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"At the end of the day, your health is your responsibility." —Jillian Michaels

Amidst this pandemic, one thing that has made me realized— that we should take good
care of ourselves, have these regular exercises, proper diet, and eat healthy food. Despite the
hectic schedules that we might have been facing in our day life basis but still we should have
the balance and time management of everything.

In this course, I've learned lots of valuing and giving importance to our health. I've
learned new skills and I was able to applied those also to my own. It gives me a chance to share
my learning to the people surround me—family and friends. It has made me to become an
individual that is ready and prepared to combat to the diseases especially in this time. "Health
is Wealth." It's very common saying that we've heard from other folks and have seen to some
tabloids, newspaper, television and social media. Health is very necessary and vital to each one
of us.

Aside from this, doing an exercise would play an important role for our health, it can
also help the body to have a stronger bones, muscles and joints and lower risk of developing
some common diseases as well. Physical fitness is something that everyone would love to
achieve although it is difficult to strive though. There's lot of benefits that we could get by
doing exercises such as I've mentioned it above. Another thing is it can also improve brain
functions, enhances the immune system, as well as our moods and well-being.

All we have to do is to maintain this physical fitness routine though it was difficult for
everyone to achieve. Especially when you're this kind of a person who doesn't want to or you're
not used of this kind of thing because it possibly causes certain abuse to the body. And worst it
would have been surely abused the body for real then. Not just the body but also the mind of a
person. Most of today's generation or should I say my generation is an evident that they don't
taking good care of their selves. They've been exposing their selves to drugs, smoking, clubbing
and worst some of them are already wasted.

Moreover, as a co-ed, it is very essential for me to stay right and robust after all. Despite
the hectic schedule of subjects that we have every day, we should still take good care of our
body, have the proper time sleep, eat nutritious food and don't abuse our body. According to
Jillian Michaels, "At the end of the day, your health is your responsibility." And "prevention is
better than cure."

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