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Section 1: Establish customer service requirements

1 Provide a brief overview of the business you are basing your portfolio on.
1.1 What is the name of the business?

Worlducation, is s company which manufactures the computers for primary schools

1.2 What is the main focus/activities of the business?

Applying Artificial Intelligence technology integrated into the process of students with quality
learning and accessing education to people who cannot access education.
Remove illiteracy in the world and every child learn how to read and write. Increase learning
experience of the students
Larger number of sales, customers and minimise the potential number of issues from
Tackle through consumer strategy

1.3 Describe the products/services/programs associated with your chosen business?

The products and services of the Worlducation is Hardware, competitive team creating
software, content and activities to better engage and educate the students.

1.4 What role will you assume as you manage customer service?

The role that I assumed as Sales and Marketing Manager

1.5 Which roles will you supervise that provide customer service?

The sales and the marketing team must ensure whether the products are delivered and they
are satisfied by the customers. Call centre receives calls from the customers related to any
issue or to get any enquiry related to the product and their complaints regarding the product.
Advertising staff will advertise in social media pages to create awareness about the

2 Describe one product/service/program you will focus on for the remainder of this assessment.
2.1 Choose ONE product/service/program that is related to customer service.
Note: this product/service/program should have at least one customer service problem and
related system issue.

Worlducation has a process when sales are made through online or handled by the sales
team, then it must be recorded in a Internal Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP
System). This recorded ERP system notifies the operation team about the order. The

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operation team verifies the order that need to be delivered and forward delivery request to
Manufacturing team in Hong Kong. Hong Kong team notes the order specifications and
their delivery details and arrange shipping of product directly to the customers within the
scheduled time.

Customer service problem and system issue:

 During this Covid-19 situation, many customers felt uneasy to connect with the
team, support and maintaining relationships

2.2 Summarise mathematical information about your chosen product/service/program targets

contained in your business’s business plan and customer service plan (e.g. sales targets,
complaint resolution targets etc.).

Make sales to achieve at least 10% profit per annum

To get 100% customer satisfaction ratings
Information regarding the company should be included 100%accurate in the advertisements
Call centre must answer 100% customer calls

3 Describe the customers of your chosen product/service/program.

3.1 Who are the customers (e.g. individual or business, gender, age range, personality type,
career, quantifications etc.)?

Customers are:
 Primary students
 Business individual
 People in remote areas

3.2 What do you already know about your customer behaviour (i.e. how do the customers
select, buy, use your products/services or programs to satisfy their needs and wants?)

Customers purchase the products through online by visiting the company website and
requesting the products and services they need.
We conduct a survey based on the needs and wants of the customers
By conversation with the customers through online and seeking feedbacks by calls, emails
or online website

3.3 Identify at least two sources of information you may use to do customer research.

Education websites in each state or country

Advertising through online sources in schools

3.4 Use the sources to research and further summarise customer requirements.

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Because of the covid-19, everything is going through online. Analysing customer
requirements through email, online portals and company websites.

4 Describe customer service in your chosen business

4.1 Describe the quality of existing customer relations in your business (i.e. positive, negative,
consultative, respectful, distant etc.) related to your chosen product/service/program.

Worlducation get customer relations through company websites, call centres and online
portals. Worlducation is committed to responsiveness, politeness, understanding,
professionalism, transparency and confidentiality which are appropriate to all people
irrespective of age, culture and background. Listen to the queries and responding honestly
in a timely manner. Providing information clearly in language that is convenient to the

4.2 Describe any legislative, regulatory and code of practices related to customer service in your

Privacy Act
Consumer Law and Consumer Guarantee: It will make a Guarantee that when consumer
purchases products and services. Customer guarantee law will make a systemically
Goods must have acceptable quality: if the products failed to function properly, they must be
replaced automatically or repaired or refunded to the consumer
Must be fit for the proper purpose: If the products or services purchased was dangerous or
unsafe, this Australian Consumer Law and Australian Competition and Consumer
Commission (ACCC) will take an action against the seller and manufacturer

4.3 Describe any existing policies and procedures for customer service and the handling of
customer complaints.

If the customer wants to make a complaint, they can call to the call centre, email or contact
in any other way. The complaint will be resolved; if the complaint is not resolved then the
management team will contact the customers within 3 days and resolve it.

Note: Attach proof of the policies to this section of your portfolio.

4.4 Identify any protocols you need to follow as you:
4.4.1. Manage people who provide customer service (e.g. internal communication

Email within three working days and the written communication is clear and concise
Speaking slowly, clearly and friendly manner
Answering the phone in timely manner
Present positive image about the company in public

4.4.2. interact with customers (e.g. external communication protocols)

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Through phone, email, survey and feedback in company website

4.4.3. do your own work (e.g. work location and times)

As a sales manager, I have to handle the communication of the sales team as

everything is going through online. Because of the Covid-19 situation, work location is
from home and the meetings will be done through zoom. Communication within the
team is done through phone calls and the timings are as before

5 Identify best practice models and standards relevant to the customer service of your chosen
business product/service/program.
5.1 Summarise at least one best practice model.

Formal business analysis processes, which leads to the analysis of each step of the
business products and services. For this one business analyst is required to monitor the
processes. Required specifications are very important to satisfy customer’s requirements
and give them proper instructions to use software.

5.2 Summarise at least one standard.

Customer service call centre standards that require answering call after 1 ring of the
customers to receive customer information, feedback and queries.

5.3 Evaluate your business’s product/service/program against the identified standard and best
practise model and standard.

Customer service requires communicating with the customers through the social media, but
the best practices are email, phone call or feedback on online website. Live chat with the
customer is another best practice to evaluate the business products against the identified

6 Seek written customer feedback from at least two customers on:

 product/service/program quality, cost and time frames

 service delivery expectations

 specific problems or complaints

 their experience with individual customer service representatives.

Customer feedback should include at least one complex customer complaint. Make sure you use
appropriate conventions and protocols when communicating with customers.
6.1 How will you seek customer feedback (e.g. online review, review comments using inbuilt
review functionality, survey, telephone call etc.)?

Either online survey or phone call, customer service will enquiry the customer complaints,
feedbacks based on their experience and surveys based on their existing policies and

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6.2 How will you manage the feedback received from customers within your business’s system?
Note: Attach proof of the feedback (link to an online survey) and how you managed the feedback
in the business’s system (e.g. online survey results entered into a feedback register) to this
section of your portfolio. You can use fellow students to provide feedback to each other.

Conducting customer survey through phone or email, which will be recorded

7 Summarise customer service feedback.

7.1 What are customer service requirements for the product/service/program quality, cost and
time frames?

Customer call is put on hold and dropped out, and second time the call is still waiting and
the customer service is working on the customer request. Reduce the delay to solve
customer complaints

7.2 What are the customer’s service delivery expectations?

The complaints to be resolved within 1 working day

Option of call back instead of hold

7.3 Describe any problems or complaints.

Misleading the customers, customers can file customer

Enough information to provide customer needs and expectations

7.4 How has the customer experienced interactions with customer service staff?

Interactions through online survey, phone call, email and feedback on online website

8 Identify system issues linked to the problems identified by customers (as per the customer

These problems should include complex and non-routine difficulties (e.g. delayed shipment due
to the COVID-19 pandemic).
8.1 Describe at least two system problems that have contributed to poor customer service.

The product that customers ordered doesn’t graphically represent learning process
Product falls out of scope as it adverts that software being used for multiplayer gaming

8.2 Take responsibility for addressing the difficulties experienced (e.g. send an email to the
CEO, respond to a review comment, request training etc.).

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Note: Attach proof of how you’ve taken responsibility to this section of your portfolio.

Attach: Policies and procedures ☐

Proof of the feedback ☐
Proof of how you managed the feedback in the business’s ☐
Proof of how you’ve taken responsibility ☐

Customer service policies and procedures:

Worlducation is committed to:  
Politeness – the use of good manners in all interactions  
Responsiveness – meet agreed timeframes and follow up on all queries  
Professionalism – being objective and knowledgeable and demonstrating integrity  
Understanding – customers and their business  
Confidentiality – respecting the confidentiality of customer information  
Transparency – processes are clear, consistent, easy to access and documented.  

General Principles:  
Staff will:  
 Demonstrate to the customer at all times respect, courtesy, patience,
attentiveness, consideration and sensitivity that is appropriate to the age, culture and
linguistic background of the individual or group  
 Listen to what customers have to say and determine the exact nature of the request  
 Respond to customer enquiries promptly and efficiently in a timely manner  
 Act with integrity and honesty when dealing with customers  
 Provide the customer with advice and other information that is accurate, clear,
concise, reliable and in plain language   
 Be sensitive to any language or other communication difficulties experienced
by customers when providing advice and other information  
 Present a positive image of Worlducation to the public. 
Managing Telephone Enquiries:  
The following procedure should be followed for telephone enquiries. 
 Answer the phone in a timely manner  
 Greet the client with “Good morning/afternoon, this is NAME” 
 Be warm and friendly  
 Speak slowly and clearly  
 Be careful with language –slang or jargon is not to be used  

Managing Written Enquiries:  
 All written communication will be clear and concise and adopt a formal tone.  
 Worlducation endeavours to acknowledge receipt of written correspondence:  
 email within one working day 
 mail within three working days  

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 Where Worlducation is writing to a customer in response to an enquiry or other
matter, all written correspondence must be finalised in the timelines shown above. 
Promotional materials:
All promotional materials must be written clearly and simply and appeal to customers.  Promotional
materials can include media releases advertisements or web site content or social media content. 

Dealing with difficult customers: 
Worlducation staff is expected to treat customers with courtesy and respect at all times and to make
every reasonable effort to address the customer’s needs even when the customer is rude or difficult.  
Staff must try and put themselves in the customer’s shoes and be empathetic. 
Actively listen to what the customer is saying and repeat their concerns to make sure you are
addressing the right issue. 
Use calm, objective wording e.g. As I understand you are quite rightly upset because your book did
not arrive in the time we specified.  
Apologise to the customer and present a solution.
All feedback should be recorded.  
Where the customer indicates they wish to lodge a formal complaint, outline the complaint procedure
as in the company’s complaints handling policy.  

Confidentiality and privacy:
Worlducation is committed to the protection of customer personal information. All dealings with
must abide by the Privacy Act 1998 and the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act
1998 (CTH) except when qualified by any relevant Codes of Practice, and will underpin all matters
related to personal information at Worlducation. 

Complaints and Feedback  
Worlducation welcomes complaints from customers. If a customer wishes to make a complaint, they
may contact us via email or via phone and discuss their complaint. Where the complaint cannot be
resolved at this first point of contact, the complaint will be referred to the management team. The
customer will be contacted with 3 working days to advise of the outcome of their complaints. 
Worlducation also welcomes feedback from all of its customers and sends a link to an on-line survey
for all customers to complete. All feedback is recorded in a feedback register.

Proof of feedback:

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Date Staff Complaint Person Action taken Resolved?
Member responsible
12/012/2020 2 Product did Developer Improvement Yes
not in the service
graphically quality
display the
13/01/2021 2 Advert that Sales Understanding Yes
showed the manager the product
software scope before
being used for adverting
14/01/2021 1 Delivery delay Sales Understanding Yes
of the manager the customer’s
product needs and
analysing way
to achieve it
26/01/2021 Customer Call centre Sales Including Yes
service representative manager persons with
responding to good
problem communicatio
n skills
28/01/2021 Employee Product Developer Updating the Yes
functionality product based
on their
03/02/2021 Employee Failing Product Understanding Yes
product scope manager the areas to
be focused
and mitigating
07/02/2021 Employee Product Product Understanding Yes
doesn’t match manager their needs
customer and
expectations estimations of

Proof of how you have taken responsibility:

From: Sales Manager

Subject: Difficulties experienced in customer survey

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Dear CEO,

I am Sales Manager at Worlducation; I’m writing this email to let you know that there were many
complaints on the product regarding the graphical display the learning process and false adverts
about software. I’m afraid as our company loses the reputation and customer satisfaction.

For this we will not engage in unfriendly transactions and answer the customers’ queries within 1
working day. Training the employees to understand the working of the software and it importance.
Following the company policies and standards such as responding to the email within 1 working day,
answering the phone call in 1 ring for mind-blowing customer service experience.

Training the staff is necessary for the improvement of the company. I will try to implement best
customer service in the company and help the customer service staff to do their best.

Thanking you sir,

Sales Manger

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