A Review About Phase Change Material Cold Storage System Applied To Solarpowered Cold Storage

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Special Issue Article

Advances in Mechanical Engineering

2017, Vol. 9(6) 1–20
Ó The Author(s) 2017
A review about phase change material DOI: 10.1177/1687814017705844
cold storage system applied to solar-
powered air-conditioning system

Lin Zheng, Wei Zhang and Fei Liang

Phase change material cold storage system could improve the efficiency and stability of the solar-powered air-condition-
ing system and the building thermal environment. This article is a novel investigation of the phase change materials’ usage
in cold storage system and the phase change material cold storage working principles and features that are applied in the
different solar-powered air-conditioning systems as cited in the recent publications. This involves phase change material
cold storage system, solar-powered air-conditioning system, and the commercial market evaluation. To reduce the inter-
mittent solar energy operation, the energy storage system is quite essential. Currently, the popular method is advanced
phase change material cold storage. Using phase change materials in the energy storage systems, the heat exchangers
and thermal control systems are the potential techniques. This article also reviewed the phase change material cold stor-
age when applied in the solar-powered air-conditioning system based on the previous study. This article could benefit fur-
ther research in the solar-powered air-conditioning field as integrated to the phase change material cold storage system
and help to understand the commercial market development trend. For further studies, it was suggested that the optimal
design of solar-powered cooling system could be employed by phase change material storage/release cooling dynamical
control to improve the building thermal environment.

Phase change material, cold storage system, solar energy, solar air-conditioning, phase change material application

Date received: 11 December 2016; accepted: 28 March 2017

Academic Editor: Shuli Liu

Introduction energy during summer, and apply for winter, which is

not synchronized between the energy generation and
The comfortable, modern living conditions are attained consumption.3 The solar energy storage system is pro-
by vast energy consumption.1 The air-conditioning sys- posed. To solve the serious problems, some studies con-
tem takes up over half the electricity usage in the build- ducted theoretical analysis and experimental studies.
ing services systems. The traditional air-conditioning The cold storage system is found to store the cold
system usage is based on the non-renewable energy energy using a storage medium and release energy as
sources. In contrast, the application of the clean energy
can avoid the problem of the environmental pollution
and energy consumption. So the application of the College of Architecture and Environment, Sichuan University, Chengdu,
solar-powered air-conditioning system has been chosen China
as a privileged refrigeration system.2 Because the solar
Corresponding author:
energy is intermittent and has low energy density, it is Wei Zhang, College of Architecture and Environment, Sichuan University,
efficient to use the excess solar energy from daytime Chengdu 610065, China.
and save the energy for the night, or store the solar Email: xskin821@163.com

Creative Commons CC-BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
(http://www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work without
further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/
2 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

needed, which is widely used in building air- seasons. The chiller, which is the combination of eva-
conditioning system. The cold storage system in the porator, condenser, throttle valve, and compressor, is
air-conditioning applications is classified by the differ- selected based on the maximum air-conditioning load
ent storage mediums. In the recent developments, the during the using time. So the problem comes with the
common methods to achieve a cold storage are water situation that the efficiency of the machine is very low
and ice and latent heat storage systems (phase change and the standby machine is idle, when the refrigerant is
materials (PCMs)).4,5 The latent heat storage uses the not working at full load, while the machine charges
latent heat of PCM when the phase changes to energy with a lot of electricity consumption and power grid
storage. For a solar-powered cooling system, the cold pressure during air-conditioning load peak period.
energy produced by solar air-conditioning during The solar-powered air-conditioning system with cold
sunny days is stored to be used during cloudy days. storage technology uses solar energy, which is environ-
Based on the advantages of PCMs’ energy storage, it is ment friendly and the cold storage system can be oper-
widely used in the different applications in solar energy ated under the low air-conditioning load period such as
storage system and building efficiency field.6 Also, the night. Also, the energy will be stored in the cold
PCM cold storage system helps to reduce the mismatch storage tank and then release the energy to air-
between the energy supply and demand. At the same conditioning system when in the air-conditioning load
time, the system has higher energy storage density, a peak period. Therefore, solar energy storage air-
smaller size, and a relatively narrower temperature conditioning can reduce the air-conditioning load and
range during the melting and freezing processes.7,8 energy consumption, and improve the efficiency of the
This review seeks to analyze the solar-powered air- machine and the entire air-conditioning system.
conditioning system when integrated with the PCM A typical solar-powered air-conditioning system
cold storage system, not only regarding the develop- integrated with PCM cooling system is shown in
ments, classification, and application of the PCM mate- Figure 1.
rials in the cold storage system with current cited In the air-conditioning systems, PCM slurries can be
literatures but also the different kinds of solar-powered pumped directly as a secondary cooling medium into
air-conditioning working principles, also with the cold air handling units or stored for load shifting. The slurry
storage system, and the mainstream commercial market flows like conventional chilled water while providing
conditions is concluded. First, the review introduced larger cooling capacity. The high energy content of the
the air-conditioning system with cold storage system, slurry allows significant reductions in the size of the
introduced how to combine the cold storage system pipes, pumps, and storage tanks, as well as air handling
with air-conditioning system, and emphasized the sig- and chilling costs compared with the conventional
nificance and importance about cold storage system chilled water systems. In Figure 2, there are three cold
and then emphasized the advancement of PCM in cold storage forms of PCM cooled in the evaporator water
storage system, concretely introduced the develop- used as cooling fluid in the air handler. Each of the
ments, classification, and application in the air- possible configurations of the cold circuit has some dis-
conditioning system. Also, the article reviewed different advantages, so the choice of the variant is a matter of
types of solar-powered air-conditioning systems, the compromise.9,10
advantages of the solar energy, and then summarized A lot of experiments and researches have been com-
the current research progress on application of cold pleted to design and operate the air-conditioning sys-
storage system with different types of solar-powered tem integrated with PCM cold storage. But the study
air-conditioning. of PCM cold storage system is not in depth, especially
in improving the stability of the energy storage system.

Solar-powered air-conditioning system

with PCM cold storage technology PCM cold storage system
Under conventional air-conditioning system, there exist The cold thermal energy storage (TES) is a relatively
two subsystems: the refrigeration cycle system and the new technology with growing interest for a huge num-
cooling cycle system. The refrigeration cycle subsystem ber of thermal applications.11 This helps to reduce a
includes evaporator, condenser, throttle valve, and mismatch between the energy’s supply and demand.
compressor. While the cooling cycle system only con- The energy storage media are classified as chilled water,
tains refrigerant, which flows inside the refrigeration ice-making types, and PCMs.12 The chilled water stor-
cycle. The refrigerant in the cooling pipe should be age is based on maintaining the cooling charged water
cooled water or other refrigerants. and warm returned water. Many studies have presented
For the common air-conditioning design, it usually cold water storage system. The use of ice, as a cooling
considers the different using occasions of time and thermal storage, includes the ice balls’ use, ice
Zheng et al. 3

Figure 1. Solar-driven refrigeration system integrated with PCM cold storage system.

harvesting, and ice-on-coil, and ice slurries. The ice Based on the assessment of the thermal properties of
slurry is a mixture of water (ice and liquid water) and a PCM, the cost of PCM is quite high, which is very
glycol.13 In the popular ways of cold storage nowadays, important for development, when developing commer-
PCM has obvious advantages, using PCMs is interest- cial latent heat storage products at acceptable, stability
ing due to the advantage of a high ratio between the of thermal properties of these substances should be
amount of heat stored and temperature variation.14,15 tested for at least 1000 thermal cycles. Sharma et al.22
In the current researches, in order to better use the summarize the investigation and analysis of the avail-
PCM in the cold storage system, it is necessary to solve able TES systems incorporating PCM for use in differ-
several problems such as leaking, phase separation, and ent applications. C Tzivanidis et al.23 simulated the
corrosion of PCM, and a novel method PCM microen- phase change process using the effective thermal capac-
capsulation (MEPCM) has been realized.16–18 ity function, and the results showed that the main para-
meters of the system are pipe spacing, PCM layer
thickness, pipe depth within the ceiling, cooling water
Development of PCMs in cold storage field inlet temperature, night cooling duration, and PCM
The use of PCMs has been integrated in the energy properties (thermal conductivity, phase change heat
storage system in the buildings since 1980. Their first and ends of phase change temperature range), which is
applications were used in the heating and cooling by determined experimentally for PCM suitable for air-
Nagano et al.19 Today, the different PCM application conditioning applications.
utilizations are developed. A research into energy stor- Liu24 studied a novel composite PCM of lauric–myr-
age system for cooling and heating remains and is being istic–stearic acid ternary eutectic mixture/expanded gra-
considered for waste heat recovery, energy generation, phite (LA–MA–SA/EG) (12/1, W/W). It was described
building energy conservation, and air-conditioning.20 by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier trans-
Literature review shows that several studies have form infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, and differential
been carried out in the field of energy storage and scanning calorimetry (DSC). The results showed that
PCM. Kenisarin and Mahkamov21 focus on the assess- LA–MA–SA coincidentally distributed in the porous
ment of thermal properties of PCM, methods of energy network structure of EG, the prepared LA–MA–SA/EG
transfer enhancement, and design configurations of composite with PCM has suitable thermal properties for
cold storage facilities in solar energy utilizing building. the energy storage applications in energy buildings.
4 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Figure 2. PCM cold storage: (a) PCM used as cold storage, water used as cooling fluid in evaporator and air handler; (b) PCM
pumped into air handler, water cooled in the evaporator; and (c) PCM cooled in the evaporator water used as cooling fluid in air

Xia et al.25 developed a novel and suitable phase presented are as a part of solar water-heating systems,
change composite material for cold storage condensa- solar greenhouse system.
tion heat recovery system, which has good potential Y Li et al.26 put a concept of energy-saving building
application on cold storage system in building envelope, which is used to guide the building envelope
air-conditioning system. The heat storage applications material selection and thermal performance design.
Zheng et al. 5

The study researches lightweight building integrated There was no chemical reaction between the SA and
with PCM, and the EnergyPlus software with building PA. The study found that the rate of heat storage and
model validated by experiment data is used to research release was increased by 23% by adding the 3 wt% iron
the indoor thermal environment improvement with powder, which improved the phase change rate of the
PCM under typical weather conditions of five climates composite materials.
zones in China. The results show that PCM can control Currently, the inorganic high polymer as the shell
the indoor temperature rises and temperature fluctua- material of the MEPCM has drawn people’s attention.
tions effectively, which is very correlative to the air- It has potential and critical application in the areas of
conditioning system design, and indirectly reduces the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning, refrigeration,
energy consumption. and heat exchange.
MEPCM slurries have large apparent specific heats
during the phase change interval, which enhances the
heat transfer rate between the fluid and the tube wall. Classification of PCMs
The key question to study MEPCM is whether a com-
PCMs are classified into three groups based on their
petitive charging/discharging rate could be achieved.
composition: organic, inorganic, and eutectic com-
Zhang and Niu27 studied two performance indices of
pounds, as shown in Figure 3. The phase change tem-
TES system apparatus. They compared MEPCM slurry
perature range and the enthalpy change are the key
and stratified water storage tank, newly defined the
thermal properties of phase change slurries. Such para-
volumetric thermal storage capacity at a given tempera-
meters identify the heat storage capacity and their
ture difference, and the charging/discharging rate varia-
tion over time. The results showed that overall potential applications. Compared to the conventional
charging/discharging rate of the MEPCM storage tank fluids, a PCM exhibits high values of the apparent spe-
was much lower than stratified water storage tank. cific heat capacity during the phase change process.
When designing the cold storage system using the Within the potential PCMs, paraffin has the advantage
MEPCM slurry, the thermal conductivity of the slurry of representing small density variation between the
is essential. To measure the thermal conductivity of a solid and liquid phases.32,33
liquid, one of the most reliable and well-known meth- The paraffin is widely used as PCM but tend to have
ods is a transient line heat source technique. X Wang poor thermal conductivities. This can be improved by
et al.28 researched on temperature-dependent effective microencapsulation as this produces a high surface
thermal conductivity of PCMs wall based on steady- area. To maximize the PCM performance, the thermal
state method in a thermal chamber. In the research, heat transfer needs to be matched to the flow of heat to
two walls with 1.5 m 3 1.5 m dimension composed of it, for example, to the air flow in an air-conditioning
stabilized PCMs Bricks and Portland vitrified bricks, system. In the case of heat transfer systems, where slur-
respectively, were built and tested by a steady-state way ries of PCMs in fluids are used, the thermal conductiv-
in a thermal chamber. The results showed a positive lin- ity of the fluid influences the system performance in
ear relationship of l with increase in wall surface tem- absorbing the thermal kinetic energy at the point of
perature for ordinary vitrified brick wall as well as the heat input and releasing it for heat output.6,34
PCMs wall in solid and liquid states. This article summarizes the thermal physical proper-
Wang et al.29 studied a novel type SA/poly(methyl ties of some typical PCMs in three different types of
methacrylate) (PMMA) composite MEPCM with a PCMs as shown in Tables 1 and 2.35
shell structure by adopting ultraviolet curing dispersion The commercial paraffin is cheap with moderate
polymerization. This kind of MEPCM technology has heat storage density (200 kJ/kg), a wide range of melt-
a single phase surface, regular spherical structures, a ing temperature, stable chemical parameter, no phase
grain size of 2–3 mm, and a smooth surface, and there separation phenomenon, and little or no supercooling
is no chemical reaction between the PMMA and palmi- effect. But their low thermal conductivity limits the
tic acid (PA) which indicates that this kind of MEPCM application. Also, the hydrate salt crystals are com-
is more stable. monly used as PCMs, mainly because of its high ther-
Özonur et al.30 used coco fatty acid mixture as the mal storage density, high thermal conductivity, high
core material to prepare MEPCM, the shell material enthalpy, and the cost is affordable. The melting tem-
was gelatin-Arabic gum, and a grain diameter of 1 mm perature of the fatty acids and fatty acid esters is
via the coagulation technique. The study showed that between 30°C and 65°C. Compared with the other
the MEPCM could decrease the heat absorption rate organic PCMs, the fatty acids and fatty acid esters have
and heat release rate and increased phase change tem- relatively high enthalpy, which indicates that they have
perature compared with the coco fatty acid. high heat capacity. Based on the proper melting tem-
Zhang31 analyzed the stearic acid/polycarbonate perature range, high enthalpy, and little or no super-
MEPCM with SA through the solution casting method. cooling during the phase change transition, the fatty
6 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Figure 3. Classification of PCMs.

Table 1. Organic phase change materials thermal physical properties.

Materials Melting temperature (°C) Enthalpy (kJ/kg) Thermal conductivity (W/(m K)) Density (kg/m3)

Elaieimic acid 16 148.5 0.149 (liquid, 38.6°C) 901 (liquid, 30°C)

981 (solid, 13°C)
Glyceric acid 64 185.4 0.162 (liquid, 68.4°C) 850 (liquid, 65°C)
989 (solid, 24°C)
Polyethylene glycol E600 22 127.2 0.189 (liquid, 38.6°C) 1129 (liquid, 25°C)
1232 (solid, 4°C)
Paraffins 64 173.6 0.167 (liquid, 63.5°C) 790 (liquid, 65°C)
0.346 (solid, 33.6°C) 916 (solid, 24°C)

Table 2. Inorganic phase change materials thermal physical properties.

Materials Melting temperature (°C) Enthalpy (kJ/kg) Thermal conductivity (W/(m K)) Density (kg/m3)

6 36 146.9 0.464 (liquid, 39.9°C) 1828 (liquid, 36°C)

0.469 (liquid, 61.2°C) 1937 (solid, 24°C)
6 29 190.8 0.540 (liquid, 38.7°C) 1562 (liquid, 32°C)
1.088 (solid, 23°C) 1802 (solid, 23°C)
48 265.7 0.653 (liquid, 85.7°C) 1937 (liquid, 84°C)
1.225 (solid, 23°C) 2070 (solid, 23°C)
6 89 162.8 0.490 (liquid, 95°C) 1550 (liquid, 95°C)
0.611 (solid, 37°C) 1636 (solid, 37°C)
6 117 168.6 0.570 (liquid, 120°C) 1450 (liquid, 120°C)
0.694 (solid, 90°C) 1569 (solid, 90°C)

acids and fatty acid esters are good for energy storage the inorganic compounds such as hydrated salt have a
applications. volumetric thermal storage density, which is higher
Table 336 shows the comparison of the sensible heat than most of the organic compounds because of their
storage capacity between a rock bed water tank and the higher latent heat and density.
latent heat storage using organic and inorganic com- At present, many researchers have analyzed the fatty
pounds. The advantages about latent heat is clearly acids as PCMs. The results showed that fatty acids are
from the comparison, and the result also showed that suitable PCMs for the phase change heat storage
Zheng et al. 7

Table 3. Comparison between the different ways of heat storage.

Property Rock Water Inorganic PCM Organic PCM

Density, kg/m3 2240 1000 1600 800

Specific heat, kJ/kg 1.0 4.2 2.0 2.0
Latent heat, kJ/kg – – 230 230
Latent heat, kJ/m3 – – 368 368
Storage mass for J, kg 6700 16,000 4350 4350
Storage volume for J, m3 30 16 2.7 2.7
Relative storage mass 15 4 1.0 1.0
Relative storage volume 11 6 1.0 1.0

PCM: phase change material.

Table 4. The physical and thermal conductivity of fatty acids as PCM.39

Materials Density (kg/m3) Specific heat (kJ/(kg K)) Thermal conductivity

Solid Liquid Solid Liquid Liquid (W/(m K))

Capric acid (CA) 1004 878 1.9 2.1 0.153

Lauric acid (LA) 1007 862 1.7 2.4 0.150
Myristic acid (MA) 990 861 1.7 2.4 0.150
Palmitic acid (PA) 989 850 1.9 2.8 0.162
Stearic acid (SA) 965 848 1.6 2.2 0.172

systems. In particular, in the recent studies, the fatty (solar energy) but also converts low-grade energy (solar
acids have been a hot issue in the PCM field.8,22,37 energy) into high-grade energy.40–42 What’s more, it is
Because the fatty acids have many superior properties, important for the energy storage and environmental
such as proper melting temperature range and high heat protection. Due to the support from governmental poli-
capacity, the supercooling effect can be neglected during cies in many countries, renewable energies (especially
the transition, with good chemical and thermal stability, solar and wind energies) are expanding their primary
low cost, or small volume change (Table 4).37–39 energy use share of electricity generation. The positive
Also, the thermal conductivity can be raised by add- thing is that more and more people pay attention to
ing graphite, which improves the rate of thermal stor- renewable energy usages.43–45 Hwang et al.46 provided
age and release. Based on the features, it is effective to reviews of various solar cooling technologies based on
apply them to the thermal storage system, solar energy publications published until 2007 and classified them
storage, and other fields. Also, compared with the fatty into three groups as shown in Figure 4. Based on the
acids, the fatty acid esters have a lower phase change figure, there are two ways to achieve solar air-condi-
temperature, so it is more effectively used in TES at tioning, one is solar-electrical cooling then use electricity
low, especially in solar-powered air-conditioning to drive conventional compression chillers for refrigera-
systems. tion, and another one is the solar thermal cooling sys-
tem, heat utilization of solar-powered refrigeration.
Different solar-powered air-conditioning However, the solar photovoltaic systems are 4–5 times
more expensive than solar-powered thermal cooling sys-
systems integrated with PCM cold storage tems.47 Thus, most of the solar-powered air-condition-
Air-conditioning is defined as the temperature, humid- ing systems nowadays are solar absorption systems and
ity, purification, and distribution of air current to meet other solar-related systems like solar ejector systems
the needs of the space. It can achieve a lot of functions, based on solar thermal utilization.48 And the heating
reduce the room temperature in the hot weather, and cooling demand is more realistic compared to the
achieve desiccant, increase the indoor temperature in electricity demand. Therefore, solar-powered air-condi-
the cold weather, air-conditioning can also extract the tioning technology refers to solar thermal cooling sys-
essence of air, and improve air quality. The conven- tem generally.49 The technology has a large potential
tional air-conditioning system is based on the non- market; the solar cooling systems are still not competi-
renewable sources of the energy, and the solar-powered tive compared to the traditional electricity-powered or
air-conditioning system not only uses clean energy gas-fired air-conditioning systems.50
8 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Figure 4. Classification of solar cooling technology options.

The main problems of the solar-powered air-condi- design has two parts, one is continuous and another is
tioning systems are its high primary cost, low system intermittent operation. The results show that the con-
performance, and seasonal matching for the solar tinuous cycle combined with heat storage system has
energy usage, which can be improved by cold storage the highest coefficient of performance (COP). The COP
system. Different solar-powered air-conditioning sys- reflects the cooling capacity of air conditioning. The
tems have different types of cooling medium, here are higher COP value represents the better air-conditioning
mainly four types: absorption refrigeration system, refrigeration capacity.
adsorption refrigeration system, ejector refrigeration Xu et al.56 used advance energy storage technology to
system, and desiccant cooling system.44,51 simulate the performance of a solar-powered absorption
cycle by building dynamic models. They used storage tech-
Solar-powered absorption air-conditioning system nology and the variable mass cold storage system to store
the solar energy. And the solar collector was used as a
Absorption air-conditioning system is one of ordinary
refrigeration technologies. It has similar principle with regenerator and stores the refrigerant after condensation.
vapor compression system, that is, using liquid refriger- Agyenim et al.3 design a solar-powered absorption
ant evaporate and vaporize, absorb heat load from cooling system combined with a cold storage system. A
cooling medium, and produce cooling effect.52,53 The 12 m2 vacuum tube collectors were used to drive a 4.5-kW
compressor consists of an absorber, generator, and chiller unit. The refrigerant is O/LiBr. The minimum tem-
pump. Figure 5 shows the principle of the absorption. perature is 80°C to active the chiller. The temperature of
The energy system and the working fluid are different. chiller water was in the range of 7°C–16°C. The experi-
There are many different researches about the absorp- mental system was tested in Cardiff, United Kingdom. It
tion cycles combined with solar collector system. Escriva was found that the daily average electrical and thermal
et al.54 combined the absorption cycle with solar collector COPs were 0.58 and 3.6, respectively. To better use this
system directly. It was shown that there was a balance in kind of system, it is necessary to integrate with the cold
regeneration temperature for the whole cycles. This tem- storage system. The major energy consumption was from
perature is mainly depending on the solar collector and the chiller because it would consume electrical even though
the machine size. They also gave an example of how to the system stop to produce any cooling effect.
use parameters for a quick pre-sizing for Spain climates. Al-Dadah et al.57 did an experiment about PCM
Said et al.55 made an experiment to design a solar- applied in the solar-powered air-conditioning system,
powered absorption cooling technology with energy and the experiment uses propane as a refrigerant with
storage system for a continuous operation, 24 h. The different lubrication oils in the energy storage system.
Zheng et al. 9

Figure 5. The principle of the solar-driven absorption air-conditioning system.

It was indicated that propane is the most miscible in operation are quite complex, and after a period of
alkylated benzene AB300. After they experimentally working time, the chemical stability of the refrigerant is
investigated the performance of a 1.3 kWc single-stage decreased, so it is difficult to maintain a high vacuum
absorption cycle with propane and AB300, the results system, leading to a decline in the efficiency of the
showed that the cycle equipped with heat pipes between system.60
the absorber and the generator could increase the sys- At the same time, the initial investment of absorp-
tem COP. tion refrigeration is relatively large, which limits its
In the aspect of the simulation, Balghouthi et al.58 development. These are the features of solar-powered
used the TRNSYS and EES programs to simulate the LiBr absorption air-conditioning system. The advan-
system and the conditions. They found the effect of the tages about solar-powered absorption air-conditioning
heat transfer coefficient and generator inlet temperature system are long maintenance cycle, the pump is the only
on the COP and the cooling capacity. A large number power component, combined with solar collectors sys-
of TRNSYS simulations were executed to analyze a tem without the need for expensive photovoltaic panels.
suitable collector area, slope angle, and the size of the But there are some disadvantages which limit its devel-
energy storage tank. The design of cold storage tank opment, refrigeration performance of the absorption
will have an effect on the application of PCM. system is lower than other cycles, and the system struc-
Zhai et al.59 experimentally studied the solar- ture is complex.61,62
powered absorption air-conditioning with cold storage
system. A 24-story building was built in Jiangmen,
China, which consisted of hotels, business centers, Solar-powered adsorption air-conditioning system
entertainment places, and an education center. The Using solar energy or other heat sources, adsorption
solar system was installed on the roof of the building. and desorption agent mixture and adsorbate formation
The system supplied hot water to the building for daily occur in the adsorption bed, releasing refrigerant with
use throughout the year and provided air-conditioning high temperature and high pressure into the condenser
for the education center, which was located on the and the condenser refrigeration liquid into the evapora-
22nd floor. The schematic diagram of the cooling sys- tor through the throttle valve.63,64 The adsorption cool-
tem is shown in Figure 6.59 ing system powered by low-grade thermal energy has
At present, the most widely used is the lithium- attracted much attention of the researchers. As it is
bromide absorption chiller group. But its design and shown, the cycle includes two sorption chambers, a
10 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Figure 6. The schematic diagram of the solar absorption cooling system of the experiment building.59

Figure 7. The principle of the solar-driven adsorption air-conditioning system.

condenser and evaporator. The refrigerant produces capacity of natural zeolite/water adsorption. Jribi
the cooling effect when it is evaporated and the eva- et al.69 simulated the behavior of a four-bed adsorption
poration of refrigerant gas into the adsorption process cycle. The cycle was activated by carbon and R1234ze.
of generator. After being adsorbed, the refrigerant was The result shows that to install the compact adsorbent
mixed to form new compounds.65 Figure 7 shows the bed heat exchanger could improve the system
principle of the adsorption. The adsorption cycle can performance.
achieve a COP up to 0.3–0.7 depending on the driving In terms of improving the cycle performance,
heat temperature. The working fluids are generally car- Voyiatzis et al.70 did a contemporary one-dimensional
bon and silica gel. This systems heat source tempera- model to find the optimum switching frequency. It was
ture requirement is lower than the similar cycles, so found that the optimization based on the COP has a
that it is more appropriate to solar energy.66,67 lower switching frequency than based on the cooling
Nowadays, there have been lots of researches about capacity. The feasibility about decreasing either the
the solar-powered adsorption cycle. Solmusx et al.68 thermofluid’s Fourier number or the bed’s Biot number
experimentally investigated the balance adsorption to improve the system performance is also shown.
Zheng et al. 11

Figure 8. The schematic diagram of the solar-powered continuous adsorption refrigeration system with latent heat storage unit.75

Miyazaki and Akisawa71 proposed a new cycle for machine bed is prone to aging, the cycle is intermittent,
silica gel-water adsorption chillers. The research aims difficult to operate at night.76
to optimum the heat exchanger design and operating
conditionings to maximize the specific cooling capacity
of the silica gel/water adsorption chiller. The results Solar-powered ejector air-conditioning system
showed that the system performance could be optimized Figure 9 shows the principle of the solar-powered ejec-
by improving the heat exchanger design. Niazmand and tor air-conditioning system. Compared with the
Dabzadeh72 found that the COP of the cycle depends on conventional vapor compression refrigeration, in solar-
the fin’s height. In their system, the optimum particle dia- powered ejector air-conditioning system, generator and
meter was 0.1–0.25 mm. Zhai et al.73 did an experimental ejector replace the compressor, refrigerant in the genera-
study on optimization of a solar-powered adsorption air- tor could produce the high temperature and high pres-
conditioning system. They chose two adsorption chillers sure steam by the external heat source heating, the
to analysis. The results show that the solar-powered steam enters into the ejector nozzle, velocity is called
adsorption could operate steadily, especially in the sum- supersonic, pressure and temperature were decreased,
mer typically conditions, the system can work 8 h con- thereby ejecting the refrigerant steam from an evapora-
tinuously. The COP of the system is 0.35. It indicated tor, the two steam mixtures through the compression
that the system can save the energy directly. tube in the diffuser, then the condensing pressure rises,
Integrated with PCM cold storage system, AE Fadar condensed into liquid at the outlet of the condenser,
et al.74 developed the process based only on sensible refrigerant is divided into two parts, one way through
heat storage system and improved the system perfor- the pump pressure return generator, another way
mance. They suggested in this study the integration of a through throttling after entering the evaporator, so the
latent heat storage unit containing PCM into the sys- refrigeration produced the refrigerant in the evaporator,
tem. A control and command system composed mainly the ejector refrigeration cycle has been completed.77–80
of a temperature regulator is shown in Figure 8.75 A lot of studies had been done to investigate the per-
There are the features and product manufacturers of formance of the ejector cycles. Researchers used differ-
solar-powered adsorption air-conditioning system. The ent refrigerants in the simulation and experimental, the
adsorption system powered by solar energy is greatly investigation about the size of the ejector and the opti-
used because it has advantages of renewability, without mum collector to the solar-powered ejector system. Jia
pollution, and flexibility. This cycle does not need cool- and Wenjian81 did a search for the optimum area ratios
ing tower and low noise, low operation cost, and long for a 2 kW air cooled ejector cycle using R134a. They
service life, it is also environment friendly. But the sys- made a one-dimensional model to design the ejector
tem can provide a limited amount of cooling, and the cycle and studied the six different ejector throat areas
12 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Figure 9. The principle of the solar-driven ejector air-conditioning system.

Figure 10. An ejector cooling system with PCM cold storage system.85

by adjusting the position of the spindle. The results ejector cycle for Mediterranean climate. The results
show that the cycle system cooling capacity was rele- showed that the heat pipe collector covered with the
vant with area ratios and nozzle diameters, and the sys- double glass would offer the best efficiency. Dennis
tem COP was linked to area ratios only. and Garzoli84 used TRNSYS to model a solar ejector
X Ma et al.82 modified the ejector with a spindle to cycle with different geometry ejector and cold storage
control the primary flow. The results showed that when system. They concluded that the cold storage system
the spindle moved toward the nozzle, the primary dis- could reduce the bad effect of intermittent solar energy.
tance was decreased, it decreased the system cooling An experimental schematic diagram about an ejector
capacity. They founded that an optimum area ratio could cooling system with PCM cold storage system is shown
make an optimum entrainment ratio and COP. The spe- in Figure 10.85 X Chen et al.85 experimentally investi-
cial conclusion was that the increase in the generator tem- gated a PCM cold storage system integrated with ejec-
perature would not always increase the system efficiency. tor cooling system. The PCM storage tank was
W Zhang et al.83 compared the performance of three analyzed as a heat exchanger, and the effectiveness of
different solar collectors when powered the solar the PCM storage tank was calculated at various mass
Zheng et al. 13

ejector cooling cycle and PCM cold storage charging

and discharging cycle.
The PCM cold storage charging system is coupled
with the evaporator of the ejector cooling cycle. The
PCM tank with finned copper tube is shown in
Figure 11. The ejector cycles are simple to achieve and
it is inexpensive compared to other cycles. The market
share of the solar-powered ejector cooling system is not
very high. The disadvantages limit the development.
However, it is difficult to design the ejector. And the
performance coefficient of the system needs to be
improved. But the solar-powered ejector air-
conditioning system has lower installation, operating
costs and more stability operation.86,87

Solar-powered dehumidification air-conditioning

Figure 1288 shows the principle of the solar-powered
dehumidification air-conditioning system. This system
includes solid and liquid desiccant dehumidification
system; this system mainly relies on desiccant dehumi-
dification and evaporative cooling principle, and it can
Figure 11. The PCM tank with finned copper tube in realize the latent heat load and sensible heat load rate
solar-powered ejector cooling system. separately. First, the fresh air is dried by the solid
wheels. The temperature will be increased by the sensi-
ble heat exchange device. To keep the temperature
flow rates. The experiment results indicated that the being balance and reduce the air humidity, the low
increase in the mass flow rate could lead to the decrease humidity of the air will enter the evaporative cooler
in the storage effectiveness. The system uses finned tube firstly, then enter the room. Therefore the temperature
filled inside a PCM vessel. The whole system includes and humidity can be controlled and regulated. And the

Figure 12. The principle of the solar-driven dehumidification air-conditioning system.88

14 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Figure 13. An experimental schematic diagram of a solar energy and electric-driven desiccant cooling system.

regeneration temperature from the indoor air was The solar-powered dehumidification cooling system
returned of solar collector outstanding heating. The are environmental friendly, using air as ventilation,
advantage of this system is no pollution and using low- doesn’t need to deal with the chemical solution.
grade energy.89 However, this system is not suitable for dry area. It is
Fong et al.90 used TRNSYS to investigate six different difficult to control the system in the dry area. This
configurations of solar desiccant cooling systems, direct system requires maintenance due to moving parts in
current powered vapor compression cycle powered by the rotor wheel of the solid desiccant system. The crys-
photovoltaic panels or thermal panels, and an absorption tallization generally occurs in liquid desiccant systems
cycle. In the end, this whole system saved the energy up due to poor process control.94
to 35.2% compared to conventional air-conditioning sys-
tem. Li et al.91 studied the two-stage rotary desiccant air-
Comparison of different solar-powered
condition of 169 m2 electronic plant in China. It was
found that the system improves the indoor comfort air-conditioning systems
directly in hot and humid climate conditions. In Table 1, the important characteristics of different
Beccali et al.92 used TRNSYS to show the energy types of solar-powered refrigeration systems are sum-
and economic analysis of different desiccant cooling marized. It reviews thermally powered cycles include
systems. Three kinds of desiccant cooling systems were absorption, adsorption, desiccant cooling, and ejector
analyzed. The results showed that the system with heat cycles. The comparison of advantages, disadvantages,
pump had the best primary energy-saving effect. A cop, and application of different solar-powered air-con-
solar-powered desiccant air-conditioning system with ditioning systems are shown in Table 5.
PCM was constructed at Tohoku University, Japan. According to the comparisons of solar-powered air-
An experimental schematic diagram of the system is conditioning system, the ejector refrigeration is one of
shown in Figure 13.93 During night, the cold storage the most promising technologies because of its relative
system can store energy for daytime operation which simplicity and low capital cost when compared to
makes the system effective using relatively lower price absorption refrigeration. Ejector refrigeration seems to
of electricity, which prevents total reliance on solar be the most appropriate system for large-scale refrig-
energy. The system was tested in winter season and was eration. An ejector refrigeration system has a simple
concluded that it can be operated both in day and night construction, few parts, and it is not subjected to chem-
economically. ical corrosion. It uses low-grade waste heat from power
Zheng et al. 15

Table 5. Comparison of different solar-powered air-conditioning systems (reference to Pridasawas and Lundqvist).95

Advantages Disadvantages COP Application

Absorption Only one moving part—pump; Evaporating temperature in 0.6–0.8 Refrigeration

systems possible to utilize low using LiBr-H2O as working
temperature heat supply medium; fairly complex, difficult
to service
Adsorption No moving parts (except Unsuitable to use at high 0.3–0.8 Refrigeration
systems valves); low operating capacities and can cause long-
temperatures can be achieved term problems; difficult to
achieve air-tight; sensitive to low
temperature; an intermittent
Desiccant Environmentally friendly, water Difficult to achieve good control 0.5–1.5 Air-conditioning
cooling systems is used as the working fluid; in a humid area; the system
system can be integrated with requires maintenance due to
ventilation and heating systems; moving parts in the rotor wheel
driving temperature is quite low, of the solid desiccant system;
so temperature solar collector crystallization generally occurs
can be used in liquid desiccant systems due
to poor process control
Ejector Low temperature heat source Low COP; complicated design 0.3–0.8 Air-conditioning
refrigeration can be utilized; low operating of the ejector; only work in a
systems and installation costs narrow range of ambient

plants, incinerators, and industrial processes to gener- In 2016, two companies from China and Denmark
ate useful refrigeration.96,97 have established a new firm to specialize in cross-seasonal
solar energy storage technologies. Thus, the solar air-
condition system with the energy storage system is the
Commercial market situation of solar development trend of the solar energy utilization technol-
air-condition system ogy. Taking European countries, as an example, Table 6
shows the market research of solar-powered air-condi-
Based on the report, Solar Thermal Utilization Market tioning system in European countries.98
by Solar Heating & Cooling (SHC) Program, the report As noted in the reports, the current solar energy stor-
collected from 60 countries and covered 95% of the age system is not widely applied, and the main consid-
global market, the solar air-conditioning system has erations are the primary system cost, the capacity of the
promising developments worldwide. China and the energy storage system, and the size of the whole system.
European markets have the largest solar energy utiliza- Based on the PCM cold storage system’s features, it has
tion system. The vacuum tube collector with 71.1% of advantages in the commercial market application.
the market share is the leader in the heat collector tech-
nology. But as the owner of second largest solar energy
utilization market, the most commonly collector is flat Discussion and conclusion
collector in the European market.
Regarding solar energy storage system, according to 1. The PCM cold storage working principles and
the report from Energy Trend, in 2013, Germany imple- features, as applied in the solar-powered air-
mented a new subsidy bill, which used the solar air- conditioning system based on the preliminary
conditioning system to be integrated with the energy study, were reviewed, including the PCM cold
storage system. Also, Japan cited to build the largest storage system, solar air-conditioning system,
solar energy storage system in the world. and the commercial market evaluation. The
With regard to the observation of the global market most common system is the solar energy
research from the institution Energy Trend, to raise the absorption refrigeration that is integrated with
durability and reliability of the renewable energy, the the PCM storage system. With the current
combination of the energy generation and storage will development, the solar-driven ejector system
become the mainstream of the solar energy industry also has a bright potential with its relative sim-
development. plicity and low capital cost.
16 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Table 6. Market research of solar-powered air-conditioning system in European countries.98

Country City Project site Rated Machine types

capacity (kW)

Austria Sattledt Solution company office building 15 EAW, WEGRACAL SE15 LiBr
absorption chiller
Austria Vienna Municipal building MA34 building 7.5 Sortech, ACS08 adsorption machine
French Maclas Lac/SIEL uptown 10 Suninverse sonnenklima LiBr
absorption chiller
French Perpignan SOLACLIM 7.5 Sortech ACS08 adsorption machine
Germany Berlin Radiological Practice 10 Suninverse sonnenklima LiBr
absorption chiller
Germany Freiburg Canteen, Fraunhofer Institute FHG-ISE 5.5 Sortech, Silica gel/water adsorption
Germany Graching ZAE Bayern 10 Sonnenklima LiBr absorption chiller
Germany Moosburg Citrisolar Company building 5.5 Chilii STC6 gel/water adsorption
Germany Rimsting SolarNext Company office building 15 Chili ESC15 LiBr absorption chiller
Italy Milan ISSA 4.5 Rotarcia Solar v45 LiBr absorption
Italy Milan Department of art, Politecnico Milan 7.5 Sortech, ACS08 adsorption machine
Austria Graz Solid Company building 17.5 Yazaki WFC-SC5 LiBr absorption
Austria Grobming Bachelor Training centre and office 10 Chilii PSC10 Ammonia absorption
building refrigerating machine
Denmark – AC-Sun Aps 10 AC-Sun company rankine cycle
Germany Miesbach Raiffeisen bank Miesbach 2 3 10 Chilii PSC10 Ammonia absorption
refrigerating machine
Germany Stuttgart ITW, Stuttgart university 10 Ammonia absorption refrigerating

2. In the air-conditioning systems, PCM slurries material to prepare MEPCM, is a hot issue to
can be pumped directly as a secondary cooling study in the PCM field. It is more effective
medium into the air handling units or stored to be used in TES at low, especially in the
for load shifting. The high energy content of solar-driven air-conditioning systems. The key
the slurry provides the significant reductions in question when analyzing PCM is charging/dis-
the sizes of the pipes, pumps, and storage charging rate and thermal conductivity. The
tanks, including the air handling and chilling inorganic high polymer as the shell material of
costs compared with the conventional chilled the MEPCM has drawn people’s attention. It
water systems. has potential essential applications in the areas
3. Research into TES for both cooling and heat- of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning,
ing continues, which has also been considered refrigeration, and heat exchange.
for waste heat recovery, energy generation, 5. For the absorption cycles, there exists a bal-
building energy conservation, and air-condi- ance temperature in the regeneration for the
tioning. Using PCM in the energy storage sys- whole cycles, which mainly depend on the solar
tems, heat exchangers and thermal control collector and the machine size. The continuous
systems are potential techniques. A novel com- cooling cycle combined with heat storage sys-
posite PCM has suitable thermal properties for tem has the highest COP compared with the
the TES applications in energy buildings and traditional cooling cycles. The cycle equipped
condensation heat recovery. Applying forced with heat pipes between the absorber and the
convection (pumping) would be beneficial to generator could increase the system COP.
the PCM cold storage system. The concept of 6. The adsorption cycle system heat source tem-
energy-saving building envelope, which is used perature requirement is lower than the similar
to guide the building envelope material selec- cycle, so it is more appropriate to the solar
tion and thermal performance, was designed. energy. The compact adsorbent bed heat
4. A novel method, MEPCM, has been estab- exchanger could improve the system perfor-
lished. The coco fatty acid mixture, as the core mance. The optimization based on the COP
Zheng et al. 17

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