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Grade and Section:11 ABM- JOBS

Activity No. 2: A Case of a Hypothetical Planet

To sum it all, based on the data, I believe that this particular planet,
Nidavellir, is uninhabitable. Although some of its data was quite
appropriate to be classified as habitable, but a small portion of the data
would not be able to support and sustain life. There is a significant
conflict in the planet's distance from the sun and its atmosphere. Being
the fifth planet from the sun, it would be roughly 5.2 astronomical units,
but according to my research, the habitable zone of the sun is estimated
to extend from about 0.9 to 1.5 astronomical units so therefore a shift in
the orbit moving Earth farther from the sun would cool and potentially
freeze the planet. Oceans would be covered in ice, causing them to
release less carbon dioxide and vapor. Furthermore, having an
atmosphere that contains a huge amount of carbon dioxide could be
dangerous because carbon dioxide becomes a poisonous gas when
there is too much of it in the air you breathe. Besides the effects the
effects it can have on the planet and the atmosphere, carbon dioxide
poisoning can lead to Central Nervous System damage and respiratory
deterioration in humans and other breathing creatures. In light of this,
this planet, in my opinion is uninhabitable.
Activity No. 3: Earth 1 or Earth 2

September 19, 2021

Environmental Scientist
Surigao City, Surigao del Norte

Dear Mr. Castro

I would like to express my great admiration on your team for all your dedication to the noblest cause of
your research. In light of this, after so many deliberations, I would like to inform you that our board of
trustees and I decided at our meeting on September 18th, 2021 to invest in your environmental scientific

Part of the reason we opted to invest on your environmental study rather than the space exploration one
is because the amount of money being spent on space research is in the billions and it has achieved
extraordinarily little except for a bit of improved technology which would probably have come about
anyway by other means. Whether or not global warming is real, and whether or not we are facing
imminent catastrophe on this planet, we are certainly facing serious issues here on Earth, and they are
getting worse as we simply watch them. These include the disappearance of the rainforest, the pollution
of the oceans, and increased desertification of an area about the size of England every year. These are
the general crises that are coming to the planet, quite apart from the economic ones we’re so obsessed
with at the moment.

Inevitably the greed of development leads to the extinction of a culture. This is exactly what is
happening to us today. We’re experiencing climate change, famine, drought, warfare and we’re investing
money needed to solve these problems in space.

If the collapse of civilizations is a recurrent theme, then at we should be looking for ways of managing the
planet’s resources in order to make how we live sustainable. Science should be devoting the sorts of
sums of money that it is pumping into space to working out how to manage the climate here on Earth. If
you put the money that is used in space exploration into the hands of environmental research you could
have lasting benefits for mankind.

We look forward on receiving your progress report with regards to your environmental study by
September 25, 2021 so that we can consider funding at our October meeting. In the meantime, I am
honored and thrilled about our upcoming collaboration. May this research aid in the salvation of mankind,
because I can attest that it is conducted with a curious mind and a compassionate heart.


Joana Jean B. Suyman

CEO of Science Innovation Research Company
If I were given the opportunity to be a part of the mission to be the first human on Mars, I would
gladly accept the offer and use my collective imagination of experiencing life there and stablish a
civilization in the planet. Every great civilization starts small, so if we want this martian colony to
stablish a civilization then were going to need more than a handful people. The biggest challenge to
establish this civilization is becoming sustainable without relying on regular shipments from Earth.
Since the chlorinated soils on Mars are toxic. We will start to grow some food in hydroponic
chambers in underground or using LED lights but this however might not sustain the needs so
eventually however we’re going to terraform Mars itself so that we can grow food on its surface.
We also need to establish a surface material that will provide the same amount of shielding from
radiation since the atmosphere of mars is made up of 95% Carbon Dioxide. This material would
create layered walls and would be a protective shell and underneath that shell will be the science
facilities, living spaces and all our home comforts. This would provide us shelter from the dust
storms outside. We would set up solar arrays for electricity and use natural gases for engines.
Since scientist still debate whether liquid water exists on Mars. But if it does exist, that freshwater
source could be filtered for the colonists to use for irrigation. Having spring water available on Mars
would change how the planet would operate. It would create a government infrastructure to
distribute and overseas the water supply and employ scientist to manage the filtration needs. And
now the planet has an infrastructure in place and jobs to fill. With regards to money, we need
something more locally based, we might have to use cryptocurrency and this money would help
build the governance, increase trade, and create a standard living. With the help of this we can be
able to support base building, settlement, development of technologies that enable settlement and
ultimately terraforming. If this plan would be successful then life on Mars might be the model of
future civilization.

Changing the environment of Mars is unlikely to be possible using

current technology, but in the future? I'd like to believe so. Its
process will take centuries perhaps even millennia because this
involve a lot of steps. For starters, we'd have to warm it up. This
would entail increasing the amount of CO2 and other greenhouse
gases already present in the atmosphere. Increasing CO2 would
help thicken the atmosphere and focus light on the planet. Then
we'd have to go back and cool it off again after heating it up
because breathing requires oxygen. The easiest way to do this
would be to introduce bacteria that photosynthesize; these would
establish Mars’s first ecosystems and be a basis for more complex
animal and plant ecosystems to come. Now that the atmosphere is
checked off, we need to figure out the geosphere. We want
ecosystems to establish. And for that we need soil. Making soil is
incredibly long and arduous process we don’t fully understand yet
and can’t emulate effectively. So we’d introduce plants and
organisms we find in cold, rocky, thin-soiled regions. These
organisms may have to be genetically engineered to cope with an
atmosphere that’s likely still high in CO2. This is my brief overview
that is very theoretical.

As a responsible citizen I can help to prevent, and in some

cases reverse, soil degradation in many ways. This include
simple acts such as leaving vegetation on soil to allow
nutrients to return into the earth, attain education about
sustainable practices to promote respect and responsibility
for nature and reduce their carbon footprint. This can also
encourage individuals to grow their own produce, which
can foster a curiosity and appreciate for nature, as well as
motivate to protect the planet. It also alleviates some of the
pressure experienced by farms to support an ever-growing

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