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American Civil War



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American Civil War
 Reasons
 Phases
 Contribution of Abraham Lincoln

 Reasons
 Compact Sovereignty: American Colonies were superficially divided into Northern
States and Southern States having different pattern of economic structure. Northern States
were industrialized states while Southern States were having dominant agriculture
economy. This change in economic pattern led to the birth of differences in the interest of
both the groups which started with Compact Sovereignty and ended with Civil War in
The rift between North and South started on the issue of Compact Sovereignty. The
Southern States were of the opinion as American Federation is the outcome of voluntary
decisions of the states so states should have special rights including the Right of Secession
from Union. This was opposed by the Northern States as they wanted stronger Union. This
led to the birth of two political parties Federal Party supported the cause of Union while
Non-Federal Party supported the cause of strong states. These parties later on turned into
Republicans and Democrats’.

 Tariff Policy: The rift of American Colonies turn into struggle on the issue of Tariff
Policy because the increase in the import duty was profitable for Northern States as it would
have given protection to the local industries but Southern States where agriculture economy
was dominant still imported agriculture tools and implements slaves etc. and this was
against their economic interest.

 Struggle turned into Blast on the issue of Slavery: Northern States were
industrialized states and Free states as slavery was not accepted these states while Southern
States were slave states with dominant agriculture economy. As Northern States attacked
slavery system on the ground of Morality and Economy it appeared to be a danger for
feudal lords of Southern States and this prove to be the important cause for Civil War in

 Phases:
a) Missouri
Agreement 1820

d) Confederation
of States Phases b) Anti Slavery

C) Violation of

a) Missouri Agreement 1820: With Independence of America in 1783, America adopted

the Policy of Conquest and Purchase for expansion of American territories. Example:
Louisiana was purchased from Napoleon 1803. Florida was taken away from Spain 1813.
Areas of California, Texas were taken away from Mexico after Mexican War of 1840’s.
This expansion of American Territory led to the birth of New States which raised a question
in front of American Union about the status of New States whether they will be Free states
or slave states. The infant America opted for peaceful strategy and that was Missouri
Agreement of 1820. Under this agreement it was decided that states above 36 degree 33
Minutes north will be Free states while the states below it will be slave states.

b) Anti Slavery Movement: Although Missouri Agreement made a comprise between

Northern and Southern States but it seems that capitalism adopted back door policy to fight
against slavery system. This was evident by certain developments:

 Garrison started newspaper “Liberator” declaring crusade against slavery system.

 Formation of Anti Slavery Society in 1833.
 Uncle Tom’s Cabin, a novel written by Mrs. Stowe presented the miserable condition of
slaves in America.

These developments in America alarmed the feudal lords of Slave States.

c) Violation of Missouri Agreement: The Southern States were alarmed by the
developments in Northern States and in this situation the two incidents gave great
enthusiasm to the feudal lords of Southern States.
 Declaration of Stephen Douglas(Senator of Illinois)
 Dred Scott Episode


Stephen Douglas, the Senator of Illinois was of the opinion that the status of states should
depend on the wish or will of the people.

In Dred Scott Case, Supreme Court of America gave the judgement that slavery is a legal
institution and a person will remain slave till he is not liberated by his master. These
incidents strengthened the cause of Southern States and taking the advantage of this
situation they turned Kansas and Nebraska into slave states which were basically above 36
degree 33 minutes north. This was the violation of Missouri Agreement.

d) Confederation Of States: The violation of Missouri Agreement prepared the ground for
direct clash between both the parties and in this the developments in North deteriorated the
condition in America. Example:
 Birth of Republican Party (old name Federal Party) 1854 which was the strong supporter of
a strong Union and also declared its agenda to abolish slavery system.
 James Brown Episode: He was an anti slavery crusader who targeted Military Arsenal and
distributed arms and ammunitions to slaves to fight against the atrocities of their masters.
 Abraham Lincoln became the Republican President in 1860 and these developments were
clear cut message to the Southern States that the days of slavery were over in America.

In these circumstances, the Southern States like Florida, Texas, and Alabama etc. separated
from American Union in 1861 and formed Confederation of States. Davis Jefferson became
the President of this Confederation and he made three important declarations:

 Slavery, a legal institution.

 Abolition of Tariff Policy.
 Special Status to the States.

This was the beginning of Civil War in America which was smartly handled by Abraham

 Role of Abraham Lincoln:

a) Changed
the issue of
Civil War

d) New
Tradition Role b) Role of

c) 13th

a) Changed the issue: With the beginning of Civil War, Lincoln changed the issue when he
said that his immediate priority was protection of American Union which was achieved by
the sacrifice of our ancestors. He made it clear that slavery was not the matter of concern.
The important issue was American Union. In this way, he was successful in creating
emotional wave in America.
b) Role of Volunteers: Apart from Military Action against the rebels Abraham Lincoln took
the help of volunteers to propagate the story of birth of America in 18th Century. These
initial steps created confusion in the rivals and Lincoln was successful in getting the support
of the masses in America.
c) 13th Amendment 1865: by which he abolished slavery in America and in this way he was
successful in getting the unconditional support of this class in America.
d) New Tradition: Lincoln started a new tradition in American Army of Moral Upliftment
and Enthusiasm to the soldiers by the presence of the leader of the State with them. This
was evident in the Battle of Orleans and Gettysburg. In this way Abraham Lincoln
completed an impossible task of abolishing slavery and protecting American Union. The
Civil War proved to be transitional phase in American History as America emerged as a
powerful state which gave promotion to economic development and played very important
role in emergence of America as a super power in 20th Century.

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