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Farmers’ Imstitute-UCCP, INC. b. Absence of major life events c.

Stability of the person’s social and physical

D.Fernan, Bonifacio, Mis. Occ. environment d. All of the above
1st Achievement Test in Personal Development 10. Which of the following kinds of environment influence may produce personality
Name:_____________ __ Year / Section:________ Date:________ a. Socialization b. Stressful life events c. occupying new social roles

I. Multiple Choices: Circle the correct answer. II. On the space provided after each statement, write T if the statement is correct
1. It is the self that has characteristics that you were nurtured or, in some cases, and F If it is incorrect.
born to have. It is the one that you actually see. _________1. Friendship requires trust and commitment.
a. Actual Self b. Ideal Self c. Self-Knowledge d. All of the above _________2. Becoming more involved in your relationships makes you more
2. The actual self is built on these. It is derived from social interactions that detached with significant people.
provide insight into how others react to you. _________3. Friendship becomes an important part of a teenager’s life.
a. Self-image b. Ideal –Self c. Self-Knowledge d. Self- Concept _________4. Among teenage girls, friendship involves bonding by meeting
3. What exist between the two selves which is complex because there are together to talk about happy moments as well as frustration.
numerous exchanges between the ideal and actual self? _________ 5. Interpersonal relationship or pakikisama is an attempt to become
a. Recognition b. Reflection c. Negotiation d. Allocation part of a group whom you consider friends.
4. The greater the level of_ between the ideal self and real self, the greater the __________6. Loving another person begins with liking or being attracted.
level of resulting distress. __________7. You express love to another person because you are forced to do
a. Incongruence b. impudence c. incompetence d. None of the Above so.
5. It means making use of all personal resources such as talents, skills, energy and __________8. Having a crush is normally experienced by a teenager ;however,
time to enable you to achieve life goals. expression of feelings or being attracted to someone should be properly delt
a. Personal Experience b. Personal Property c. Personal Information d. with.
Personal Effectiveness __________9. Dating is a form of courtship.
6. To develop it, you need to learn yourself and yourself and your capabilities, gain __________10. Love involves taking care of oneself and of others.
positive attitude and believe that by performing right actions and achieving right
goals you will certainly reach success. III. Underline the word or phrase to make each statement correct.
a. Determination b. Self-Confidence c. Persistence d. None of the
above 1. Being aware of what you feel is not enough, (letting go; managing ) your
7. It allows you to focus only on achieving a specific goal without being distracted emotions is essential in any relationship.
by less important things or spontaneous desires. It may be developed with the 2. People engaged in romantic relationships experience this special type of feeling
help of self- discipline exercise. known as ( love; excitement )
a.Determination b. Self-Confidence c. Persistence d. None of the above 3. Love is a ( choice; chain reaction )
8. Failure to control intense emotions indicates that____ 4. Failure to establish clear (boundaries; roles) in romantic relationships may lead
a. neurons in the corpus callosum are undeveloped to traps of temptation that make teenagers become very attached with their
b. your prefrontal cortex is not adequately developed partners.
c. the amygdala failed to control your emotions 5. (Emotional bank account; Emotional investment) is a metaphor describing the
d. the brain needs to heal from injuries amount of trust we invest in our relationship with others.
9. Which of the following factors may explain the increasing stability of personality 6. (Regret; Forgiveness) means starting over again and not dwelling on past
with age? experiences.
a. Selection of environment that fit the person’s traits
7. (Communication; Clarity of boundary) is a powerful tool to maintain healthy Prepared by : Russel D.Lumactod
8. Setting clear limits is important in personal relationships. This may include
physical distance such as ( the ability to not always stay together; the ability to
stand even without the other partner)
9. In personal relationships, teenagers must always remember that their role is ( to Approved by :Mrs. Irene S. Villanueva
nourish the personal growth of each other; to always stay with their partners
whenever needed )
10. When you feel bothered about your relationship, you may consult a professional
who may (provide; deliver) option on how to positively deal with your concerns.

III.( B) Match each item in column A with an item in column B. Write your
answer before each number.
Column A Column B
_______1. Satisfaction or a. Physical attractiveness
dissatisfaction with one’s body is b. Testosterone
called. c. Estradiol
_______2. This is the estrogen that is d. Body-cathexis
associated with the girls physical e. Secondary sex characteristics
_______3. These are the physical
characteristic that further distinguish
males from females.
_______4. This is an androgen that is
associated with the physical
maturation of boys.
_______5. This becomes one of the
major concerns of teenagers because
their social experiences underlie its

Essay Questions:
1. What do you think are the causes of intense emotions?
2. Why is it important to clarify your boundaries or limitations in your relationship with
your peers?
3. In your opinion, what makes it difficult for teenagers to resist various forms of
4. How do you cope with your daily stressors?
5. Why is time management essential in managing stress?

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