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GASTROENTEROLOGY 1996;111:1683–1699


The Immunomodulation of Enteric Neuromuscular Function:

Implications for Motility and Inflammatory Disorders

Intestinal Diseases Research Unit and Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine, McMaster University Health Sciences Centre,
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Gastrointestinal motility and sensory perception are al- oropharynx and esophagus, its storage and trituration in
tered in a variety of mucosal inflammatory conditions the stomach before transfer to the small intestine, passage
of the gut, ranging from peptic esophagitis to ulcerative through the intestine at a rate that optimizes digestion
colitis. Studies in animal models now clearly indicate and absorption, and slower passage through the large
a causal relationship between the presence of mucosal intestine to permit the formation and ultimate expulsion
inflammation and altered sensory-motor function. In of solid stool. This broad repertoire of motor events is
many instances, these changes occur in the absence
controlled by highly complex and integrated systems that
of any discernible encroachment of the deeper neuro-
muscular layers by the inflammatory infiltrate, which
include neural, myogenic, and local hormonal regulatory
remains largely within the lamina propria. Accordingly, mechanisms. In addition, gut motility is subject to the
attention has focused on local sources of mediators, effects of circulating hormones, including those of the
and recent studies indicate that smooth muscle cells female reproductive system and the thyroid gland.
and enteroglia are sources of and targets for cytokines
such as interleukin 1b and interleukin 6. In several Consequences and Causes of Altered
instances, neuromuscular dysfunction persists after Motor Function
mucosal inflammation has subsided; this state may be Disturbances of motor function produce a variety
maintained by locally produced mediators. Studies also
of symptoms, including chest pain and dysphagia in the
show the ability of enteric muscle to modulate lympho-
cyte function via major histocompatibiity complex II–
esophagus, bloating, nausea and vomiting in the stomach
restricted antigen presentation. Clinical observation and proximal small intestine, and diarrhea or constipa-
and experimental data also suggest that nerves modu- tion in the remainder of the gut. These symptoms can
late intestinal inflammation via local release of proin- arise in the context of inflammation or immune activation
flammatory neuropeptides (substance P) and via the in various gut regions and embrace such common entities
activation of extensive circuits that may involve the as esophagitis, gastritis, and idiopathic inflammatory
brain. Taken together, these findings provide plausible bowel disease (IBD). These observations suggest that mo-
explanations for a variety of clinical scenarios ranging tility of the gut is also subject to the influence of the
from inflammatory bowel disease to pseudo-obstruc- immune system. In this context, the motor system may
tion syndromes and subgroups of functional bowel dis- play an important role in defending the gut against nox-
ious stimuli present in the lumen, as shown in Figure
1. This notion is reflected, for example, by the observa-
T his review addresses the hypotheses that the im-
mune system modulates gastrointestinal motility
and that cells that constitute part of the motor apparatus
tion of Vantrappen et al., who showed that bacterial
overgrowth in the small intestine is accompanied by dis-
of the gut, such as smooth muscle cells and nerves, have ruption of the normal cyclic pattern of interdigestive
the ability to influence inflammatory or immune pro- motility in the small intestine.1 This observation
cesses. prompted consideration of the possibility that motor
function is necessary for controlling the luminal bacterial
Introduction and Conceptual population. This work was extended in rats in which
Function and Control of Normal Motility Abbreviations used in this paper: IL, interleukin; L-NAME, NG-nitro-
L-arginine methyl ester; TNB, trinitrobenzene.
Motility of the gut serves several purposes, includ- q 1996 by the American Gastroenterological Association
ing the orderly passage of food into the gut via the 0016-5085/96/$3.00

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ganisms or substances in the gut lumen to contain and

limit their access to the intestinal milieu and to recruit
physiological systems such as the motor system to assist
in the eviction of these agents from the gut.
This review will, in part, address mechanisms underly-
ing the activation of the motility apparatus of the gut
by the mucosal immune system in the contexts of in-
flammation and hypersensitivity reactions. In this con-
ceptual model, the motor system is recruited and in-
volved as an ‘‘innocent bystander.’’
There now is some evidence that the neuromuscular
tissues of the gut may also play a more active participa-
tory role during inflammation and immune activation;
enteric nerves may modulate immune function via the
activation of a more extensive neural circuitry than has
been traditionally envisaged. In addition, smooth muscle
cells may undergo a phenotypic shift whereby, through
autoregulated cytokine production, they are capable of
maintaining inflammation-induced trophic and contrac-
tile changes that may persist long after the mucosal re-
sponse to injury has subsided.
Taken together, these proposed roles of the neuromo-
tor system in primary inflammatory or immunologic in-
Figure 1. Schematic representation of the role of gastrointestinal juries to the gut provide putative mechanisms underlying
nerve and muscle in the defense of the gut against noxious stimuli.
Mucosal injury and inflammation results in immune activation. These
the extensive and, in some instances, persistent nature
events lead to changes in activity in enteric nerves and muscle, re- of gut dysfunction observed in association with inflam-
sulting in the eviction of the agent from the gut lumen. mation or immune activation in the gastrointestinal
tract. Pertinent clinical scenarios include the influences of
stress or smoking on IBD and the persistence of irritable
opiate-induced suppression of migrating myoelectrical bowel–like symptoms in patients after remission of IBD6
activity caused bacterial overgrowth, which disappeared or after an enteric infection.7
once the normal motor pattern was restored.2 Similarly, Observations on Altered
Sukhdeo and Croll showed that opiate-induced inhibition Neuromotor Function In Vivo After
of motility in mice infected with nematode parasites
Inflammation or Immune Activation
prolonged the enteric phase of the infection.3 Thus, dis-
ruption of normal motor function leads to proliferation Altered Motility in the Inflamed Gut
of enteric flora or the prolongation of enteric infections Originally, it had been suspected that altered mo-
and supports the concept that the motor system contri- tor activity producing muscular spasm and possibly is-
butes to the defense of the gastrointestinal tract. chemia might be an etiologic factor in the development
of experimental colitis in dogs,8 but subsequent work
The Motor System as an Extension of the
indicated that the converse is more likely, namely, that
Immune System
inflammation alters motility. Kern et al.9 described a
This concept was initially extended in studies us- temporal relationship between altered rectosigmoid mo-
ing animals immunologically sensitized to antigen by tility and the presence of inflammation in patients with
showing that intraluminal exposure of the animal to the ulcerative colitis. It was these original studies, later ex-
sensitizing antigen causes diarrhea as well as marked tended by Snape et al.,10 that provided the impetus for
changes in intestinal myoelectrical activity4 and in aboral studying the mechanisms underlying altered motility in
propulsive forces5 in a manner aimed at evicting the the inflamed bowel and that later precipitated in vitro
antigen from the gut.4 Thus, the motor system may, studies on the relationship between the immune and
under certain conditions, act as an extension of the muco- motor systems in the gut. Further observations in hu-
sal immune system in host defense; the immune system mans and in animals underscored the existence of this
serves to recognize foreign and potentially harmful or- relationship.

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In the esophagus, induction of inflammation produced oral challenge in patients with milk protein allergy,23
a reduction in lower esophageal sphincter pressure in cats and breath hydrogen testing showed delayed orocecal
with acid-induced esophagitis.11 A similar causal linkage transit in patients with untreated celiac disease.24 These
between inflammation and altered motility was sug- findings prompted consideration that antigen-specific
gested by the development of abnormal contractile activ- immunologic responses may involve the motor system of
ity in the colon of cats12 and subsequently dogs13 with the gut. More recently, an acute colonic pseudo-obstruc-
acetic acid–induced colitis. It is interesting to note that tion has been documented after therapy with the cytokine
in the feline models of esophagitis or colitis, altered mo- interleukin (IL) 225,26 and reinforces the notion that prod-
tor activity persisted after recovery of the mucosa.11,12 ucts of immune cells can dramatically alter intestinal
Similar observations have been made in humans with motility. Histological findings in some cases of pseudo-
persistently altered esophageal motility after resolution obstruction reveal massive lymphoid infiltration of the
of peptic esophagitis14 and in patients with ulcerative myenteric plexus and muscularis externa.27,28 The well-
colitis, where motor and transit disturbances persist in described motor abnormalities, morphological changes,29
the face of quiescent colitis.15 This may provide an expla- and high prevalence of antineuronal antibodies30 in acha-
nation as to why patients with quiescent colitis experi- lasia suggest that motility disturbances may arise from
ence irritable bowel syndrome–like symptoms with a autoimmune mechanisms.31 Thus, interactions between
higher-than-expected prevalence.6 These types of obser- the immune and motor systems of the gut may occur in
vations raise questions regarding the mechanisms under- a broad spectrum of clinical disorders.
lying the uncoupling of the initiating inflammatory Putative Cellular Targets for
event in the mucosa from the persistent changes that Immune Cells Modulating Gut
occur in the underlying neuromuscular tissues. This may Motility
have bearing on the proposed ‘‘active role’’ of neuromus-
Gastrointestinal motility is normally determined by
cular tissues in inflammatory processes and will be dis-
myogenic, efferent, and afferent neural and hormonal con-
cussed later in the review.
trol mechanisms. Each of these mechanisms is subject to
The Role of Afferent Nerves modulation by the immune system, whose products have
been shown to influence the excitability of smooth muscle,
There is increasing awareness of the role of altered peripheral, enteric, and central nerves. In addition, strategi-
sensory perception as a basis for symptom generation in cally important cells such as the pacemaker interstitial cells
gastrointestinal disease, including both functional and of Cajal are also subject to modulation by immune cell
inflammatory conditions.16 Increased rectal sensitivity to products or inflammatory mediators (Der-Filaphet, Hui-
balloon distention is well documented in IBD,17,18 and zinga, and Collins, unpublished observation, May 1996).
low-grade inflammation of the colon (using acetic acid) There is evidence that inflammation at one site in the gut
is accompanied by increased visceromotor responses, in- may produce altered motor function at a remote nonin-
dicative of pain, in the rat.19 Thus, part of net change flamed site, and motor abnormalities have been shown in
in motor activity that accompanies inflammation may the stomach and small bowel of patients with ulcerative
arise as a result of altered afferent nerve input into intrin- colitis.15,32 These findings suggest that inflammation may
sic and extrinsic neural circuits. Altered sensory percep- induce changes in enteric nerves at remote noninflamed
tion arising as a result of intestinal inflammation may sites as shown by Dvorak et al.33 or activate neural circuits
also be influenced by imbalance of the autonomic nervous outside the gut.20,21 In addition, it is also known that
system that has been documented in some patients with intestinal inflammation is accompanied by functional and
IBD.20,21 structural changes in the central nervous system in both
animals34 and humans,35 possibly via abnormal afferent
Altered Neuromotor Function in Other
input from the gut. Thus, inflammation or immune activa-
Conditions of Immune Activation tion may alter gut motility via changes at extrinsic and
While initial studies focused on motor changes central neural control sites in addition to changes in cell
that occur in the context of intestinal inflammation, later types intrinsic to the gut wall.5,36
observations broadened the clinical context within which Altered Muscle Function
interactions between the immune and motor systems of
the gut occur. Motor abnormalities and abnormal respon- Observations From Animal Models of
siveness to hormonal and mechanical stimuli have been Gastrointestinal Inflammation
documented in early cases of scleroderma.22 Radiological Earlier studies in a cat model of esophagitis were
studies suggested that motor abnormalities occur after intriguing in that they combined in vivo and in vitro

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approaches. The initial in vivo studies showed a decrease different stimuli.46 Similarly, Sjogren et al. found a simi-
in the resting tone of the lower esophageal sphincter after lar profile of change in slow wave activity in the rabbit
perfusion of the distal esophagus with 0.1N HCl for 30 ileum inflamed by either trinitrobenzene (TNB) or ri-
minutes daily for 4 days. Histological analysis revealed cin.51 Thus, inflammation-induced changes in muscle
that the acute inflammatory infiltrate did not invade the contraction are region specific, are different between cir-
muscle layers that appeared entirely normal, leading the cular and longitudinal muscles, and appear independent
investigators to predict that muscle function would also of the type of injury (i.e., chemical, infectious, immuno-
be normal in the presence of esophagitis.11,37 However, logic, and so on) that induces the inflammatory response.
subsequent studies in the same model showed that there However, it should be emphasized that these generalities
was a reduction in the basal tone of lower esophageal apply to models of acute inflammation (all õ1 week)
sphincter circular muscle in vitro38 and that this was and cannot be extrapolated with confidence to more long-
accompanied by an inability of sphincteric muscle cells term models that are less ubiquitous and, as yet, mostly
to use intracellular calcium.39 unstudied with respect to accompanying neuromuscular
A similar approach was taken to study the effects of changes.
intestinal inflammation on muscle contraction using rats
infected with nematode parasites. Farmer showed a tran- Changes at the Level of the Smooth
sient acceleration of intestinal transit of 51Cr on day 8 Muscle Cell
after a primary infection with Nippostrongylus brasiliensis.40 There have been some investigations into the al-
Studies performed in vitro shortly thereafter showed an terations that occur at the level of the smooth muscle
increase in the contractile responses of intestinal longitu- cell during inflammation but few, if any, generalizations
dinal muscle to agonists41 and that this could be attenu- can be made. This reflects the use of different animal
ated by suppressing the inflammatory response to the models and species as well as differences in approach.
parasite using a corticosteroid,42 implicating the in- The most extensively studied models are those of TNB-
flammatory process rather than the parasite as the cause induced colitis or ileitis and small bowel inflammation
of altered muscle function. Subsequent studies showed attributable to nematode infection. In TNB-induced ile-
that, in contrast to the increased force generation by itis or colitis, a reduction in force generation is observed
longitudinal muscle in this model, circular muscle exhib- in virtually all studies and there are accompanying alter-
ited a reduction in its contractile responses.43 This obser- ations in receptors on muscle cells from the inflamed
vation may reflect inherent differences in the responses segment. In TNB-induced ileitis in the guinea pig, there
of circular and longitudinal muscles to inflammatory me- is a down-regulation of receptors for platelet-activating
diators, such as prostaglandins.44 In addition to differ- factor and in receptors for b2-adrenergic agonists, whereas
ences between circular and longitudinal muscles, there a1- and a2-adrenergic receptors are up-regulated.52,53 In-
are also differences in the responses of muscle from differ- terestingly, the changes in adrenergic receptors could
ent gut regions to inflammation. Within the same model, be attenuated using mast cell stabilizers or NG-nitro-L-
longitudinal muscle in the jejunum exhibits increased arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), implicating mast cells
contractility whereas it exhibits decreased contractility and nitric oxide in the down-regulatory process. Cytokine
in the terminal ileum45 and colon46 to the same inflam- receptors, such as the IL-1 type I receptor, have been
matory stimulus. Similarly, the actions of inflammatory shown directly on muscle cells from healthy rabbit colon,
mediators, such as prostanoids, on muscle vary between but the extent to which they are altered during inflam-
gut regions.47,48 A similar profile has emerged from very mation remains to be determined.54 This is a potentially
limited data available in human IBD, where there is important receptor on muscle because its activation dur-
increased contractility in muscle resected from the small ing inflammation may result in the release of IL-1b55
intestine of patients with Crohn’s disease49; however, a and IL-656 as well as prostaglandins.54 More information
reduction in contractility was observed in muscle from is required regarding the regulation of IL-1 receptors on
patients with colitis.50 Whether this reflects the trend muscle cells during inflammation.
observed in animals or merely a chance finding remains In the nematode model, the increase in contractility
to be determined. In animal studies, there is consistency of longitudinal muscle from the inflamed jejunum is not
of tissue response to inflammation provided that the time restricted to particular pharmacological classes of agonist;
frame of the inflammation is comparable and the same therefore, it is not surprising to observe that there were
regions are studied. For example, Grossi et al. showed no substantial changes in the affinity or number of mus-
that responses of longitudinal muscle to acute distal coli- carinic receptors on muscle during inflammation.57,58
tis were similar when the colitis was induced by four Receptor-independent mechanisms have also been in-

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vestigated, and studies show a marked reduction in the of several cytokines, including IL-1b, tumor necrosis fac-
sodium-potassium pump in muscle cells, as illustrated tor a, IL-6, and transforming growth factor b in the
by a ú85% decrease in nitro-phenol-phosphatase activity region of the longitudinal muscle–myenteric plexus in
and in the ouabain-sensitive uptake of 86rubidium.58 Fur- the nematode-infected rat intestine. Thus, the mediators
ther study has shown that this down-regulation was evi- that may be important in the induction and maintenance
dent at the gene level59 with a marked reduction in of altered neuromuscular function during inflammation
expression of messenger RNA for the a1 subunit, which may originate from resident cells in that tissue, including
is considered to be the most important isoform contribut- smooth muscle cells.
ing to membrane polarity in intestinal smooth muscle.60 Many mediators have been shown to alter smooth mus-
Preliminary data suggest that IL-1b may contribute to cle function. As has been described already, prostaglan-
this down-regulation of Na/,K/ –adenosine triphospha- dins E2 and F2 contract rabbit and human colonic longi-
tase.61 tudinal muscle but relax circular muscle from these
Others have shown that there is an increase in the expres- species.48,71 Leukotriene D4 relaxed all muscles studied,
sion of messenger RNA for the contractile filament a- whereas B4 had no effect.71 In TNB-induced colitis in
actin in hypercontractile muscle cells from the intestine of rats, the observed increase in colonic myoelectrical activ-
nematode-infected rats62 as well as abnormalities in the rate ity was mediated by platelet-activating factor, IL-1, and
of cross-bridging of contractile filaments in hypocontractile leukotrienes (except D4 or prostaglandins),72 although,
muscle from rabbits with immune complex colitis.63 Thus, paradoxically, colonic transit changes observed in this
inflammation alters contractility at several loci in the muscle model were not altered by platelet-activating factor
cell; these are likely to reflect the actions of several mediators blockade but were attenuated by a leukotriene D4 antago-
of inflammation converging on the cell. nist.73 These results show the complex pharmacology of
inflammation and the difficulties in extrapolating in vitro
Trophic Changes in Muscle in Inflamed Gut data to the in vivo system not only in healthy tissue but
Inflammation alters the trophic properties of also between healthy and disease states. It follows that
smooth muscle; this had been observed in several animal the rationalization of treatments based on an understand-
models of inflammation64,65 and is implied in human ing of how a substance works in healthy subjects does
IBD,66 particularly in the context of stricture forma- not necessarily predict its effect in the presence of a
tion.67 The latter is a result not only of muscle cell prolif- disease process such as inflammation.
eration but also the deposition of collagen by muscle as There is much current interest in the role of NO
a result of stimulation by cytokines such as platelet- during inflammation because it has effects on blood flow
derived growth factor. Interestingly, IL-1b, which can and vascular permeability that could facilitate the in-
be produced by muscle cells,55 activates collagenase and flammatory process. In addition, NO has well-described
inhibits collagen synthesis by human intestinal smooth effects on motility and is believed to be the major inhibi-
muscle cells.67 This and results of other studies68 raise tory neurotransmitter in the gut. Studies in TNB-in-
the prospect of developing medical approaches to the duced colitis in the rat suggest that NO plays a selective
prevention of stricture formation in IBD. This subject role in the inflammatory process because L-NAME im-
has recently been reviewed in depth by Graham67 and proved some but not all aspects of the colitis.65 Moreover,
will not be covered here. the role of NO seems to change depending on the model
under study because the effects of L-NAME were quite
On the Origin and Nature of Inflammatory different in the inflamed intestine of the nematode-in-
Mediators Responsible for Altered Muscle fected rat compared with its action in TNB-induced coli-
Function tis.65,74 In humans, there may also be some selectivity in
Inflammation-induced changes in smooth muscle the distribution and hence the role of NO in ulcerative
contraction occur even when an inflammatory infiltrate colitis and Crohn’s disease. In ulcerative colitis, NO syn-
is mild and is restricted to the mucosa46 and when the thase activity was increased 8-fold in the mucosa but not
muscularis externa is macroscopically normal.69 This the muscularis of patients with ulcerative colitis and was
raises questions regarding the origin of putative media- normal in the mucosa and reduced in the muscle layer
tors responsible for altered muscle function in the pres- of patients with Crohn’s disease.75 This is in agreement
ence of mucosal inflammation. Kao and Zipser69 showed with a study that examined the role of NO in toxic
that the muscularis externa was the site of increased megacolon. In that study, NO synthase activity was nor-
prostaglandin E2 production in a rabbit model of colitis. mal in muscle strips from uncomplicated patients with
In addition, Khan and Collins70 showed the expression colitis or colon cancer but increased in megacolon cases.

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Whether these differences in NOS activity in uncompli-

cated patients with Crohn’s disease or colitis is reflective
of differences in the contractility of these tissues observed
in other studies in vitro49,50 remains to be determined.
However, NO synthase was substantially increased in
muscle strips from patients with toxic megacolon,76 and
the investigators interpreted their findings to implicate
NO as a mediator of toxic dilatation by virtue of its
ability to relax smooth muscle. This finding is consistent
with a previously proposed hypothesis regarding the role
of inhibitory reflexes in the development of toxic megaco-
lon because NO is considered to be an important inhibi-
tory neurotransmitter in the gut.77
In addition to the products of arachidonate metabo-
lism, cytokines also affect smooth muscle contraction.
Studies in the nematode-infected rat and mouse have
suggested that lymphocytes are responsible for inflam-
mation-induced changes in muscle contractility (see be-
low) and activation of T lymphocytes in vivo using anti-
CD3 antibody.78 However, the cytokine mediators of
these changes remain to be identified. Preliminary data
indicate that exposure of muscle to TH2 cytokines such
as IL-4 rather than TH1 cytokines increase the contractile
response to subsequent stimuli.79 Similar effects were
observed after transfer of the IL-4 gene to the gut using
an adenovirus as vector80 (see below). The effects of other
categories of cytokines on intestinal smooth muscle con-
traction have yet to be determined.
The Immunologic Basis for Altered Smooth
Muscle Function
Observations that changes in transit3 and muscle
contraction45 could be abrogated by corticosteroid treat- Figure 2. Transmission electron microscopy of longitudinal muscle
ment in animal models of intestinal inflammation sug- (LM) from the jejunum of a rat infected 1 day previously with T. spiralis.
gested that they occur as a result of the inflammatory The close approximation (arrowhead ) and cell surface contact (arrow)
between a lymphocyte (Ly) and a muscle cell are shown. There are
process. no signs of cellular injury in muscle cells adjacent to lymphocyte
(original magnification 12,9501; bar Å 1 mm).
Role of T Lymphocytes
Recent work suggests that intestinal muscle pro-
vides a hospitable environment for lymphocytes by pro- tion.85 In each of these conditions, there are alterations
moting the survival of T cells via the inhibition of in muscle contraction86 and growth.64
apoptosis.81 This may contribute to the observation that In the nematode model, studies using athymic rats
lymphocytes are prominent among the few inflammatory indicate that the increased contractility87 and hyperplasia
or immune cells found in the muscularis externa during, but not hypertrophy of intestinal muscle88 is T cell de-
for example, intestinal inflammation resulting from nem- pendent because changes were absent from infected
atode infections in rats82 or after intestinal transplanta- athymic rats but restored in infected congenitally
tion and during early graft rejection in rats.83 In the athymic rats after successful reconstitution of T cell func-
nematode model, ultrastructural analysis indicates close tion.87 Similarly, we found that activation of endogenous
communication between lymphocytes and muscle cells T cells through the administration of anti-CD3 in vivo
as shown in Figure 2. Lymphocytes are also evident in resulted in an increase in intestinal muscle contractility
the neuromuscular layers of the inflamed intestine in in vitro.78 While the exact mechanism underlying T cell–
Crohn’s disease84 or in certain types of pseudo-obstruc- induced changes in muscle remains to be determined,

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recent work in the mouse indicates that the cytokine IL- ide anion were detectable in the supernatant, the ob-
4 has the ability to increase the contractility of intestinal served suppression could not be attributed to the actions
muscle after prolonged exposure in vitro89 or in vivo by of these substances.99 Using a similar approach, these
IL-4 gene transfer to the gut using an adenovirus vector.80 investigators were unable to detect a significant change
The extent to which endogenous IL-4 mediates these in muscle contractility after exposure to peripheral blood
changes during nematode infection remains to be deter- monocytes.99
mined, but the expression of this cytokine is increased
during infection and seems to be important in the process
of worm expulsion from the gut.90 If altered muscle con- Eosinophils are found in the gut wall in such
tractility contributes to the process of worm expulsion, diverse conditions as IBD100 and achalasia.29 Because eo-
which is TH2 mediated,91 then it is possible that TH2 sinophils bear immunoglobulin E receptors, it is possible
cytokines such as IL-4 and IL-5 alter the contractile prop- that some of the contractile responses observed after acti-
erties of enteric smooth muscle. vation of these receptors using anti–immunoglobulin E
antibody92,93 may reflect, at least in part, eosinophil-
Mast Cells and Muscle Contractility mediated responses. Studies involving tracheal smooth
Although activation of mast cells results in muscle muscle have shown that the supernatant of activated eo-
contraction in vitro, mainly through the release of 5- sinophils from the peritoneal cavity potentiated contrac-
hydroxytryptamine in rats,92,93 there is no evidence that tile responses to histamine. The action did not require
mast cell products alter the intrinsic properties of smooth the presence of tracheal epithelium and was considered
muscle. Moreover, studies in vivo suggest that antigen- to reflect an effect on smooth muscle mediated by leuko-
induced changes in motor function is mediated, in large trienes C4 , D4 , and E4 .101
part, via nerves. This will be covered later in the review. Altered Neural Function
Macrophages and Muscle Contractility Observations in Humans
Macrophages are normally present in the muscu- Disturbances in intestinal physiology provide in-
laris mucosa94 and are among the earliest cells to prolifer- direct evidence of altered neural function in the inflamed
ate in that tissue following mucosal inflammation (Be- gut. The apparent intolerance of patients with IBD to
rezin, Huizinga, and Collins, unpublished observation, balloon distention of the rectum17,18 provides further sup-
December 1995). Macrophages are believed to be im- port for this concept. More direct evidence comes from
portant sources of cytokines such as IL-1b that alter mus- demonstrated abnormalities of structure and neurotrans-
cle contractility indirectly by suppressing the release of mitter content in the enteric plexuses of patients with
important neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine95 and entities such as IBD, achalasia, or pseudo-obstruc-
norepinephrine.96 In addition, these cells seem to influ- tion.28,29 In these studies, changes in the number of gan-
ence muscle cells directly, as has been reported in the glia have been reported together with evidence of axonal
lung, where macrophage activation enhanced bronchial degeneration and infiltration with a variety of cells, in-
muscle contractility.97 Macrophages may also directly af- cluding lymphocytes, mast cells, eosinophils, and macro-
fect intestinal muscle; in a recent report involving rabbit phages.27 – 29,33,66,84,102 Another important observation is
ileal circular muscle, endogenous macrophages were that structural changes to enteric nerves in IBD is not
stimulated with the bacterial peptide f-met-leu-phe and restricted to the site of active inflammation but may also
resulted in a decrease in the amplitude of myogenic slow be found at noninflamed sites,66 and this may have bear-
waves.98 The site of action of the peptide was localized ing on the findings that physiological disturbances are
to macrophages by fluorescence microscopy, and the ac- not restricted to the site of inflammation but may also
tion was resistant to tetrodotoxin and was thus considered occur at noninflamed remote sites.15,32 There is also evi-
to reflect a direct interaction between macrophages and dence that nerves outside the gut are altered in the pres-
smooth muscle.98 ence of inflammation attributable to Crohn’s disease103
and preliminary data suggesting that structural abnor-
Neutrophils and Monocytes malities exist in the central nervous system in some pa-
When human peripheral blood neutrophils were tients with IBD compared with age- and sex-matched
activated with A23187 and the supernatant exposed to controls.35 Autonomic imbalance also exists in some pa-
rabbit colonic circular muscle before stimulation with tients with IBD, with sympathetic dysfunction occurring
bethanechol, there was a significant reduction in the con- in Crohn’s disease21 and vagal dysfunction in ulcerative
tractile response.99 Although leukotriene B4 and superox- colitis.20 Together, these observations suggest that intes-

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tinal inflammation in humans is accompanied by neuro- Interestingly, in the model of TNB-induced distal colitis,
logical changes that are extensive both within and outside a marked suppression of 3H-noradrenaline release was
the gut and may involve the central nervous system. observed not only in the inflamed distal colon but also in
While a number of studies have identified changes in the noninflamed transverse colon and terminal ileum,118
the neurotransmitter content of the inflamed gut,32,104,105 providing a possible functional correlate of the ultrastruc-
there have been few common findings. Among these is a tural abnormalities noted in enteric nerves at nonin-
decrease in vasoactive intestinal peptide,106 – 108 although flamed sites in patients with Crohn’s disease33 as well
initial reports suggested an increase in this peptide in as altered intestinal motility in patients with ulcerative
IBD.104,105 It has been suggested that the destruction of colitis.32
vasoactive intestinal peptide–containing nerves subse-
quent to inflammation results in a compensatory increase On Mechanisms Underlying Altered Neural
in messenger RNA for vasoactive intestinal peptide, Function in Animal Models of Intestinal
thereby excluding a primary defect at the gene expression Inflammation
or posttranscriptional levels.107 A reduction in the tissue In most models, the inflammatory infiltrate origi-
concentration of this peptide correlated with an impair- nates in the mucosa and lamina propria and does not
ment of inhibitory neural function in circular muscle penetrate the myenteric plexus. Our preliminary observa-
from patients with Crohn’s colitis.109 An increased sub- tions indicate that, in the nematode-infected rat, there
stance P concentration is reported in ulcerative coli- is activation of macrophage-like cells or glia within the
tis,110,111 which may have bearing on the apparent in- plexus within 24 hours after infection (Berezin and Col-
crease in sensory perception reported in active colitis.17,18 lins, unpublished observation). In addition, we have
The demonstration by Geboes et al.112 of major histo- shown that there is increased expression of messenger
compatibility complex II expression on enteroglial cells, RNA and protein for IL-1b in the myenteric plexus and
together with the presence of UCHL-1–positive T lym- longitudinal muscle within 24 hours after this infection
phocytes in the enteric nervous system in IBD, has sug- and that this is followed by the expression of other cyto-
gested that changes in the enteric nervous system in IBD kines such as IL-6 and tumor necrosis factor a,70 which
are immunologically mediated. In pseudo-obstruction as- are known to alter myenteric neural function (see below).
sociated with small cell carcinoma of the lung, antineu- These observations raised the possibility that these
ronal antibodies have been reported113 and there is pre- proinflammatory cytokines mediate the altered myenteric
liminary evidence that these antibodies perturb enteric neural function exhibited in this model. Initial studies
neural reflexes in an in vitro preparation from guinea pig showed the abilities of several cytokines to mimic these
ileum.114 These observations indicate that inflammation changes when exposed to longitudinal muscle–myenteric
or immune activation may lead to widespread distur- plexus preparations from healthy rats; IL-1b caused a
bances of neural function in humans. Some insights into pronounced suppression of the release of both acetylcho-
the mechanisms underlying inflammation-induced line120 and noradrenaline121 by a process that was depen-
changes in neural function have been obtained from ani- dent on protein synthesis. Similar observations were
mal studies. made with respect to the ability of tumor necrosis factor
a to suppress noradrenaline release.122 There are also
Observations in Animal Studies synergistic interactions between cytokines such as IL-1
In a model of ileitis induced in rabbits by ricin, and IL-6 evident both pharmacologically123 and electro-
Goldhill et al. showed that inflammation increased non- physiologically.124 Our data suggested that the actions
cholinergic excitation mediated by substance P and that of these cytokines were mediated by the release of endog-
hyperpolarization of circular muscle was NO mediated enous IL-1b, which in turn suppressed neurotransmitter
in the ricin-induced inflamed gut.115 In a rabbit model release. However, more recent experiments have sug-
of TNB-induced colitis, Goldhill et al. also showed that gested that IL-1b acts via the cytokine leukemia inhibi-
inflammation was associated with a defect in the modula- tory factor because the action of exogenous IL-1b was
tion of secretomotor neurons by acetylcholine and prosta- inhibited by anti–leukemia inhibitory factor antibod-
glandin E2 .116 Studies involving quantification of radiola- ies.125
beled neurotransmitter release from myenteric plexus In the nematode model of intestinal inflammation, the
preparations have shown substantial changes in the changes in neurotransmitter release could be abrogated
evoked release of both 3H-noradrenaline117,118 or 3H-ace- by treatment of rats with a receptor antagonist against
tylcholine119 during inflammation of the nematode-in- IL-1, implicating IL-1 as a mediator of these changes,126
fected small intestine or during TNB-induced colitis. in addition to the observed increase in immunoreactive

/ 5e14$$0043 11-20-96 08:35:07 gasa WBS-Gastro


substance P.127 Thus, the cytokine-mediated alterations gic synapses mediated in part by local histamine re-
in enteric nerve function likely reflect a cascade of events lease.140 Thus, mast cell degranulation may alter intes-
involving the induction and release of several cytokines tinal physiology by activating extensive neural
within the plexus. circuitry.
The question emerges as to the origin of these cyto- There is abundant evidence from nongastrointesti-
kines in the myenteric plexus. In the brain, astroglia nal systems that inflammation alters the activity of
are sources of several cytokines that play a role not only afferent nerves, mainly through the recruitment of pre-
in the response to injury128 but also in the maturation viously silent c fibers,141 and this has been implicated
process of the developing brain. 129 Enteroglial cells as a peripheral component in the development of vis-
share some of the characteristics of astroglia130,131 and ceral hyperalgesia syndromes.16,142 Recent work76,142
undergo hyperplasia in conditions such as pseudo-ob- has shown that low-grade inflammation or chemical
struction that are associated with enteric neuropa- ‘‘irritation’’ of the colon with acetic acid produces en-
thy.132 In preliminary studies, we have developed a hanced sensory perception, as reflected by an increase
culture of purified enteroglial cells that retain their in vasopressor and abdominal visceromotor responses
surface markers S-100 and glial fibrillary acidic protein to colonic distention.19 This is accompanied by an in-
and respond to exposure to cytokines such as IL-1b crease in the expression of fos proteins in the case of
to induce IL-6 secretion.133 Moreover, the action of colitis143 and an increase in substance P immunoreac-
cytokines on enteric glia is itself altered by neurotrans- tivity in the case of jejunal inflammation in the dorsal
mitters such as noradrenaline.133 Taken together, these root ganglion and spinal cord.144 Using a similar para-
observations suggest a pivotal role for enteroglia not digm to assess the sensory response to noxious stimuli
only in inflammatory conditions but also in bidirec- in the gut, others have found that visceral distention
tional neuroimmune interactions in the gut. increases abdominal wall responses in the presence of
Mast cells are also potentially important mediators TNB-induced colitis and that this is mediated by bra-
of neuroimmune interactions. Mast cells lie in very dykinin.145 Other studies have shown that inflamma-
close proximity to nerves in the human and rat intes- tory mediators such as cytokines like human recombi-
tine in both health and in disease (see Stead134 for nant IL-1b, IL-1b, and tumor necrosis factor a146; mast
review). Mast cells release mediators such as histamine cell products147,148 in addition to 5-HT 3 agonists139;
in response to certain neuropeptides135 and are there- and the sensory neuropeptides substance P and calcito-
fore strategically placed to mediate neuroimmune in- nin gene-related peptide, both of which are increased
teractions. A compelling example of this is the demon- during inflammation,127,144,148 are likely to contribute
stration of Pavlovian conditioning of mast cell to the increase in sensory perception found in IBD
degranulation in the gut,136 which may have bearing and related conditions and offer innovative therapeutic
on altered motor function occurring in cases of pseudo- targets for symptomatic treatment in these disorders.
allergic reactions to food.137
Mast cell – mediated changes in enteric neural activ- Altered Endocrine Function
ity may play a role in immediate hypersensitivity – Relatively little is known about perturbations of
based reactions to food. Scott et al. showed that expo- the gut endocrine system during inflammation. Early
sure of the gut to ovalbumin produced diarrhea and studies from the parasitology literature suggested that
extensive changes in intestinal myoelectrical activity intestinal inflammation is accompanied by increases in
in rats previously sensitized to ovalbumin. 4 This rapid the circulating levels of gastrointestinal hormones such
and extensive response cannot be attributed to a local as gastrin,149 secretin, and glucagon and a decrease in
interaction between antigen and enteric smooth mus- the concentration of cholecystokinin.150 There have been
cle and suggests that enteric intrinsic and extrinsic few studies on the effects of inflammation on gut hor-
nerves have been activated. This is supported by the mone levels in IBD, and one recent study detected only
studies of others in which mast cell degranulation in- minor changes in the circadian fluctuation in plasma
duced changes in colonic myoelectrical activity that gastrin and somatostatin levels in patients with ulcerative
seemed to involve capsaicin-sensitive afferent nerves 138 colitis.151 However, the recent interest in the relationship
and increases fos protein expression in hypothalamic between Helicobacter pylori gastritis and reciprocal changes
nuclei.139 In addition, Frieling et al. have shown that in plasma gastrin and somatostatin152 and the ability of
antigen exposure on tissue from nematode-sensitized cytokines such as human recombinant IL-1b to influence
animals results in increased neuronal excitability and gastrin release from G cells153 should stimulate future
suppression of nicotinic transmission at fast choliner- work on the effect of local and remote inflammation on

/ 5e14$$0043 11-20-96 08:35:07 gasa WBS-Gastro


Figure 3. Schematic representation of the bidirectional interactions between inflammatory or immune cells and enteric smooth muscle.
Inflammation or immune activation in the mucosa results in changes in smooth muscle contraction and growth. Muscle also undergoes
phenotypic transformation under these conditions, resulting in its ability to express surface molecules, elaborate cytokines, and activate T
lymphocytes via antigen presentation. A state of persistent dysfunction of muscle may emerge from this scenario and persist after resolution
of the mucosal responses to injury.

the release of hormones, such as motilin, that have effects T cells. In addition, smooth muscle cells produce cyto-
on gut motility and other aspects of enteric physiology. kines such as IL-656 and human recombinant IL-1b.55
In these studies, smooth muscle cells were grown to
The Case for an Active
confluence and expressed g-actin, suggesting preservation
Participatory Role for Enteric of a smooth muscle phenotype. After exposure to human
Nerves and Muscle in Immunologic recombinant IL-1b, the cells expressed messenger RNA
or Inflammatory Processes in the and protein for IL-6 through a receptor-mediated event,
Gut as shown in Figure 4, indicating that smooth muscle
This part of the review addresses the hypothesis cells are a target for and a source of cytokines. These
that cells that constitute part of the motor apparatus of muscle-derived cytokines may act as costimulatory sig-
the gut, such as smooth muscle cells, have the ability to nals during antigen presentation. In studies using oval-
influence inflammatory or immune processes; this con- bumin-sensitized mice, Hogaboam et al. have shown that
cept is shown in Figure 3. smooth muscle cells present antigen in a major histocom-
patibility complex II–restricted manner to T lympho-
Immune Modulation by Smooth Muscle cytes isolated from mesenteric lymph nodes, causing T-
Cells cell activation and proliferation.155 Thus, intestinal
Recent studies suggest that the interaction be- muscle has the capacity to function as a nonprofessional
tween T cells and smooth muscle may be bidirectional. antigen-presenting cell. This may be relevant to observa-
After exposure to interferon gamma, intestinal smooth tions made during intestinal inflammation after nema-
muscle cells express surface molecules major histocom- tode infection, where there is major histocompatibility
patibility complex II and intercellular adhesion molecule complex II expression in the muscularis externa, although
1,154 which are prerequisite for antigen presentation to this has not been definitively localized to muscle cells.82

/ 5e14$$0043 11-20-96 08:35:07 gasa WBS-Gastro


culature would be mopped up by muscle without risking

a broad amplification of the immune response in a tissue
whose protective role is essentially to facilitate the evic-
tion of noxious stimuli from the lumen. In this regard,
it is also important to recognize that the immunomodula-
tory role intestinal smooth muscle is subject to modula-
tion by the nervous system. This is illustrated by the
ability of neurotransmitters such as substance P to en-
hance the activation of T lymphocytes by smooth muscle
cells158 and by the abilities of certain neurotransmitters
to modulate cytokine production by smooth muscle cells.
Vasoactive intestinal peptide, calcitonin gene-related pep-
tide, and noradrenaline, but not carbachol or somato-
statin, augmented the IL-1b–induced increase in IL-6
production by smooth muscle cells at a posttranscriptional
level.159 Thus, cytokines acting on smooth muscle cells
in a neuropeptide-rich environment may induce the ex-
pression of surface molecules such as major histocompati-
bility complex II and intercellular adhesion molecule I,
allowing the muscle cells to participate in immune regu-
lation to different degrees and subject to neural input.
These properties of muscle cells also allow them to become
targets for inflammatory or immune cell attack, resulting
in a myopathy such as that seen in certain cases of pseudo-
The ability of muscle cells to elaborate cytokines,
which are known to alter neuromuscular function, may
be a basis for the persistence of neuromotor dysfunction
that is seen in patients with IBD in remission and in
patients with irritable bowel syndrome that is precipi-
tated by a previous enteric infection.6,7 This persistence
Figure 4. Enteric smooth muscle as a target for and a source of of motor dysfunction after resolution of mucosal in-
cytokine. Smooth muscle cells from rat intestine were incubated with flammation has been observed in both humans and in
human recombinant IL-1b in the presence or absence of human re-
combinant IL-1 receptor antagonist. IL-6 was measured in the super-
animal models. A mouse model of this phenomenon has
natant by bioassay. IL-1b caused a receptor-mediated increase in IL- recently been established,160,161 and preliminary data sug-
6 production by smooth muscle cells. h, Control; j, IL-1b; , IL-1b- gest that genetic as well as immunologic factors are im-
RA; , boiled IL-1. Adapted and reprinted with permission.56 portant in the expression of persistent dysfunction, be-
cause it occurs only in one strain tested (NIH-Swiss) and
Because intestinal epithelial permeability is invariably in- requires the presence of T lymphocytes at the time of
creased during inflammation156 and because there is also the acute inflammatory event.162,163
evidence of increased permeability and endothelial activa-
tion in blood vessels supplying the muscle layers during An Active Role for Nerves in Intestinal
intestinal inflammation,157 it is likely that muscle cells are Inflammation
exposed to luminal and parasite-derived antigens. Taken A wide range of clinical observations suggest that
together, these observations raise the possibility that mus- the nervous system plays an active role in modulating
cle may engage in immunoregulation during intestinal intestinal inflammation. In the past, surgical denervation
inflammation by engaging T cells via antigen presenta- of the pelvis164 or vagotomy165,166 have been used success-
tion. One may speculate that this is a protective process fully to ameliorate refractory IBD. Reports of the appar-
insofar as the magnitude of T cell activation induced ent therapeutic benefit of drugs such as clonidine,167 nico-
by muscle is weak in comparison with that induced by tine,168 and lidocaine169 raise the possibility that the
professional antigen-presenting cells.155 As a result, anti- inflammatory process is subject to the neural influences in
gen entering the muscularis externa through a leaky vas- IBD, although direct anti-inflammatory actions of drugs

/ 5e14$$0043 11-20-96 08:35:07 gasa WBS-Gastro


such as lidocaine likely contribute to their effect in IBD. considered as a basis for symptom generation in condi-
Speculation of a neuromodulatory component to the tions accompanied by mild and superficial grades of in-
pathophysiology of IBD is also supported by growing flammation. Conversely, inflammation should be consid-
awareness of the ability of neurotransmitters to influence ered as a therapeutic target in those conditions expressed
the behavior of immune170 or inflammatory cells171 as clinically as disorders of sensory-motor function in which
well as the juxtapositioning of nerves and immuno- there is low-grade inflammation (superficial nonerosive
cytes.134 Certainly, results obtained in animal models of gastritis or esophagitis or some cases of irritable bowel
intestinal inflammation support this concept. There is syndrome178 [see Gwee et al.179 for review]). However,
general agreement that capsaicin-sensitive primary affer- given the fact that mucosal inflammation may become
ents play an anti-inflammatory role because depletion of temporally dislocated from underlying inflammation-in-
these nerves by prior exposure to capsaicin enhances the duced neuromuscular changes, symptomatic improve-
inflammatory response in the colon148,172 and in the small ment may lag behind improvement of mucosal inflam-
intestine.127 These data seemingly conflict with evidence matory changes, as has been noted in some cases of peptic
that treatment with an anti–substance P antibody or a esophagitis and H. pylori ulcer-negative gastritis.
substance P antagonist attenuates intestinal inflamma- Second, inflammation in one region of the gut is ac-
tory responses in mice.173 However, these observations companied by changes in neuromuscular function at adja-
may be reconciled by the hypothesis that primary affer- cent or remote noninflamed sites. Thus, colonic transit
ents contribute to mucosal protection via neural reflexes changes as well as altered intestinal transit and delays
but that the local antidromal release of substance P from in gastric emptying may occur even with quite limited
these nerves or the release of substance P from cells such inflammatory disease, e.g., distal colitis.
as eosinophils174 is proinflammatory.
Third, the clear demonstrations of interactions be-
Inflammation stimulates ongoing remodeling of en-
tween immune cells, such as lymphocytes, and smooth
teric nerves,175 and it is possible that, under these condi-
muscle and enteric nerves provides a putative mechanism
tions, there may be a shift in nerve phenotype resulting
for the severe motility disturbances found in cases of
in an increase in either the number of substance P–
pseudo-obstruction in which there is infiltration of the
containing nerves or an increase in the substance P con-
myenteric plexus or muscularis externa by lymphocytes
tent of nerves in the gut, as has been shown in intestinal
and other immunocytes. Furthermore, these observations
inflammation attributable to nematode infection.127 Fur-
provide a basis for considering immunomodulatory or
thermore, intestinal inflammation substantially decreases
the tissue level of neutral endopeptidase,176 resulting in immunosuppressive therapy to prevent disease progres-
a marked increase in the bioavailability of any substance sion.
P released locally in the inflamed gut; this would serve Fourth, the increasing recognition of the fact that mus-
to amplify its proinflammatory effects. As a balance to cle is capable of synthetic and secretory function (cyto-
contain the neurogenic component to inflammation, kines, growth factors, and collagen) should promote
there is evidence that neurokinin-1 receptors become in- stronger consideration of the development of medical
ternalized after inflammation in the airways.177 Taken approaches to the prevention of more obvious problems
together, these observations support the concept that such as strictures in Crohn’s disease or diverticular dis-
nerves play an active role in modulating the inflammatory ease.
processes in the gut and expose a number of potential Fifth, an appreciation of the immunomodulatory po-
therapeutic targets for the treatment of intestinal in- tential of smooth muscle, either in the form of T cell
flammation. activation through antigen presentation or via cytokine
production, raise at least the theoretical possibility that
Clinical Implications and Future muscle may be a target for gene or immunotherapy,
Directions particularly because enteric myocytes are among the most
The literature to date clearly establishes the fact stable cell populations in the gut.
that mucosal inflammation alters function in the deeper In conclusion, the emerging field of immunophysiol-
neuromuscular tissue and is accompanied by alterations ogy has yielded a substantial body of evidence indicating
in motility. A number of observations warrant emphasis. that the motor-sensory apparatus of the gut is subject to
First, changes in neuromotor function occur even with modulation by the immune system. This, in turn, has
mild and superficial inflammation restricted to the mu- offered a number of scientifically plausible scenarios that
cosa or lamina propria; penetrating inflammation is not shed light on hitherto unexplained clinical issues and
a prerequisite. Thus, motor or sensory changes should be yield innovative therapeutic strategies.

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F.R.C.P., F.R.C.P.C., Room 4W8, GI Division, HSC, McMaster Univer-
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170. Ottaway CA. Neuroimmunomodulation in the intestinal mucosa. dents at McMaster University, who have contributed to much of the
Gastroenterol Clin North Am 1991;20:511–529. work reviewed in this paper.

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