Workshop Assessment and Survey

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Participant Feedback

1. Web 2.0: Teaching Generations Y and Z Workshop Assessment / Survey

1. What did you like best about this workshop?

The organization of the material was good. Melissa presented a nice overview of the Web 2.0 tools after
defining it as well.

2. What did you like least?

There was not enough time to continue the discussion on how the Web 2.0 tools could successfully be
integrated into your courses. I think this was primarily because the topic was engaging and interesting.

3. How could the workshop be improved?

More time for Q and A

4. Which Web 2.0 tool did you gravitate towards the most?

Actually, I gravitated towards several of them:





5. What are two ways you are likely to use the information presented to you in this workshop?

I would use the Web 2.0 tools to develop or research content to link an online course. I would
also use the Web 2.0 Tools for personal use to share photos and videos

2. Web 2.0: Teaching Generations Y and Z Workshop Assessment / Survey

1. What did you like best about this workshop?

I liked the interaction and discussion and shared experiences. I learned about several new things and
got reminded of new uses for a couple of sites I was already familiar with.

2. What did you like least?

The fact that we didn’t have time to cover everything.

3. How could the workshop be improved?

Adding more time.

4. Which Web 2.0 tool did you gravitate towards the most?

Online discussion forums.

5. What are two ways you are likely to use the information presented to you in this workshop?

I will try to create some prezi topic maps for use with library instruction and also use my personal
Delicious account to bookmark more sites that I use.

3. Web 2.0: Teaching Generations Y and Z Workshop Assessment / Survey

1. What did you like best about this workshop?

Willingness to be flexible and go where participants lead.

2. What did you like least?

Would have liked a hands on activity.

3. How could the workshop be improved?

Don’t apologize. (I apologized for running out of time)

4. Which Web 2.0 tool did you gravitate towards the most?


5. What are two ways you are likely to use the information presented to you in this workshop?

The YouTube videos to “hook” students

Use slideshare to share PPTs with students

4. Web 2.0: Teaching Generations Y and Z Workshop Assessment / Survey

1. What did you like best about this workshop?

Well-organized, easy to follow, allowed questions, integrated videos into the instruction

2. What did you like least?

Needed a little hands on time.

3. How could the workshop be improved?

Allow time for practice of one or more of the tools

4. Which Web 2.0 tool did you gravitate towards the most?

YouTube, Prezi

5. What are two ways you are likely to use the information presented to you in this workshop?
- use in the design of my own instruction
- take the time to learn more about some of the less familiar tools
5. Web 2.0: Teaching Generations Y and Z Workshop Assessment / Survey

1. What did you like best about this workshop?


Learned some new tools and techniques

2. What did you like least?

Too short/ time allocation

3. How could the workshop be improved?

More time

4. Which Web 2.0 tool did you gravitate towards the most?

Web 2.0 itself. Still getting arms around concept, even after 5 years of online / hybrid teaching.

5. What are two ways you are likely to use the information presented to you in this workshop?

- Adoption of couple of new apps in online classes

- Continuing to be an advocate in my department and college for the rise of info technology as a
learning tool.
6. Web 2.0: Teaching Generations Y and Z Workshop Assessment / Survey

1. What did you like best about this workshop?

It was highly interactive, lots of good questions, and discussion, sharing amongst participants.
The presentation was well – organized, chunked well, with different examples of activities and

2. What did you like least?

We should have scheduled a slightly longer session b/c audience participation was such that all
topics could not be covered.

3. How could the workshop be improved?

More time for hands – on.

4. Which Web 2.0 tool did you gravitate towards the most?

I really liked the capabilities of Prezi. I plan to use it very soon. Also will probably use Xtranormal.

5. What are two ways you are likely to use the information presented to you in this workshop?

Xtranormal to provide case studies and examples. Prezi for Web presentations.

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