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Name of Learner: __________________________ Date: _________________

Grade Level: ________ Section: ______________

Learning Activity Sheet # 1

Impacts of Healthy Environment
Background Information A clean and safe environment is important in achieving a
healthy community. Community health problems are common nowadays with the rise
in modern technology; people neglect the importance of the basic need for safety. A
healthy environment will ensure quality of life that will lead to more productive citizen
of the country.

Learning Competency with Code

Explains how a healthy environment positively impact the health of people and
communities. H9CE-Ib-d-10


Draw your dream community. You can use any coloring materials to make it
colourful. Make a short description of your work and answer the following guide

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Guide Questions:

1. Is your dream community healthy? What characteristics of healthy environment

can be seen in your dream community?
- Yes, The characteristics in my dream community include a clean
community with many trees, a clean river or a lake
2. Based on the characteristics of healthy environment, what are the direct positive
impacts or effects to you, your family, and community?
- Clean air and water, sanitation and green spaces, safe workplaces can
enhance people’s quality of life
3. Is acquiring healthy environment relevant? Why?
- Yes it is relevant because keeping the community healthy can prevent
sickness and death.

Rubric for Scoring

4 3 2 1
Excellent Good Fair Improvement
Color Harmony
Relevance to the

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 3 things you found out
 2 interesting things
 1 question you still have

I found out healthy community has many effects in me, family, and community.

References for Learners:

Health Learner’s Material, p.p. 231-241

Prepared by:
Grade 9- MAPEH Teachers


Name of Learner: __________________________ Date: _________________

Grade Level: ________ Section: ______________

Learning Activity Sheet # 2

Nature of Environmental Issues

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Background Information

This worksheet will make you aware of the most pressing problems of environment
today. Natural resources and biodiversity explain why the Philippines is a rich country.
Putting our home into the rare list of nations which have both a hotspot and mega
diversity area for over 6000 plant species and also numerous animal species inhabited
in our area. However, because of their richness, it faces destruction and possible

Learning Competency with Code

Discusses the nature of environmental issues. H9CE-Ib-d-11


Read the poem below and answer the following guide questions.


Guide Questions:

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1. What are the environmental issues mentioned in the poem?

About Air, Water, Pollution and throwing trash everywhere

2. What can you do to solve these issues?

Clean and Recycle bottles and cans, and help others to do the same way too

3. Choose one stanza from the poem. Give a three (3) sentence reactions on this.
Why did you choose this stanza?

The 3rd stanza, We can clean biodegradable trash, and recycle non- biodegradable cans
and bottles, and we can help each others to do the same way, I choose this stanza
because it shows the solution in the problem.

Prepared by:
Grade 9- MAPEH Teachers


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