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Received: 31 August 2018 Revised: 12 November 2018 Accepted: 20 November 2018

DOI: 10.1111/pce.13494


Cytokinin action in response to abiotic and biotic stresses in

Anne Cortleven | Jan Erik Leuendorf | Manuel Frank | Daniela Pezzetta | Sylvia Bolt |

Thomas Schmülling

Institute of Biology/Applied Genetics, Dahlem

Centre of Plant Sciences, Freie Universität Abstract
Berlin, D‐14195 Berlin, Germany The phytohormone cytokinin was originally discovered as a regulator of cell division.
Later, it was described to be involved in regulating numerous processes in plant
Prof. Dr. T. Schmülling, Institute of
Biology/Applied Genetics, Dahlem Centre of growth and development including meristem activity, tissue patterning, and organ
Plant Sciences (DCPS), Freie Universität
size. More recently, diverse functions for cytokinin in the response to abiotic and
Berlin, Albrecht‐Thaer‐Weg 6, D‐14195
Berlin, Germany. biotic stresses have been reported. Cytokinin is required for the defence against high
Email: tschmue@zedat.fu‐
light stress and to protect plants from a novel type of abiotic stress caused by an
Funding information
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG),
altered photoperiod. Additionally, cytokinin has a role in the response to temperature,
Grant/Award Numbers: CRC973, Schm drought, osmotic, salt, and nutrient stress. Similarly, the full response to certain
plant pathogens and herbivores requires a functional cytokinin signalling pathway.
Conversely, different types of stress impact cytokinin homeostasis. The diverse
functions of cytokinin in responses to stress and crosstalk with other hormones are
described. Its emerging roles as a priming agent and as a regulator of growth‐
defence trade‐offs are discussed.


abiotic stress, Arabidopsis thaliana, biotic stress, drought stress, growth‐defence trade‐off, light
stress, nutrient stress, priming, temperature stress

1 | I N T RO D U CT I O N caused an altered response to stress. Molecular details were not

described as CK metabolism and signalling genes were unknown and
Cytokinin (CK) was identified in the 1950s as a compound inducing genetic approaches in CK research at that time largely unsuccessful.
cell division (Miller, Skoog, von Saltza, & Strong, 1955). Since then, Numerous putative functions of CK in response to stress that were
numerous other activities of CK in plant growth and development indicated are nowadays further investigated to uncover mechanisms
have been uncovered such as a function in the meristem activity of of CK action.
shoots and roots, in shoot and root branching, in regulating organ size As a modern counterpart of such correlative data, exploration of
and developmental transitions such as germination and flowering, in genome‐wide changes of gene expression in response to CK clearly
controlling leaf senescence, and many more (reviewed by Kieber & shows that numerous stress‐related genes are regulated by CK in
Schaller, 2018; Müller, 2011, Werner & Schmülling, 2009). Already Arabidopsis as well as in rice (Bhargava et al., 2013; Brenner,
early reports noted functions of CK in stress defence, leading to the Ramireddy, Heyl, & Schmülling, 2012; Brenner & Schmülling, 2015;
general notion that CK enhances resistance to adverse environments Raines et al., 2016). However, these results are potentially of limited
(Skoog & Armstrong, 1970). Sometime later, a broad survey summa- value as gene regulation does not necessarily indicate a functional
rized the available evidences for potential roles for CK in a large vari- relevance. Complementary data sets showed that CK‐related genes
ety of stress responses (Hare, Cress, & van Staden, 1997). These roles are regulated by different environmental cues (Bielach, Hrtyan, &
were suggested mainly based on changes in endogenous CK concen- Tognetti, 2017; Pavlů et al., 2018; Ramireddy, Chang, & Schmülling,
tration during stressful events or because exogenous addition of CK 2014) suggesting that plants adapt their CK status in response to

998 © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd Plant Cell Environ. 2019;42:998–1018.

changing environments, consistent with earlier reports showing soil‐borne stresses caused by lack of water or nutrients, and end with
altered CK content in response to stress. a chapter on different aspects of biotic stress. For each of these
Since the CK metabolism and signalling system of Arabidopsis has stresses, we will highlight well‐studied cases and illustrate details of
been uncovered and CK mutants have become generally available, signalling pathways. We also consider roles of CK in priming of stress
there has been a rapid increase in publications ascribing functions in responses (Hilker et al., 2016), which is a topic of this Special Issue,
a variety of abiotic and biotic stress responses to this hormone. This and in regulating growth‐defence trade‐offs. Understanding the
has been summarised in several general reviews (Argueso, Ferreira, & diverse roles of this important growth‐regulating hormone in stress
Kieber, 2009; Ha, Vankova, Yamaguchi‐Shinozaki, Shinozaki, & Tran, defence is also relevant for understanding the impact of a changing
2012; Heyl, Riefler, Romanov, & Schmülling, 2012; Hwang, Sheen, & environment on plant growth and for application in agriculture in
Müller, 2012; Kieber & Schaller, 2014; Werner & Schmülling, 2009; order to ensure the sustainability of food supply.
Zürcher & Müller, 2016). Other reviews focused on the response to
abiotic stress (Pavlů et al., 2018; Zwack & Rashotte, 2015) and biotic
stress (Choi, Choi, Lee, Ryu, & Hwang, 2011; Naseem, Wölfling, & 2 | C K M E T A B O L I S M A N D SI G N A L LI NG
Dandekar, 2014) or addressed specific aspects such as the interaction
of CK with other hormones in the stress response (Bielach et al., 2017; The first decade of this century has witnessed the identification of
O'Brien & Benková, 2013; Verslues, 2016), the potential role of cis‐ genes encoding CK metabolism and signalling proteins in Arabidopsis,
zeatin (cZ)‐type CKs (Schäfer, Brütting, et al., 2015), and the role of which are essentially present in similar form in other plant species
reactive oxygen species (ROS; Tognetti, Bielach, & Hrtyan, 2017) or (Hellmann, Gruhn, & Heyl, 2010) and provide a framework for the
discussed growth‐defence trade‐off (Albrecht & Argueso, 2017; Giron analysis of CK action (Figure 1). In brief, CK synthesis starts with the
et al., 2013; Naseem, Kaltdorf, & Dandekar, 2015), and priming and formation of CK nucleotides, which is catalysed by isopentenyl trans-
cross‐tolerance (Hossain et al., 2018). Readers may refer to these ferases (IPTs; Figure 1). The CK nucleotides become active CK, that is,
publications as a rich source of information. the free bases isopentenyladenine (iP) and trans‐zeatin (tZ), by the
Here, we summarise recent literature revealing more details of an activity of the LONELY GUY (LOG) enzymes. The generally less active
emerging role of CK in the response to different stresses. We begin cZ is synthesised via a different route involving tRNA‐IPTs catalysing
with abiotic stresses such as light and temperature stress, cover the isopentenylation of adenine on tRNA, the degradation of which

FIGURE 1 Scheme of cytokinin metabolism

and signalling. As a first step of CK synthesis,
iP nucleotides are formed by IPT enzymes.
Conversion to the respective tZ nucleotides is
catalysed by CYP735As. In addition, cZ‐type
CKs are formed by tRNA‐IPT enzymes.
iPRMP, tZRMP, and cZRMP can be directly
converted to biologically active free bases
(green box) by LOG enzymes. Inactivation of
all metabolites is catalysed by CKX enzymes.
More information about other branches of CK
metabolism can be found in Sakakibara
(2006). iP, tZ, and cZ bind to HK receptors
thereby initiating phosphorelay signalling via
HPTs to RRBs, which activate cytokinin
response genes. Among these, RRAs act as
negative feedback regulators. Some HPT
variants lacking the canonical histidine residue
act also as negative regulator of the signalling
pathway. tZ: trans‐zeatin; tZR: tZ riboside;
tZRMP: tZR monophosphate; cZ: cis‐zeatin;
cZR: cZ riboside; cZRMP: cZR
monophosphate; iP: isopentenyladenine; IPR:
iP riboside; iPRMP: iPR monophosphate; IPT:

liberates cZ nucleotides (Figure 1). CK breakdown is catalysed by CK (Yamamoto, 2016). Protein D1, which is part of the reaction centre
oxidase/dehydrogenase (CKX) enzymes; their inactivation may also of photosystem II (PSII), is one of the major targets of photodamage
be achieved by conjugation to sugars. Figure 1 shows a simplified (Edelman & Mattoo, 2008). Plants with a reduced CK status showed
scheme of CK metabolism; more details can be found, for example, a decreased photoprotection and increased photoinhibition due to a
in Sakakibara (2006). The CK signal is perceived by membrane‐located strong reduction of the D1 level (Cortleven et al., 2014). Further,
sensor histidine kinases (HK), named ARABIDOPSIS HISTIDINE CK‐deficient plants exhibited a lower capacity to recover from
KINASE2 (AHK2), AHK3, and CK RESPONSIVE1 (CRE1)/AHK4 in photoinhibition after high light stress due to insufficient D1 repair.
Arabidopsis. Ligand binding causes receptor activation by autophos- Lack of CK reduced also the antioxidant capacity of plants. Thus,
phorylation and initiates a phosphorelay through a two‐component sig- several photoprotective mechanisms were disturbed in CK‐deficient
nalling system from the receptor(s) via histidine phosphotransfer plants revealing that the hormone is an essential factor to protect
proteins (HPTs; also called AHP in Arabidopsis) to nuclear‐localised type plants against high light stress. CK activity was mediated by AHK3
B response regulators (RRB; also called type B ARR in Arabidopsis), and to a lesser extent by AHK2, and the type B RRs, ARR1, and
which are transcription factors regulating the expression of CK ARR12 (Cortleven et al., 2014; Figure 2a).
response genes. The CK signalling pathway is regulated by a negative Other work is supportive for a protective role of CK for the pho-
feedback loop involving type A RRs (RRA; also called type A ARR in tosynthetic apparatus under high light (Cortleven & Schmülling, 2015).
Arabidopsis), the encoding genes being a target of RRBs, and by HPTs For instance, CK promotes the antioxidant‐based protection in chloro-
lacking the canonical histidine residue to accept the transferred phos- plasts resulting in an extension of their life span (Procházková, Haisel,
phoryl moiety (e.g., AHP6 in Arabidopsis; Figure 1). All mentioned genes & Wilhelmová, 2008). Transgenic tobacco plants that produce more
are present in Arabidopsis as small gene families with two (CYP735A), CK under drought stress because of the induction of a PSARK:IPT gene
three (AHK) or more members, seven in the case of CKX and LOG genes, (see below) showed an increased catalase activity and increased CO2
nine for IPT genes, and 11 and 12 for RRA and RRB genes. respiration (Rivero, Shulaev, & Blumwald, 2009) suggesting protection
Downstream of this core signalling pathway, transcriptional net- of photosynthetic processes. In contrast, another study reported that
works are activated of which the architecture is not yet completely reducing CK signalling in Arabidopsis by mutating the AHK2 and
known (Brenner et al., 2012). Part of the network are CK RESPONSE AHK3 receptor genes resulted in stronger photo‐oxidative stress
FACTORs (CRFs), which are members of the APETALA2/ETHYLENE tolerance under conditions of water deficit (Danilova et al., 2014).
RESPONSE FACTOR (AP2/ERF) transcription factor family. Several Also, lack of light may cause considerable stress for plants
CRF genes are transcriptionally regulated by CK, and their products that have developed distinct response mechanisms. CK acts as an
act presumably downstream of the core CK signalling pathway important xylem‐carried signal for photosynthetic acclimation to
(Rashotte et al., 2006). The system offers plenty of opportunities for canopy light gradients in Arabidopsis and tobacco (Boonman, Prinsen,
fine‐tuning and crosstalk, including cross‐activation of effector genes Voesenek, & Pons, 2009). Low light induces the shade avoidance
by other hormones, coaction of RRBs with other transcription factors, response, which consists of the induction of elongation growth towards
and regulation of protein stability (Kurepa, Li, & Smalle, 2014; Marín‐ light and the arrest of leaf growth. The CKX6 gene has been identified
de la Rosa et al., 2015; Müller & Sheen, 2008). as being essential for the shade‐dependent auxin‐induced degradation
of CK in developing leaf primordia. Enhanced CK degradation resulted
in a rapid arrest of leaf primordia growth, saving resources for extension
3 | T HE R OLE OF C K I N TH E RE SP ON SE T O growth of the hypocotyl (Carabelli et al., 2007).
ABIOTIC STRESS Characteristic features of light is to deliver information about day-
time and regulate the circadian clock. Recently, it has been discovered
3.1 | Light as a stress factor that an extended light period causes stress symptoms in Arabidopsis
plants during the following night, a phenomenon named photoperiod
Light delivers energy for photosynthesis; it carries information about stress (Nitschke et al., 2016; Nitschke, Cortleven, & Schmülling,
the season and time of the day and influences the growth direction of 2017). The stress phenotype was first discovered in CK‐deficient
plants. Too much light or too low light causes stress to plants, and plants and was characterised by a typical course of events: An
recent findings indicate that also an altered day–night rhythm may extended light period led several hours after the beginning of the night
cause stress. CK is involved at different levels in the response to these to the induction of stress marker genes such as ZAT12 and BAP1 and a
stresses, which will be briefly summarised in the following sections. strong increase in jasmonic acid (JA) concentration; the next day, a sig-
Although photosynthesis depends on light, excessive light causes nificant reduction of PSII maximum quantum efficiency (Fv/Fm) and
damage to the photosynthetic apparatus and other cellular compart- lesion formation in the leaves became visible. Wild‐type plants
ments. Plants have developed several protective mechanisms to avoid showed a much weaker stress response compared with CK‐deficient
stress by too much light (high light stress) such as the dissipation of plants indicating that CK has a protective function. Mutant analyses
excess light energy as heat, cyclic electron transport, and light avoid- revealed that CK acts mainly through AHK3 and the RRBs ARR2,
ance movements of leaves and chloroplasts (Takahashi & Badger, ARR10, and ARR12 (Figure 2b). Also, certain clock mutants (e.g.,
2011). Despite these protective mechanisms, high light may cause an cca1 lhy) showed a strong stress response after photoperiodic stress.
overreduction of the photosynthetic electron transport chain and Common to stress‐sensitive clock mutants and CK‐deficient plants
photoinhibition takes place lowering the efficiency of photosynthesis was a lowered expression or impaired functioning of CCA1 and LHY,

FIGURE 2 Models for the protective function of cytokinin during high light and photoperiod stress. (a) High light (HL) causes the inhibition of
active PSII and the production of ROS, which can also inhibit D1 repair (dotted black lines). Plants have evolved several mechanisms such as
ROS scavenging and the D1 repair cycle to counteract the destructive effect of too much light (light grey boxes and solid black lines). Cytokinin
(CK) has protective functions in the light stress response by promoting both ROS scavenging and D1 repair (grey lines), which is mediated by the
AHK2 and AHK3 receptors and the RRBs ARR1 and ARR12. Adapted from Cortleven et al. (2014). (b) In plants with a reduced CK status or CCA1/
LHY expression or function, alteration of the photoperiod leads to a perturbation of the circadian clock, which results in a stress syndrome
characterised by the accumulation of ROS and jasmonic acid (JA) and the formation of lesions. CK acts via the AHK2 and AHK3 receptors and the
RRBs ARR2, ARR10, and ARR12 to maintain CCA1/LHY expression levels required for a functional circadian clock. Adapted from Nitschke et al.

two key regulators of the circadian clock, which indicates that a func- 3.2.1 | The role of CK in the response to cold stress
tional clock is essential to cope with photoperiod stress. Although this
new kind of abiotic stress does not occur under natural conditions, it is Cold stress results among others in a loss of membrane integrity,
informative about links between CK and stress pathways, which have increased ion efflux, and an impaired water and nutrient balance.
so far gone unnoticed. It remains to be seen what the natural roles of The response to cold stress involves transcriptional and posttranscrip-
these mechanistic links are. tional regulatory mechanisms that can be ABA dependent or ABA
independent. In Arabidopsis, the best studied response to cold stress
is the CBF/DREB signalling cascade, which is also called CBF regulon
and comprises the CBF1 to CBF3 genes as central regulatory elements
3.2 | Temperature stress (Pareek, Khurana, Sharma, & Kumar, 2017).
The role of CK in the response to cold temperatures is not entirely
A second relevant environmental information for plants is the ambient clear. Typically, cold temperatures lower the CK content and CK
temperature, which may encompass enormous diurnal differences of signalling (e.g., Maruyama et al., 2014), which makes sense as a growth
30°C or more, even in temperate climates. Temperature has a signifi- reduction is caused by cold stress. However, exogenous addition of
cant impact on plants. Major temperature variations may cause cold CK to Arabidopsis seedlings may increase their freezing tolerance (Jeon
stress (chilling or freezing stress) or heat stress. As will be outlined et al., 2010). On the other hand, Arabidopsis CK receptor mutants
below, there is partly contradictory information about the role of CK (ahk2 ahk3 and ahk3 cre1) displayed an enhanced freezing tolerance
in the immediate cold stress response. Comparatively few is known suggesting that the receptors act as negative regulators of the
about a possible role of CK in the response to heat stress. response to cold stress. Surprisingly, cold stress activated CK

receptors independent of CK (Jeon et al., 2010), and signal transfer Transcriptomic and proteomic studies revealed more connections
used proteins of the two‐component signalling system, in particular between CK and the heat response. A substantial overlap of CK‐ and
several HPTs (AHP2, AHP3, and AHP5) and the RRB ARR1 (Jeon & heat‐responsive transcriptomic changes was identified in Arabidopsis
Kim, 2013). The cold‐regulated genes were distinct from those of (Černý, Jedelský, Novák, Schlosser, & Brzobohatý, 2014). A high pro-
the CBF regulon (Jeon & Kim, 2013) and included a subset of RRA portion of the heat‐responsive proteome and several phosphoproteins
genes, namely, ARR5, ARR6, ARR7, ARR15, and ARR22. arr5, arr6, and appeared to be coregulated by CK as the proteome response to CK
arr7 mutants showed increased freezing tolerance, with or without treatment at standard temperature partly mimicked the effects of heat
cold acclimation (Jeon et al., 2010). In contrast, other studies found shocks on the proteome. Following high temperature treatment, a new
that overexpression of the same RRA genes (ARR5, ARR7, ARR15) as set of early CK response proteins was identified (Černý, Dyčka,
well as of ARR22 increased freezing tolerance in Arabidopsis (Kang, Bobál'ová, & Brzobohatý, 2011; Skalák et al., 2016). Taken together,
Cho, & Kim, 2013; Shi et al., 2012). Along these lines, our own analysis the prevailing evidence suggests that CK is involved in adaptive mech-
of the cold stress response of Arabidopsis CK signalling and metabo- anisms to heat stress but the exact nature of its activity has as yet to
lism mutants has in most cases not revealed any difference compared be clarified.
with wild type (J.E.L., M. F., & T.S., unpublished result). Together, this
suggests that the activity of two‐component signalling genes in the
response to cold might be context dependent. 3.3 | Drought stress
Besides these key components of the canonical CK signalling
pathway, several CRF genes have been linked to the cold stress Strategies to cope with periods of water restriction are vital for plant
response in Arabidopsis. The CRF2 and CRF3 genes have been shown growth and development. The restriction of water availability is com-
to promote lateral root initiation and formation under cold stress mon in drought, osmotic, salt, and freezing stress, resulting in an over-
(Jeon, Cho, Lee, Van Binh, & Kim, 2016). CRF2 expression was directly lap in physiological responses. To optimise the use of water, several
regulated by ARR1 (Jeon et al., 2016). Also, CRF4 was described to be mechanisms have evolved in plants including redirection of root
induced by cold and to be a positive regulator of freezing tolerance growth (Feng, Lindner, Robbins, & Dinneny, 2016), regulation of tran-
impacting the expression of the CBF regulon (Zwack, Compton, spiration through stomata, and alteration of cell membrane properties
Adams, & Rashotte, 2016). (Zhu, 2016). The response to drought is tightly linked to the action of
Together, these reports show that the response to cold may use ABA, which accumulates upon drought stress and binds to its cognate
(part of) the CK signalling pathway or CK‐related transcription factors. receptor family PYRABACTIN RESISTANCE1 (PYR1)/PYR1‐LIKE
A true function for the hormone itself has not been demonstrated (PYL)/REGULATORY COMPONENTS OF ABA RECEPTORS (RCAR;
unequivocally. Compared with other stresses, CK genes are—besides Figure 3). The ABA‐PYR/PYL complex binds to and thus inhibits PRO-
those genes mentioned above—not particularly responsive to low TEIN PHOSPHATASES 2C (PP2Cs), which, in the absence of ABA,
temperatures, which is consistent with a relatively minor role of the dephosphorylate and in this way keep subclass III SUCROSE NON‐
hormone in the response to cold stress (Ramireddy et al., 2014). FERMENTING‐1 (SNF1)‐RELATED PROTEIN KINASES2 (SnRK2s)
inactive. Activated SnRK2s phosphorylate transcription factors named
3.2.2 | The role of CK in the response to heat stress ABSCISIC ACID‐RESPONSIVE ELEMENT (ABRE) BINDING PRO-
TEINs (AREBs)/ABRE BINDING FACTOR (ABFs), which regulate the
Heat stress damages cellular components by the generation of ROS expression of target genes to increase plant resistance to drought
and the denaturation of proteins and negatively influences the photo- stress (Joshi et al., 2016; Miyakawa, Fujita, Yamaguchi‐Shinozaki, &
synthetic capacity resulting in a metabolic imbalance. Upon heat Tanokura, 2013). Another signalling pathway activated by drought
stress, plants activate various defence mechanisms including the and osmotic stress is ABA independent and involves GROWTH‐
formation of heat shock proteins acting as molecular chaperones REGULATING FACTOR7 (GRF7; Kim et al., 2012; Q. Liu et al., 1998).
preventing protein denaturation and aggregations (Mittler, Finka, & Drought generally causes a reduction of the CK content (e.g.,
Goloubinoff, 2011). Ghanem et al., 2008; Nishiyama et al., 2011; Todaka et al., 2017),
Heat stress decreases the CK content (Hare et al., 1997), and CK which is achieved in Arabidopsis and soybean by repression of IPT
treatment typically enhances heat stress resistance. For example, genes and the up‐regulation of CKX genes (Y. Guo & Gan, 2011; Le
exogenous application of CK and enhanced endogenous CK concen- et al., 2012; Nishiyama et al., 2011; Ramireddy et al., 2014). In addi-
trations resulted in a decrease of the inhibitory effect of heat stress tion, the expression of CK signalling genes was lowered in response
on photosynthesis and chloroplast development (Caers, Rudelsheim, to drought (Nguyen et al., 2016; Nishiyama et al., 2013). Consistently,
& Van Onckelen, 1985; X. Liu & Huang, 2002) and caused a higher genetic studies in Arabidopsis have shown that CK acts as a negative
activity of the antioxidant system and up‐regulation of heat shock pro- regulator of drought stress resistance (Nguyen et al., 2016; Nishiyama
teins in tobacco and creeping bentgrass (Harding & Smigocki, 1994; et al., 2011; Nishiyama et al., 2013; Tran et al., 2007). Lowered CK
Veerasamy, He, & Yuang, 2007; Xu, Tian, Gianfagna, & Huang, 2009; content and signalling had at least two main consequences, namely,
Xu, Gianfagna, & Huang, 2010). Noteworthy, CK treatment increased an increased sensitivity to ABA—establishing CK as an antagonist of
thermotolerance of reproductive tissue in maize, rice, and passion fruit ABA (Tran et al., 2007)—and a reduction of shoot growth (Riefler,
(Cheikh & Jones, 1994; Sobol et al., 2014; Wu et al., 2016, 2017) Novak, Strnad, & Schmülling, 2006; Werner et al., 2003), which is an
suggesting priming of heat stress defence by CK (see below). adaptive response to survive drought.

sensitivity to ABA (Nguyen et al., 2016). Transcriptomic analysis sug-

gested that CK controls a great number of dehydration/drought‐
and/or ABA‐responsive genes contributing to drought adaptation
(Nguyen et al., 2016). The RRA genes ARR5, ARR6, ARR7, ARR15, and
ARR22, which respond to cold in a CK‐independent fashion (Jeon
et al., 2010; Jeon & Kim, 2013), were also up‐regulated under drought
and salt stress conditions (Kang, Cho, Kim, & Kim, 2012) indicating a
partial overlap of the response pathways. Plants that overexpress
ARR22 are more resistant to drought (Kang et al., 2013).
How is the drought stress response of the CK system linked to
the ABA‐dependent response pathway? One link in Arabidopsis
involves induction of MYB2 by ABA (Abe et al., 1997), which
represses IPT genes thus lowering the CK concentration (Y. Guo &
Gan, 2011). In turn, this lowers the output of the AHK/AHP/ARR sig-
nalling cascade contributing to drought/osmotic stress adaptation
(Figure 3). Another link is based on the interaction between SnRK2s
and RRAs and RRBs. Under non‐stress conditions, the RRBs ARR1,
ARR11, and ARR12 physically interact with SnRK2s and thus repress
their kinase activity, which shuts down the drought response
pathway. Conversely, in drought‐stressed plants, SnRK2s phosphory-
late the RRA ARR5 thus inhibiting CK signalling and suppressing
growth (Huang et al., 2018; Figure 3). This crosstalk illustrates
nicely how CK operates to regulate growth‐defence trade‐offs (see
further below).
The protective role of CK during drought stress has also been
used in biotechnological approaches. Expression of an IPT gene under
control of the maturation‐ and senescence‐induced SARK promoter
delayed drought‐induced leaf senescence in tobacco plants and main-
tained photosynthesis by increasing photorespiration during periods
of drought leading to a reduced yield loss compared to control plants
FIGURE 3 Cytokinin‐ABA crosstalk during the response to drought (Rivero et al., 2007, 2009). Similar observations were also made for
and osmotic stress. Upon drought and osmotic stress, ABA
other crops expressing PSARK:IPT such as cassava (Zhang et al., 2010),
accumulates and activates the PYR/PYL/RCAR receptor family (right
rice (Peleg, Reguera, Tumimbang, Walia, & Blumwald, 2011; Reguera
part), resulting in PP2C inhibition and thus in SnRK2 activation, which
leads to AREB/ABF activation and transcription of ABRE genes et al., 2013), peanut (Qin et al., 2011), creeping bentgrass (Merewitz
mediating the stress response. ABA reduces via MYB2‐dependent et al., 2012; Merewitz, Xu, & Huang, 2016), cotton (Kuppu et al.,
repression of IPT genes (left part) the CK concentration. In turn, this 2013), and maize (Décima Oneto et al., 2016). Interestingly, in cotton,
lowers the output of the AHK/AHP/ARR signalling cascade this approach was effective in enhancing plant performance only
contributing to drought/osmotic stress adaptation. During the
when drought stress occurred during the vegetative phase, while
absence of drought/osmotic stress, CK suppresses SnRK2 function via
RRBs thus shutting off the stress response. Upon stress, activated drought stress during or after flowering did not cause a yield advan-
SnRK2 phosphorylates ARR5, thereby reducing CK signalling. MYB2: tage (Zhu, Li, Zhang, & Guo, 2018). Similar beneficial effects on plant
MYOSIN BINDING2; PYR/PYL/RCAR: PYRABACTIN RESISTANCE1/ growth and yield by conditionally or locally enhanced CK synthesis
PYR1‐LIKE/REGULATORY COMPONENTS OF ABA RECEPTORS; have been reported from canola and bentgrass using different
promoter‐IPT gene combinations (Kant et al., 2015; Xu, Burgess,
Zhang, & Huang, 2016). Notably, IPT transgenic canola showed a yield
BINDING PROTEIN/ABRE BINDING FACTOR increase under both stressed and nonstressed scenarios in the field
(Kant et al., 2015).
Another engineering approach to improve drought resistance in
Functionally relevant components of the CK signalling chain in the plants has built on the knowledge that CK is a negative regulator of
response to drought stress have been identified (Li, Herrera‐Estrella, & elongation growth of the primary root and of root branching (Werner
Tran, 2016). Plants with mutated CK receptor genes (AHK2 and et al., 2003; Werner, Motyka, Strnad, & Schmülling, 2001). Lowering
AHK3), HPT (AHP2, AHP3, and AHP5), or RRB (ARR1, ARR10, and the CK content in the root of Arabidopsis, tobacco and barley plants
ARR12) genes showed an increased drought stress resistance (Nguyen by root‐specific expression of CKX genes caused the formation of a
et al., 2016; Nishiyama et al., 2011). Drought resistance was associ- larger root system with mostly unaffected shoot growth and yield
ated with a number of physiological changes such as a reduced stoma- (Macková et al., 2013; Ramireddy et al., 2018; Werner et al., 2010).
tal aperture, increased cell membrane integrity, and increased A higher survival rate of CKX‐transgenic tobacco plants under drought

stress in an intermixed planting suggested that these plants competed sensitive rice cultivar. A knockdown of OsCKX2, which
more successfully than wild‐type plants for limited water resources caused increased CK levels and enhanced seed yield (Ashikari et al.,
(Werner et al., 2010). Transgenic barley with enhanced CK breakdown 2005), showed a reduced yield penalty under salinity stress (Joshi
in their roots showed dampened stress responses to long‐term et al., 2018).
drought conditions, including a higher stomatal conductance and a
higher CO2 assimilation rate, a lower induction of key ABA metabolism
genes, and reduced accumulation of ABA (Ramireddy et al., 2018). 3.5 | Nutrient stress
These beneficial effects have been partly attributed to the larger soil
volume explored by the CKX‐transgenic plants, but evidently, Lack of nutrients in the soil causes stress and induces a variety of
additional mechanisms such as crosstalk between the CK and ABA responses in which CK is involved at different levels (Pavlů et al.,
signalling pathways might contribute to the altered drought stress 2018). The availability of nutrients modifies root system architecture
response (Ramireddy et al., 2018; Vojta et al., 2016). (RSA), and CK is one of the factors regulating RSA in response to nutri-
Taken together, different strategies have been employed success- tional cues (Kroevoets, Venema, Elzenga, & Testerink, 2016). Both CK
fully to increase drought resistance of plants by genetically engineer- metabolism and signalling genes are involved in regulating RSA
ing the plant CK system. However, it should be kept in mind that (Bielach et al., 2012; Chang, Ramireddy, & Schmülling, 2013; Chang,
there are numerous different drought scenarios affecting plants at Ramireddy, & Schmülling, 2015), and nutritional cues impact their
different times of their lives and each and every drought scenario transcript levels (Bielach et al., 2017; Pavlů et al., 2018; Ramireddy
might need (partially) different solutions to combat its consequences et al., 2014). CK regulates expression of numerous transporter genes
(Tardieu, 2012). (Brenner, Romanov, Köllmer, Bürkle, & Schmülling, 2005; Werner
et al., 2010) and the production of passage cells (Andersen et al.,
2018), which impacts the ability to uptake nutrients by the plant. Thus,
3.4 | Salt stress CK regulates morphological and physiological adaptive responses to
cope with nutrient stress.
During salinity stress, the high osmotic potential of the saline soil leads The first work that revealed a specific role of CK signalling in
to water loss from plant tissue, to a decrease of the water absorption nutrient sensing was a study on the phosphate starvation response
capacity of the plant root system and to the formation of harmful ROS in Arabidopsis mutants and revealed that CK signalling is required for
(Mahajan & Tuteja, 2005; Munns, 2002). To cope with salinity stress, a strong response to low phosphate availability (Franco‐Zorrilla et al.,
plants have developed different adaptation strategies, which are par- 2002; Franco‐Zorrilla, Martín, Leyva, & Paz‐Ares, 2005). CK is a
tially overlapping with the responses to drought stress, and include negative regulator of sulfur acquisition suppressing the expression of
the reduction of water loss by regulation of stomata closure, reduced sulfate transporter genes (Maruyama‐Nakashita, Nakamura, Yamaya,
growth and the protection from ion stress (Munns & Tester, 2008). & Takahashi, 2004). Similarly, CK suppresses genes for iron uptake
Responses to salt stress are regulated by different phytohor- and iron homeostasis (Séguéla, Briat, Vert, & Curie, 2008). As men-
mones, most prominently by ABA, which has a protective role (Zhu, tioned above, CK regulates sodium accumulation through the sodium
2002). In contrast, CK is generally a negative regulator of the response transporter gene HKT1;1 (Mason et al., 2010). CK deficiency induced
to salt stress. Regulation of IPT genes in salinity‐stressed Arabidopsis by low potassium levels or due to an experimentally lowered CK status
wild‐type plants led to a reduction of the CK concentration (Nishiyama caused up‐regulation of the high‐affinity K+ transporter gene HAK5,
et al., 2011). CK‐deficient plants were more tolerant to salinity stress enhanced ROS accumulation, and increased root hair growth, suggest-
than wild type (Nishiyama et al., 2011; Tran et al., 2007). These salt‐ ing that CK has a role in the response to low potassium availability
tolerant plants showed altered expression of numerous stress‐ and (Nam et al., 2012). For yet another micronutrient, boron, it was found
ABA‐responsive genes (Nishiyama et al., 2012). Among the genes reg- in Brassica napus seedlings that increasing boron concentration in the
ulated by CK in Arabidopsis is HKT1;1, which encodes a sodium trans- medium correlated with increased CK content, which was argued to
porter preventing hyperaccumulation of sodium ions. Mutants with be a prerequisite for an adjusted growth response (Eggert & von
lower CK showed enhanced HKT1;1 expression and an enhanced salt Wirén, 2017).
resistance, suggesting a functional relevance of this regulation (Mason CK is an important regulatory factor in plant adaptation to arsenic
et al., 2010; Nishiyama et al., 2011). Overproduction of CK by induc- (As) stress (Mohan et al., 2016). Arabidopsis plants with a reduced CK
ible expression of the IPT8 gene in Arabidopsis resulted in reduced status were shown to be more tolerant than wild type to arsenate, the
salinity stress adaptation, which was correlated with an enhanced most abundant form of As. CK deficiency increased expression of
ROS production and with a decrease in ROS scavenging enzyme As(V)/phosphate transporter genes and As tolerance mechanisms
expression (Wang, Shen, Chan, & Wu, 2015). causing accumulation of complexing agents (Mohan et al., 2016). In
In contrast to the negative role of CK in salt stress resistance contrast, in case of another soil contaminant, selenium (Se), higher
shown by these genetic studies, other work described a positive effect CK levels caused tolerance (Lehotai et al., 2012). These data suggest
of CK under salinity stress. In tomato plants under salinity stress, that CK is a factor in regulating adaptation to As and Se stress.
the application of INCYDE, an inhibitor of CKX enzymes, protected How a growth regulatory function of CK in response to nutrient
the photosynthetic apparatus and increased the production of flowers stress could be exerted was elegantly shown by recent work address-
(Aremu et al., 2014). A protective effect of CK was also noted in a salt‐ ing the role of CK in communicating the availability of nitrogen from

roots to the shoot (Landrein et al., 2018; Poitout et al., 2018; Figure 4). a major transcriptional reprogramming in shoots caused by root‐
Quantitative microscopy was used to record the expression of a GFP derived CK, suggesting additional roles of the hormone beyond regu-
reporter gene under control of the WUS promoter, which regulates lation of SAM activity (Poitout et al., 2018). The increase of CK con-
the expression of a central regulator of shoot apical meristem (SAM) centration in the root in response to altered nitrate availability
activity (Landrein et al., 2018). Analysis of reporter gene activation in involves NLP transcription factors, which act as positive regulators
the background of CK metabolism mutants revealed that the response of IPT and CYP735A gene expression, whereas NIGT1 transcription
to altered nitrogen availability in the soil required de novo CK synthesis factors—also positively regulated by NLPs—act as negative regulators
by IPTs. Consistently, an increase of the soil nitrogen content of IPT and CYP735A gene expression (Maeda et al., 2018; Figure 4).
increased the concentration of tZR, which is the major transport form Taken together, it has been demonstrated that synthesis of CK in
of CK (Figure 4). The pWUS:GFP reporter gene response to altered the root and its translocation to the shoot carries relevant information
nitrogen availability occurred rapidly in the SAM within a day. Impor- about soil conditions, notably nitrogen availability, to regulate shoot
tantly, grafting experiments between wild type and CK mutants activity. Results suggesting a role for CK as systemic nitrogen signal
showed that synthesis of precursors of active CKs may occur in the were obtained also in the perennial grass Lolium perenne (Q. Guo
root (or elsewhere in the plant) but that the reporter gene response et al., 2017), suggesting that the function is evolutionary conserved.
was strictly dependent on the ability to form active CKs in the shoot,
presumably by LOG enzymes in the SAM (Chickarmane, Gordon, Tarr,
Heisler, & Meyerowitz, 2012). Consistent with CK acting through 4 | TH E R OL E O F C K I N TH E R E SP O NS E TO
modulating the activity of WUS, several reports identified WUS as a B I O TI C S T R E S S
direct target gene of RRBs (Dai et al., 2017; T. Q. Zhang et al., 2017;
Zubo et al., 2017) suggesting a short signalling path in the responding CKs are adenine derivatives, and numerous organisms other than
meristem (Figure 4). Poitout et al. (2018) ascribed an important role to plants use adenine derivatives as signalling molecules. Therefore,
the ABCG14 transporter to export nitrate‐induced CK from roots as CKs are ideal molecules for interkingdom communication between
its mutation disrupted systemic N‐signalling. Further, they identified plants and phytopathogens.

FIGURE 4 Cytokinin functions as a long distance signal regulating shoot growth dependent on nitrate availability in the soil. (a) CK is involved in
responding to the availability of numerous nutrients in the soil (shown in grey; for details, see text). The role in the response to nitrate availability is
highlighted. (b) Upon nitrate sensing, biosynthesis of CK in the root is induced by NLPs, which are positive regulators of IPT and CYP735A gene
expression. NLPs induce also the expression of NIGT1 transcription factor genes encoding negative regulators of IPT and CYP735A gene
expression. tZR and tZ are transported via ABCG14 through the xylem to the shoot (dotted black lines). (c) In the leaves, CK signalling induces
transcriptional reprogramming leading to physiological changes. (d) In the SAM, CK enhances WUS expression and thus SAM size and organ
formation. SAM: shoot apical meristem; WUS: WUSCHEL

Plants have evolved elaborate strategies to respond to attacks by activity and thus may cause more persistent host tissue stimulation
other living organisms, which rely often on the action of different (Pertry et al., 2009, 2010; Radhika et al., 2015).
defence hormones, in particular salicylic acid (SA) to defend against An important role of CK for the successful establishment of plant–
biotrophic and hemibiotrophic pathogens, and JA and ethylene (ET) fungus interaction was also shown in the biotrophic ergot Claviceps
to defend against necrotrophic pathogens and herbivores (Conrath, purpurea. It synthesises a spectrum of CKs including cZ‐type CKs,
Beckers, Langenbach, & Jaskiewicz, 2015; Erb, Glauser, & Robert, the predominant CK form in rye, the main host of C. purpurea (Hinsch,
2012; Gao, Zhu, Kachroo, & Kachroo, 2015). In order to reduce costly Galuszka, & Tudzynski, 2016). C. purpurea strains with mutated CK
constitutive defence, plants have evolved several inducible defence synthesis genes, in particular those with abolished synthesis of cZ‐
mechanisms such as Induced Systemic Resistance (ISR) and Systemic type CKs, and strains expressing a CKX gene showed reduced
Acquired Resistance (SAR; Fu & Dong, 2013; Pieterse et al., 2014). virulence (Hinsch et al., 2016; Kind et al., 2018).
For SAR, SA and SA conjugates, like the volatile and phloem mobile The clubroot disease of the Brassicaceae is caused by the obligate
methyl salicylate (MeSA), are key regulators and tightly connected to biotrophic protist Plasmodiophora brassicae that produces CK and
the expression of pathogenesis‐related genes (e.g., PR1) in distal tis- induces an array of transcriptional CK responses upon infection. CKX
sues (Gao et al., 2015). CK action has to be linked to these established gene overexpressing lines developed reduced disease symptoms,
defence pathways in order to shape defence responses. The emerging clearly indicating the importance of CK for pathogenesis of clubroot
picture of how this is realised will be outlined below, after an overview (Siemens et al., 2006).
of recent studies on the roles of CK in the interactions between plants As a result of infection with the hemibiotrophic fungus Verticillium
and pathogens. longisporum, a vascular pathogen in Brassicaceae, tZ levels in
Arabidopsis decreased (Reusche et al., 2013). This seems to be part
of the infection strategy of the pathogen, because stabilisation of CK
4.1 Diverse functions for CK in interkingdom
| levels enhanced Arabidopsis resistance against the fungus.
communication The hemiparasitic plant Phtheirospermum japonicum induces hyper-
trophy on the roots of Arabidopsis thus reducing the biomass of the
The role of CK in plant–pathogen interaction was initially highlighted host and increasing the haustoria density of the pathogen. This process
by its involvement in inducing neoplastic growth in host plants. The required the CK receptors AHK3 and AHK4 but did not rely on CK
best known example is Agrobacterium tumefaciens, which integrates a synthesis by the host plant. Instead, expression of a CK‐degrading
piece of DNA, carrying, amongst others, a CK synthesis gene, to take enzyme in P. japonicum prevented host hypertrophy suggesting that
control of the growth of the infected host cell (Jameson, 2000; the parasitic plant was the source of CK (Spallek et al., 2017).
Sakakibara et al., 2005). Neoplastic growth can also be caused by Parasitic nematodes manipulate production and signalling of CK
the interaction of leaf‐mining and gall‐forming insects with plants to activate cell division. Siddique et al. (2015) identified an IPT gene
and has been proposed to be associated with altered CK (Giron in the nematode Heterodera schachtii and showed that silencing of this
et al., 2013). Another classical example is the role of CK in green gene led to a significant decrease in virulence. CK‐deficient plants
island formation on leaves following infection with biotrophic or showed decreased susceptibility indicating that the host plants CK
hemibiotrophic fungi causing enhanced nutrient assimilation and allo- system is required for virulence. This and additional work of Shanks
cation and retardation of senescence (Walters & McRoberts, 2006). et al. (2015) underlined the functional relevance of CK for the parasitic
Over the last years, a number of detailed studies covering a broad interaction and in particular for the induction of the nematode's
range of other pathogens ranging from viruses and bacteria to fungi, feeding site. Further, altered expression of plant CK genes at the
nematodes, herbivores, and even parasitic plants have documented developing feeding sites showed that cyst and root‐knot nematodes
how ubiquitously CK is used in interkingdom communication (Albrecht manipulated the host's own CK system (Dowd et al., 2017; Siddique
& Argueso, 2017). In the following section, we will highlight represen- et al., 2015).
tative examples. CK was also repeatedly shown to be involved in interactions
Pathogenicity proteins of some gemini viruses inhibit an adeno- between plants and herbivores. Leaf wounding as well as oral secre-
sine kinase, which phosphorylates CK nucleosides (Baliji, Lacatus, & tions of the herbivore Manduca sexta increased the levels of CK in
Sunter, 2010). As a consequence, upon viral infection, expression of Arabidopsis and Nicotiana attenuata (Schäfer, Brütting, et al., 2015).
primary CK responsive genes was enhanced suggesting that the host CK induced various defence responses in N. attenuata including the
CK pathway is a target to boost viral infection. The gemini viruses accumulation of JA through two CK receptors (NaCHK2 and
might benefit from the increased CK levels, which cause the promo- NaCHK3). However, the formation of the bioactive JA‐Ile was not
tion of cell division, delay of senescence, and/or the increased avail- promoted (Schäfer, Brütting, et al., 2015), and the JA pathway was
ability of local resources. not required to increase the CK levels; in fact, it rather suppressed
The biotrophic actinomycete Rhodococcus fascians, causative the CK responses (Schäfer, Meza‐Canales, et al., 2015). Another herbi-
agent of the leafy gall syndrome, produces and releases a spectrum vore, the mirid Tupiocoris notatus, living also on N. attenuata, was
of CK metabolites into its surroundings to induce tissue proliferation shown to transfer CK, in particular iP‐type CK, to the plant via its oral
of the host acting through AHK3 and AHK4. Interestingly, methylated secretions to increase sink strength and thus the food quality of the
derivatives of CKs were among the CKs produced by the pathogen, leaves it feeds on (Brütting et al., 2018). Together, this clearly showed
which turned out to be more stable against the plants' CKX enzyme that CK has an important role in plant–herbivore interactions and its

formation and signalling may be induced in the plant by the herbivore responses involving CK may be dependent or independent of the SA
or produced by the herbivore itself, possibly involving endosymbionts pathway. The different modes of interaction will be described in the
(Giron et al., 2013). following sections and are summarised in Figure 5.
A clear indication that the CK and SA pathways are linked came
from the analysis of the uni‐1D mutation in Arabidopsis. This mutation
4.2 | Interaction between CK and SA‐dependent and caused constitutive activation of the UNI disease resistance protein,
SA‐independent pathways which in turn caused activation of CK and, subsequently, of the SA
pathway, but not of the JA/ET defence pathway (Igari et al., 2008).
Probably the best studied activities of CK in defence are those against Enhanced expression of the resistance protein PR1 in the uni‐1D
biotrophic and hemibiotrophic pathogens such as the bacterium Pseu- mutant was abolished by abbreviating SA synthesis or by reducing
domonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (Pst) causing bacterial speck in the CK content. Also, the activation of two other resistance proteins,
Arabidopsis (Choi et al., 2010) or the oomycete Hyaloperonospora RPS2 and RPM1, induced the CK pathway supporting its relevance
arabidopsidis (Hpa) Noco2 (Albrecht & Argueso, 2017). The defence for pathogen defence (Igari et al., 2008).

FIGURE 5 Model for cytokinin action in plant immunity. Many plant–pathogen interactions cause an increase in CK concentration. CK exerts its
protective functions against biotic stressors in both SA‐dependent or SA‐independent fashions. For example, the induction of phytoalexin
accumulation in tobacco, which confers resistance against Pseudomonas syringae, does not depend on SA. In the SA‐dependent defence, the CK
(dark grey boxes) and SA pathways (white boxes) are linked on various levels. CK potentiates SA‐dependent defence responses whereas RRAs
negatively regulate CK and SA pathways. Both CK and SA pathways are required to induce post‐invasive defence via the interaction of the
transcription factors ARR2, TGA3, and NPR1. Overexpression of CRF5 resulted in enhanced expression of defence‐related marker genes. The
action of CK to establish pre‐invasive defence responses involves ARR2, which induces H2O2 production via activation of apoplastic plant
peroxidases. Manipulation of the host CK pool by pathogen effectors may also cause suppression of defence mechanisms in the host cell. SA:

The molecular mechanism underlying the CK and SA pathway antimicrobial compounds could replace CK treatment for suppressing
interaction was revealed by Choi et al. (2010). They found that CK act- infection symptoms rather than for increasing SA levels proving their
ing through AHK2/AHK3 was required for resistance of Arabidopsis to functional relevance and SA independence. CK induces phytoalexin
Pst. This defence was ineffective in a mutant defective in the SA production also in other species (Ko et al., 2010) showing that it might
response factor gene TGA3, encoding a bZIP transcription factor. The be a general function of the hormone.
RRB ARR2 was shown to bind to TGA3 and activate SA‐related The biological relevance of pathogen‐produced CK and its inter-
defence genes including PR1 and ICS1/SID2, coding for isochorismate action with SA in the establishment of plant–pathogen interaction
synthase, which is involved in SA biosynthesis. This gene activation was also shown in the rice—Magnaporthe oryzae pathosystem
was abolished in the tga3 mutant, in the SA signalling mutant npr1 (Chanclud et al., 2016). The rice blast fungus expressed CK Synthesis
and nahG‐overexpressing plants lacking SA. ARR2 was not able to bind 1 (CKS1), a tRNA‐IPT gene synthesising cZ. M. oryzae cks1 mutants
the PR1 promoter by itself; rather, the ARR2‐TGA3 interaction was showed reduced CK production by the fungus after infection, which
essential for binding and the induction of PR1 expression (Figure 5). in turn decreased the fungal virulence. In this case, the role of fungal
Further, SA‐enhanced ARR2‐TGA3 binding to the PR1 promoter was CK was to suppress the host's defence system, as host plants chal-
dependent on NPR1, which functions as a transcriptional coactivator lenged with a cks1 mutant strain displayed an elevated oxidative burst
(Choi et al., 2010). Besides this central regulatory module, part of and defence‐related marker gene expression (Chanclud et al., 2016).
the CK response may also be mediated by CRF5. Arabidopsis thaliana On the other hand, after infection of rice with M. oryzae, CK and SA
plants overexpressing the CRF5 gene showed enhanced expression together induced defence gene expression in a manner dependent
of PR1 and enhanced resistance to Pst (Liang et al., 2010). Notably, on the SA receptor OsNPR1 and the downstream transcription factor
bioinformatic analyses confirmed the CK‐SA synergism (Naseem WRKY45 (Jiang et al., 2013). Thus, in the rice— M. oryzae interaction
et al., 2012). CK has different context‐ or dosage‐dependent roles in modulation
The relevance of the CK‐SA coaction was confirmed in a study of of defence responses.
Hpa infection in Arabidopsis (Argueso et al., 2012). The action of CK Yet another variant of modulating plant–pathogen interaction
was dose‐dependent as pre‐treatment with low CK concentrations through CK resulting in a reduced defence response has been
(48 hr prior to infection) caused higher susceptibility whereas higher reported from the Pst effector protein HopQ1 (Hann et al., 2014).
CK concentrations led to increased defence responses through HopQ1 is one of several secreted pathogen effector proteins that
AHK2 and AHK3. Such dose‐dependent activities of CK are not enters the host cell to suppress its defence responses. Induced HopQ1
uncommon in plant–pathogen interactions (Babosha, 2009) or in the expression in Arabidopsis plants increased CK concentration and sig-
regulation of developmental processes and have been explained by nalling, possibly through a CK‐activating function similar to LOG
bell‐shaped dose–response curves (Ferreira & Kieber, 2005). The effi- enzymes. In turn, enhanced CK levels reduced expression of the
cacy of pre‐treatment with CK was strongly dependent on SA, as the FLS2 receptor gene, which is required for pathogen recognition and
eds16 mutant, which is defective in SA synthesis, did not show defence signalling. Thus, in this case, overtaking the CK system of
enhanced defence following CK treatment. Mutation of RRA genes the host plant by Pst was beneficial for the pathogen as the host's
led to higher CK sensitivity resulting in increased PR1 and ICS1 gene immune response was dampened (Hann et al., 2014).
expression and decreased susceptibility, indicating that RRAs nega- Taken together, in defence against (hemi)biotrophic pathogens,
tively regulate disease resistance. The authors presented a model in CK plays diverse roles: pre‐invasive defence by inducing stomatal clo-
which CK up‐regulates plant immunity via increased SA‐dependent sure (Arnaud et al., 2017), postinvasive defence by activating together
defence responses and in which SA in turn feedback‐inhibits CK with SA the plant's immune system including callose deposition,
signalling (Argueso et al., 2012). defence marker gene expression, and phytoalexin production (Argueso
During Pst infection of Arabidopsis, CK is also important to estab- et al., 2012; Choi et al., 2010; Großkinsky et al., 2011; Jiang et al.,
lish a pre‐invasive defence barrier, which consists of stomatal closure 2013; Naseem et al., 2012; Figure 5). CK may also be used by the
induced by H2O2 (Arnaud et al., 2017). Also in this case, CK action pathogen to dampen the host's immune response (Hann et al., 2014)
required the receptor AHK3 and the transcription factors ARR2 and or to hijack the host metabolism to create a favourable feeding situa-
ARR10, the same components that are relevant during postinvasive tion (Chanclud et al., 2016).
defence (Choi et al., 2010). similar as in postinvasive defence CK Most recently, it was shown that also pathogens may recognise
action was SA dependent. However, in this case, TGA3 was not plant‐derived CK to enhance their own protection against the plant's
required as a partner of ARR2 suggesting that SA dependency might defence (Wang, Cheng, Wu, Ren, & Qian, 2017). Xanthomonas
be achieved in a different way. ARR2 directly activated several genes campestris, a pathogen infecting Brassica oleraceae, is able to perceive
coding for apoplastic peroxidases (PRX33, PRX34, and PRX71) generat- plant‐derived iP via the CHASE domain of a membrane‐bound recep-
ing H2O2 to induce stomatal closure (Arnaud et al., 2017; Figure 5). tor histidine kinase named PcrK (Wang et al., 2017). Curiously, iP
An alternative CK‐dependent but SA‐independent pathway has decreased downstream signalling of the receptor, which at the end
been revealed in the defence of tobacco plants against P. syringae pv enhanced bacterial tolerance to oxidative stress. Mutation of PcrK
tabaci (Großkinsky et al., 2011; Figure 5). The CK‐mediated resistance reduced bacterial virulence, suggesting an important role of CK as sig-
strongly correlated with an increased level of bactericidal activities nal for pathogenicity (Wang et al., 2017). In sum, it appears that
and up‐regulated synthesis of the two major antimicrobial phyto- Xanthomonas detects CK as part of the plant defence, enabling the
alexins in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), scopoletin and capsidiol. These pathogen to enhance its own protection against the plant's immune

response involving ROS production. This first report on a CK receptor

in phytopathogenic bacteria will certainly induce further research into
this novel role of CK as a signal outside the plant kingdom (Kabbara,
Schmülling, & Papon, 2018).

4.3 | Links between the CK and the JA pathways

Much less than about CK‐SA interaction is known about the links
between CK and JA signalling. Choi et al. (2010) noted that CK is
FIGURE 6 Cytokinin acts as a priming agent. Treatment with CK
required for the probably JA‐mediated resistance of Arabidopsis to
prior to attack of a pathogen (red line) causes a faster and stronger
the necrotrophic fungus Alternaria brassicicola. Argueso et al. (2012)
stress response to a triggering stimulus as compared with nonprimed
reported that expression of PDF1.2, a marker gene of the JA pathway, plants (black line)
was slightly decreased in RRA mutants of Arabidopsis, which might indi-
cate a positive regulation of the JA pathway by CK. However, the
significantly higher levels of fitness than nonprimed plants (van
down‐regulation was not strong, and a modelling approach did not
Hulten, Pelser, van Loon, Pieterse, & Ton, 2006).
show a conclusive interaction of CK signalling with the JA pathway
The clearest cases of priming by CK have been reported for
(Naseem et al., 2012). Experimentally, it was found that CK did
defence against microbes. Pretreatment of Arabidopsis leaves with
promote neither JA accumulation nor JA‐induced susceptibility to Pst
CK 24 hr before infection with Pst caused a higher expression of the
(Naseem, Kaltdorf, Hussain, & Dandekar, 2013). However, genome‐
SA synthesis gene ICS1/SID2 and PR1 and a strong suppression of
wide association mapping of loci associated with a differential tran-
pathogen growth (Choi et al., 2010). Pretreatment with CK 48 hr prior
scriptional response of Arabidopsis against treatment by combinations
to infection primed also the response of Arabidopsis against Hpa in a
of SA and JA has identified the RRB ARR11 as a main player in SA‐JA
dose‐dependent manner (Argueso et al., 2012). Importantly, in these
crosstalk (Proietti et al., 2018). Although its role in mediating eventually
cases, CK treatment alone did not lead to high levels of defence acti-
a function of CK in this crosstalk is as yet unclear, it indicates that CK
vation, but this was rather dependent on the presence of the patho-
may affect the JA pathway through ARR11.
gen or an elicitor functioning as a stress stimulus (Figure 6). Another
Also in case of plant‐insect interactions, where the JA pathway
case of priming by CK has been shown by the dependence of biocon-
translates information perceived at the plant–insect interface into
trol by Pseudomonas on the pathogen's ability to produce CK and of
defence responses (Erb et al., 2012), it is still unclear how the CK
the host to perceive the priming CK signal (Großkinsky et al., 2016).
and JA pathways are linked. As mentioned above, in N. attenuata,
Notably, in all these cases, priming by CK was dependent on SA as nei-
the JA pathway was not required for the increase of CK upon
ther the SA‐deficient eds16 mutant nor npr1 showed priming by CK
wounding and simulation of herbivore feeding. JA rather suppressed
(Argueso et al., 2012; Choi et al., 2010; Großkinsky et al., 2016).
NaRRA5 expression, which served as readout for CK responses. This
Other instances of priming of defence by CK have been noted. In
is consistent with the antagonistic roles of JA and CK in regulating
Phaseolus vulgaris, CK treatment caused a delay of disease symptoms
developmental processes such as leaf senescence (Schäfer, Meza‐
after infection by white clover mosaic virus (Gális, Smith, & Jameson,
Canales, et al., 2015).
2004). Sheikh et al. (2014) proposed that the priming of defence
responses in N. tabacum by A. tumefaciens sp. strain GV3101 to a sub-
5 | CK AS A PRIMING AGENT sequent infection by Pst depended on the ability of this Agrobacterium
strain to produce CK, which was absent in the nonpriming strain
The concept of priming is based on observations that plants, which LBA4404. In Populus, CK primed defence responses against insect her-
experience a first, temporally and intensity‐limited stress stimulus, bivores after an artificial wounding stress (Dervinis, Frost, Lawrence,
show a higher magnitude or faster response towards a future stress Novak, & Davis, 2010; Sano et al., 1996). CK strengthened also
incident as compared with unprimed plants (Hilker et al., 2016; defence against the necrotrophic plant pathogen A. brassicicola, which
Figure 6). The advantage of priming for plants is the combination of usually involves the JA signalling pathway (Choi et al., 2010). Together,
low metabolic costs with improved stress protection. CK has been this indicates that CK may prime SA‐ and JA‐dependent defence
shown repeatedly to act as a priming agent in preparing plants for a pathways.
stronger response to biotic stress, while evidence of priming activity Plants with a constitutively increased CK status may be regarded
in abiotic stress is rarer. as being primed as they show enhanced defence responses (Argueso
Priming for enhanced defence against biotic stress accompanies et al., 2012; Choi et al., 2010). For example, transcriptional analysis
SAR and ISR and may be induced by pathogen‐associated molecular suggested that RRA mutant plants, which lack a negative feedback
patterns, microbe‐associated molecular patterns, herbivore‐associated inhibition of CK signalling, are primed for SA‐dependent defence
molecular patterns, damage‐associated molecular patterns, pathogen‐ responses as they showed a higher SA level and SA‐dependent
associated effectors or chemicals such as α‐amino butyric acid (BABA; defence gene expression in the absence of pathogens. After CK treat-
Conrath et al., 2015; Mauch‐Mani, Baccelli, Luna, & Flors, 2017). ment, the expression of PR1 was drastically increased in RRA mutants,
Plants primed for defence against bacterial pathogens showed suggesting a suppression of SA‐related defence gene expression by

RRAs (Argueso et al., 2012). Similarly, Shanks et al. (2015) showed that in all instances. Transient periods of stress can be compensated by
defence genes activated by nematode infection were hyperinduced in later growth overcasting the impact of stress. The interpretation of
RRA mutants, indicating that elevated CK signalling triggers a height- the impact of stress on plant fitness may also depend on the time
ened immune response to nematode infection or, in other words, that and the parameter(s) used to determine fitness. It has been pointed
these plants were in a primed state. out that the trade‐off between growth and defence will be definitively
These studies clearly show that modulating the CK system has the more complex if analysed at different developmental stages and in a
potential to establish a more sensitive answer to subsequent pathogen different and dynamic ecological context, rather than viewing the pro-
infections. Thus, CK can be classified as a priming agent in the cess at a single moment in a static environment as is often the case in
response to biotic stress, acting to potentiate defence responses experimental biology (de Vries, Evers, & Poelman, 2017).
(Albrecht & Argueso, 2017; Figure 6). However, it is unclear whether The general growth‐defence trade‐off scenario is certainly appli-
priming is a physiological function of CK. The increase in CK content cable when plants are source limited. However, often, plants are not
that is often accompanying pathogen infection would be in compli- source limited but rather differences in sink demand may govern plant
ance with this possibility. Notably, this parallels the behaviour of growth (Körner, 2015). In this case, one might expect that plants will
BABA, which is naturally present in plants and is induced by stress be able to serve both growth and defence at the same time, which
(Thevenet et al., 2017). Like in other cases of priming, the molecular would cause no or only low growth‐defence trade‐offs. CK has been
mechanism underlying priming by CK is not clear. Increased resource suggested to foster growth and defence simultaneously, based on
allocation to the site of CK action may be one beneficial activity of the positive impact it has on the SA defence pathway during pathogen
the hormone to prepare and support responses to future stress. response (Choi et al., 2010). In support of such a dual activity,
In contrast to the priming of responses to biotic stress, there are uncoupling of growth and defence mechanisms was found in CK
only few reports documenting a priming effect of CK in the response receptor mutants, which have a reduced growth and are at the same
to abiotic stress. It has probably been best documented for protection time more susceptible to pathogen attack (Argueso et al., 2012; Choi
of reproductive tissues from the detrimental consequences of heat et al., 2010). Here, the CK pathway is required for both optimal
treatment causing flower or kernel abortion. CK treatment during growth and defence.
the reproductive phase increased thermotolerance of maize, rice, and Recent work by Campos et al. (2016) has confirmed that it is pos-
passion fruit and thus increased yield stability (Cheikh & Jones, sible to genetically uncouple growth‐defence trade‐offs in the case of
1994; Sobol et al., 2014; Wu et al., 2016, 2017). It is conceivable that JA. Suppressor mutagenesis of jaz quintuple mutants, causing consti-
in this case, the protective effect of CK was at least partly due to an tutive JA signalling and thus a constitutive defence response but
improved sink capacity of the endangered tissue. Preincubation with reduced growth, identified a mutation in the phyB gene being
CK can also induce enhanced dehydration stress tolerance in plants responsible for reversing the growth suppression while keeping
(Kang et al., 2012). CK could have additional roles in priming, for defence at a high level. This clearly demonstrates that growth limita-
example, during protection from high light stress, but this has as yet tion must not necessarily be the consequence of a strong constitutive
to be tested. defence (Campos et al., 2016). In support of this, the Arabidopsis eco-
type C24 expresses constitutively normally repressed SA‐regulated
defence genes causing a constitutive high level of disease resistance,
6 | A RO LE F OR C K I N RE G U L A TI N G which however did not negatively affect seed yield (Bechtold et al.,
G RO WTH ‐ D E F E NC E T RA D E ‐ O F F S 2010). Additional analyses modified also the sight that growth‐
defence antagonism is managed by a simple metabolic competition
Growth‐defence trade‐offs occur when available resources are limited that shunts resources to defence at the expense of growth. Instead,
and plants have to prioritise either growth or defence, depending on a transcriptional network causing reduced growth was activated by
their environment. It is thought that plants prioritise growth but after JA signalling (Campos et al., 2016). The finding is of great relevance
perceiving stress they reallocate resources to defence at the expense to design breeding strategies that consider both, improving defence
of growth (reviewed by Albrecht & Argueso, 2017; Huot, Yao, and increasing yield.
Montgomery, & He, 2014; Vos, Pieterse, & van Wees, 2013). A well‐ Given the many functions of CK in regulating plant growth, the
documented example is restraint of shoot growth as an adaptive strat- hormone will undoubtedly play an important role in regulating
egy of plants to respond to water deficit. However, in Arabidopsis, growth‐defence trade‐off and crosstalk with defence hormone path-
other types of stress such as removal of the primary inflorescence ways (Figure 7). Generally, all stress hormones negatively regulate
may cause a decreased, unaltered, or even increased plant fitness the CK signalling pathway (Albrecht & Argueso, 2017; Naseem et al.,
depending on the genotype (Scholes, Rasnick, & Paige, 2017). In any 2015). In addition, abiotic stress often causes a reduction in CK
case, to reach a context‐dependent optimal use of resources, intense content reducing shoot growth. This suggests that stress hormones
crosstalk between different signalling pathways is indispensable to negatively affect growth via regulating CK metabolism and/or signal-
fine‐tune the balance between growth and defence. ling. Conversely, reducing the CK content or signalling often increases
Although the growth‐defence trade‐off concept is widely abiotic stress resistance (Nishiyama et al., 2011). However, there are
accepted and, for example, the growth inhibitory function of stress exceptions from the reciprocal negative regulation of stress defence
response hormones well documented (Huot et al., 2014; Vos et al., and the CK pathway as was shown by the synergistic action of CK
2013), it should however be noted that it probably does not hold true and SA (Argueso et al., 2012; Choi et al., 2010; Figure 7).

FIGURE 7 Model for the role of cytokinin in regulating growth‐defence trade‐offs. The CK signalling pathway interacts in a reciprocal fashion
with signalling pathways of defence hormones. In the absence of stress, CK signalling inhibits stress response pathways; growth is favoured.
Stress activates hormonal defence signalling pathways causing the reduction of CK signalling and thus reduced growth. Black lines indicate a
dominant, grey lines a minor role in the respective condition. Synergistic activity of CK and other hormones is also possible under stress conditions
(see Figure 5) and is depicted as a dotted black line. See Figure 3 for mechanisms of CK‐ABA crosstalk

The crosstalk to fine‐tune the balance between growth and GO terms associated with oxidative stress were among the most
defence might be best illustrated by the numerous interactions highly enriched GO biological process terms (Zwack & Rashotte,
between the CK and ABA signalling pathways, which are partly shown 2015). This suggests that CK acts on the transcriptional level to mod-
in Figure 3. ABA down‐regulates the CK content (Guo & Gan, 2011; ulate ROS responses. It is generally seen as a negative regulator of
Maruyama et al., 2014; Nishiyama et al., 2011; Todaka et al., 2017) ROS, at least in part acting through CRF6 (Zwack et al., 2016; Zwack,
and modulates the activity of CK signalling proteins such as RRAs Robinson, Risley, & Rashotte, 2013).
and RRBs by protein interaction and phosphorylation (Huang et al., Taken together, there is an emerging picture by which mecha-
2018). Another mechanism is the transcriptional regulation of CK nisms the CK system interacts with stress response pathways to reg-
genes by stresses involving ABA. Among these, the RRA genes seem ulate growth‐defence trade‐offs.
to be particularly responsive to abiotic (Bielach et al., 2017; Huang
et al., 2018; Kang et al., 2012; Nishiyama et al., 2011; Nguyen et al.,
2016; Ramireddy et al., 2014) and to biotic stress (Argueso et al., 7 | C O NC L U D I N G R E M A RK S
2012; Igari et al., 2008). The regulation of ARR7 and ARR15 by differ-
ent types of stress is noteworthy as these RRA genes have been There is increasing evidence that CK has a variety of functions in the
shown to be involved in negatively regulating the CK pathway and plant responses to different stresses. Components of the canonical CK
shoot growth (Leibfried et al., 2005; Zhao et al., 2010). EIN3, which signalling pathway and some genes encoding CK metabolism enzymes
transmits the activity of ET in stress responses, represses ARR5, have been identified as being functionally relevant in the stress
ARR7, and ARR15 by direct binding to their promoters (Shi et al., response, but knowledge on downstream components is scarce. Inter-
2012) suggesting that these genes may serve as a pathway switch to estingly, mostly the same components that are known from studies on
regulate growth‐defence trade‐off. CK‐regulated growth are also involved in the response to stress. This
Reciprocally, CK regulates components of stress response path- indicates that no specific stress response modules have evolved but
ways. Thus, in the absence of stress, RRBs repress SnRKs to shut off that the response to stress is intimately linked with the regulation of
the ABA signalling pathway (Huang et al., 2018) as part of a regulatory growth. In this respect, deeper knowledge of the crosstalk of CK with
circuit balancing growth and defence (see Figure 3). Other regulatory established stress response pathways will improve our understanding
circuits integrating stress responses with growth involve interaction of the hormone's role in regulating growth‐defence trade‐offs. Refined
between ABA and the target of rapamycin pathway (Wang et al., genetic approaches and system analysis will be instrumental to get
2018) or interaction between the JA and GA pathways (Yang et al., deeper insight into processes downstream of the canonical CK
2012). This illustrates that there are different regulatory mechanisms signalling pathway and to discover links to classical stress response
to optimise the balance of growth and stress responses. pathways. To achieve this, the spatial and temporal resolution of
ROS are formed in response to different stresses and is one of the molecular details needs to be improved.
main causes for decreases in growth and productivity. It will therefore In order to deepen our understanding of the relevance of CK
be of great interest to analyse in more detail the links between CK and action under natural conditions, it will be relevant to analyse plants
ROS homeostasis (Tognetti et al., 2017). Analysis of transcriptomic under stress conditions occurring in their natural habitats or in agricul-
data sets of CK responses from Arabidopsis and rice revealed that tural ecosystems. Here, plants experience frequently relatively mild

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