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implementation of the Blueprint for the Development of the National Logistics

System is coordinated by the Committee for the Acceleration and Expansion

of Indonesia's Economic Development 2011-2025 (KP3EI) which was
established by Presidential Regulation Number 32 of 2011 concerning the
Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia's Economic
Development 2011-2025. The Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs
proposes private business entities to be the executor of the platform e-logistics
under the control of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise at the
Ministry of Finance. Based on Presidential Decree number 44 of 2018
concerning the Indonesia National Single Window, INSW was formed under
the ministry of finance. In March 2019 the Coordinating Ministry for
Economic Affairs as the mandate holder of the National Logistics System
(Sislognas) committed to establishing logistics integration by developing
INSW into INALOG. INALOG can become the National Logistics Institute
which is a logistics regulatory agency in Indonesia.

Logistics digitization also needs to consider potential logistics actors
consisting of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. In Indonesia, the number
of MSMEs is more than 99.9% of the total companies/business units in
Indonesia as can be seen in figure 11. Based on the figure 11, in 2017 the
number of micro businesses was around 62,928,077 units with an average
turnover of under IDR 300 million per year. Meanwhile, small businesses with
a turnover of between 300 million – 2.5 billion rupiah reached 757,090 units.
Medium-sized companies with turnover between IDR 2.5 billion–  Rp 50
billion reached 58,627 units.

Figure 1 Existing Condition of MSME’s in Indonesia

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