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TITLE OF THE STUDY: Influence of Study Habits on Academic Performance of Junior High

School Students in the University if St. La Salle – Bacolod

5.1 Introduction

The main objective of the study was to find out the influence of study habits on academic
performance of junior high school students in the University of St. La Salle - Bacolod. To
achieve these objectives, questionnaire was used to elicit the views of respondents. In all 420
respondents comprising junior high school form two students were involved in the study. This
chapter looks at the discussion, summary of findings, conclusions, recommendations and
suggestions for further research.

5.2 Summary

This study was designed to investigate the influence of study habits on academic performance of
junior high school students in the University of St. La Salle - Bacolod. Some theories that form
the basis for the study were consulted. These theories are:

1. Thorndike’s theory of re-enforcement

2. Hull’s theory

Four research hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Hence it was hypothesized that:

1. There will be a significant effect of students’ study habits on their academic performance.

2. There will be a significant relationship between sex differences in study habits of students.

3. There will be a significant age differences in students’ study habits.

4. There will be a significant relationship between quality of study on academic performance of


The study reviewed literature regarding concept of study habits, factors influencing study habits
of students, concept of academic performance, factors influencing academic performance of
students, other dimensions of study habits among others. The conceptual framework used in this
study was also outlined. The study is a quantitative research and the main instrument was
questionnaire. A sample size of four-hundred and twenty respondents was selected using
purposive, simple random and convenient sampling techniques. Percentages and tables were
used to analyse the data collected.
5.3 Main Findings

From the analysis it was found out that:

* Time Management explains the bulk of the variables that predicts students’ academic
performance. Productive study habits require learners to prepare personal time-table for
themselves allocating a certain length of time for a particular subject, depending on how difficult
each subject is.

* Male students used examination, homework and assignment, reading and note-taking,
concentration and time management related study habits more than their female counterparts.

* Older students develop study habits than their younger counterparts and hence, perform better
academically than their younger students.

* Study habits were found to be insignificantly related to all socio-economic variables (such sex,
age, parent’s level of education, father’s and mother’s sector of occupation) of a student.

5.4 Conclusions

Study habits and academic performance are bed-fellows. Therefore, the formation of effective
study habits in students is an outcome of good guidance and counselling programme. Students
who are well guided and counselled are result oriented and thus perform well in tests and
examinations. The findings suggest that the better the study habits, the higher the academic
performance of students. Poor study habits will result in a poor academic performance whereas
good study habits will result in good academic performance. The formation of effective study
habits will create the awareness for regular and steady learning. In an attempt to assist students to
improve on their academic performance, it is important that counseling psychologists give
adequate research considerations to students’ study habits.

5.5 Implication for Counselling

* Counselling we say it for all and the junior high school student is one of the people who also
need counselling. Therefore, the government should train more counsellors and post them to all
junior high schools so that they would be of help to all students and teachers.

* One point to note is that, counselling psychologists should give considerable research attention
to the importance role of students' personal factors in the students' academic performance. With
particular reference to this study, school counsellors in the area of research should give
cognisance to students' study habits, in terms of homework and assignment, time allocated to
study, reading and note-taking, concentration and teacher consultation.

* Concerning the academic performance of students that were involved in this study, teachers
should involve students in a lot of extra-curricular reading activities.

5.6 Recommendations

A number of recommendations were made in this study. The following recommendations will be
necessary for the improvement of study habits and academic performance of students in the
junior high schools:

* It would be worthwhile for all stake holders in education i.e. parents, teachers and government
to encourage students in their respective areas of responsibilities, such as providing study
materials, conducive place of study, recognizing excellence, appreciating students hardwork as
soon as possible among others. These will help to motivate the students positively towards their

* It is also important for female students whose studies are negatively influenced by femininity
to be encouraged to work hard as academic is not only reserved for men.

* Students should be taught study skills so that they can cultivate good and effective study skills.

* As age has been found to be a significant factor in learning and developing study habits among
students, there is the need for curriculum developers and teachers to take the age of students into
account when developing curriculum and designing instructions.

* All dimensions of study habits (such as Homework and Assignments-related, Concentration-

related, Time management-related, Reading and Note-taking related, and Examinations-related)
should be given consideration when planning any programme for junior high school students in
the country particularly in the District.

* Parents should improve the level of control and care of their children, show more interest and
concern in the academic work of their wards by way of providing conducive atmosphere for
studies, proving materials for studies and helping students in their studies.

* It is necessary for students and teachers to maintain a warm and cordial relationship as this will
enhance students’ easy approach to the teacher for the solving of academic problems. Also,
teachers should endeavour to be good models to their students.
These recommendations can be achieved by talking to parents and teachers on the issues raised
in a forum like the P.T.A i.e. Parent-Teachers’-Association. Group counselling can also be
organized for students on good study habits and gender equality. School administrators i.e. the
headteachers should forward the needs and problems affecting students study habits to
government for intervention.

5.7 Suggestions for Future Research

It is important that the findings of this research are not generalized to all junior high schools in
the country. The sample for this study though fairly large was from only one integrated school in
Bacolod City. Further research can be conducted with larger sample size from schools
throughout the ten regions of country. Other factors that may influence the study habits of
students such as school location, parental socio-economic background, among others should also
be considered for further research in a different geographical location. Future research works in
the area of intervention strategies need to be developed to enhance self-concept and improve
study habits among students.

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