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Quantum Mechanics - I

Tutorial 0
Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune
M.Sc-I: January 11 - January 18, 2021

1. (a) Plot the following functions:

f (x) = sin x; 0 ≤ x ≤ L; n = 1, 2, 3, 4.
2πn L L
g(x) = sin x; − ≤x≤ ; n = 1, 2, 3, 4.
L 2 2
2π(n + 1/2) L L
h(x) = cos x; − ≤ x ≤ ; n = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4.
L 2 2
2 2 2
(b) Plot the corresponding squares, f (x), g (x), h (x) of the functions.
(c) Perform the following integrals for F (x) = f 2 (x), g 2 (x), h2 (x) over the given interval (as in part
xk F (x)dx; k = 0, 1, 2.

2. (a) Plot the following functions:

2 2
i. g1 (x) = e−ax ; g2 (x) = xe−ax ; −∞ < x < ∞; a > 0
ii. h(x) = 2 ; −∞ < x < ∞; a > 0
x + a2
iii. f1 (r) = e−r/a0 ; f2 (r) = re−r/a0 ; 0 ≤ r < ∞; a0 > 0
(b) Do the same as in part (b) of the previous question for each of the above the functions.
(c) Do the same as in part (c) of the previous question for each of the above functions.

3. Estimate the de Broglie wave length of :

(a) you walking at 10 km /hour.

(b) a car moving at 100 km/hour.
(c) the earth accelerating due to the gravitational potential of the sun.
(d) an electron accelerated through a potential difference of 100 V .
(e) a proton accelerated through a potential difference of 10000 V .

(f) a proton accelerated to a speed of 0.75c in a supercollider.
(g) an electron moving at 3% of the speed of light.

4. What is the de Broglie wave length of a neutron with a velocity equal to the most probable velocity
of a Maxwell distribution corresponding to room temperature ?

5. Estimate the velocity of:

(a) an electron if its de Broglie wave length is one Bohr radius?

(b) a proton if its de Broglie wave length is 5f ermi ?
(c) a cricket ball of mass, say, 0.3kg if its de Broglie wavlength is 1f ermi?

6. (i) Diagonalize
  the following

0 1 0 −i
A= ; B=
1 0 i 0

(ii) Obtain the matrices: A2 ; B 2 ; AB − BA.

Quantum Mechanics - I
Tutorial 1
Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune
M.Sc-I: January 25 - January 30, 2021

1. (a) A small object can be observed by a wave if the wave can be effectively scattered by the object.
This happens if the object’s size and the wavelength of the wave are about the same or, to observe
an object of size d, a wave of wavelength λ ≈ d is needed. Electrons are used to observe small
objects in electron microscopes.
Determine the potential difference through which electrons must be accelerated in order to be
able to resolve a large organic molecule of size 10 nm, an atomic feature of size 100 pm and a
nucleus of size 10 f m. Discuss the experimental viability of generating such potential differences.

(b) The nucleus of the aluminium atom has a diameter of 7.2 × 10−15 m. Consider one of the pro-
tons in this nucleus. The uncertainty in the position of this proton is necessarily less than
7.2 × 10−15 m. What is the minimum uncertainty in its velocity and momentum? Hence esti-
mate the order of magnitude of the potential energy required to bind a nucleon inside the nucleus.

(c) Use the uncertainty relation to estimate the ground state energy of a particle in (i) a harmonic
oscillator potential V (x) = 21 mω 2 x2 (ii) V (x) = gx4 .
(d) Measurements to determine the mass of the subatomic delta particle give a mass peak at 1236 M eV /c2
with 110 M eV /c2 full width at half maximum. Estimate the lifetime of the delta particle.
p me c
2. The dispersion relation for a free relativistic electron wave is ω(k) = c k 2 + km
2 , where k =
m ,
me is the rest mass of the electron.
(i) Obtain expressions for the phase speed vp and group speed vg for this wave.
(ii) Show that for the free relativistic electron wave, vp vg is constant, independent of k.
(iii) Compare the group speed vg , phase speed vp and the electron speed v.
(iv) Compare the relativistic expressions with the corresponding non-relativistic expressions.

3. A double slit electron diffraction experiment is done with slits of unequal widths. When only slit 1
is open, the number of electrons reaching the screen per second is 16 times the number of electrons
reaching the screen per second when only slit 2 is open. When both slits are open, an interference
pattern results. Determine the ratio of the probability of an electron arriving at an interference
maximum to the probability of an electron arriving at an adjacent minimum.

4. A quantum particle moving in one space dimension is described by the wave function:
x x
ψ(x) = 0; for x < 0; ψ(x) = A e− a , for x > 0,
where x is in units of the real positive constant a, and A is a complex constant.
(i) Normalize ψ(x), that is, find A. (ii) Plot |ψ(x)|2 as a function of x.
(ii) What is the probability for finding the particle in the regions:
(a) x < 0; (b) 0 ≤ x ≤ a; (c) 0 ≤ x < ∞ ?
(iii)Where is the particle most likely to be found? (That is, for what value of x is the probability of
finding the particle, the largest?
(iv) Calculate hxi. Compare this result with the most likely position. Comment on the two answers
and the difference between them.
5. A free particle moving in one dimensional space has the initial wave function ψ(x, 0) = Ae−ax where
A is a normalization constant and a is real and positive constant.
(i) Normalize ψ(x, 0) and obtain the corresponding wave function in momentum space.
(ii) Find ψ(x, t) and the probability density, P (x, t) = |ψ(x, t)|2 at time t ≥ 0.
(iii) Plot P (x, t) as a function of x for different t ≥ 0. How does P (x, t) behave (as a function of x)
with increasing time?
(iv) Find hxi, hpi, hx2 i, hp2 i, hEi, ∆x, ∆p. Does the uncertainty principle hold?

6. The wave function for a particle is given by ψ(x) = Aeikx + Be−ikx , where A and B are complex
(i) Obtain (a) the probability density and (b) the probability current density.
(ii) What is the physical interpretation of your answer.
(Hint: the wave function is a superposition of left moving and right moving plane waves.)
(iii) Suppose ψ is chosen purely real (ψ ∗ = ψ), then what is the current density?

7. Consider the Schrodinger equation for a particle moving in a real potential V (~r, t). Show that
h p~ i = −h ∇V (~r, t) i, that is, Newton’s second law holds for the expectation values of the corre-
dt (op)
sponding operators.

8. (i) Consider the coordinate space wave function (in spherical polar coordinates): ψ(r, θ, φ) = Y (θ, φ)R(r).
Normalize the wave function for: (a) Y (θ, φ) = 1; R(r) = e−r/a0 ; (b) Y (θ, φ) = cos2 θ; R(r) = e−r/a0
(i) Where is the maximum of |ψ|2 located in position space ?
(ii)What is the probability that the electron is found inside a sphere of radius R around the nucleus?
(iii) For the wave function given in (a), obtain the corresponding wave function in momentum space.
(iv)Calculate ∆x, ∆px for this wave function and evaluate the product ∆x∆px . Comment on your

Quantum Mechanics - I
Tutorial 2
Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune
M.Sc-I: February 01 - February 06, 2021

1. Using the equal time commutation relation [p̂, x̂] = −i~, evaluate the following commutators.
(Here x̂ and p̂ refer to x(op) and p(op) respectively):
(i) [x̂, p̂n ] = np̂n−1 [x̂, p̂].
(ii) Evaluate the following commutators: (a) [p̂2 , x̂2 ]; (b) [p̂, x̂2 p̂3 + p̂3 x̂2 + 3x̂p̂3 x̂].

2. (i) What is the uncertainty in energy in a stationary state?

(ii) Is the superposition of two stationary states with different energies a stationary state? Show

3. At time tr= 0, the normalized

r wave
r function of a particle in a rigid box of size a is given as:
1 3 2
ψ(x, 0) = u1 (x) + u3 (x) + u4 (x).
5 5 5
(i) What is the wave function at time t(> 0)?
(ii) At time t = 0, what is the probability to find the particle in the :
(a) ground state (b) first excited state, (c) second excited state?
(iii) Do the same as in part (ii) for time t(> 0).
(iv) Obtain the expectation value hxi in the state ψ(x, t). Is it time independent? Comment on your

4. A particle is in the n-th eigenstate of a 1-D box with hard wall potentials at x = 0 and x = L.
Determine the probability that the particle is confined to the region 0 < x < L/a; (Here 0 < a < L).
Comment on the n dependence of the result and its significance.

5. Obtain the
 energy eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors for the potential:
0, for |x| < −L/2
V (x) = .
∞ for |x| > L/2
(i) What is the nature of the spectrum? (Discrete or continuous)
(ii) Write the wave functions for the ground state, first and second excited states. Sketch the wave-
functions and the corresponding probability densities.
(iii) Verify that the eigenfunctions are either even or odd under parity.
(iv) Calculate hxi; hx2 i; hp(op) i hp(op) i; ∆x; ∆p for the n-the eigenstate. Is the uncertainty principle

Quantum Mechanics - I
Tutorial 3
Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune
M.Sc-I: February 08 - February 15, 2021

1. (a) Show that for symmetric potentials V (−x) = V (x), the energy eigen functions are even or odd
under parity.
(b) Consider
 a particle moving in the presence of a finite square well potential:
0, for |x| < −L
V (x) = .
V0 for |x| > L
(i) Show explicitly that the bound state eigen functions are even or odd under parity transformation.
(ii) Show that the bound state energies for the even and odd eigenfunctions are given by the conditions:
2mE 2m(V0 −E)
k tan kL = q and k cot kL = −q respectively, where k 2 = ~2
and q 2 = ~2
(iii) Show that for the even eigenfunctions, there is always a bound state solution, however weak the
potential V0 is, while for the odd solutions, V0 should have some minimum value.
(c) Consider now a potential that does not have the symmetry V (−x) = V (x). For example, consider
the potential V (x) = ∞ for x ≤ 0 and V (x) = 0 for 0 < x < L and V (x) = V0 for x > L. In this case,
can you always get a bound state, that is, for any strength of the potential V0 ?

2. Show that Z
sin gx 0 dk ik(x−x0 )
(a) δ(x) = limg→∞ ; (b) δ(x − x ) = e ;
πx 2π
X δ(xi − x)
(c) δ(f (x)) = , where xi are the zeros of f (x);
|(df (x)/dx)|x=xi |
0 d 0, for x < 0
(d) δ(x − x ) = Θ(x − x0 ), where the θ function Θ(x) is defined as Θ(x) = .
dx 1 for x > 0
3. Calculate the transmission and reflection probabilities for a particle moving in the presence of the
following potentials: 
0, for |x| > L
(a) potential barrier V (x) = .
V0 (> 0) for |x| < L

(b) V (x) = λ[δ(x − a) + δ(x + a)]; λ > 0.

4. Discuss α- particle decay. Obtain the life-time of a nucleus decaying into an alpha particle (a He
nucleus) and a daughter nucleus by describing the process as the tunnelling of an alpha particle
through a barrier caused by the Coulomb potential between the daughter and the alpha particle.

5. Discuss the Kronig Penny model of free electrons in a metal. Generalize the problem 3(b) to the case

of a series of repulsive δ-function potentials V (x) = λ δ(x − na). Show that this potential gives
rise to band structure in metals and that there are allowed and forbidden energy bands.

6. Discuss the ”cold emission effect”, that is , flow of conduction electrons out of a metal under the
influence of a strong electric field normal to the surface of the metal. Show that this effect can be
described by tunnelling effect in quantum mechanics, that is, the tunnelling of conduction electrons
across the potential barrier produced by the electrical image force −e2 /4x2 (which acts upon an electron
at a distance x outside the metal) and by the applied electric force eE. Determine the dependence of
the cold emission current on the magnitude of the applied electric field.

7. Discuss the nature of the spectrum for the following potentials:

Sketch qualitatively the wave functions in the different regions for the different cases.

8. Which of the following wave functions are physically acceptable wave functions?

Quantum Mechanics - I
Tutorial 4
Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune
M.Sc-I: February 15 - February 22, 2021

1. (i) Prove the Baker-Hausdorff identity : eA Be−A = B + [A, B] + [A, [A, B]] + · · ·.

ii) If A and B be two operators such that [[A, B], B] = 0, then show that eA+B = eA eB e− 2 .
Hint: Use [A, B n ] = nB n−1 [A, B].

(iii) Show that eiap/~ xe−iap/~ = x + a.

Hint: Calculate eiap/~ xe−iap/~ f (p) where f (p) is any function of p and use the representation x = i~ .
(eiap̂/~ is known as the generator of space translation.)

2. Prove the virial theorem, which in one dimension can be written in the form:
p2 1 dV
h i = hx i.
2m 2 dx
3. (i) Show that for a real potential V (x), the eigenfunctions of the Hamiltonian H = + V (x) can
always be chosen to be purely real in the coordinate basis. This theorem is also valid in higher
(ii) Show that the eigen functions of the Hamiltonian belonging to different eigen values are orthogonal.

4. (a) Show that the adjoint of the operator |φihψ| is |ψihφ|. Hence show that |φihφ| is Hermitean.
(b) Prove that for any operator A, A + A† , i(A − A† ) and AA† are Hermitean.
(c) If A is Hermitean, show that hψ|A2 ψi ≥ 0.
(d) An operator U is said to be unitary if it has the property that U U † = U † U = I. Show that if A
is Hermitean, U = eiA is unitary.
(e) If U is unitary and if hψ|ψi = 1, then show that hU ψ|U ψi = 1.

5. Show that a unitary operator U , acting on a set of ”basis” states yields another set of basis states. To
show this, consider an orthonormal basis set {|un i} with hun |um i = δn,m . Then show that the set of
states {U |un i} is orthonormal and forms a basis set.

6. Show that the eigenfunctions of a particle in a rigid box form a complete set. Take the box to be
2 πnx
between 0 and a. The normalized eigenfunctions are given as un (x) = sin . Show formally that
a a
X X2 πnx 2 πny
un (x)un (y) = sin sin = δ(x − y); 0 ≤ x, y ≤ a
n n
a a a a

7. (a) Two Hermitean operators A and B do not commute, that is, [A, B] 6= 0, yet both commute with
the Hamiltonian, that is, [A, H] = 0 and [B, H] = 0. Show that the energy eigenstates are in
general degenerate.
(b) Show that if two operators A and B commute, then A and B have a common set of eigenfunctions.
Consider both non-degenerate and degenerate cases.

8. In a three dimensional Hilbert space, the matrices representing the Hermitean operators A and B in
the orthonormal basis {|1i, |2i, |3i}are given as
   
a 0 0 b 0 0
[A] =  0 −a 0  ; [B] =  0 0 −i b 
0 0 a 0 ib 0

(a) Check that A and B are both Hermitean and that they commute.
(b) Obtain the eigenvalues of A and B and verify that A and B both have degenerate eigen values.
(c) Find a new set of orthonormal kets which are simultaneous eigenkets of both A and B. Specify
the eigenvalues of A and B for each of the three eigenkets. Does your specification of eigenvalues
completely characterize each eigen ket?, that is, do A and B for a complete set of commuting

Quantum Mechanics - I
Tutorial 5
Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune
M.Sc-I: February 22 - 29, 2021

1. Show that the operators x̂ and p̂ cannot be represented by finite dimensional matrices.

2. Find the matrix representation of the operators x̂, p̂, x̂2 and p̂2 for the energy eigenstates of the one
dimensional harmonic oscillator.

3. Plot the classical and quantum probability density of linear harmonic oscillator to show that the
agreement between the two probabilities improves rapidly with increasing quantum number - thus
validating the correspondence principle in this case.
Note: you can choose the classical probability density of the harmonic oscillator as the probability of
finding the oscillator to be between the region x and x + dx which is directly proportional to the time
the particle spends in this region.

4. The Hermite polynomials are solutions of the Hermite equation:

d2 H(y) dH(y)
− 2y + 2nH(y) = 0.
dy 2 dy
A useful representation of the Hermite polynomials is in terms of the generating function. Show that

X wn
G(w, x) = exp (−w2 + 2wx) = Hn (x).

5. The generating function is useful because it allows to deduce a number of properties of the Hermite
polynomials and hence that of the harmonic oscillator with great ease. For example,
(a) By taking the derivative of the expression of generating function as given above, show the validity
of the recursion relations for the Hermite polynomials:

dHn (x)
= 2nHn−1 (x)
Hn+1 (x) = 2xHn (x) − 2nHn−1 (x).

(b) Using the generating function, prove the orthonormality relation of the the Hermite polynomials:
Z ∞ √
dye−y Hn (y)Hm (y) = 2n n! πδn,m

(c) Use the generating function to prove that

Hn (y) = (−1)n exp(y 2 ) exp(−y 2 )
dy n
This is an alternative form of expressing the Hermite polynomials.

(d) Prove the completeness relations for the wave functions of the linear harmonic oscillator:

un (x)un (x0 ) = δ(x − x0 )

6. Plot the first few energy eigen functions and the probability densities of the linear harmonic oscillator.

7. Find the averages of the operators x̂, p̂, x̂2 and p̂2 for the energy eigenstates of the one dimensional
harmonic oscillator. Also evaluate δp δx and show that the ground state has the minimum uncertainty.
(Use generating functions to evaluate.)

8. Use the results of Q.1 of tutorial 4 and show that

1 1 ξ 2 k2
exp(ikx̂) = exp(ik √ ξ0 a† ) exp(ik √ ξ0 a) exp(− 0 ).
2 2 4

Z ∞ this expression and evaluate h0| exp(ikx̂)|0i. Show that the result is the same as obtained from
dx u0 (x) exp(ikx̂)u0 (x).

∞, for x ≤ 0
9. What are the energy levels and eigen functions for a potential of the form: V (x) = 1 2 x2 for x > 0 .
2 mω

Plot the potential and the first few allowed eigenfunctions.

Quantum Mechanics - I
Tutorial 6
Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune
M.Sc-I: March 15 -22, 2021

1. Consider the two dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator:

p2op 1
H= + k(x2 + y 2 )
2m 2
(a) Show that we can describe the states for the two dimensional oscillator by independent motions
along x and y directions, and hence |nx , ny i = |nx i|ny i is an eigenstate of the Hamiltonian with
eigenvalue Enx ,ny = (nx + ny + 1)~ω.
(b) Does the angular momentum L̂z = x̂p̂y − ŷ p̂x commute with the Hamiltonian?
(c) Consider the subspace of states associated with the energy E = 2~ω, that is, the states |1, 0i and
|0, 1i. What is the action of L̂z on these states? Use these results to express L̂ as a 2 × 2 matrix
in this subspace. What are the eigenvalues of this matrix ?

2. Consider the Hamiltonian of two interacting oscillators having the same spring constant k:
p1 2 1 2 p2 2 1 2
H= + kx + + kx + ax1 x2
2m 2 1 2m 2 2
where a << k.

(a) Find the exact energy levels.

(b) Write down the wave function of the ground state in coordinate space.

Hint: The Hamiltonian is separable under an appropriate coordinate transformation.

3. A particle of mass m is confined to move anticlockwise on a circle of fixed radius r0 . Obtain its energy
eigenvalues and eigen functions.

4. The Hamiltonian for an axially symmetric rotor is given by

L2x + L2y L2
H= + z
2I1 2I2
(i) Write down the quantum numbers which describe the eigenstates of the system.
(ii) Obtain the energy spectrum and eigen functions. Sketch the spectrum, assuming that I1 > I2 .

5. Consider the (normalized) wave function of a particle moving in three dimensions:
u(r, θ, φ) = f (r) sin2 θ(cos2 φ − sin2 φ).

(a) Is u an eigen function of L2 ? If so, what is the eigen value?

(b) Is u an eigen function of Lz ? If so, what is the eigen value?
(c) Is u an eigen function of L2z ? If so, what is the eigen value?
(d) Calculate the standard deviations σL2 , σLz , σL2z .

6. Consider the electron in a Coulomb potential due to a charge |e| at the origin (hydrogen atom).
Consider the case with l = n − 1.
(i) Show that the radial wave function is of the form Rn,n−1 = Nn rn−1 e−r/na0 and determine the
normalization constant Nn by direct integration.
(ii) Calculate hri and hr2 i for the states un,n−1,m .
(iii) Show that the uncertainty in r is given by σr = hri/sqrt2n + 1 for such states.
(iv) What does the above result imply for the classical limit (n >> 1)?

Quantum Mechanics - I
Tutorial 7 and 8
Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune
M.Sc-I: March 24 -April 07, 2021

1. Evaluate explicitly the commutation relations for the angular momentum operators: [Lx , Ly ], [Ly , Lz ], [Lz , Lx ].
Also show that L2 commutes with La , a = x, y, z.

2. Consider a system of angular momentum 1. What are the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the
operators Lx Ly + Ly Lx ?

∞, for z < 0
3. Consider a particle moving in three dimensions under the influence of a potential V (x, y, z) = 2 .
− aez for z > 0
with a being a positive constant.

(a) Write down the appropriate Schrodinger equation for this system.
(b) Discuss the dependence of the wavefunction on x and y coordinates.
(c) Calculate the ground state energy of the system.

This is the model for an electron attracted to a dielectric located at z = 0.

4. Obtain the energy eigen values and eigen functions for an electron confined inside a cylindrical shell
with inner radius ρ0 and thickness d.
θ θ
5. A spin 1/2 system is found to be in the state ξ = cos (1, 0)T + eiφ sin (0, 1)T . Find hSi.
2 2
6. Consider the Hamiltonian:

H = a [ |1/2, 1/2ih1/2, −1/2| + |1/2, −1/2ih1/2, 1/2| ]

(a) Determine the eigen values and eigenstates of H.

(b) Suppose the system is in state |1/2, 1/2i at time t = 0. What is the state vector at a time t(> 0).
(c) Suppose the system is in state |1/2, 1/2i at time t = 0. Obtain the probability for finding the
system in state |1/2, −1/2i at time t > 0.

7. Find the eigen values and eigenvectors of the spin operator in the direction given by the unit vector
n̂ = cos φ sin θ x̂ + sin φ sin θ ŷ + cos θ ẑ for an electron (spin 1/2).

8. (a) Positronium can be considered as a Coulombic bound state of an electron and positron. What
are its energy levels? Is a positronium atom bigger or smaller than the hydrogen atom? If so, by
what factor?
(b) Calculate the expectation values hrk i, k = 1, 2, −1, −2 for an hydrogen atom eigenstate.
(c) Prove the virial theorem for the hydrogen atom, that is, show that 2hT i = −hV i for an arbitrary
hydrogen atom eigenstate.

9. (a) Find the directions in space where the angular probability density for the n = 3, l = 2, m = 0
state is maximum.
(b) Find the most probable radius and the expected value of the radial position hri of an electron in
the 2p state.

10. An electron is in the n = 2, l = 1, m = 0 state of the hydrogen atom. What is its wave function in
momentum space? Calculate hpi.

11. Consider a system with Hamiltonian H and operator A given as :

   
−2 0 0 5 0 0
H= 0 1 0 ; A= 0 0 2 
0 0 1 0 2 0

(a) Do H and A commute? If yes, give a basis of eigenvectors common to H and A.

(b) Which among the set of operators H, A, {H, A} and {H 2 , A} form a complete set of commuting

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