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Anjielou B.

Suson Bsed Social Studies, 2019


( Days 1-5 Reflection Paper)

These days, learning isn't just restricted to classroom lectures and training.
School libraries are an important aspect of any school's establishment and play a significant role
in the education system. It aids our learning and knowledge expansion. Similarly, libraries
supply researchers with accurate and trustworthy information. This lecture in my personal
opinion is relevant because it helps the students, especially those who are new to MSU, to be
able to know that we have our library and that all are encouraged to visit it. Because nowadays,
we cannot side-corner the fact that most of the students are so lazy to go to the library to
research for their assignments, etc. For the reason that the Internet has become also, the 'New
Normal'. Students find it more convenient and easier to just research their assignments on
Google rather than making a full effort to go and visit the library. Honestly speaking, the first
time I went to the MSU library, I was amazed at its services, probably because of its
advancements, unlike the other libraries that I have been to. I attended one of their lectures
there about how to choose an authentic source in researching the internet and that experience
and lecture has become an eye-opener to me, they showed us some tips in choosing a legit
online source when we want to conduct research. For the most part, this lecture is very
informative. I do hope that there are students who get motivated to visit the MSU Library right
after this pandemic ends.

In Lecture 2, on Day 2 IAP, They have discussed Google Apps 101, It is credible to
contend that, Distance learning on this new normal is not that easy because, no matter how far
these technologies have gone, traditional methods of learning will always be better. But of
course, This Global Pandemic left us with no choice but to be resilient and accept the fact that it
is a new normal now. This new normal way of learning is challenging not just to the students but
also to the teachers. We need to be able to Master or just familiarize some of the Google apps
for us to be able to cope up with our new way of learning. So, this lecture is really helpful for us
the students to have a piece of additional knowledge on how these Google apps work and how
these apps are important nowadays since we all have experienced a push to online learning in
an instant.

Literacy enables us, as minorities, to read and write. We now obtain the majority
of our information through a complex web of media technologies. In the twenty-first century, the
ability to read a variety of media has become a necessary talent. Media issues are a hot topic
these days, which is why this lecture is so interesting and educational. We must be media and
information literate to use current and historical media and information intelligently. Knowing
where to look for the greatest source of information for our requirements is critical. Also, we
should be careful how we use our social media accounts and share information because if we
don't, it may cause people to be confused or hurt. In the lecture, I learned that when providing
data, we must ensure that our source is trustworthy. In conclusion, I am quite grateful to the
MSU system for hosting these lectures; they are extremely beneficial to the students.

The internet has become a major aspect of the world around us, a new realm in which
anything goes. I regret to say that some of the People don't certainly know how to interact with
someone else on the world wide web, which is why we see so many bad posts or even rants on
our feeds, generally because they misinterpreted someone's message. When engaging with
others on the internet, We must treat people as people, not just someone who uses the internet,
We have this saying "Think before you click". Respect someone's point of view in life, what
they've posted, and their confidential information. Because if we go further than that, we may
wind up in an online brawl, We all are aware that we have freedom of speech, but that freedom
also has its limitations, not all the time, we say what we want to say, We must think first whether
that opinion that we ought to share online will hurt people or not. In an online class, I've seen
various videos where students disrespect their teacher while having class, they're making fun of
them for the reason that that instructor is not that familiar with the keys or how to deal with
classes online, I've also seen worst wherein that student cursed his professor for I don't know
the reason, that circumstances sadden me, Some students nowadays forgot how to interact
politely with their instructors. that also happens here in MSU-MAIN to the extent that, the
instructor personally asked the officer of their department to warn and educate students under
their department to be polite with their advisers, That is why I am really glad that MSU-MAIN
ADMIN conducted this IAP to help students be aware of how to respect their professors.

Using statistical software to perform Computational Analysis is highly important since it

can assist us in identifying the characteristics of almost anything. Statistical Software (SS) is a
critical tool for validating data and drawing conclusions. If all data is entered correctly, the
statistical tool allows researchers to avoid common mathematical errors and produce reliable
figures in their research. The rules of behavior for scientific researchers are governed by
research ethics. In designed to safeguard the dignity, rights, and well-being of research
participants, it is critical to follow ethical guidelines. As a result, all human-centered research
should be assessed by an ethics committee to guarantee that the highest ethical standards are
followed. Ethical review revolves around the ethical principles of beneficence, fairness, and
autonomy. It is critical to protect their privacy since there is a risk of disagreement between the
researcher and the participants, or between the participants and the readers.

It is critical to learn proper research writing, correct syntax, and adequate research
methods. When we conduct research, we are not simply recording the information we have
gathered; we are writing with a specific goal in mind. We must be cautious in what we write
because our study paper could be seen by thousands or millions of individuals. That is why,
before publishing our paper, we must criticize our research and present it to the research

Suggestions for online classes are quite important right now, especially for students who
are considering dropping out. We must not lose sight of the reason for our struggles in our
education. Different religions and views can frequently result in conflict, but we must eliminate
this behavior. And that we have many differences, this does not prevent us from becoming
united. We could be friends, love each other, and value our differences. We are all aware that
this pandemic has resulted in melancholy, worry, and other mental illnesses. However, we must
always remember that our health is a high concern in our current position, and we must not be
stressed out about anything. Simply pray to our all-powerful God, and He will take care of the

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