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General Systematic review (SR) quality criteria

Yes No
Does the SR explicitly report and perform a comprehensive and
reproducible literature search?
Does the SR formulate a clearly focused question?
Does the SR's methods section explicitly state the basis forinclusion or
exclusion of primary RCTS?
Does the SR report data from primary RCTs (e.g., size, interventions
used, results from individual RCTs)
Does the SR assess the methodological quality of primary studies, and
take these into account where necessary?
Meta-analysis: does the SR combine primary studies appropriately?
Meta-analysis: does the SR state how results are combined statistically?
Meta-analysis: does the SR report absolute numbers as well as
appropriate summary statistics?
Does the SR discuss the reasons for any variations/heterogeneity
between individua RCTs/overall results?
Does the SR report on the clinical relevance/importance of the results?

Sumber : Appraising systematic reviews | BMJ Best Practice

Bahasa indonesia

General Systematic review (SR) quality criteria

Yes No
Apakah SR secara eksplisit melaporkan dan melakukan pencarian      
literatur yang komprehensif dan dapat direproduksi?
Apakah SR merumuskan pertanyaan yang terfokus dengan jelas?      
Apakah bagian metode SR secara eksplisit menyatakan      
dasar penyertaan atau pengecualian RCTS primer?
Apakah SR melaporkan data dari RCT primer (misalnya, ukuran,      
intervensi yang digunakan, hasil dari RCT individu)
Apakah SR menilai kualitas metodologis studi primer, dan      
mempertimbangkannya jika perlu?
Meta-analisis: apakah SR menggabungkan studi primer dengan tepat?      
Meta-analisis: apakah SR menyatakan bagaimana hasil digabungkan      
secara statistik?
Meta-analisis: apakah SR melaporkan angka absolut serta statistik      
ringkasan yang sesuai?
Apakah SR membahas alasan untuk setiap variasi/heterogenitas antara      
masing-masing RCT/hasil keseluruhan?
Apakah SR melaporkan relevansi/pentingnya hasil klinis?      
Yes No
Purpose of the Study
Clarity Purpose of study is easy to understand √
Practical significance The study yields results that will affect practice. √
Statement of Problem
Clarity Problem(s) are easy to understand. √
Conceptual definitions A word picture or mental image of problem. √
Operational definitions A description of how people/things will be measured √
Literature Review
Inclusion of current citations Works publised within the past 5 years. √
Inclusion of classic studies Important older works √
Citation of primary sources Works by original investigators. √
Relevance Works pertain to subject being investigated √
Population identified Subjects or objects studied are defined. √
Adequacy of sample Enough subjects or objects to represent population. √
Representativeness Sampling method is identified. √
Clarity of procedures Research design is identified. √
Data collection Data are recorded carefully; tools are reliable and valid √

Data analysis Appropriate tests or statistics are used √

Results and Conclusions

Accuracy Data interpretation is consistent with study results. √

Addressed study purpose Conclusions address research questions. √
Significance to nursing Implications for nursing practice are addressed. √
Clarity results are understood easily and presented clearly. √
Limitations Shortcomings of study are identified √
Overall Concern Biases are recognized and stated in report. √
Ethical considerations Informed consent was obtained; study was confidential √
and safe.
Readability Study makes sense/could be valuable in your practice √
Yes No
Tujuan Studi
Kejelasan Tujuan pembelajaran mudah dipahami  
Signifikansi praktis Studi menghasilkan hasil yang akan mempengaruhi  
Pernyataan Masalah

Kejelasan Masalah (s) mudah dimengerti.  

Definisi konseptual Gambar kata atau gambaran mental dari suatu masalah.  
Definisi operasional Deskripsi tentang bagaimana orang/benda akan diukur  
Literatur Review
Penyertaan kutipan saat ini Karya yang diterbitkan dalam 5 tahun terakhir.
Penyertaan studi klasik Karya-karya tua yang penting
Kutipan sumber utama Bekerja oleh peneliti asli.
Relevansi Karya berkaitan dengan subjek yang diselidiki
Populasi diidentifikasi Subyek atau objek yang dipelajari didefinisikan.
Kecukupan sampel Subjek atau objek yang cukup untuk mewakili populasi.
keterwakilan Metode pengambilan sampel diidentifikasi.
Kejelasan prosedur Desain penelitian diidentifikasi.
Pengumpulan data Data dicatat dengan hati-hati; alat dapat diandalkan dan
Analisis data Tes atau statistik yang sesuai digunakan
Hasil dan Kesimpulan
Ketepatan Interpretasi data konsisten dengan hasil penelitian.
Tujuan studi yang dituju Kesimpulan menjawab pertanyaan penelitian.
Pentingnya keperawatan Implikasi untuk praktik keperawatan dibahas.
Kejelasan hasilnya mudah dipahami dan disajikan dengan jelas.
Li mi tasi Kekurangan studi diidentifikasi
Kekhawatiran Keseluruhan Bias diakui dan dinyatakan dalam laporan.
Pertimbangan etis Informed consent diperoleh; penelitian adalah rahasia
dan aman.
Keterbacaan Belajar masuk akal / bisa berharga dalam latihan Anda

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