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Learning activity 4

Evidence: Consolidation activity

A. What to do?

You have acquired some basic critical thinking tools that allow you to
assess information more objectively. Now it is time to put them into
practice. According to mass media, the world is getting worse and worse;
however, statistics show otherwise. For this evidence, you should record
a video reporting how the world is actually becoming better and better.

B. How to do it?

1. Go online and find reliable sources that demonstrate the world is

actually getting better.
2. Choose at least five ways in which the world is getting better.

3. Write a script for reporting this information using the grammar points
you learned in this learning activity (reported speech, tag questions, so,
too, neither, either, and adjective clauses).

4. Record your video reporting your findings.


When you watch the news, the anchors, who we are taught to trust, usually
spend most of the time talking about wars around the world. You feel like
the world is going to come to an end soon, don’t you? Well, I do too. What
the anchors don’t tell you, however, is that we are living in one of the most
peaceful periods in the last two hundred years. It is hard to believe, isn’t
it? I didn’t believe this either, but according to statistical data, whose level
of reliability is higher than a mere opinion, during the 14th century, the
homicide rate was as high as 110 per 100,000 citizens. Comparatively, in
2012, the homicide rate was just under 1 per 100.000. Once my dad told
me not to believe everything I saw on TV. After all these years, his advice
is still valid.
1. More and more people devote more
years to education.
Even though there’s still a lot to do in
terms of schooling worldwide, it’s hard to
believe, isn’t it? I didn’t believe this either,
but even in developing countries like
China or India, the average number of
years of education is growing rapidly.

2. The rates of extreme poverty have

been reduced.
Extraordinary economic growth rates in
China and India, as well as significant
growth in other developed countries,
have led to a significant reduction in the
number of people living in extreme
poverty. My mother once told me not to
believe everything on TV.

3. More and more people have

access to the Internet.
Today, the Internet has become
universal in developed countries,
which has happened very quickly.
For developing countries, although
the Internet is not so widespread,
trends indicate that the situation is
changing. Right? Well, I also
believe it in the middle of 2021
because the pandemic has increased
for students.

4. Fewer and fewer women die in childbirth.

Maternal mortality has been reduced by 45%
between 1990 and 2013, according to data
from the World Health Organization (WHO).
This isn´t right.
5. Child labour is declining.
Child labour rates are not yet falling at a pace
sufficient to meet the International Labour
Organization’s target of eliminating child
labour by 2016. However, this is a significant
fall (one third) from 2000 to 2012. Right? It is
true, and that has not diminished to the
contrary and has skyrocketed today.

C. Submitting my evidence When you finish your work, send the video to your
instructor through the platform as follows:

1. Click the title of this evidence.

2. Click Examinar mi equipo and look for the video file in your computer.
Make sure the file is attached.
3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).
4. Click Enviar. Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to
check the learning guide in order to know if you have done all the
assigned activities, know how to develop them and deliver them

Criterio de evaluación
Intercambia puntos de vista en el contexto, haciendo uso de la estructura
gramatical y el vocabulario requerido.

• Reflexiona sobre las diferencias de género, utilizando el vocabulario y la

gramática requerida.
• Aplica estrategias de estudio, haciendo uso del vocabulario y gramática
• Detalla aspectos sobre personas, lugares y cosas, empleando la estructura
gramatical requerida.
• Discute ideas sobre los principios de alfabetización cultural, usando el
vocabulario y la gramática requerida.
• Analiza los elementos de la alfabetización mediática desde una perspectiva
crítica, utilizando el vocabulario y la gramática requerida.
• Confirma lo que se afirma o se niega en una frase principal, haciendo uso de
la estructura gramatical requerida.
• Redacta textos basándose en la alfabetización mediática desde una perspectiva
crítica, manejando el vocabulario y la gramática requerida.
• Informa lo dicho por una o varias personas utilizando la estructura gramatical y
el vocabulario requerido.
• Usa el vocabulario relacionado con crímenes y castigos según el contexto

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