Lab #4 CE 336 Lab Department of CECEM: Group Members Major Anthony Parada ME Brandon Reed ME Josh Danielis ME

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Lab #4

CE 336 Lab

Department of CECEM

Group Members Major

Anthony Parada ME

Brandon Reed ME

Josh Danielis ME

Date: 02/25/16

Spring 2016

I. Objective

The purpose of this experiment is to verify Bernoulli’s theorem using a venturi

meter. Flow rates are to be measured and recorded. Kinetic head can be calculated

from independent measurements of volumetric flow rates. Static and kinetic heads can

then be used to calculate the total energy at different points throughout the pipe.

II. Introduction

The objective of this lab is to investigate Bernoulli’s equation as it is applied to

fluid flow through a Venturi meter. This was done by observing the piezometric head in a

series of manometers due to fluid flow through a venturi tube. To achieve this goal, we

needed to regulate the system. To regulate the system, first we bleed the venturi meter

and manometers of air and then regulate the fluid flow so a static head was achieved.

Next, the head height was recorded from each of the manometers which were

connected to 6 separate pipes connected to specific points on the venturi tube. Once

we recorded our first trial, we then recorded the time it takes to collect 4 liters (0.004) of

water at this flow rate. Once this is achieved, the experiment is then repeated for 3 more

trials of flow rates. Using the information collected, calculations can be made to find the

flow rate for each trial, the velocity through the venturi tube, the dynamic head and the

total head.

III. Theory

A Venturi meter used to measure flow through a pipe. The flow meter runs on the

rule that a decrease in flow area in a pipe leads to an increase in velocity along with a

decrease in pressure. The flow meter has a decreased cross-sectional area, also known

as the “troat.” By analyzing both conservation of energy and mass to calculate flow

rates in the pipe, a relationship between pressure differences at the pipe and throat

section can be determined.

Applying Bernoulli's theorem to a fluid flow system, is the law of conservation of

energy. For example, an ideal fluid with steady flow, the total energy remains constant

through the streamline. By analyzing the ideal fluid as inviscid, incompressible, and

irrotational, the conservation of energy can be stated as equation 1.

Equation (1)
+ z + =constant
γ 2g
In equation 1, is the pressure head, is the kinetic head, and z is the
γ 2g

elevation head. The static head is known as the sum of both the pressure and elevation

heads. The Energy point or total head H is the sum of both the static and kinetic head.

Equation 1 is only valid if the assumptions presumed are valid.

Bernoulli’s equation can be applied at any two points A and B along a streamline.

Bernoulli’s equation at points A and B can be written as in equation 2.

Equation (2)

Pa V 2 P V 2
+ z a + a = b + z b+ b
γ 2g γ 2g

The location of the hydraulic grade line is at the height of the static head. The Energy

grade line is located at the total head. For ideal fluids, Total energy should be the same

throughout the streamline, but since we are dealing with a real fluid we must take into

account. Since real fluids are viscous, they resist flow through a pipe. We must also

take into account frictional losses due to the loss of energy on the pipe walls. Therefore,

The total energy at the input in the venture pipe should not be similar to the output

energy. Another type of loss is due to separated flows and mixing motions, but the flow

meter used is designed to keep head loss to a minimum allowing us to eliminate this

loss from our experiment. Ultimately, most of the losses in this experiment should be

frictional rather than from separated flows or mixing motions.


Figure 1: Experimental Equipment

Figure 2: Venturi tube

Equipment consists of:

- Venturi meter
- Manometers housed on a rig
- Hydraulic Bench
- Stopwatch
IV. Experimental Setup and Procedures

1. Make sure all connections between the hydraulic bench, venturi meter,

manometers, and outlet pipes are secured.

2. Fully open the outlet control valve to allow fluid flow through the venturi meter.

3. Close the bench flow control valve, then start service pump.

4. Gradually, open bench flow control valve and allow pipework to fill with water

until all air bubbles dispel from system.

5. To bleed the system of air, first close the bench flow control valve and outlet

flow control valve. Then open the air bleed screw. This will get rid of the air in the


6. Next, Open bench flow control valve and allow fluid flow to purge all air from

the system.

7. Then tighten air bleed screw and partially open both the bench valve and

outlet flow control valve.

8. Open, the air bleed screw and allow air to enter the top of the manometers,

retightening the screw when the liquid level is at mid height.

9. Gradually, increase flow control valve until max flow rate is achieved.

10. If the pattern is too low on manometer, open the bench flow control valve to

increase the static pressure. Inversely, if pattern is too high open the outlet flow

control valve to lower the static pressure.

11. Use the bench flow control valve, to regulate flow rate.

12. At this flow rate, Measure the piezometric head (water level in each tube with

respect to the fixed datum).

13. Lastly, determine flow rate by recording the time it takes to collect a known

volume of water in the tank. Repeat steps for at least 3 values of the inlet head.

V. Discussion and Analysis of Experimental Data

Table 1:
Volume Time to Flow Distance Area of Static Dynamic Total
Collected Collect Rate into Duct duct head Velocity Head Head
V t Q A h v 2g H

m3 m
3 2
m sec s m m m s m m
0.004 26 1.54E-04 h1 0 04 0.202 0.31 5.01E-03 0.21
0.004 26 1.54E-04 h2 0.06028 04 0.155 1.01 5.24E-02 0.21
0.004 26 1.54E-04 h3 0.06868 04 0.109 1.41 1.01E-01 0.21
0.004 26 1.54E-04 h4 0.07318 05 0.055 1.71 1.49E-01 0.20
0.004 26 1.54E-04 h5 0.08198 05 0.051 1.96 1.96E-01 0.25
0.004 26 1.54E-04 h6 0.14154 04 0.149 0.31 5.01E-03 0.15
0.004 24.6 1.63E-04 h1 0 04 0.231 0.33 5.59E-03 0.24
0.004 24.6 1.63E-04 h2 0.06028 04 0.179 1.07 5.86E-02 0.24
0.004 24.6 1.63E-04 h3 0.06868 04 0.127 1.49 1.13E-01 0.24
0.004 24.6 1.63E-04 h4 0.07318 05 0.067 1.81 1.67E-01 0.23
0.004 24.6 1.63E-04 h5 0.08198 05 0.065 2.07 2.19E-01 0.28
0.004 24.6 1.63E-04 h6 0.14154 04 0.174 0.33 5.59E-03 0.18
0.004 24 1.67E-04 h1 0 04 0.265 0.34 5.88E-03 0.27
0.004 24 1.67E-04 h2 0.06028 04 0.21 1.10 6.15E-02 0.27
0.004 24 1.67E-04 h3 0.06868 04 0.154 1.52 1.18E-01 0.27
0.004 24 1.67E-04 h4 0.07318 05 0.09 1.85 1.75E-01 0.27
0.004 24 1.67E-04 h5 0.08198 05 0.087 2.12 2.30E-01 0.32

0.004 24 1.67E-04 h6 0.14154 04 0.206 0.34 5.88E-03 0.21
0.004 28.8 1.39E-04 h1 0 04 0.192 0.28 4.08E-03 0.20
0.004 28.8 1.39E-04 h2 0.06028 04 0.149 0.92 4.27E-02 0.19
0.004 28.8 1.39E-04 h3 0.06868 04 0.103 1.27 8.21E-02 0.19
0.004 28.8 1.39E-04 h4 0.07318 05 0.062 1.54 1.22E-01 0.18
0.004 28.8 1.39E-04 h5 0.08198 05 0.058 1.77 1.60E-01 0.22
0.004 28.8 1.39E-04 h6 0.14154 04 0.144 0.28 4.08E-03 0.15

Note: Four different flow rates were tested and each is distinguishable by a different color in data table 1.

Figure 2- Graphs of HGL and EGL for first flowrate trial:
Dimensions in mm.

Note: Graphs of HGL and EGL for other flowrate trials differ only by magnitude. The shape of both graphs

are the same in all trials.

Validity of Bernoulli's Equation:

By Bernoulli's Equation, the total head (H) should be the same (constant) across all

points of the venture tube (a-f). However, by the diagram of EGL in figure 2, the total

head (H) did not remain constant throughout the pipe. Deviations from a constant H can

be explained in the following two scenarios:

a. Convergent Flow: When the flow is converging from point a to point d Bernoulli's

Principle stands to almost yield no error. In all of our test results there was no

difference of H from point a to point c with only some instances of point d

dropping no more than 0.01 m. By our results, it can be concluded that

Bernoulli's Equation is almost accurate in situations of convergent flow.

b. Divergent Flow: When flow is diverging from point e to point f there are radical

changes in total head (H) and therefore Bernoulli's Equation is not accurate in

this circumstance. When the pipe diverges, the flow becomes turbulent and loses

energy in the process, decreasing the value of total head (H) more than that of a

perfect flow.

Overall, Bernoulli's Equation is only to be used for perfect flow without any friction in the

pipe or turbulent discrepancies in the flow. In other words, Bernoulli's Equation will

never be used with complete accuracy in real world conditions because it does not take

into account energy losses in the pipe due to frictional properties and turbulence caused

by expansions or contractions in a pipe.

VI. Conclusion

The purpose of this study is to measure the flow rates using a Venturi meter to

prove bernoulli’s theorem. In this experiment, the flow meter used kept the total

pressure uniform through the system assuming no losses due to friction. The hydraulic

grade line(HGL) created from our data held true. It traced the paths of static head

increases and drops in pressure. The energy grade line (EGL), the kinetic head and

static head, held partially true except it does not take energy losses into account. These

energy losses occur due to friction or turbulence. Therefore, the Bernoulli equation will

not be accurate for divergent flow, but it can give accuracy through convergent flow.

Ultimately, Applying the conservation of energy to the Bernoulli equations in a flowing

system, can be used to analytically calculate changes in pressure, elevation, and

velocity of an ideal fluid system with no losses.

VII. References
- Fluid Mechanics Laboratory Student Manual
- Gerhart, Philip M., Andrew L. Gerhart, John I. Hochstein, and Bruce Roy Munson.

Munson, Young, and Okiishi's Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.
VIII. Indexed Calculations

Discharge (flow rate) in the venture pipe:



Dynamic Head (Velocity Head)

v2 v2
2 g 2∗9.81

Total Head
P v
H= + z + =static head +0+ dynamic head
γ 2g
See table 1 for results of calculations


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