person in the group is asked to state their views on the
issue under discussion without being interrupted
➢ The leader then summarizes the ideas and views of the group
before making a decision
5. Straw Polls
➢ Provides alternative to voting when faced with many options
➢ Each member can have two to four votes
➢ Encourages people to express support for more than one idea
6. Listing Pros and Cons
➢ A good way to evaluate ideas
➢ Draws line in the middle of a flipchart board and write pros on
one side and cons on the other
➢ List all the pros and cons they can think of
➢ Helps see both sides of the proposal and brings out
considerations that may have been overlooked
7. Evaluation
➢ Happens at the conclusion of the meeting, end of a project or
after an event.
➢ Provides opportunity to recognize accomplishments
➢ Make three columns on the flip board and write “good, bad,
➢ Write down the good things that happened, what was not good
and what should be done differently in the future.
➢ List all the comments in the appropriate column and try not to
argue with the suggestions for improvement

Tips in Leading Workplace Discussion

1. Plan your topics for a productive discussion
➢ Outline topics for your discussions
➢ Align it with the goals and objectives of the discussion
2. Send an agenda to members
➢ Send agenda before the meeting begins
➢ Members come with ideas and opinions in mind about the topic
to be discussed
3. Choose the right type of environment for the discussion
➢ Utilize a place with good lighting, ventilation, space, acoustics and
technology ready.
4. Set ground rules
➢ Inform the team about your rules and regulations briefly.
➢ Let anyone know what you expect from them
5. Ask open ended questions
➢ Elicit productive responses from members
➢ Advances the conversation and requires more in-depth response
6. Be the facilitator and moderator
➢ Ensure that conversations keep moving and stays on topic.
➢ Be neutral and avoid biases

7. Give everyone a chance to speak
➢ Spot introvert members or the ones who talk less in the group.
➢ It shows equal opportunity to speak their minds.
➢ It’s an act of valuing everyone’s opinion.
8. Summarize result
➢ Summarize key points at the end of the session for: Learning,
Follow up and Future Action


Communication Barriers in the Workplace

There is an enormous range of the kinds of communication that takes place in
an organization. It encompasses a variety of topics like customer’s behavior,
employee’s communication, advertising, public relations, event managements and the
likes. Effective communication within an organization is vital to building trust and job
satisfaction as well as leaving an impressive perspective towards clients.
Here are some of the common barriers to effective communication in the
1. Use of Jargons – unfamiliar or technical terms generate confusions to the
receiver. Use concise and clear messages that are ready to understand.

2. Withholding Information – some information are kept confidential due to

company’s policies. Make sure to make the needed information readily

3. Chain of Command – organization’s hierarchy is essential but intimidating

as well. It’s important to reduce unnecessary hierarchical levels and increase
departmental interactions.

4. Lack of Trust – with a competition driven culture, there may be lack of trust
among employees which hampers communication. It is important to include
members in the decision making and communicate openly and honestly.

5. Physical Barriers or Disabilities – Hearing, vision or speech problems can

make communication challenging. Organizations need to be aware of
accessibility issues for both internal and external communications.

6. Bias - Preconceptions or prejudice can lead to stereotyping or false

assumptions. Using care to choose unambiguous, neutral language and
explain things clearly can help reduce bias.

7. Filtering - Because filters are present in every system of communication, the

message that the receiver receives is rarely the same as the one the sender
8. Language and Cultural Differences - Language use and social norms vary
enormously from culture to culture. Companies need to educate themselves
about cultural sensitivities and gear their messages to their audiences.

Problems/Issues in the Workplace

Concerns and issues in the workplace are inevitable. They arise from time to
time. Concerns can include matters such as employment-related, workplace safety,
discriminations, and conflict with colleagues, policies and regulations and many more.
As a leader of the company or organization, it is important to address these
issues in a timely and objective manner.
Below are some of the identified issues and problems observed in the workplace:
1.Inadequate Job Description - Job descriptions serve as a documented
record of what an employee should accomplish in their position and what
activities they must perform well to meet those objectives.

2.Lack of Training – Other organizations/companies merely throw new

employees in the job without proper training and forcing them to learn on their
own through trial and error.

3.Lack of Communication - Management should make a regular concerted

effort in communicating with all employees through as many mediums as
possible. Regular two-way communication lies at the very foundation of what
great leaders deliver.

4.Ineffective Employment Recognition - It’s nice to have awards and

contests at work, but what counts most is the daily thank you. This turns
employee recognition from a project into a culture.

5.Improper or Excessive Company Policies - All companies must have

policies that all employees follow but too many policies stifle employee

6.Lack of Equipment and Facilities - Management must make sure to pay

attention to the type and condition of equipment that is being utilized by the
employees. Know what is needed, furnish it and then maintain it.

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbooks and Educational Sites

Aventri, Johnson, D., August 09, 2018, How to Communicate
Effectively in Event Management, Accessed June 06, 2021:

Berea College, 2021, Facilitator’s Technique for Group Discussions,

Accessed June 09, 2021:
Blink UC San Diego, Updated February 13, 2020, How to Facilitate
Discussions, Accessed June 09, 2021:

Dynamic Signal, Sanders, G.I., 2020, Workplace Communication, Accessed

June 07, 2021: communication/
GlassMagazines, Tompkins, C., 2017, 10 Most Common Problems in the
Workplace, Accessed June 09, 2021:

Lumenway, Williams L. and Learning L., Effective Communication and

Barriers, Accessed June 08, 2021:

Sandler Blog, Miller, R., October 18, 2018, 4 Different Types of Workplace
Communication and How to Improve in Each Area, Accessed
June 08, 2021: types-workplace-
communication-and-how-improve- each-area/

IV. Activity Proper

1. Direction: Read the questions carefully and choose the best answer. Write the
letter of your choice on your answer sheets.


Activity 1
Directions: Read the statements carefully and choose the correct answer. Write
the letter of your choice on a separate sheet of paper.
1. The following statements are true about communication. Which one is NOT?
A. A dynamic process which begins with the sender and is responded
by the receiver.
B. It is a two way process whose effectiveness is solely reliant to the
C. It is an act of conveying information and understanding between
D. Derived from the Latin word communis which means to share.

2. Which of the following scenario depicts the process of effective
A. An employee who shouts from the distant to convey a very important
B. An agent who writes an e-mail using highfalutin grammar to
emphasize her complaints.
C. The manager who intends to share the company’s goal using clear
and concise message.
` D. An event coordinator who relates a plan of action but is
misunderstood by the team.

3. E-mails, chats, memos, letters, zoom meetings are all example of what
element of communication?
A. Context C. Medium ]
B. Sender D. Medium

4. This helps establish the meaning of the message and influences what is
said and how it is said?
A. Context C. Medium
B. Sender D. Receiver

5. It is referred to as means by which employees exchange information and

ideas using multiple different mediums to get a job done?
A. Meetings C. Discussions
B. Brainstorming D. Workplace Communication

6. The basic reason why effective communication is deemed necessary in the

A. To maximize employee’s potential. C. To raise salaries.
B. To get promotions. D. To get the job done.

7. Conference meetings/discussion is an example of what methods of

A. Verbal Communication C. Body Language and Gestures
B. Written Communication D. Phone Conversations

8. The ability to understand and manage your emotions to communicate

effectively refers to what type of communication skills?
A. Emotional Intelligence C. Empathy
B. Respect D. Open-mindedness

9. An unsatisfied client who becomes irritated and yells at the team was
approached by the coordinator in a calm yet firm tone of voice to pacify him;
what communication skills is being utilized?
A. Respect C. Friendliness
B. Tone of Voice D. Empathy
10. Which of the following situations best show effective listening skills?
A. Asking questions to interrupt the discussions.
B. Understanding where the other person is coming.
C. Paying attention and clarifying points.
D. Respecting other’s ideas and opinions.

Activity 2
Directions: Using an infographics, plot the different techniques in facilitating
workplace discussion. You can utilize any computer applications such as
Piktochart, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint and the likes to craft
your infographics. Be guided by the rubrics below. Print your work in a long
size bond paper.

3. Rubrics for Scoring

Criteria in Activity 2 POINTS

1. Infographics is complete, well-presented, and concise; has a logical
structure or flow. Design is exceptionally unique, creative and 10
2. Infographics is well organized and has a logical flow & structure;
Design is generally unique, creative and interesting.
3. Inforgraphics makes general sense but requires some work to be
organized and structured in a logical and sensible manner; Design is
somehow interesting and developing in sense of creativity and
4. Infographics is vague, disjointed, confusing and difficult to
understand; Design shows minimal uniqueness and creativity.

Activity 3
Task Sheet
Title: Identifying Issues and Concerns in the Workplace
Objectives: Given the tools, materials and equipment, identify issues and
concerns in the workplace through an interview.

1. Look for a pair.
2. Find someone who works in the business industry preferably
under tourism or events management team; if none, any nature
of employment will do.
3. Interview through phone or virtual platforms to avoid face to
face contact.
4. Ask questions about issues, problems, concerns encountered
in the workplace and how do they manage it.
5. Use the table below to fill up necessary inputs from the

6. Submit a proof of the interview through any of the following:
a. Recorded voice/video file.
b. Transcribed document. (Writing down what has
transpired in the interview)
7. Be guided by the rubrics below.

Position/Designation: _______________________________________________
Business Sector/Employment Sector: __________________________________

Problems/Issues Communication Barrier Solution/Suggestions

Encountered Involved

Criteria in Activity 3 Points

Answers the template in complete, concise and excellent structured logical
and grammatical flow.
Answers the template in a well-organized and well-structured logical and
grammatical flow.
Answers the template in general sense and poorly structured logical and
grammatical flow.
Answers the template in vague, disjointed and confusing manner. 2

V. Reflection:
a. Effective communication is the key tool in accomplishing organizational goals
and objectives. As an events management student, what communication issues
or concerns did you encounter when working with a team project and how did
you resolve it?
Activity 3: Activity 2: Activity 1:
1. B 6. D
Answer may Answer may 2. C 7. A
vary. Refer to vary. Refer to 3. C 8. A
the rubrics. the rubrics. 4. A. 9. B
5. D 10. C
VI. Answer Key

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