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According to the video clip from the movie 

Blue Horizon, I would like to mention about

three Organizational Behavior topics: leadership, communication, and work teams because I
think these topics are crucial to the success of an organization.

For the first topic, I notice immediately about the leader’s role when I watched the clip.
Because of the failure of the boss through many conflicts and arguments between the
manager and his employees in the meeting, he may fail in this position. The boss looks like
an informal leader whom members of the group acknowledge as their leader but do not get
their respects as a true leader. His leadership style is not appropriate in the 21st century.
Therefore, to be an effective leader, he needs to help individuals and groups achieve their
goals by focusing on the group’s goal and task needs, motivate them to work together, and
reduce the process conflicts in the group.

Second, communication in this work is an essential issue that these people should consider
and improve. During the meeting, both the manager and his employees communicate
disrespectfully with each other. They use interpersonal behaviors and express their own
opinions to criticize rather than other positive communicating behaviors. We understand
that one-on-one conversations or oral communications are one of the channels transferring
thinking from a manager to his employees. The manager in the clip should change his
communication style to express his opinion effectively, demonstrate the reputation of the
company and its goals, listen to his employees actively, and build a positive attitude when
communicating with his employees.

Finally, these above factors impact negatively on how a manager understand and manage
work teams effectively. Under knowledge of the Organizational Behavior content, we
understand that a team has a specific purpose that it delivers on, has shared leadership
roles, and has both individual and mutual accountabilities. They should discuss, make
decisions, and perform real work together instead of expressing overreactions and lacks
control of each person in this video. In fact, understanding and managing work teams are
never easy and have many challenges that a manager has to face and resolve well. The
manager here is to help integrate all of the individual differences to encourage them to
productively pursue the team goal and balance their organizational behaviors for the
development of the company. Therefore, I think that building a good work team is an
important issue to contribute to the success of the organizations.

In conclusion, the success of an organization is not only built by an effective manager but
also requires a balance in the triangle relationships between managers, teams, and
individuals. If a leader cannot show his position well, he cannot navigate his team and
destroy the team as well as the organization. In addition, during working together, people
should focus on the way they communicate with co-workers to push up their relationship
and do well their tasks. Thanks to that, they will support team building and the success of
the organization.

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