Mathematics Mechanics 3

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HSA aw SB Wi Tet ee STUDENT BOOK PEARSON EDEXCEL INTERNATIONAL A LEVEL GOS Student Book Series Editors: Joe Skrakowski and Harry Smith Authors: Dave Berry, Keith Gallick, Susan Hooker, Michael Jennings, Jean Littlewood, Lee McKelvey, Bronwen Moran, Su Nicholson, Laurence Pateman, Keith Pledger, Joe Skrakowski, Harry Smith, Jack Williams ‘atshes by Posen Edation Line, 80 Star, Landon, WO2R ORL. wwipersongboaechoolcom ‘Copies ool speciteabon ora Pearson qualifications ay be found on the ‘webate: hipe//quatteatons “ext © Poaroon Eavoaton Lites 2019 ted ay Lit Sauce “ype! by Tach StL, Gateshead UK (rial uations © Pasron Edveaton Linea 2019 ‘mista by © Tect-Se Li, Gateead, UK ‘Cover design by © Pearson Eaucatin iid 2079, “horas of Dave Bry Keith Galick Susan Hooker, Michael Jrnings Jean Littovood, Loe Mekal, Bronwen Moran Su Niosor, Lance Palma. Ket Peer, de Srahowsh Hay Sh, Jack Wome ob ae the autor fs werk Rave boon ses by them in accordance wth the Copyright (ess an Pater At 1988, Fst published 2018 21201918 ‘rsh Library Cataloguing n Pubcon Data ‘Nostlogue recor forte book aval fom th teh Ubrary ssaNova 2244 a8 copyright notice ‘Align ese. No pat ofthis may be epreduce nay etm by any means fcucng photocepyng or tring hin any rau by acre mar an ‘sheer cena tansy or nentaly to some ater se of hs pusohoton ‘uitrout the ween permisslon ofthe copa une, except accordance wih ‘ho rons of he Copy. Design and Poors Act TBE oF under the tom cf aloorce seve by the Copyright Uoenong Agony, st lar, Shackieion House 4 Baleridge Lane, Lancor. SE" 21 ne co.) Appleton ot ‘he cooyiat oma’ wrt pormision shou be aderestod to re publehr. 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Endorsmant of arovoure dees mean that he resource i rogue to schave ths Pearson quailtin, pox dows rea that Is tre ery eutabe matora avaible to support the qualcaton and ary rsource 1s produced by te awarding body shal icudo tha and ther approprate COL COURSE STRUCTURE ABOUT THIS BOOK vi QUALIFICATION AND ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW viii EXTRA ONLINE CONTENT x 1 KINEMATICS 1 2 ELASTIC STRINGS AND SPRINGS 20 3 DYNAMICS 4 REVIEW EXERCISE 1 77 4 CIRCULAR MOTION 85 5 FURTHER CENTRES OF MASS 120 6 STATICS OF RIGID BODIES 147 REVIEW EXERCISE 2 164 EXAM PRACTICE 174 GLOSSARY 176 ANSWERS 178 INDEX 195 aca CHAPTER 1 KINEMATICS 1 CHAPTER 3 DYNAMICS Al 1.1 ACCELERATION VARYING 3.1 MOTION IN A STRAIGHT LINE WITH WITH TIME 2 VARIABLE FORCE 42 1.2 ACCELERATION VARYING 3.2 NEWTON'S LAW OF GRAVITATION 46 WITH DISPLACEMENT 10 3.3 SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION 50 CHAPTER REVIEW 1 16 3.4 HORIZONTAL OSCILLATION 59 3.5 VERTICAL OSCILLATION 64 CHAPTER 2 ELASTIC STRINGS Cree? a AND SPRINGS 20 2.1 HOOKE’S LAW AND EQUILIBRIUM REVIEW EXERCISE 1 77 PROBLEMS 21 2.2 HOOKE’S LAW AND DYNAMICS CHAPTER 4 CIRCULAR PROBLEMS 28 2.3 ELASTIC ENERGY a MOTION 85 4.1 ANGULAR SPEED 86 2.4 PROBLEMS INVOLVING ELASTIC 42 ACCELERATION OF AN OBJECT —_ = MOVING ON A HORIZONTAL CHAPTER REVIEW 2 38 CIRCULAR PATH 89 4.3 THREE-DIMENSIONAL PROBLEMS WITH OBJECTS MOVING IN HORIZONTAL CIRCLES: 95 4.4 OBJECTS MOVING IN VERTICAL CIRCLES 103 4.5 OBJECTS NOT CONSTRAINED ON A CIRCULAR PATH 110 CHAPTER REVIEW 4 115 CUTS at 0 CHAPTER 5 FURTHER CENTRES REVIEW EXERCISE 2 164 OF MASS 120 5.1 USING CALCULUS TO FIND THE EXAM PRACTICE 174 CENTRE OF MASS OF ALAMINA 121 5.2 CENTRE OF MASS OF A UNIFORM. ee 139 GLOSSARY 176 5.3 NON-UNIFORM BODIES 141 CHAPTER REVIEW 5 144 ANSWERS 178 CHAPTER 6 STATICS OF RIGID —|NDEX 195 BODIES 147 6.1 RIGID BODIES IN EQUILIBRIUM 148 6.2 TOPPLING AND SLIDING 152 CHAPTER REVIEW 6 159 ABOUT THIS BOOK The following three themes have been fully integrated throughout the Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Level in Mathematics series, so they can be applied alongside your learning, 1, Mathematical argument, language and proof + Rigorous and consistent approach throughout. + Notation boxes explain key mathematical language and symbols 2. Mathematical problem-solving + Hundreds of problem-solving questions, fully integrated into the main exercises + Problem-solving boxes provide tips and strategies + Challenge questions provide extra stretch Lmn J 3. Transferable skills ‘represent information ‘The Mathematical Problem-Solving Cycle Interpret ests callec information + Transferable skills are embedded throughout this book: in the exercises and in some examples + These skills are signposted to show students which skills they are using and developing Finding your way around the book Each chapter starts with lst of Laaming abjactves ‘he Pr krowleage check helps make Sure you are read to start the chapter Glossary terms wil be dentited by bald lu text on ta first appearance SAU a Leyes te) 5 Each chapters mapped tothe specticaton content or easy relereac “The oa world applications of the maths you are about lea {aro highightod at the stat of to chapter ach section bagine ‘ith explanation and key learning pons ‘Taweabe mae sgrpostod whore ‘they naturally ooour Inthe exersses ana examples Exam-style questions are flagged with © Problem-solving ‘questions are flagged with ® CUCL Siemby-siep worked | Probar aoWrg bows prove hs, fexampies focus.onthe| tips and stataies, and Watch ut key types of quesions | boxas highight areas where students yourlneed te tackie™ | often ose marke in ther exams {Eich chaptor end with a Ghaptor review ‘and a Summay of key points Altar every few chapters, a Reviow exercise ots of exam-stylo quostions Review exercise real thing iereaos a pasted wih oxa-syle questions i ensure you are ready for he exams [Fess questions we cacy graded so they ineease sifeuty and gradually bring you up to exam standard Felps you consolte your learing wt Exam practice Mathematics International Advanced Subsiiary/ Advanced Level Mechanics 3 [Atul practice paper at the back of ‘ie book hips you prepare forthe vil vili QUALIFICATION AND ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW QUALIFICATION AND ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW Qualification and content overview Mechanics 3 (M3) is an optional unit in the following qualifications: International Advanced Subsidiary in Further Mathematics International Advanced Level in Further Mathematics Assessment overview The following table gives an overview of the assessment for this unit. We recommend that you study this information closely to help ensure that you are fully prepared for this course and know exactly what to expect in the assessment, SSS OE ES Try M3: Mechanics 3 aBiwofAs | 75 ‘Thour30mins | January and june Paper code WMEO3/01 162 96 of IAL First assessment june 2020 AS: International Advanced Subsidiary, IAL: International Advanced A Level. Assessment objectives and weightings Mirmum ae cei Recall, select and use their knowledge of mathematical facts, concepts and techniques ina AO | variety of contexts. 3% Construct rigorous mathematical arguments and proofs through use of precise statements, logical deduction and inference and by the manipulation of mathematical expressions, including the construction of extended arguments for handling substantial problems presented in unstructured form, Recall, select and use their knowledge of standard mathematical models to represent ‘x03. | situations in the real world; recognise and understand given representations involving standard models; present and interpret results from such models in terms of the orginal situation, including discussion of the assumptions made and refinement of such models. Comprehend translations of common realistic contexts into mathematics; use the results of ‘804 | calculations to make predictions, or comment on the context; and, where appropriate, read 5% _ritically and comprehend longer mathematical arguments or examples of applications. Use contemporary calculator technology and other permitted resources (such as formulae 1805 | booklets or statistical tables) accurately and efficiently; understand when not to use such 5% ‘technology, and its limitation, Give answers to appropriate accuracy. 30% 10% CEU Uu cassie My a Ld Relationship of assessment objectives to units Marks out of 75 20-25 25-30 10415 5-10 5-10 * 26-335 Bbw B20 eat eat Calculators Students may use a calculator in assessments for these qualifications, Centres are responsible for making sure that calculators used by their students meet the requirements given in the table below. Students are expected to have available a calculator with at least the following keys: +,-, x, +, 7.3%, i "ln x, €, x1 sine, cosine and tangent and their inverses in degrees and decimals of a degree, and in radians; memory. Prohibitions Calculators with any of the following facilities are prohibited in all examinations: + databanks + retrieval of text or formulae + built-in symbolic algebra manipulations + symbolic differentiation and/or integration + language translators + communication with other machines or the internet ix un ey @ Extra online content Whenever you see an Online box, it means that there is extra online content available to support you. SolutionBank SolutionBank provides worked solutions for questions in the book. Download the solutions as a PDF or quickly find the solution you need online, Use of technology Explore topics in more detail, visualise problems and consolidate your understanding, Use pre-made GeoGebra activities or Casio resources for a graphic calculator. EDD ins nest ofnerecion GP EY graphically using technology. GeeaGebra GeoGebra-powered interactives CASIO. Graphic calculator interactives Interact with the maths you are learning using GeoGebra’s easy-to-use tools Explore the maths you are learning and gain confidence in using a graphic calculator Calculator tutorials Our helpful video tutorials will guide you through how to use your calculator in the exams. They cover both Casio's scientific and colour graphic calculators. EEL Work out each coefficient quickly, using ‘the "C; and power functions on your calculator. Finding the value of the first derivative te aces the function press Gav) © After completing this chapter you should be able to © Use calculus with a particle moving in a straight line and with acceleration © Use calculus with a particle moving in a straight line and with acceleration varying with displacement » pages 10-19 arying with time > pages1-10 ate kad 1 Integrate with respect tox aarp BME © sin ex Pure 3 Section 6.1 2 vy dx @+2e Find y in terms of x given y= 3 when oa Dime csesenee When an object moves under a force field, te force acting might chan; 2 as the object changes position. You 3. Given that [°—1—dx= Ink, find & H aoe ! h Wax can use differential equations to where kis @ rational constant to be found, solve problems where acceleration Pare 4 Section 6.5 is function of position. Pea) Pore} €¥ Acceleration varying with time You can use calculus for a particle moving in a straight line with acceleration that varies with time, * To find the velocity from the displacement, you differentiate with respect to time. To find the acceleration from the velocity, you differentiate with respect to time. de dy _ dex dr de = To obtain the velocity from the acceleration, you integrate with respect to time. ‘To obtain the displacement from the velocity, you integrate with respect to time, v= 9 and dt Jade and x= [ve ‘These relationships are summarised in the ca following diagram. Displacement Differentiate A integrate Velocity Deena Aineote IFyouare given a=fl0 you can use ret integration to find expressions for vor xin terms off. ‘€ Mechanics 2 Section 22 Receleration EXD ED 010m A particle P starts from rest at a point O and moves along a straight line. At time rt seconds the acceleration, ams~, of Pis given by _6 GP a Find the velocity of P at time ¢ seconds. b Show that the displacement of P from O when r a 10 6is (18 - 121n2)m. a a= C+ 2? laine, KINEMATICS Crate The velocity of P at time # seconds is (S- rea) b Let the caplacement of P rom O at Hine 1 seconds be # metres, Jrat = Nl -rea)u =31- 6h + 2)4B When #=0,5=0 O=-inQ4B> B=Gn2-—____] B= Gin(t + 2) + GIn2 When t= 6 1-66 +GIn2 Gin4 =16-12in2 The displacement of P from O when £ = 6 is (18 ~ 12 In2)m, a5 required, SEEN 2) EID vversesouns A particle P is moving along the x-axis, At time f = 0, the particle is at the origin O and is moving with speed 2ms~ in the direction Ox. At time ¢ seconds, where = 0, the acceleration of P is 4e-5'ms7 directed away from O. a Find the velocity of P at time f seconds. b Show that the speed of P cannot exceed 10ms, € Sketch a velocity-time graph to illustrate the motion of P. a a=4e Let the velocity of P at time 1 seconds be vs! fact = [seo5a0 Be-O5' + C When t=O, "= 2 8+ C5 C210 = 10 ~ Be The velocity of P at time # seconds is (10 ~ B25") ms" a For all x, €% > O and s0 for all , 8°? > 0 It follows that 10 ~ Be" < 10 for all Hence, the speed of P cannot exceed 10m ata) roe} locity 10m sis the terminal or ing velocity of P. Example @) ESTE rnoouen-souvme A particle Pis moving along the positive x-axis. er seconds, the velocity of P is yms-" in the ditection of x increasing, = 4sin Qn). When ¢= 0, Pis at O. Find a. the magnitude of the acceleration of P when t= y b the greatest distance from 0 attained by P during the motion. he acceleration of P at time f seconds be 1 c05 (2a) The magnitude of the acceleration of P when 2 is ams he displacement of P at time 1 seconds be x metres, 1 fae x = 21 cos(2xt) Tne greatest value of x occurs when 05 (2at) = -1 ie siesta ea eh 1 a The greatest distance from O attained by P ae eae ey cae fo A particle P is moving along the x-axis, Initially P is at the or At time t seconds (where 1 > 0) the velocity, vms“!, of P is given by Find the distance of P from O when the acceleration of P is zero. ~e4ar+ 16) O,x=0 ~165A=16 6 - ear + 16) 1G = eA 4 + 16) = 161 - Ze") ——J When the acceleration of P is 2670, OP = 16{1 ~ 2") m IO ©) ETD eroncr sous A particle is moving along the x-axis. At time seconds the velocity of P is yms- easing, where 4 Osre2 aed ie in the direction When 1 =0, P is at the origin 0. a Sketch a velocity-time graph to illustrate the motion of Pin the interval 0 = 5 b Find the distance of P from O when t= 5 ata) b The distance moved in the first two seconds ts represented by the area labelled © Let this area be A. a ae A= 5x2x4=4 The distance travelled in the next three seconds is represented by the area labelled @ Let this area be A, ie 4 [(e+4)a [2t+ Aina = (10 #45) = (4-4 4in2) The dtnce of Phon Owhen f= is 44644105 =(044h2)m ION ©) ESTED rose sous A particle P moves on the positive x-axis, roe} The velocity of Pat time f seconds is (22 — 71+ 3)ms, 1 = 0 When 1 = 0, P is 10m from the origin 0. Find a the values of ¢ when P is instantaneously at rest b the displacement of P from O whens = 5 € the total distance travelled by P in the interval 0 < 1-5 5 (2r= Nir = 3) rest when ¢ KINEMATICS Crate 2451) s@xo40 2083m € Veloctty-time graph for the motion of the particle wens") Gece ‘The particle changes direction twice in the interval 0 r= 5 Ifyou were to find tt di you would be working out the displacement of the particle at time 1 = 5 fromits position at time ¢= To work out the distance travelled you need to ind the total area enclosed (Ge, surrounded) by the veloity-time old ite) s+ fier - 74321 1 Between t=O and ¢=4 graph and the x-axis. Sketch the graph ae: to show the crtca points, and work Be -Ze+s4 out three separate integrals. 17 Distance travelled Gt) ‘The negative term arises (ie. starts to exist) because the definite integral bbe negative for an area below the xa, Total distance travelled by Pin the interval O<1< 5 We Habe 46 wpe Spt eeties Pai aie ros 1A particle Pis moving in a straight line. Initially P is moving through a point O with speed 4ms-!. At time t seconds after passing through O the acceleration of P is 3e~"25' ms in the direction OP. Find the velocity of the particle at time ¢ seconds, 2A particle P is moving along the x-axis in the direction of x increasing, At time seconds, the velocity of P is ¢sin ¢ms~!, When f= 0, P's at the origin. = Show that when ¢ =%, Pis 1 metre from 0. 3 At time f seconds the velocity, yms~ of a particle moving in a straight line is given by 4 YS 34 When f= 0, the particle is at a point 4. When 1 distance between A and B. 120 3, the particle is at the point 8, Find the 4A particle Pis moving along the x-axis in the positive direction. At time s seconds the acceleration of P is 4e‘m s- in the positive direction. When = 0, P is at rest. Find the distance P moves in the interval 0 = 1 < 2. Give your answer to 3 significant figures (Sf). 5 A particle Pis moving along the x-axis. At time f seconds the displacement of P from 0 is xm and the velocity of P is 4cos 3¢ms~, both measured in the direction Ox. When 1 = 0 the particle P is at the origin O. Find the magnitude of the acceleration when 5 b win terms of 1 € the smallest positive value of ¢ for which P is at O. 6 A particle P is moving along a straight line, Initially P is at rest, At time ¢ seconds P has velocity yms-! and acceleration ams-? where 6 angi 10 Find v in terms of #. ® 7 A particle Pis moving along the x-axis. At time r sevonds the velocity of P is ys“ in the direction of x increasing, where 4 osrs3 "[s-3 saree When 1 =0, Ps at the origin 0. a Sketch a velocity-time graph to illustrate the motion of P in the interval 0 = 1 = 6 b Find the displacement of P from O when f= 6

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