A Review of Solar Energy Potential Status Targets and Challenges in Rajasthan IJERTV3IS030668

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 3, March - 2014

A Review of Solar Energy: Potential, Status,

Targets and Challenges in Rajasthan

Dinesh Kumar Sharma1 , Anil Pratap Singh2 , Versa Verma3

M.Tech Scholar, Energy Technology, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Mandsaur Institute of Technology, Mandsaur (M.P), India
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering,
Poornima College of Engineering, Jaipur (Raj.), India
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Mandsaur Institute of Technology, Mandsaur (M.P), India

Abstract: - Rajasthan has a huge potential of solar energy, the permanent solution to the energy crisis, it is also detrimental to
climatic conditions of state makes it ideal for capturing the solar the environment. Thus, it is imperative that India obtains
rays in sufficiency. The climate of Rajasthan is semi-arid; the energy security without affecting the booming economy,
desert of Thar is spreads on the 66.66 % of total area of state. which would mean that the country must switch from the non-
These climatic specialties makes it suitable to receive almost 300- renewable energy to renewable energy. Solar power is
325 sunny days in a year and 6-6.4kwh/m2/ sun radiation per day, attractive because it is abundant and offers a solution to fossil
which is second highest amount of sun radiation all over the fuel emissions and global climate change and able to satisfy
world. The average temperature of western cities of Rajasthan is future energy demand. Earth receives solar energy at the rate
between 35-40 degree, and in summer, it reaches above 45 of approximately 1, 20,000 terawatt. This extremely exceeds
degree. The availability of solar energy in Rajasthan is 6 to 7 both the current annual global energy consumption rate of
kw/km2, which provides the potential of 100000MW electricity about 15 TW, and any conceivable requirement in future [2].
yearly, out of which only 442.25 MW is currently being

In fact, solar energy is the largest absorbable renewal resource

produced. Certainly, it is not a satisfactory situation. This paper as more energy from sunlight strikes Earth in 1 hour than all
describes the potential, status, targets and challenges in solar
of the energy consumed by humans in an entire year. Use of
energy in Rajasthan.
Solar energy is also requirement of the day because the fossil
Keywords-solar photovoltaic, solar potential, sun radiation fuel reserves are rapidly depleting and greenhouse gases and
are to be substantially reduced to limit the carbon emission
Abbreviations: from the power sector in near future.
SEEZ Solar Energy Enterpirses Zone
ISCC Intregrated Solar Combined CYCLE
GBI Generation Based Incentive Scheme
RERC Rajasthan Electricuty Regulatory Commission Rajasthan, the largest state of India constitutes about 10.4%
RPO Renewalble Procurment Obligation geo-graphical area of India. Notwithstanding the recently
RECL Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd. discovered large hydrocarbon reserves of more than
REC Renewable Energy Certificate
RREC Rasjathan Renewable Energy Corporation
PV Photovoltaic
MW Megha Watt
TW Tera Watt
US United State
USA United State of America

India’s population is more than 1210.19 million is growing
at an annual rate of 1.58% [1]. As fossil fuel based energy
resource depleting rapidly, India will face huge energy
shortages significantly due to increase in energy prices and
energy insecurity within the next few decades. Increased use
of fossil fuels also causes environmental problems both locally
and globally. There is a very high demand for energy, which is
currently satisfied mainly by coal, foreign oil and petroleum, Figure: 1 Solar Power Potential in Rajasthan (NREL, India)
which apart from being a non-renewable, and therefore non-

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 3, March - 2014

1, 75,000 barrel oil per day and oil equivalent in Barmer basin, State [7]. Daily average radiation ranges between 5kWh/m2 in
there are limited available traditional sources of energy such north-eastern hilly areas and 7kWh/m2 in western regions.
as coal [3]. Reliance and Moser Bear both are developing solar power
There are only two perennial rivers, Chambal and Mahi, plants of 1 to 5 MW each. Rajasthan, the largest state in India
whose hydroelectric potential has been almost fully achieved. receives maximum solar radiation intensity in India.
In view of the above, Rajasthan faces two unique challenges in According to US Department of Energy, Rajasthan receives
terms of power generation from the conventional sources: one, the second largest amount of solar radiation in the world.
there are not many hydropower projects due to non- Rajasthan is best suited for solar power generation since
availabilityof large rivers; two, as coal needs to be transported average rain fall is very low. Solar radiation in Rajasthan is
from other states, the transportation alone contributes to 50% similar to California and Nevada in USA [8]. As shown in
cost of energy production [4]. Figure 2 comparison of desert sites across the world, we can
Rajasthan has around 208,110 Sq.km of desert land. see from this comparison the Thar desert in India receive
Rajasthan has more than 325 sunny days in a year with solar second highest amount of solar radiation in the world.
radiation of about 6-7Kwh/sq-m/day. The direct normal
isolation over Rajasthan varies from 1800Kwh/m2 to
600Kwh/m2 [5].


Installed Capacity
Sr. No. States

4 Gujarat 824.09
3 Rajasthan 442.25
16 Maharashtra 34.50
2 Andhra Pradesh 23.15
8 Tamil Nadu 17.055
7 Jharkhand 16.00
11 Karnataka 14.00
15 Odisha 13.00

Figure 2: Comparison of DNI on a monthly basis for desert sites across the
9 Uttar Pradesh 12.38 world [9]
13 Madhya Pradesh 11.75
1 Punjab 09.33
5 Haryana 07.80
Solar energy industry is still in its initial stage. However,
the government of Rajasthan is encouraging private sector
19 Uttarakhand 05.05 investment through various fiscal and promotional incentives
17 Chhattisgarh 04.00 these incentives given for both solar thermal and SPV
projects. The state government has made a project to develop
18 Delhi 2.53 Jodhpur, Jaisalmer and Barmer as Solar Energy Enterprises
6 West Bengal 02.00 Zone (SEEZ). The Mathania solar power project (140MW) is
a milestone in this field, as it is the first solar/thermal hybrid
14 Goa & UT 01.69
power plant of country. This project is based on integrated
10 Arunachal Pradesh 0.025 solar combined cycle (ISCC) technology, it will use parabolic
12 Kerela 0.025 trough mirrors to focus sun heat and further drive the turbine
to generate power. This plant will produce 40MW energy,
Total 1440.605 which will cost 1 million/MW and still cheaper than other
Source: MNRE [6] methods like SPV. Besides these steps, few more small solar
Mostly the western part of Rajasthan is blessed with abundant power based projects are working successfully, such as,
solar energy. Jodhpur in Rajasthan is receiving maximum 100KW capacity power plant in Gourir ( Jhunjhunu), which is
solar radiation which is known as Sun City of India. Rajasthan first of its kind in country, a solar energy driven refrigerator in
is also blessed with abundant land, so it would be ideal for Balesar (Jodhpur), state’s first totally solar energy electrified
solar PV. Solar has huge untapped potential on account of the village in Jaipur etc. In private sector, many companies are
State's high solar insulation level, the best in the country. Solar taking interest in solar energy.
Industry is expected to be an economic engine in Rajasthan Reliance and Moser Bear both are developing solar power
creating jobs across the State and spur billions in economic plants of 1 to 5 MW each. In which Moser Bear’s project will
growth and tax revenue along with powering remotely be the largest grid connected solar farm in India. The
connected households. Barmer, Bikaner, Jaisalmer and Rajasthan government has signed a memorandum with Clinton
Jodhpur are the key regions with best solar radiation in the foundation on january2010. According to which the

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 3, March - 2014

foundation will provide technical assistance and other financial year 2022 respectively. This is 200MW, 400MW and
necessary help to establish solar parks of 3,000 MW to 5,000 2000MW for financial year 2013, 2017 and 2022 respectively
MW capacities in the state. Before the creation of National under off grid installation. Similarly these targets are 7, 15 and
Solar Mission, Govt. of Rajasthan has taken an initiative in 20 Million square meter under solar collector [11].
2008 and approved 2 Solar Projects each of 5 MW under
Generation Based Incentive Scheme (GBI). To provide V. CURRENT STATUS OF SOLAR ENERGY IN RAJASTHAN
encouragement in solar sector, Rajasthan Electricity
Regulatory Commission (RERC) issued orders on 2nd April Rajasthan is leader in utilisation of solar radiation for power
2008, first time in India, imposing solar specific renewable generation, number of projects has been installed in western
procurement obligation (RPO) for Discom in Rajasthan. To part of Rajasthan particularly in Jodhpur. Jasalmer, Bikaner,
meet out RPO requirement, the State Government approved Barmer and in reaming part of state. As we have shown in
Solar Projects of 11 private sector developers for setting up of table III the total installed capacity as on 9th March 2013 was
66 MW capacities utilizing all available technologies in solar 442.25MW [6] and many projects are in pipelined in
photovoltaic and concentrated solar thermal. Rajasthan.
After announcement of Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar
Mission, Government of Rajasthan permitted these proposals
to be migrated to the National Solar Mission. The Seven solar
Power plants, each of 5 MW, having Photovoltaic technology
are already commissioned under the migration scheme of
National Solar Mission, while the Solar Thermal Plants of 30
MW are under implementation. The Rajasthan Electricity
Regulatory Commission (RERC) has also notified the RERC
(REC and RPO Compliance Framework) Regulations, 2010
on 23rd December, 2010 [10]. Further, Rajasthan Electricity
Regulation Commission has also issued from time to time the
RPOs and feed-in tariff for Renewable Energy Projects. In the
year 2011, Union Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
under National Solar Mission selected investors for setting up
of solar power plant of 800 MW capacities under the phase I

of National Solar Mission. In fact, to offset the higher cost of

solar power, the mechanism has been developed to bundle the
solar power along with the unallocated portion of the power

available with National Thermal Power Corporation. In the

competitive bids, the tariff for solar energy came in the range
of INR 10.50 to 12.75 per unit, whereas the cost of the
unallocated conventional energy was about INR 3. Therefore,
per unit cost of the bundled energy has been around INR 4.5 Figure3: Company wise Installed project [6]
per unit [10].
Major project owner are Dahanu Solar Power, SEI Solar
IV. TARGET IN RAJASTHAN FOR SOLAR ENERGY Power Ltd, Azure Solar Pvt Ltd, Welspun Solar AP Pvt Ltd,
DEVELOPMENT Mahindra Suryapraksh Pvt Ltd, Solarfield Energy Two Pvt
Ltd, Azure Solar Pvt Ltd, Welspun Solar AP Pvt Ltd and
As Rajasthan has a huge potential for Solar Energy Fonroche saaras Energy etc.
development for this, it has its own target to generate the
maximum energy form solar radiation. Target is divided in
two parts one is under National Solar Mission and second one
Rajasthan is a favourable destination due to the high
TABLE II. TARGETS FOR SOLAR IN RAJASTHAN radiation and almost 325 days sunny days, but the array soling
losses is high due to the dust and due to the extreme high
Targets Under NMS FY 2013 FY 2017 FY2022
temperature Photovoltaic losses is very high. Another
Under utility Grid Power challenge is price of solar energy versus conventional power
1100 4000 20000
including Rooftop (MW) means the higher per unit cost and renewable purchase
Off Grid Installation obligations enforcement due to this private solar developer are
200 1000 2000
(MW) being discouraged. Grid availability and open access and
Solar Collectors (Mn wheeling charges are also a major issue for solar project
7 15 20
Sq.m) development in Rajasthan. Finally project implementation
Source: REEC [10] challenges also delay some project these challenges are land
As we have shown in table I under utility grid power acquisition and statutory approvals.
including rooftop Rajasthan has 1100 MW for financial year
2013, 4000 MW for financial year 2017 and 20000 MW for

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 3, March - 2014


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22000MW for financial year 2013, 2017 and 2022 [4] S.P. sukhatme, j.k. nayak, solar energy in western Rajasthan, current
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in the field of solar energy development major developers are [5] Success in Scaling-up Solar Energy in Rajasthan,India,
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