Mathematics Mechanics 2

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eer ,; Pearson Edexcel Qualifications ws PTs) SL ST TS A ES A bs ok cod ron) PEARSON EDEXCEL INTERNATIONAL A LEVEL STUDENT BOOK PEARSON EDEXCEL INTERNATIONAL A LEVEL NGO, Student Book Series Editors: Joe Skrakowski and Harry Smith Authors: Greg Attwood, Dave Berry, lan Bettison, Alan Clegg, Gill Dyer, Jane Dyer, Keith Gallick, Susan Hooker, Michael Jennings, Mohammed Ladak, Jean Littlewood, Bronwen Moran, James Nicholson, Su Nicholson, Laurence Pateman, Keith Pledger, Joe Skrakowski, Harry Smith, Jack Williams ‘bthes by Pearson Edcaton Lnted, 0 Stand, London, WC2A OFA. ‘s.searsenglbaseroas em ‘copie ota soeeaone fora Pasrson quotations may be ours onthe ‘wobat hie:// “ext @ Pearson Eavcaton Usted 2018 sted by Ly meson and Ee Pace “Typos by Tach Sot Ls, Gateahead, UK rigiatlustations Pearson Eoucaton Lite 2018 ‘Cover design by © Pearson Education Lrited 2018 “ho rats of reg Attwood. Dave Bory, an Bettison, Alan Ciao, Gil Dyer Jane ‘yer Kath Gllek Sustn Hooker Monod Jennnge, Motard Ladak ean Littewood, Brian Moran, James Nicolson, Su Nicholson, Laureice Patera, ‘etn Peg, Je Sleakousi, Hany Sth and Jack Wiliams to e irifeg ‘asthe authors of ths werk have Baan assert by them in aceardance wth he ‘Cooyratt, Dasa ana Patents Act 188, ‘eh Urey Cataloguing in Pustion Data Nomtlogue recor forthe ook avai em the Bren any Copyright noice Alihts eserves No pt of his may be rproccein ay frm oy ry mean fechring photecce¥ing or string tin ary medum by dectnic ears and ‘wher o not wansianty or nce to cane oar we of is pubester) without the writen parson ofthe cooynght own, except in accordance with ‘he provisions ofthe Copy, Osan and Patni Ac 1988 ounce he tems le ieee bev bythe Copyright Lewsing Agency. 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Poaron examiner have not corte o any eectons in his reeouroerlvart to ‘xamaton papers or which they have responsi, ‘Sees set by Pearon.Endoreront fs reeoure does Ao mean thal he ‘esource erqufed to achiove is Parson uation, or dows ean hati 'Sthe ony sutatie rata avait te support he quareaton and ny resource tats produced by te awarding body shal elude tio and other appropiate iy COURSE STRUCTURE iv ABOUT THIS BOOK vi QUALIFICATION AND ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW viii EXTRA ONLINE CONTENT x 1 PROJECTILES 1 2 VARIABLE ACCELERATION 24 3 CENTRES OF MASS 50 REVIEW EXERCISE 1 91 4 WORK AND ENERGY 98 5 IMPULSES AND COLLISIONS 121 6 STATICS OF RIGID BODIES 151 REVIEW EXERCISE 2 160 EXAM PRACTICE 171 GLOSSARY 173 ANSWERS 175 INDEX 189 CHAPTER 1 PROJECTILES 1 1.1 HORIZONTAL PROJECTION 2 1.2 HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL COMPONENTS 5 1.3 PROJECTION AT ANY ANGLE 8 1.4 PROJECTILE MOTION FORMULAE = 14 CHAPTER REVIEW 1 19 CHAPTER 2 VARIABLE ACCELERATION 24 2.1 FUNCTIONS OF TIME 25 2.2 USING DIFFERENTIATION 28 2.3 USING INTEGRATION 33 2.4 DIFFERENTIATING VECTORS 37 2.5 INTEGRATING VECTORS 39 2.6 CONSTANT ACCELERATION FORMULAE 43 CHAPTER REVIEW 2 45 Tea cot CHAPTER 3 CENTRES OF MASS 50 3.1 CENTRE OF MASS OF A SET OF PARTICLES ON A STRAIGHT LINE 51 3.2 CENTRE OF MASS OF A SET OF PARTICLES ARRANGED IN A PLANE 53 3.3 CENTRES OF MASS OF STANDARD UNIFORM PLANE LAMINAS, 57 3.4 CENTRE OF MASS OF A COMPOSITE LAMINA 61 3.5 CENTRE OF MASS OF A FRAMEWORK 68 3.6 LAMINAS IN EQUILIBRIUM. 72 3.7 FRAMEWORKS IN EQUILIBRIUM =—79 3.8 NON-UNIFORM COMPOSITE LAMINAS AND FRAMEWORKS: 83 CHAPTER REVIEW 3 87 REVIEW EXERCISE 1 1 Cus e CHAPTER 4 WORK AND CHAPTER 6 STATICS OF ENERGY 98 RIGID BODIES 151 4.1 WORK DONE 99 6.1 STATIC RIGID BODIES 152 4.2 KINETIC AND POTENTIAL ENERGY 103 CHAPTER REVIEW 6 187 4.3 CONSERVATION OF MECHANICAL ENERGY AND WORK-ENERGY REVIEW EXERCISE 2 160 PRINCIPLE 107 4.4 POWER 111 CHAPTER REVIEW 4 116 EXAM PRACTICE i” CHAPTER 5 IMPULSES AND GLOSSARY 173 COLLISIONS 121 5.1 MOMENTUM AS A VECTOR 122 ANSWERS 175 5.2 DIRECT IMPACT AND NEWTON'S LAW OF RESTITUTION 125 5.3 DIRECT COLLISION WITH A INDEX 189 ‘SMOOTH PLANE 131 5.4 LOSS OF KINETIC ENERGY 134 5.5 SUCCESSIVE DIRECT IMPACTS 140 CHAPTER REVIEW 5 146 ABOUT THIS BOOK The following three themes have been fully integrated throughout the Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Level in Mathematics series, so they can be applied alongside your learning. 1. Mathematical argument, language and proof * Rigorous and consistent approach throughout ‘+ Notation boxes explain key mathematical language and symbols 2. Mathematical problem-solving + Hundreds of problem-solving questions, fully integrated into the main exercises + Problem-solving boxes provide tips and strategies + Challenge questions provide extra stretch 3. Transferable skills Interpret results ‘The Mathematical Problem-Solving Cycle ¢? specify the problem } a) + Transferable skills are embedded throughout this book, in the exercises and in some examples + These skills are signposted to show students which skills they are using and developing Finding your way around the book Each chapter starts with a lst of Learning objectives The Per knowledge check helps make sure you are ready to start the hap Glossary torms wil beidentited by bold Diu text on te fist appearance. GM aih) ea RSS) Each chapters mapped tothe specification content for eas), ‘lorenee “The real world applications of the math you are about to lea ‘af highlighted athe start ofthe chapter. PUL L4 robiem-soivng boxes| provide hits, pe ans Statogies, and Water fut boxes highlight ‘reas where students ‘often ae marks in ther exams ‘Slop by slp worked ‘xamples focus on the key types of questions you need to tackle $a thy increase in ificuty ana gradually ‘ring you up to exam stands iocices are packed with examesila ‘Questions io ensuze you ‘re ready forthe exams Each secon begin with explanation and kay learning ports [cratenge boxes give you a chance to tackle some more dct Jquostons Exam-style questions are flagged with ee Tansferble sks ae Problem-solving sonposted where Questions are flagged Each canter ends witha Chapterrovew] they naturally cont with © and a Summary of key points cueeecenas Alter every tow chapias,« Review wrercise eles you consoidat yourearing with a Ibis of xamsle questions Exam practice Mathematics Intemnetional Advanced Subsiiary/ Advanced Level Mechanics 2, Review exercise “Atul practice paper atthe back of ‘ne book helps you prepare forthe realthing Pe UO PUD PCs) QUALIFICATION AND ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW Qualification and content overview Mechanics 2 (M2) is a optional unit in the following qualifications: International Advanced Subsidiary in Mathematics International Advanced Subsidiary in Further Mathematics International Advanced Level in Mathematics International Advanced Level in Further Mathematics Assessment overview The following table gives an overview of the assessment for this unit. We recommend that you study this information closely to help ensure that you are fully prepared for this course and know exactly what to expect in the assessment, [Percentage | Mark | Time availability ‘M2: Mechanics 2 Ba}aofias—|75. | Thour30mins | January. June and October Papercode WMEO2/01 | 16224 of AL Fist assessment June 2019 IAS: International Advanced Subsidiary, IAL: International Advanced A Level. Assessment objectives and weightings imum ert ron Recall selec and use theirknowledge of mathematical facts concepts and techniques in a ws variety of contexts. eo Construct rigorous mathematical arguments and proofs through use of precee statements, ‘nog | local deduction and inference and by the manipulation of mathematical expressions, sons including the construction of extended arguments for handling substantial problems presented in unstructured form, Recall select and use their knowledge of standard mathematical models to represent 1os_| stations in the real work recognise and understand given representations involving ron standard models: present and interpret results rom such models in terms ofthe original situation, incioding discussion of the assumptions made and refinement of such models. Comprehend translations of common realistic contexts into mathematics; use the results of ‘04 | calultions to make predictions, or comment on the context and, where appropiate, read sm ctticallyand comprehend longer mathematical arguments or examples of applications Use contemporary calculator technology and athe: permitted resources (such as formulae 05. | booklets or statistical tables) accurately and eficently; understand when not to use such ey technology. and its imitations. Give answers to appropriate accuracy. CTU EWE sss We) ead Relationship of assessment objectives to units ee oo Marks out of 75 20-25 20-25 10-15 72 5-10 % 2633} 263 Bho 16 ea3 Calculators Students may use a calculator in assessments for these qualifications, Centres are responsible for making sure that calculators used by their students meet the requirements given in the table below. Students are expected to have available a calculator with at least the following keys ~ x, vs, 4.2%, n.x,e', x1 sine, cosine and tangent and their inverses in degrees and decimals of a degree, and in radians; memory Prohibitions Calculators with any of the following facilities are prohibited in all examinations: + databanks + retrieval of text or formulae + built-in symbolic algebra manipulations + symbolic differentiation and/or integration + language translators + communication with other machines or the internet ney e Extra online content Whenever you see an Online box, it means that there is extra online content available to support you. SolutionBank SolutionBank provides worked solutions for questions in the book, Download all the solutions as a PDF or quickly find the solution you need online, Use of technology Explore topics in more detail, visualise problems and consolidate your understanding. Use pre-made GeoGebra activities or Casio resources for a graphic calculator. EDD in inept rnc Gd EY graphically using technology. GeoGebra GeoGebra-powered interactives CASIO. Graphic calculator interactives @_[EXET:Show coordinats Interact with the mathematics you are learning using GeoGebra's easy-to-use tools Explore the mathematics you are learning and gein confidence in using a graphic calculator Calculator tutorials Our helpful video tutorials will guide you through how to use your calculator in the exams. They cover both Casio's scientific and colour graphic calculators. the ", and power functions on your calculator. Finding the value of the first derivative to access the function pes: Gav) ©) Gat) © \ \ EDD work out each coefficient quickly using B Step-by-step guide with audio instructions fon exactly which buttons to press and what should appear on your caleulator's screen PROJECTILES ore completing this chapter you should be able to: constant acceleration formula problems involving vertical motion under gravity solve © Model mo under gravity for an object projected horizontally © Resolve velocity in omponents. © Solve problems involving part © Derive the form ight, rang height, and the n of the path of a proje ally upwards from a point P with speed led as a particle moving freely under gravity dice eeu de ll A small ball is project 15ms*. The ball is mod Find: athe maximum height of the ball b the time taken for the ball to return to P. Use the diagram to write ex is for x and y in terms of v and @, «International GCSE Mathemat A particle moving in a vertical plane under the action of gravity is sometimes called a projectile. You can use projectile motior to model the flight of a basketball Pa Gazal) D Horizontal projection You can model the motion of a projectile as a particle being acted on by a single force, gravity. In this model you ignore the effects of air resistance and any rotational movement (Le. spinning) on the particle. You can analyse the motion of a projectile by considering its horizontal motion and its vertical motion separately. Because gravity acts vertically downwards, there is ne force acting on the particle in the horizontal direction. = The horizontal motion of a projectile is modelled See as having constant velocity (a = 0). acceleration formulae for the vertical You can use the formula motion of a projectile: =m. The force due to gravity is modelled as being constant, eed 1 so the vertical acceleration is constant. 5-424) sours dart w+ 2a5 = The vertical motion of a projectile is modelled as having constant acceleration due to gravity (a =. ‘€ Mechanics 1 Section 2.5, Use g = 9.8m s-? unless the question specifies a different value. EEE) EID morrow (ed horizontally at 25 ms from a point 78.4 metres above a horizontal surface. a the time taken by the particle to reach the surface b the horizontal distance travelled in that time. 25ms" 784m 415 a itil horizontal velocity ty, is the initial vertical velocity. Projected horizontally, R(->), Taking the downward direction Case scy Carn Clans aR se ut + Sar? BA, a= 9.8, 784-04) x 98x08 784 = 498 DRO) w= 2552x024 sev so x= 100m A particle is projected horizontally with a velocity of 15 ms-!, Find: a the horizontal and vertical components of the displacement of the particle from the point of projection after 3 seconds the distance of the particle from the point of projection after 3 seconds. a rea] 123s Projected horizontally, Rue = 15 Taking the downward direction 25 positive, Ril) =O a RW. W=0.s=y 0298023 44.1 a 396951 630m si) Cae PROJECTILES ex) A particle is projected horizontally with a speed of Um from a point 122.5m above a horizontal plane. The particle hits the plane at a point which is at a horizontal distance of 90m from the starting point. Find the initial speed of the particle, ums" 122.5m => Projected horlaontally. Rt) es Taking the downward direction Many projectile problems can be solved by first as positive, Ril), 4 Using the vertical motion to find the total time RW), $= 1225,a=98,1=? rete t+ ar? 3x98xe Exe (A) Ex 1A particle is projected horizontally at 20ms™! from a point fr metres above horizontal ground. It lands on the ground 5 seconds later. Find: athe value of b the horizontal distance travelled between the time the particle is projected and the time it hits the ground 2. A particle is projected horizontally with a velocity of 18 ms~!, Find: a the horizontal and vertical components of the displacement of the particle from the point of projection after 2 seconds b the distance of the particle from the point of projection after 2 seconds, 3A particle is projected horizontally with a speed of Um"! from a point 160m above a horizontal plane. The particle hits the plane at a point which is at a horizontal distance of 95m from the point of projection. Find the initial speed of the particle. 4A particle is projected horizontally from a point A which is 16m above horizontal ground ‘The particle strikes the ground at a point B which is at a horizontal distance of 140m from 4. Find the speed of projection of the particle, Case scy Carn ® 5 A particle is projected horizontally with velocity 20m“! along a flat smooth table-top from a point 2m from the table edge. The particle then leaves the table-top which is at a height of 1.2m from the floor. Work out the total time taken for the particle to travel from the point of projection until it lands on the floor. © 6 A darts player throws darts at a dartboard which hangs vertically. The motion of a dart is modelled as that of a particle moving freely under gravity. The darts move in a vertical plane which is perpendicular to the plane of the dartboard. A dart is thrown horizontally with an initial velocity of 14ms" It hits the dartboard at a point which is 9m below the level from which it was thrown, Find the horizontal distance from the point where the dart was thrown to the dartboard. (4 marks) 7 A particle of mass 2.5 kg is projected along a horizontal rough surface with a velocity of Sms“. After travelling a distance of 2m the ball leaves the rough surface as a projectile and lands on the ground which is 1.2m vertically below. Given that the total time taken for the ball to travel from the initial point of projection to the point when it lands is 1.0 seconds, find: o (4 marks) a the time for which the particle is in contact with the sui b the coefficient of friction between the particle and the surface (6 marks) ¢ the horizontal distance travelled from the point of projection to the point where the particle hits the ground. (3 marks) ©) Horizontal and vertical components Suppose a particle is projected with initial velocity U, u at an angle a above the horizontal. The angle a is called the angle of projection. You can resolve the velocity into components that act horizontally and vertically: This isthe same technique 28 yOU use fo resolve forces into components + Mechanis 1 Section 5.4 cosa so w= Ucosa sina=7) 4 =Usina G3 w= Usin When a particle is projected with initial velocity U, at an angle @ above the horizontal: + The horizontal component of the initial velocity is Ucos a. + The vertical component of the initial velocity is Usin ax.

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