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Design Management Trainee

Luthfi Rochmatika
• Develop people to become leader who has competent,
knowledgeable, and excellence work to achieve the target
with fast track learning systems.
• Develop staff or trainee who have entrepreneurship skill,
young talents align with core values culture and
company Visions Missions
• Support business expansion
• Create career path
Model Management Trainee
Evaluation & Monitoring

Class room

Recruitment Change
& &
Project Counseling Behavior
Selection Job rotation

Development Method
Target Soft Competency

 Planning &
Organizing • Driving
 Impact Execution
 Work Standards • Information
 Building positive Monitoring
working • Gaining
relationship Commitment
• Building Trust
Definition Soft Competency

Competency Definition
Planning & Organizing Establishing courses of action for self and others to
ensure that works is completed efficiently.
• Prioritizes
• Determines task and resources
• Schedules
Work Standards Setting high standards of performance for self and
others; assuming responsibility and accountability
for successfully completing assignments or tasks;
self-imposing standards of excellence rather than
having standards imposed.
• Set standards for excellence
• Ensures high quality

Source : Harvard University, Competency Dictionary

Definition Soft Competency

Competency Definition
Impact Creating a good first impression; commanding
attention and respect; showing an air of
• Dress appropriately
• Displays professional demeanor
• Speaks confidently
Building Positive Developing and using collaborative relationships to
relationship facilitate the accomplishment of work goals.
• Seeks opportunities
• Clarifies the current condition
• Develops others and own ideas

Source : Harvard University, Competency Dictionary

Definition Soft Competency

Competency Definition
Driving Execution Translating strategic priorities into operational reality; aligning
communication, accountabilities, resource capabilities, internal
processes, and ongoing measurement systems to ensure that
strategic priorities yield measurable and sustainable results.
• Translates initiatives into actions
• Implements communication strategy
• Creates accountability
• Ensures skill and readiness
• Align systems and process
• Creates measurement discipline
Gaining Commitment Using appropriate interpersonal styles and techniques to gain
acceptance of ideas or plans; modifying one’s own behavior to
accommodate tasks, situations, and individuals involved.
• Open discussions effectively
• Clarifies the current conditions
• Develops others and own idea
• Facilitates agreement
• Closes discussions with clear summaries
Source : Harvard University, Competency Dictionary
Definition Soft Competency

Competency Definition
Information Setting up ongoing procedures to collect and review
Monitoring information needed to manage an organization or
ongoing activities within it.
• Identifies monitoring needs
• Develops monitoring system
• Implement tracking systems
• Review data
Building Trust Interacting with others in a way that gives them
confidence in one’s intentions and those of the
• Operates with integrity
• Discloses own positions
• Remains open to idea
• Supports others

Source : Harvard University, Competency Dictionary


Personality Traits
• Exhibit High
Personal Integrity,
Age Analytical Thinking
Max. 25 years old • Good interpersonal
Education skills
S1/Diploma with • Hard worker and
minimum GPA 3.00 ability to work
under pressure
Background • Fluent in English
Any Major, preferably both oral and
hotel, hospitality, written
tourism • Have leadership
• Service oriented
• Ready work longer
hours and

External Internal

• Campus
Channeling • Referrals and
such as IPB, recommendations
UPH, UGM, UI • Internal
• Job Street newsletter
• Referrals • Internal Company
Program Portal
• LinkedIn
Selection Process…

Application Psychological
HR Interview
Screening test

Assessment User
GM Interview
Center Interview

Medical Offering &

Check up Signing

Note : Ensure all psychological test and competency based interview (CBI) align
with staff competency
Development Methods (1)…
Development Methods (2)…
Development Methods (3)…

Note : Choose and ensure every development method align with

competency that to be developed
Roadmap and timeline…

1 weeks
1 weeks presentation
weeks Special
12 assignments
1 weeks class room
On job
weeks training
class room
On job
Training in
class room
Graduation Criteria…

10% Workshop 60% On Job Training 30% Project


Result 10%
Participation 30% Resume 20% Proposal 10%

Coaching 60%
Final Presentation 30%
Post test 70% Multirater feedback
Implementation 50%
20 %

Workshop Action Learning


• Facilitate the
implementation and
• Verify all process and administration of the
development stages program and guide the
• As coach for trainee to process
develop their • Keep tracking
competency competency and
• Give recommendation report data by
to ops mgr about evaluation and
trainee coaching form
HR Mgr • Report all process to Dept Head • Ensure all the program
GM align with the training

• Attend and follow the program

• On the job training
• Following the terms and
Trainee condition of this program
including termination process

• Give advice how to run this

• Participating in program
• Monitor development
• Project sponsor
General Mgr

• As a trainer to teach about

their department knowledge
• Support training module
related to their department

Other Mgr
Placement Guideline…

The graduate program will be

placed at company both core
and support function based on
Management decision

The decision is
made based on the
overall profile of
each person and
business need
Next program…

Executive Development

Development Program

Development Program
Budget Component…

Item Number
Salary Rp.
Training Provider Rp.
Advertising/Sourcing Rp.
Selection tools Rp.
Laptop/PC Rp.
Email Rp.
Working Space Rp.
Transportation Rp.
Term and condition…
1. During training program, the status of the trainee is contract. After one year,
trainee will be permanent employee and under special agreement with penalty
about IDR 20 million if trainee resign. The engagement period after the program
is 1 year to stay with the company.
2. The trainee will be terminated if they don’t meet the requirements and
expectations of the program.
3. All manager must support this program to develop trainee become ideal
4. After project completion the talent will be as supervisor with proven competency.
5. Recruitment process get the best talent in market (Garbage in Garbage out)
Key Point Development…

• Baseline competencies
• People who developed
• Buddy manager (commitment)
• Development Method
• Scheme benefits
• Clear contract agreement between company and talents

• Resistance from staff incumbent or other employee

• Juggling between daily activity and buddy trainee
• Budget for development
• Organization Maturity
• People can be developed related with change behavior
that expected in certain position.
• The key success of development is commitment between
trainee and user or senior management. Senior
management as mentor give time, advice and sharing
experience. User as buddy manager always trains
participants until show expected competencies.
• However, if development system can not running well as
long as program get best talents, they are still
• Prepare competitive compensation and benefit for
participants since they are talents. The package should
be different with others.

• One indicators that development running well is feeling

stressful from trainee, exit from comfort zone by doing
new things and never do before. The program should
stretch their ability and competencies.
• Employee from development program is cheaper and
more engage than external hiring. Other side,
development program needs effort from senior
Nama : Luthfi Rochmatika
Jabatan : HR Manager & Trainer
Contact : 081319554465
Email :

Universitas Jurusan Tahun

Insitut Pertanian Bogor Agribisnis 2002 - 2006
Universitas Indonesia Ekonomi Syariah 2009 - 2011

Perjalanan karir Luthfi diawali dari dunia perbankan selama 5 tahun. Mulai tidak
menemukan passionnya, Luthfi mendapatkan tawaran program development dari
Mahadasha (Trakindo Grup) untuk menjadi level managerial. Sistem rekrutmen
menggunakan assessment center dan pelatihan bekerja sama dengan PPM management
dengan kurikulum yang komprehensif membuat Luthfi semakin paham dunia HR.
Kesehariannya, Luthfi menjadi HR Business Partner di Mahadya mendukung keberhasilan
operasional Bisnis.

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