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cuba is more democratic than the us ever was or is cuba is more democratic than the

us ever was or is what you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things i
have ever heard at no point in your rambling incoherent response were you even
close to anything that could be considered a rational thought everyone in this room
is now dumber for having listened to it i award you no points and may god have
mercy on your soul [Music] for more than 60 years cubans finally had enough of the
communist dictatorship that oppressed them for so long yet and america left us
throughout the political compass not only romanticized cuba as a progressive
paradise but also simple for the authoritarian government it boils down to them
commending cuba for their free health care and education while brushing aside the
countless human rights abuses committed by the castro brothers on the extreme end
socialist dimwits go far as to claim that communist cuba is freer and more
democratic than the united states deriving from their delusional look assumptions
that america is an authoritarian phony democracy while cuba is a democratic
republic in which blacks and the proletariat have equal and direct representation
in the government many leftists especially tankis deny that cuba is a dictatorship
in this video i'll be debunking such communist propaganda that paints cuba as a
democratic nation that respects human rights one aspect of this claim is the
argument that cuba is a participatory democracy a prime example of this argument
can be derived from a video from communist youtuber azure scapegoat titled how
democracy works in cuba keep in mind that his video is out of date since it was
made in 2018 before the ratification of cuba's new constitution in 2019 which by
the way the communist party is still enshrined in the new constitution as a guiding
role in human society and socialism as being irreversible azure scapegoat who i
will for now on be referring to him as azure centers his argument on poor gotcha
points such as the national voter turnout rate being around 90 and that cuba has
more percentage of women in the legislature than the u.s though that doesn't
acknowledge that the speaker of the house is a woman it isn't far-fetched to call
cuba an authoritarian regime authoritarianism is characterized as a central
government that permits extremely limited political freedoms though the political
process and individual liberties are tightly controlled by the state without any
constitutional accountability spanish political scientist juan jose linz
categorized four major characteristics of authoritarianism that being one limited
political freedom with strict government controls imposed on political institutions
and groups like legislators political parties and interest groups to a controlling
regime that justifies itself to the people as a necessary evil uniquely capable of
coping with easily recognizable societal problems such as hunger poverty and
violent insurgency three strict government-imposed constraints on social freedom
such as suppression of political opposition and anti-regime activity and four the
presence of a ruling executive with vague shifting and loosely defined powers all
the points about cuba having a high voting turnout rate or women in the legislator
doesn't disprove the notion of cuba being in an authoritarian regime what really
matters is whether the communist government of cuba fits the four characteristics
of authoritarianism laid down by juan jose linz let's start with category one
limited political freedom remember that under authoritarianism there are some
degrees of political freedoms however they are extremely limited to ensure the
preservation of the status quo this is why authoritarian regimes can still have for
instance women in parliament or national elections and still be you know
authoritarian cuba nevertheless constraints political liberties with imposed
controls on political institutions for instance despite the implications by azure
of a fair electoral system cuba imposes rules that repress the abilities and
influence of opposition parties and candidates prior to 1992 any political party
with the exception of the communist party was basically banned however
constitutional changes were made in 1992 which decriminalized all other parties
although with electoral regulations that pretty much ensured that pcc had an
advantage in national elections for instance political parties are forbidden to
conduct campaigns public speeches rallies and nominate candidates which limits the
ability for second parties to be recognized nationally there are also no
presidential elections in cuba instead the communist government functions like a
rigged parliamentary system in which the president and prime minister are chosen by
members of the national assembly cuba however does hold elections however
candidates aren't allowed to make electoral promises or pledges and even then
candidates must meet qualifications such as loyalty to the communist state with no
dissenting views against the regime during national elections in which delegates
run for seats in the national assembly candidates can only be nominated by either
being approved by government-run agencies such as trade unions and the committee
for the defense of the revolution or they must be drawn up by the national
candidature commission for which candidates are accounted based on meeting
suspected criteria such as patriotism ethical values and revolutionary history
transitioning to the second characteristic of authoritarianism cuba just like any
other communist state justifies its dobbineering government as a necessary evil
with the regime's marxist ideology the abolition of property rights and economic
liberties are reinforced as necessary for the common good as well as being needed
to achieve the communist utopia for which class and poverty would cease to exist
the suppression of human rights like free speech free expression the right to
assemble the right to bear arms the right to a fair trial are excused as sacrifices
for the preservation of the quote-unquote revolution the cuban state also exploits
anti-american sentiment by formulating a black legend of the united states to
justify their authoritarianism as defending cuba from u.s imperialism castro
whitewashes cuban heroes such as jose marti into marx's icons even though marti
himself wasn't even a communist and even had made statements condemning socialism
moving on there's a lot to say about cuba in regards to constraints on social and
political freedoms after ousting cuba's military dictator valencia batista castro
suspended habeas corpus and this suspension wouldn't be reversed until 2019.
despite the claim by azure that voting isn't mandatory according to cuban
commission for human rights the committees for the defense of the revolution or cdr
for short pressures neighborhoods residents to cast ballots by blacklisting those
who did not vote the ctr can be best said to be the cuban equivalent of the red
guard since they are a committee responsible for reporting counter-revolutionary
activity and monitoring the people in an orwellian fashion even fidel characterized
the cdr as a quote unquote system of collective revolutionary vigilance so that
everyone will know who everyone else is what they've devote themselves to who they
meet with and what activities they take part in of course tankies will counter this
by saying that anyone over the age of 16 could join the cdr and that more than 80
of the cuban population are members this however ignores that top leaders of the
cdr are selectively picked by castro loyalists furthermore in 1991 the communist
parties established the singular system of vigilance and protection or suvp to
conduct surveillance on the cdr along with local police trade unions student groups
to monitor for any infiltrators within the cdr and other state-run organizations in
other words the suvp is the watchman of the watchmen there's also the general
directorate of counterintelligence and the general directorate of internal order
which are basically the kgb of cuba the general directorate of counterintelligence
supervises the activities of the department of state security also known as the
political police reportedly dividing its counterintelligence operations into
specialized units one of the units known as department 4 reportedly focuses on the
ideological sector which includes religious groups writers and artists the
directorate of internal order supervises two police units with internal
surveillance responsibilities the national revolutionary police and the technical
department of investigation the national revolutionary police are then tasked with
spying on activists although the cuban constitution claims to allow free speech and
the press the constitution also states that speech and press can only be exercised
in accordance to the aims of socialism and cannot be used to attack the
constitution nor can it be used against communism let me be specific your
newspapers radio television motion pictures are under state control no dissent or
opposition is allowed in the public media if you ask us if a paper could appear
here against socialism i could say honestly no it cannot appear it would not in
addition under article 77 of cuba's penal code speech that threatens socialist
coexistence or disturb the order of the community is a criminal offense article 61
of the constitution does promise the ability of the people to file complaints and
petitions to the authorities who are then responsible to respond to them however
this has been violated in the name of preserving the communist dictatorship most
notably in 1998 when the castro regime was repressing the varela project the varela
project was a petition drive founded by oswaldo baya with the goal to circulate a
proposed law that was similar to glasnost
of the former soviet union that would establish free speech freedom of association
free press religious freedoms and the release of political prisoners despite the
project receiving 11 000 signatures which was more than enough under the
constitution to mandate a parliamentary discussion in 2003 when the united states
was distracted with the iraq war the authoritarian government began to crack down
against the varela project state police harassed and arrested activists confiscated
signatures and forced signers to rescind their signatures state security went as
far as to infiltrate the varela project by impersonating as canvassing volunteers
oswaldo even reported that state security agents visited and pressured more than 50
varela project signatories to retract their signatures and denounce the varela
project activists who had collected their signatures even today the cuban
government cracks down against the slightest form of political dissent for instance
unlike the us in which americans can be paid by china to make youtube content that
spews anti-american propaganda without the fear of being hammered by the fbi cuba
targets social media influencers in october of last year cuban police interrogated
four political youtubers two of which were detained others had their internet cut
and one of them ruhama fernandez went into hiding after asians stalked and
threatened her family warning that if she continues to make anti-communist content
on the internet that she would quote unquote disappear finally we reach the fourth
characteristic of authoritarianism which correlates with the head of state of cuba
after the revolution the 1940 cuban constitution was suspended by fidel castro and
was replaced with the fundamental law of 1959 which wasn't a constitution due to
the fact that it wasn't voted into law but rather by the decree from castro himself
it consolidated political powers from three branches of the former cuban government
into a central authority and removed many of the civil and political rights
previously guaranteed to all cubans and even then castro amended the fundamental
law multiple times to acquire more power for instance as a way to bypass the 35 age
limit for the president castro who at the time was 32 and prime minister of cuba
amended article 146 to transfer the powers previously held by the president to the
prime minister that eventually changed 17 years later with the cuban constitution
of 1976 which restored the dictatorial powers of the executive branch and appointed
fidel as the new president today with fidel dead and raul at this point has turned
into a 200 pound beef jerky the powers of the head estate are a bit complicated
since cuba is transitioning into a one-party dictatorship similar to the likes of
communist china and vietnam the current president miguel diaz canal is now limited
to two five-year terms this however doesn't discredit cuba as an authoritarian
regime as authoritarianism has been defined to include oligarchical rule whether
that be from a party or military junta examples of authoritarian oligarchies
include china vietnam the ussr after stalin east germany and non-communist examples
being apartheid south africa singapore and imperial japan after analyzing every
aspect of cuba the communist state checks all four characteristics of
authoritarianism regardless of the infinitive evidence that refutes the american
leftist myth of cuban democracy i have no anticipation that these marxists will
ever concede since online tankies are subversive communists will continue to call
cuba a democracy by latching to their own definition of democracy that is
unrecognizable within the liberal interpretation of the word democracy in the
american sense allows all people regardless of political beliefs and opinions to be
represented within their government both state and national in a communist sense
democracy is a luxury for party elites that works like an echo chamber for the
state in other words under a socialist democracy all people are equal but some
people are more equal than others despite the wishes of the communist party to
forever rule the island cubans are finally fed up with the failed promises of the
revolution after 62 years of communist dictatorship as of 2021 the cuban people are
demonstrating in the streets waving american flags and demanding the end of
communism that has cursed the country since castro took over yet progressives in
the u.s undermined or downplayed the will of the cuban people by claiming that the
counter-protests initiated by the communist party outnumber the anti-government
protests and by the way ben omits what there are now uh pro-government protests
that are just as big as the ansi government wants but he omits that so he's gonna
omit everything that doesn't fit his narrative although the pcc still has a strong
following due to 60 years of indoctrination in the school system and isolation to
say that the mass majority of cubans endorse the communist regime ignores the fact
that around a million cubans had fled cuba to the united states and that 11 million
cubans spend their everyday lives in fear and an orwellian nightmare these pro-
government pro-communist protests mentioned by kyle kolinsky only came to be after
the cuban president ordered his followers to confront protesters we will not allow
any counter-revolutionaries influenced by the united states allowing themselves to
be carried away by all these strategies of ideological subversion to provoke
destabilization in our country there will be a revolutionary response we call upon
all the revolutionaries of the country all the communists to take to the streets to
any of the places where these provocations are going to take place today from now
on and in the following days leftists especially tankis like to use shady arguments
to prove that these anti-government protests are extremely tiny and are exaggerated
by western media to appear like a revolution for instance they cite multiple
instances in which fox news or cnn using video or pictures of pro comics rallies in
cuba or protests in miami and present them as being anti-communist protests in
havana not gonna lie here but yes there has been instances in which news media
deceptively used photos or videos however this does not prove that there is a size
disparity between pro and anti-communist protesters almost all the videos that
authentically show opposition protests in cuba are smartphone footage that has been
smuggled into the west through facebook or other social media sites and considering
that most cubans can't afford an iphone along with the government cutting off the
internet in response to these demonstrations videos or images of anti-communist
protests are hard to come by this is in contrast to the abundance of high quality
footage and pictures taking of counter protesters coming from the cuban government
or by journalists who are only allowed to film pro-commerce demonstrations
considering the media prefers using high-quality visuals it is quite obvious that
news networks would prefer the professionally taken photos and videos of pro-comics
demonstrations over the low-res iphone footage of anti-government protesters
whether that be because the network can't distinguish between the cuban protesters
and the communist power protesters or they don't give a [ __ ] about accuracy and
instead use any footage or pictures that look appealing as visual representations
yes this is shady but this doesn't prove that the size of the cuban opposition has
been inflated regardless of these facts tankies resort to conspiracy theories to
latch on to their agenda and yes i said conspiracy theories since marxist leninists
are conspiracy theorists and being the conspiracy nut jobs that they are tankies
have their own spooky organization scapegoat to blame for all the international
chaos though instead of being reptilians illuminati or freemasons it is the cia
that is initiating the new world order tankies blame the unrest in cuba on the cia
claiming that these protesters are somewhat agents or bots trying to jumpstart a
color revolution this conspiracy theory has been propagated by the likes of second
thoughts and hygiene for instance they claimed that the cia had set up an army of
twitter sock accounts to target random tweets that mention cuba by replying with
the same copy and paste messages as soon as news of the protests broke and i mean
immediately twitter was flooded with brand new sock puppet accounts tweeting near
identical messages any tweet that mentioned cuba would immediately get responses
from these fake accounts all saying more or less the same thing the cuban people do
not want an end to the blockade the same blockade which is destroying the cuban
economy destroying lives and livelihoods and which has been universally denounced
except by the united states and its apartheid state lapdog israel twitter also
suppressed pro-government tweets but allowed the anti-government bot army to freely
violate their terms and conditions yet the mass majority of these quote-unquote cia
twitter bots are actual accounts run by actual people what was shown here is just
one of those common twitter trends in which you online spurgs would just copy and
paste the same text as a quick and cheesy reply against liberals or conservatives
depending on the scenario we have seen this before late last year when trolls would
reply to trump supporters tweets with the same quote unquote i love seeing trump
supporters cry it's my daily medicine message i have the many twitter accounts
screen grabbed by second thought only two are literal sock accounts that haven't
already been flagged down here are all the screen reps of all the quantum quote
bots that shows that these accounts are real human beings with business links
instagram links and posts of actual selfies and i want to specifically
mention one of these quote-unquote bots that being alex lay who has been
constantly harassed as being a cia soccer account by communist sipping trolls yet a
closer look into alex lay's twitter he is a film director editor colorist and
photographer he has post images of his face on twitter has an instagram account
which is his link in his twitter bio and has his very own vemo where he advertises
for his film company in addition alex has defended himself multiple times against
communist trolls second thought should apologize to alex lay for slandering his
twitter account for which it ensued a harassment campaign second thought along with
hakeem speak delusional bs claiming that the real people of cuba are those symptoms
for the communist dictatorship while the quote-unquote small handful of anti-
government protesters are all cia collaborators remember that according to tanki's
everyone that is in opposition to communism is a cia agent i would love to debunk
castro sims on the embargo and cuban healthcare system but i'll save that for a
future video but before wrapping up this video i want to respond to hakeem's
statement calling out leftists who refused to join the castro simping cult add
though shame on every single left punching douchebag that calls themself a leftist
that immediately and unquestioningly cited against the cuban people and their
government you fell for all the simplest tricks and if you haven't changed your
mind well just know that every single revolutionary movement you idealize be the
zapatistas or catalonia had you been present at the time you would have bent over
backwards trying to sabotage and condemn them either as authoritarian not pure
enough or whatever other form of brain wrath that takes place within the liberal
mind oh lord although i'm not a leftist i'll make this response to hakeem in the
defense of people who actually care for the cuban people hakeem you don't support
cubans nor do you care for the country itself you just like any other authoritarian
boat licker pretend to stand for the aspirations of all cubans yet disregard the
wishes of cuban refugees who risk their lives to escape the brutal dictatorship
that you defend so much sure you can call cuban americans traders for the reason
that they turn their backs against the cuban authoritarian government to live in
the u.s but you in the process will be calling the heroes of cuban independence
creators as well since jose marti galhito garcia and other cuban freedom fighters
were exiles residing in the united states who had established organizations such as
the cuban revolutionary committee of new york to rally up cuban americans in
supporting cuba's independence from the spanish empire the men of the real cuban
revolution the revolution of 1898 did not die for the hammer and sickle they fought
with the intent to establish a republican government based on the enlightenment
ideals of the american founding fathers in marty's generation people like hakeem
second thought bad empanada and kyle kolinsky would have considered jose marti and
general garcia to be quote-unquote gusanos jose marti actually addressed such fools
in a letter to fermin valdez dominguez that states socialist ideology like so many
others has two main dangers one stems from confused and incomplete readings of
foreign texts and the other form of arrogance and hidden rage of those who in order
to climb up the world pretend to be frantic defenders of the helpless so to have
shoulders on which to stand this shocking quote preferably describes hakeem as if
marti was warning those from the future of subversive communists anyway please like
and share this video leave your thoughts in the comment section below and if you
haven't done so already please subscribe to my channel you can also follow me on
twitter and join my discord server oh and remember all comedies are bad [Music] you

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