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Cebu Institute of Technology – University

College of Engineering and Architecture


Journal Article
Submitted by:

Tapic, Nimar C.

BSCE – 3

Submitted to:
Engr. Yvonne Momongan

A Journal Article Review on

A System Analysis and Design for Packaging Design of Powder Shaped

Fresheners Based on Kansei Engineering
Taufik Djatna and Wenny Dwi Kurniati

I. Introduction

Natural fresheners have a pleasant flavor while also stimulating the nervous

system, resulting in enhanced productivity, in which now coffee, tea, and chocolate are

examples of stimulants that are well-known for their perceived benefits and until now,

tea has been produced in powder form, and traditional packaging. The researchers

expected that appealing packaging design would support customer preferences and

increase sales of tea powder items.

II. Methods

The package design for tea powder was created using the Kansei Engineering

process. To obtain an overall process flow, analysis and business modeling were

performed using Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) with the software

Sybase Power Designer 16.0. Then, ten samples of tea powder were collected in order

to identify and comprehend the product's design aspects.The attributes of packaging

design were determined based on Kansei words. The Kansei

words were derived from books, journals and the internet. Term Frequency - Inverse

Document Frequency (TF-IDF) to extract and group the Kansei words to become the

strategies of design products. Next, 20 questionnaires were handed to consumers to

evaluate the product properties. Semantic differential scales (7 scales) were used


from “not at all” to “very much”. Lastly, the results of the evaluation were synthesized

using Quantification Theory Type 1 method.

III. Main Points

One of the challenges that designers confront is determining how to fit their

product to the tastes of general users or specialized customers. Improving the

appearance of packaging design and packaging quality promotes consumer

happiness, as customers are becoming more picky about what they want, need, and

prefer.Companies utilize product development methods to create appealing items that

are popular among consumers. Emotions, feelings, inventiveness, and innovative

elements are all factors that influence product sales.

Before opting to purchase the product, they looked at the packaging design

first. The design should be able to appeal to the consumer's emotional side, which is

triggered by seeing or touching the container. Kansei Engineering is one of the

strategies used to develop such packaging.It is a technology that translates for

consumers psychological feeling into design specifications. This is also useful in

creating newly invented products. The application of Kansei words is not easy to
define even though the data sets came from the customers. Then, the relation of

conditional attributes and decision attributes would be clearly defined. Beverage

packaging design is a unique example because information about the products and

functionality should be incorporated with the attribute elements.

IV. Results and Findings

The results of this study showed that the system consists of three stakeholders

namely, packaging manager, designer, and research and development manager.

Color, picture, typography, and shape are the four design aspects used to determine

the tea powder packaging design. The design based on the Kansei words is divided

into four categories: "bright," "contemporary," "simple," and "eye-catching."The most

weighted strategy was the one that best suited the statistical model. As a result, this

category is quite important and most recommended.The finalized packaging design

was obtained and should be realized. Based on the findings, the design would be

green in color, cup-shaped, and with customized typography.

V. Recommendations

Kansei Engineering was mostly utilized to assess tangible goods. Intangible

items, such as Internet services, are now evaluated using this method. However, as

things get increasingly complex, they often consist of a mix of tangible and intangible

components. It is suggested that the product viewpoint be expanded to another

version. More research on this product should be conducted in order to support the

validity of this proposition.

The use of Kansei Engineering in this study indicates that the people who

worked on the tea powder package design fully comprehended the main concepts and

were persuaded of its benefits. The role of Kansei Engineering in businesses should

also be well defined and understood in order to gain the essential user commitment.

Packaging is an integral part of a product as emphasized in the study. For

future studies, it is suggested to consider several things relating to the food within such

as the type of the product to be packaged, the requirements of the product distribution,

packaging raw materials, consumer needs and desires, markets and marketing, and

considerations related to the environment.

The study's limitations are related to the number of respondents who took part

and the number of tea powder product samples that were used to determine design

features. To avoid mistakenly having biased groups, such as all adults or all children

in a study that should include equal numbers of adults and children, the respondents

should be in bigger numbers.In addition, large sample sizes provide more accurate

and more reliable results. Another gap is found in the use of the TF-IDF method in

extracting Kansei words. It cannot cater large vocabularies because it only computes

document similarity directly in the word-count space. Also, it does not use semantic

similarities between words. There are no inconsistencies in the study because the facts

and results are consistent, and the outcomes are in line with the goal. On the other

hand, there were differences in the way words and

sentences were constructed. Starting with the paper's introduction, there are a number

of grammar problems. Finally, all of the research study's questions were addressed.

Journal Article Source:


A Journal Article Review on

Physiological workload evaluation of carrying soft drink beverage

boxes on the back
Min K. Chung

I. Introduction

Soft drink manufacturing is one of the largest food industries in Korea. In 1997,
Koreans consumed more than 3.3 thousand million liters of soft drink beverages,
which were delivered by close to 20,000 workers employed in the soft drink beverage
delivery field. Since this over consumption of soft drinks may affect the worker’s
responsibility, the study aims to investigate the physiological workload of carrying
materials on the back and to propose safety guidelines for soft beverage delivery task
and faster delivery.

II. Methods

The method is compost of four parts, which are subjects, design of the
experiment, experimental procedure and measurement, and data reduction and
analysis. For the subjects, eight willing male field workers with no history of
musculoskeletal disorders were compensated for participating in the experiment. Next
for the second part, the subjects carried materials on the back in 4 different work
conditions according to the weight of load and transport pathways. The weights of
loads used in the experiment were 40 and 60 kg, which were determined based on
the results of a field survey. Thirdly, the experiment featured a within-subject design
with each subject conducting backpack carrying tasks under 4 different conditions.
The load consisted of 40 and 60 kg boxes filled with sandbags, at a size of 27 27 40
cm. Lastly, heart rate and oxygen uptake data measured during the last two trials of 5
or 8 trials for each condition were used to analyze the physiological cost. One-way
analyses of variance (ANOVA) were conducted to compare heart rate and oxygen
uptakes between treatments.

III. Main Points

The study provides facts about what will be the proper lifting position of the
worker, for the reason of not affecting their body. Guidelines were devised, based on
the assumption that a normal healthy male of 20 – 30 yrs. of age perform the task for
8 h. With ‘‘very heavy’’ work, the original oxygen deficit increases for the duration of
the work, making intermittent rest periods necessary or even forcing the worker to stop
work completely.

Also, it also helps their workers to exert lesser strength in the distribution and
transferring of their product. The study also provides faster distribution of the product
to their customers. It also protects their products from the costumer’s negative
feedbacks, especially those who are not patient enough to wait for their orders.

IV. Results and Findings

From the results of the ANOVAs, work conditions showed a statistically

significant effect on heart rate and oxygen uptake. The mean heart rates of
downstairs and upstairs show a statistically significant increase (po0:05) compared
to the mean heart rate of ground. Comparing all trips, the mean heart rate of
40/Ground was lower than in other work conditions. There was a 60/Ground
average heart rate at the event eventually reached a similar level of success as
before 5th floor, room 40/Upstairs and room 40/Downstairs as well as the 5th and
6th trips. Compared to the other conditions, the heart rate increased more rapidly
at 60/Ground, while a mean heart rate of 40/Ground leveled off after the event.

It was found that carrying a load of 40 kg on the back upstairs or downstairs

resulted in a statistically significant increase in heart rate and oxygen uptake when
compared to carrying a load of 40 kg on the ground. Carrying 40 kg on stairways
required an even higher oxygen uptake than carrying a heavier load (60 kg) on the
ground. Between upstairs and downstairs, there were no significant differences in
the heart rate and oxygen uptake.

V. Recommendations

Using Kansei engineering they come up a solution to the problem in the

physiological workload of their workers. In addition to that, the company of the said
soft drink beverages in Korea should also conduct another study of how they will
be able to provide more faster way of distributing their products. For the reason of
providing their costumers a better service and less work responsibility of their

Journal Article Source: -and-


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